PEMF / iMRS 2000 for Weight Loss
Overview - PEMF Therapy / iMRS 2000 helps with Weight Loss in 8 Research Proven Ways We'll Explore in this Module.
1) PEMF Improves Circulation and Microcirculation to hard to burn fat
Men back, stomach... Women thighs/hips
2) Increases Metabolism, improves thyroid function
3) Helps with detox and bowel regularity (a lot of weight stored in colon).
4) Helps burn cellulite by detoxing the body of chemicals (improving LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION).
5) Improves sleep which is know to enhance weight loss hormonally and by
minimizing eating late and snacking due to insomnia
6) Gives you more energy so you are MORE LIKELY to exercise.
7) Reduces stress (promotes deep relaxation) which helps reduce belly fat by 30%
8) Heals the body of injuries that prevent movement and exercise
1) PEMF Improves Circulation and Microcirculation to hard to burn fat
Men back, stomach... Women thighs/hips
2) Increases Metabolism, improves thyroid function
3) Helps with detox and bowel regularity (a lot of weight stored in colon).
4) Helps burn cellulite by detoxing the body of chemicals (improving LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION).
5) Improves sleep which is know to enhance weight loss hormonally and by
minimizing eating late and snacking due to insomnia
6) Gives you more energy so you are MORE LIKELY to exercise.
7) Reduces stress (promotes deep relaxation) which helps reduce belly fat by 30%
8) Heals the body of injuries that prevent movement and exercise

The Big Problem in Burning Stubborn FAT.
Certain fatty areas (mainly the stomach and low back areas in men and the thighs and hips in women) receive a poorer blood flow than visceral fat (fat in the center of the body around the organs). If there is little blood from into those areas, they are not able to dump their fats into the blood to be burned for energy.
How can you possibly burn fat if your body's fat cells aren't able to dump their fatty acid contents into the blood where they have the potential to be burned? They cannot.
EVEN if you are in a state where you are burning lots of body fat (i.e. on a weight loss diet and exercise program), very little of that fat you're burning will be coming from these areas that have poor circulation.
This is why MOST spot reduction exercises and methods to burn stubborn fat DONT WORK!!
Certain fatty areas (mainly the stomach and low back areas in men and the thighs and hips in women) receive a poorer blood flow than visceral fat (fat in the center of the body around the organs). If there is little blood from into those areas, they are not able to dump their fats into the blood to be burned for energy.
How can you possibly burn fat if your body's fat cells aren't able to dump their fatty acid contents into the blood where they have the potential to be burned? They cannot.
EVEN if you are in a state where you are burning lots of body fat (i.e. on a weight loss diet and exercise program), very little of that fat you're burning will be coming from these areas that have poor circulation.
This is why MOST spot reduction exercises and methods to burn stubborn fat DONT WORK!!
Science has now shown that blood flow to a particular area might be the biggest factor of all that hinders fat loss from that area. Blood flow is critical for fat extraction.
Poor blood flow = Poor fat loss
Better Blood Flow = Better Fat Loss
Poor blood flow = Poor fat loss
Better Blood Flow = Better Fat Loss

Buy a forehead thermometer and take the skin temperature of different parts of your body.
In particular, TEST the temperature of your hard to burn off fatty areas. What do you notice?
ANSWER: They are a LOT colder than other areas of your body, sometimes significantly Lower 4-5 full degrees!!!
This is NOT a coincidence... Areas that are hard to burn fat are PRIMARILY that way due to lack of blood flow to that region, therefore they are significantly colder. Blood to tissues is a HUGE factor.
Buy a forehead thermometer and take the skin temperature of different parts of your body.
In particular, TEST the temperature of your hard to burn off fatty areas. What do you notice?
ANSWER: They are a LOT colder than other areas of your body, sometimes significantly Lower 4-5 full degrees!!!
This is NOT a coincidence... Areas that are hard to burn fat are PRIMARILY that way due to lack of blood flow to that region, therefore they are significantly colder. Blood to tissues is a HUGE factor.
In other words, fatty acids may indeed be getting released from the cells in our hard to burn off fatty areas, but due to poor circulation to those areas, most of those released fats don't even make it into the bloodstream where they have the potential to be burned. So they end up getting deposited right back into the fat cells they originated from, essentially being locked off in that area.
If we can somehow cause a specific fatty area of our body to have all its blood vessels dilated and be filled up with blood along with releasing their glycerol and fatty acids into the blood stream, then we have the KEY to targeting fat loss to specific fat areas on our body.
It turns our that the IMRS 2000 and PEMF therapy in general affects BOTH blood circulation to the area it is applied to AS WELL as stimulating the release of acids from fat tissue.
If we can somehow cause a specific fatty area of our body to have all its blood vessels dilated and be filled up with blood along with releasing their glycerol and fatty acids into the blood stream, then we have the KEY to targeting fat loss to specific fat areas on our body.
It turns our that the IMRS 2000 and PEMF therapy in general affects BOTH blood circulation to the area it is applied to AS WELL as stimulating the release of acids from fat tissue.
Used in conjunction with diet and exercise (see modules 2 and 7), this is the ultimate 1-2-3 punch
PEMF - Diet - Exercise
Also for FURTHER benefit add Sauna/Sunlight therapy (Module 4).
Now if you are not actively doing nutrition and lifestyle interventions to lose fat, you may get SOME results, but the results are greatly AMPLIFIED by doing all three (diet, exercise, PEMF).
So think of PEMF more as a tool to amplify fat loss effects from diet, exercise (and sauna therapy), rather than a tool to use by itself for fat loss. Nevertheless, PEMF therapy can be used to GREATLY accelerate loss of overall body fat, and even stubborn fat from areas that normally are resistant to being burned off - for men, this is lower abdomen and love handles, and for women, the hips and thighs most typically OR belly fat too.
THE SOLUTION TO BURNING STUBBORN FAT- Increasing Circulation and Microcirculation (ENTER PEMF).
In my opinion there is NOTHING better in improving microcirculation than PEMF... No supplement, water, red light, infrared, etc. Why? Because ONLY PEMF works on ALL THREE facets of improving blood flow.
In my opinion there is NOTHING better in improving microcirculation than PEMF... No supplement, water, red light, infrared, etc. Why? Because ONLY PEMF works on ALL THREE facets of improving blood flow.
[Improved Microcirculation] Heart/Circulation/Anti-coagulant Effects (blood thinning naturally)/Nitric Oxide/AntiEdema/Red Blood Cells/Oxygenation/Water. (transfer of nutrients and oxygen)
Vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels. Abnormal or diminished production of nitric oxide (NO) occurs in many health conditions and adversely affects blood flow and other vascular functions.
In a healthy cellular environment, the inner lining of blood vessels continually produce NO, which signals smooth muscles in the blood vessel wall to relax causing blood vessels to widen. This causes an increase in blood flow which leads to an immediate decrease in both blood pressure and heart rate. Improving circulation is considered one of THE most essential mechanisms of the healing effects of PEMF!
- Delivers Nutrients
-Increases Oxygenation
-Improves Cellular Hydration
-Boosts the Immune System
- eliminating waste
Vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels. Abnormal or diminished production of nitric oxide (NO) occurs in many health conditions and adversely affects blood flow and other vascular functions.
In a healthy cellular environment, the inner lining of blood vessels continually produce NO, which signals smooth muscles in the blood vessel wall to relax causing blood vessels to widen. This causes an increase in blood flow which leads to an immediate decrease in both blood pressure and heart rate. Improving circulation is considered one of THE most essential mechanisms of the healing effects of PEMF!
- Delivers Nutrients
-Increases Oxygenation
-Improves Cellular Hydration
-Boosts the Immune System
- eliminating waste

Infrared Thermography Before and Afters with the MRS 2000 show an increase in 3 degrees in surface skin body temperature.
This is VERY significant because there is actually NO HEAT in the mat. The results are obtained because the MRS 2000 opens up circulation and microcirculation producing a warmth in the hands and feet (and all over the body).
Circulation is one the main KEYS to recovery.
This is VERY significant because there is actually NO HEAT in the mat. The results are obtained because the MRS 2000 opens up circulation and microcirculation producing a warmth in the hands and feet (and all over the body).
Circulation is one the main KEYS to recovery.
Three Ways How PEMF helps circulation and microcirculation:
Three Components - Vessels/Tubes, Red Blood Cells, Plasma/water
1) Increasing NO/Vasodialation (WIDENS VESSELS)
2) Improving RBC (Red Blood Cell) Voltage/ Reducing Rouleaux (MAKES BLOOD MORE ENERGETIC AND LESS VISCOUS = RBC Effect)
3) Lowers Viscosity of Water/Plasma/Blood/Lymph
ALL THIS COMBINED Enhances Oxygen and Nutrient transport AND elimination waste.
Three Components - Vessels/Tubes, Red Blood Cells, Plasma/water
1) Increasing NO/Vasodialation (WIDENS VESSELS)
2) Improving RBC (Red Blood Cell) Voltage/ Reducing Rouleaux (MAKES BLOOD MORE ENERGETIC AND LESS VISCOUS = RBC Effect)
3) Lowers Viscosity of Water/Plasma/Blood/Lymph
ALL THIS COMBINED Enhances Oxygen and Nutrient transport AND elimination waste.

1) PEMF Generates Nitric Oxide (NO) on inside of blood vessels.
NO: a dilating gas
NO is used in medicine to expand the arteries (vaso-dilator) and decrease the blood pressure. When inhaled, it dilates the arteries in the alveoli, maximizing the penetration of oxygen into the blood .
NO - nitric oxide led to Viagra… NO helps to dilate blood vessels reducing blood pressure, improving cardiovascular health and yes improving Sex drive!
Sex organs have a lot of NO receptors.
So YES PEMF helps with THAT too.
NO: a dilating gas
NO is used in medicine to expand the arteries (vaso-dilator) and decrease the blood pressure. When inhaled, it dilates the arteries in the alveoli, maximizing the penetration of oxygen into the blood .
NO - nitric oxide led to Viagra… NO helps to dilate blood vessels reducing blood pressure, improving cardiovascular health and yes improving Sex drive!
Sex organs have a lot of NO receptors.
So YES PEMF helps with THAT too.
2) Improving RBC Voltage/ Reducing Rouleaux
Red blood cells are the primary transporter of oxygen to tissues. The sheer number of red blood cells (erthrocytes) we carry and produce IS ASTOUNDING! We produce upwards to 2 million per second because 2 million die a second.
We have around 20 trillion red blood cells at any given time and RBCs make up 70% of our total number of cells! Each red blood cell is formed mainly in the bone marrow and has a lifespan of 3-4 months.
SO, clearly it is important to look after the health of our RBCs.
RBCs are unique in that they have no nucleus, no mitochondria and therefore consume NO oxygen. Their main role is to carry oxygen from the alveoli to the cells (and secondarily transport CO2 back to the lungs).
PEMF helps
Red blood cells are the primary transporter of oxygen to tissues. The sheer number of red blood cells (erthrocytes) we carry and produce IS ASTOUNDING! We produce upwards to 2 million per second because 2 million die a second.
We have around 20 trillion red blood cells at any given time and RBCs make up 70% of our total number of cells! Each red blood cell is formed mainly in the bone marrow and has a lifespan of 3-4 months.
SO, clearly it is important to look after the health of our RBCs.
RBCs are unique in that they have no nucleus, no mitochondria and therefore consume NO oxygen. Their main role is to carry oxygen from the alveoli to the cells (and secondarily transport CO2 back to the lungs).
PEMF helps
- PEMF improves microcirculation (NO, lower viscosity, voltage on RBCs) ... RBBs need to squeeze through the very narrow capillaries into the capilarry bed where most oxygen transport happens. RBCs are nearly twice as large as capilarry opening so much squeeze through one at a time.
- PEMF Prevents Rouleaux (through electrostatics)- The Rouleaux Effect is a major obstacle. This is where the RBCs stack like coins (because of the RBCs disk-like shape and stick together. The Rouleaux formation that results is much too large to squeeze through the capillaries which prevents oxygen from getting to the cells (which only allow one to pass at a time). Because PEMF therapy increases the Voltage of the cells (TMP) and balances cell membrane charge, it has a direct effect on RBC activity. Properly charged red blood cells will repel from one another. Aside from preventing Rouleaux, this separation of RBCs allows for a greater surface area for oxygen and nutrients to be absorbed and exchanged.
- PEMFs also enhance the release of oxygen from hemoglobin, with only 10-30 minutes exposure a day increasing the release for several minutes to several hours.
3) Lowers Viscosity of Water/Plasma/Blood/Lymph
ALL THIS COMBINED Enhances Oxygen and Nutrient transport AND elimination waste.
We talked about this a but in module 3 and why you should put your water on the iMRS pillow
Emulsing Fat with Low Surface Tension Water (Magnetic Fields Lower Surface Tension
ALL THIS COMBINED Enhances Oxygen and Nutrient transport AND elimination waste.
We talked about this a but in module 3 and why you should put your water on the iMRS pillow
Emulsing Fat with Low Surface Tension Water (Magnetic Fields Lower Surface Tension
It turns our that PEMF therapy affects not ONLY blood circulation to the area it is applied to but ALSO stimulates the release of fatty acids from fat cells.
Newly formed pores release intracellular lipids, which are further metabolized.
Magnetic fields open channels and charge carriers equilibrate across the cell membrane.
Membrane becomes normal and softer. Not just calcium channels, all the protein channels, carbohydrate channels, and YES the lipid/fatty acid channels!!
Whole membrane starts to soften up so things can MOVE!! Microcirculation in the cells is Electroporesis. Circulation does not end in the capillaries,
Magneto or Electroporesis - like opening all the doors and windows in a house and improves this VERY micro micro circulation.
In the case of burning fat it is a 1-2 punch along with diet and exercise
1) Release fatty acids from cells into cappilarie bed
2) Transport fats to muscle cells, heart cells, and other cells during exercise and normal daily activities even.
Newly formed pores release intracellular lipids, which are further metabolized.
Magnetic fields open channels and charge carriers equilibrate across the cell membrane.
Membrane becomes normal and softer. Not just calcium channels, all the protein channels, carbohydrate channels, and YES the lipid/fatty acid channels!!
Whole membrane starts to soften up so things can MOVE!! Microcirculation in the cells is Electroporesis. Circulation does not end in the capillaries,
Magneto or Electroporesis - like opening all the doors and windows in a house and improves this VERY micro micro circulation.
In the case of burning fat it is a 1-2 punch along with diet and exercise
1) Release fatty acids from cells into cappilarie bed
2) Transport fats to muscle cells, heart cells, and other cells during exercise and normal daily activities even.
1) As we already mentioned in detail -
PEMF Improves Circulation and Microcirculation to hard to burn fat
Men back, stomach... Women thighs/hips
2) Increases Metabolism, improves thyroid function
3) Helps with detox and bowel regularity (a lot of weight stored in colon).
4) Helps burn cellulite by detoxing the body of chemicals (improving LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION).
5) Improves sleep which is know to enhance weight loss hormonally and by
minimizing eating late and snacking due to insomnia
6) Gives you more energy so you are MORE LIKELY to exercise.
7) Reduces stress (promotes deep relaxation) which helps reduce belly fat by 30%
8) Heals the body of injuries that prevent movement and exercise
PEMF Improves Circulation and Microcirculation to hard to burn fat
Men back, stomach... Women thighs/hips
2) Increases Metabolism, improves thyroid function
3) Helps with detox and bowel regularity (a lot of weight stored in colon).
4) Helps burn cellulite by detoxing the body of chemicals (improving LYMPHATIC CIRCULATION).
5) Improves sleep which is know to enhance weight loss hormonally and by
minimizing eating late and snacking due to insomnia
6) Gives you more energy so you are MORE LIKELY to exercise.
7) Reduces stress (promotes deep relaxation) which helps reduce belly fat by 30%
8) Heals the body of injuries that prevent movement and exercise

IF You get the iMRS 2000 Professional, It has the PEMF protocol for Obesity/Weight Loss.
Very Very easy to use.
We recommend using full body mat 2-3x a day on obesity setting and THAN pillow probe ON THE STUBBORN FAT AREAS also using obesity setting.
Very Very easy to use.
We recommend using full body mat 2-3x a day on obesity setting and THAN pillow probe ON THE STUBBORN FAT AREAS also using obesity setting.
iGUIDE Settings for Obesity... Bonus!
Three iMRS 2000 Weight Loss Success Stories In video below
- 2 lost almost 15 pounds in 2 weeks
- 1 Lost 3 inches in one week