3 Reasons You Should Buy From www.iMRS2000.com
This is Bryant Meyers, author of the book PEMF, the 5th Element of Health. I want to go over where you should buy your iMRS 2000. I’m assuming you’ve already made the decision that the iMRS 2000 is the best PEMF device. I made that decision after owning seventeen different PEMF devices, and trying 20 others. If you hadn’t made that decision, and you still need to research, then read this document later. We’re assuming you’re looking for the best place to buy an iMRS 2000.
Right off the bat, you should know the Swiss company has a minimum allowed pricing policy. So, everybody has to charge the same price. The only question is who can give you the best training and support? The answer is www.iMRS2000.com.
I have three reasons why that I want to go over with you. Just to be clear, I am only working with iMRS2000.com. Every afternoon, all I ever do is training and support. I do writing and videos every morning, and every afternoon and evening I do training in support. This is all I do fulltime.
Here are the three reasons why www.iMRS2000.com is the best place to buy an iMRS 2000.
Reason#1: Training and Experience
Because I do the training myself, I have 11 years experience with the MRS 2000, the current iMRS, the Omnium, and I’ve even owned the VitaLife, the older generation MRS 2000.
I’ve trained with some of the doctors in Germany, taking all the early courses they offered. I’ve been with this company for 11 years, sharing this technology, training thousands of people.
I even spent a whole year of my life writing a best selling book, PEMF – the 5th Element of Health. A lot of people find out about the iMRS 2000 through my book. It’s sold over 50,000 copies. It’s translated into four languages. I’m currently working on a second edition.
As far as experience go, I have been training and supporting people for 11 years. I have more knowledge and experience than any other reps that are currently selling the unit. I’m sort of the trainer of the trainers. The people that are selling the unit online, I pretty much trained them all. Even the CEO of the company calls me Mr. PEMF because of all that I’ve done.
Not only have I written a best selling book, but I’ve also been featured in the Wall Street Journal. I’ve been on ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox with the Brian Tracy Show. I appeared in Brian Tracy’s book, Beat the Curve. The theme of that book was new breakthroughs and innovations, and I had a whole chapter on PEMF. I was associate producer of The Connected Universe. One of the themes in my writings and videos is reconnecting to nature, to the universe, to the five elements of health that we need. You can go to iMDB.com and look up The Connected Universe and you can see I was an associate producer.
I did a whole show on GAIAM TV. Regina Meredith read my book, and was very impressed. We did a one hour show that’s still available to subscribers of GAIAM TV. I’ve done three episodes of on Extreme Health Radio. And I’ve done a couple courses on PEMF for Quantum University. And I taught two energy medicine classes at the Great Lakes School of Integrative Medicine.
Besides PEMF therapy, I’ve been studying energy medicine for 20 years. So no other person selling the unit, or distributor, will be able to give you the kind of training and support that I give you.
Reason #2: Longevity, Commitment, and Availability
I want to keep this positive, but I have to share with you the problems that other reps get when they work with other distributors. They can be boiled down to two complaints. The first is they just can’t reach their salesman/trainer. A lot of the people that sell the unit, they are also your trainer. That should be a red flag right there. When it comes to priorities, a salesperson will concentrate on sales over training. Training is secondary. I’ve heard this complaint from a lot of people. I don’t do the sales personally. My iMRS2000.com sales team does the sales. All I do is the training. My focus is helping and training you on using the iMRS.
The other problem is some of the other distributors come and go. I’ve been with this company 11 years, and I’ve seen websites, distributors, come and go in a very short period of time. So people will call me wanting to get help and support, because the person that sold them the unit isn’t with the company anymore. This is a big problem. When you purchase from www.iMRS2000.com you will get a long-term commitment. And you’ll know that help is always available.
There’s a few ways you can check on the longevity of a company. Check out their website on www.Archive.org, the Way Back Machine. If they’ve just thrown up their website in the past year or two, you know they are the new guys on the block. There’s no guarantee how long they will be around. Check their Facebook page. How many “likes” do they have? We have over 5,000 likes on our Facebook page. Many of the other people selling online don’t have very many likes. They many not have many videos available. They are not doing much to show you that they are committed to PEMF.
Look on our YouTube channel (www.YouTube.com/iMRS2000) you’ll see well over 100 videos. We have getting started videos that other websites don’t offer. We are the only place that has done their own training videos. Some other distributors actually use our getting started videos. We have over 1-million views of all of our videos combined.
I also have my own YouTube channel as an author (www.YouTube.com/BryantMeyers). There you’ll find a wide variety of videos on PEMF. You can see my commitment and passion for this. Some other websites that are just there for a quick buck, they might be gone next year if they find another opportunity to make more money.
PEMF is my passion. I do this because I’ve seen it help thousands of people. Look at the testimonials and the results we’ve gotten. No other distributor has the passion and long term commitment that I have with PEMF.
Reason #3: Continuing Education
I’m constantly sharing new videos for free. Anyone can access these. These cost me a fair amount. I’m re-investing funds made from the iMRS 2000 on producing new materials. In fact, right now I’m working on a second edition of my book, and an energy medicine course. The course will be available only to iMRS2000.com buyers. Not only do I offer one-on-one training and support, but I’ll be offering online courses that are not going to be available anywhere else.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-900-5556 Extension 1, or visit wwwiMRS2000.com. We look forward to helping you.
Right off the bat, you should know the Swiss company has a minimum allowed pricing policy. So, everybody has to charge the same price. The only question is who can give you the best training and support? The answer is www.iMRS2000.com.
I have three reasons why that I want to go over with you. Just to be clear, I am only working with iMRS2000.com. Every afternoon, all I ever do is training and support. I do writing and videos every morning, and every afternoon and evening I do training in support. This is all I do fulltime.
Here are the three reasons why www.iMRS2000.com is the best place to buy an iMRS 2000.
Reason#1: Training and Experience
Because I do the training myself, I have 11 years experience with the MRS 2000, the current iMRS, the Omnium, and I’ve even owned the VitaLife, the older generation MRS 2000.
I’ve trained with some of the doctors in Germany, taking all the early courses they offered. I’ve been with this company for 11 years, sharing this technology, training thousands of people.
I even spent a whole year of my life writing a best selling book, PEMF – the 5th Element of Health. A lot of people find out about the iMRS 2000 through my book. It’s sold over 50,000 copies. It’s translated into four languages. I’m currently working on a second edition.
As far as experience go, I have been training and supporting people for 11 years. I have more knowledge and experience than any other reps that are currently selling the unit. I’m sort of the trainer of the trainers. The people that are selling the unit online, I pretty much trained them all. Even the CEO of the company calls me Mr. PEMF because of all that I’ve done.
Not only have I written a best selling book, but I’ve also been featured in the Wall Street Journal. I’ve been on ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox with the Brian Tracy Show. I appeared in Brian Tracy’s book, Beat the Curve. The theme of that book was new breakthroughs and innovations, and I had a whole chapter on PEMF. I was associate producer of The Connected Universe. One of the themes in my writings and videos is reconnecting to nature, to the universe, to the five elements of health that we need. You can go to iMDB.com and look up The Connected Universe and you can see I was an associate producer.
I did a whole show on GAIAM TV. Regina Meredith read my book, and was very impressed. We did a one hour show that’s still available to subscribers of GAIAM TV. I’ve done three episodes of on Extreme Health Radio. And I’ve done a couple courses on PEMF for Quantum University. And I taught two energy medicine classes at the Great Lakes School of Integrative Medicine.
Besides PEMF therapy, I’ve been studying energy medicine for 20 years. So no other person selling the unit, or distributor, will be able to give you the kind of training and support that I give you.
Reason #2: Longevity, Commitment, and Availability
I want to keep this positive, but I have to share with you the problems that other reps get when they work with other distributors. They can be boiled down to two complaints. The first is they just can’t reach their salesman/trainer. A lot of the people that sell the unit, they are also your trainer. That should be a red flag right there. When it comes to priorities, a salesperson will concentrate on sales over training. Training is secondary. I’ve heard this complaint from a lot of people. I don’t do the sales personally. My iMRS2000.com sales team does the sales. All I do is the training. My focus is helping and training you on using the iMRS.
The other problem is some of the other distributors come and go. I’ve been with this company 11 years, and I’ve seen websites, distributors, come and go in a very short period of time. So people will call me wanting to get help and support, because the person that sold them the unit isn’t with the company anymore. This is a big problem. When you purchase from www.iMRS2000.com you will get a long-term commitment. And you’ll know that help is always available.
There’s a few ways you can check on the longevity of a company. Check out their website on www.Archive.org, the Way Back Machine. If they’ve just thrown up their website in the past year or two, you know they are the new guys on the block. There’s no guarantee how long they will be around. Check their Facebook page. How many “likes” do they have? We have over 5,000 likes on our Facebook page. Many of the other people selling online don’t have very many likes. They many not have many videos available. They are not doing much to show you that they are committed to PEMF.
Look on our YouTube channel (www.YouTube.com/iMRS2000) you’ll see well over 100 videos. We have getting started videos that other websites don’t offer. We are the only place that has done their own training videos. Some other distributors actually use our getting started videos. We have over 1-million views of all of our videos combined.
I also have my own YouTube channel as an author (www.YouTube.com/BryantMeyers). There you’ll find a wide variety of videos on PEMF. You can see my commitment and passion for this. Some other websites that are just there for a quick buck, they might be gone next year if they find another opportunity to make more money.
PEMF is my passion. I do this because I’ve seen it help thousands of people. Look at the testimonials and the results we’ve gotten. No other distributor has the passion and long term commitment that I have with PEMF.
Reason #3: Continuing Education
I’m constantly sharing new videos for free. Anyone can access these. These cost me a fair amount. I’m re-investing funds made from the iMRS 2000 on producing new materials. In fact, right now I’m working on a second edition of my book, and an energy medicine course. The course will be available only to iMRS2000.com buyers. Not only do I offer one-on-one training and support, but I’ll be offering online courses that are not going to be available anywhere else.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-900-5556 Extension 1, or visit wwwiMRS2000.com. We look forward to helping you.