My name is Bryant Meyers, author of the book PEMF – the 5th Element of Health. In this document, we will look at the mystery of sleep, why we need it, the many benefits sleep provides, the current epidemic of insomnia and sleep disorders, and most importantly, practical solutions to help you get better sleep.
There are many things you can do to help with better sleep, but I’m going to focus on PEMF therapy, and how pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is, in my opinion, the best natural solution to help you get better sleep.
From an evolutionary point of view, sleep is a bad idea. Think about it. If you’re an animal out in the jungle, the last thing you want to do is to be motionless, defenseless, and vulnerable for hours a day. But sleep fought evolution, and won. It’s because it’s essential for life. Sleep happens in all species of animals without exception. This just shows how vital it is for sleep to exist. It’s essential at the most basic biological level. But yet it’s still a mystery to scientists, although we are learning more and more about sleep. For humans, it’s so essential that the average healthy person would die after ten days with no sleep. That makes it even more important than food. Most people can survive 30-90 days without food.
There are many things you can do to help with better sleep, but I’m going to focus on PEMF therapy, and how pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is, in my opinion, the best natural solution to help you get better sleep.
From an evolutionary point of view, sleep is a bad idea. Think about it. If you’re an animal out in the jungle, the last thing you want to do is to be motionless, defenseless, and vulnerable for hours a day. But sleep fought evolution, and won. It’s because it’s essential for life. Sleep happens in all species of animals without exception. This just shows how vital it is for sleep to exist. It’s essential at the most basic biological level. But yet it’s still a mystery to scientists, although we are learning more and more about sleep. For humans, it’s so essential that the average healthy person would die after ten days with no sleep. That makes it even more important than food. Most people can survive 30-90 days without food.

Let’s start by looking at the stages of sleep.
There are five stages of sleep – four stages of dreamless sleep (stages 1 through 4), and there is REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep where you dream. The slow, lazy brain waves of stages 1 through 4 are your dreamless sleep. But in those stages your body heals and regenerates itself. As we get older, especially stages 3 and 4, our ability to get that deep, slow-wave sleep, becomes more and more difficult. As we’ll see, PEMF therapy can help get you down into those deeper levels of sleep. And this is where the magic of regeneration comes. You lose about 20-30 billion cells a day in your body, and fortunately, 20-30 billion cells are created through mitosis, mainly during sleep.
There are five stages of sleep – four stages of dreamless sleep (stages 1 through 4), and there is REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep where you dream. The slow, lazy brain waves of stages 1 through 4 are your dreamless sleep. But in those stages your body heals and regenerates itself. As we get older, especially stages 3 and 4, our ability to get that deep, slow-wave sleep, becomes more and more difficult. As we’ll see, PEMF therapy can help get you down into those deeper levels of sleep. And this is where the magic of regeneration comes. You lose about 20-30 billion cells a day in your body, and fortunately, 20-30 billion cells are created through mitosis, mainly during sleep.

What goes on in sleep?
First of all, your brain recharges itself. Good sleep has been linked to better memory, creativity, alertness, awareness, and productivity. If you want to be successful in life, you need deep sleep. During sleep, your body releases important hormones, like HGH and melatonin. They both have been linked to longevity and health. As we age, HGH and melatonin levels decline, and our sleep levels also decline along with that. So, if we can get better sleep and keep that level of HGH and melatonin high, this is a good strategy for longevity and for feeling healthy and energized, even well into your 70’s, 80’s and beyond.
What are the benefits of sleep?
We’ve already mentioned a few of them, but there are some other benefits to getting a good nights sleep as well. Sleep keeps your heart healthy. Studies have shown that less than 5 ½hours of sleep a night doubles your risk of heart attacks. Sleep can help prevent cancer. It helps to reduce stress, inflammation, makes you more alert, bolsters your memory, and helps you to lose weight. Studies have shown that decreased sleep increases weight gain. And finally sleep may help to reduce the risk of depression.
First of all, your brain recharges itself. Good sleep has been linked to better memory, creativity, alertness, awareness, and productivity. If you want to be successful in life, you need deep sleep. During sleep, your body releases important hormones, like HGH and melatonin. They both have been linked to longevity and health. As we age, HGH and melatonin levels decline, and our sleep levels also decline along with that. So, if we can get better sleep and keep that level of HGH and melatonin high, this is a good strategy for longevity and for feeling healthy and energized, even well into your 70’s, 80’s and beyond.
What are the benefits of sleep?
We’ve already mentioned a few of them, but there are some other benefits to getting a good nights sleep as well. Sleep keeps your heart healthy. Studies have shown that less than 5 ½hours of sleep a night doubles your risk of heart attacks. Sleep can help prevent cancer. It helps to reduce stress, inflammation, makes you more alert, bolsters your memory, and helps you to lose weight. Studies have shown that decreased sleep increases weight gain. And finally sleep may help to reduce the risk of depression.

Circadian Rhythms
Circadian rhythms are your body’s biological clock. These rhythms are governed by light and dark, eating cycles, even by the magnetic field of the Earth, and certain other environmental factors. Circadian rhythms help your body to be energized and awake during the day, and relaxed and sleepy at night. As we’ll see, the PEMF therapy devices I recommend have a biorhythm clock that give you energized frequencies during the day, and relaxed frequencies at night. We want to be in tune with the cycles of nature. It’s best to try to get to bed by 10 to 11 PM. It’s been proven that growth hormone is secreted mainly between 10PM and 2AM.
Circadian rhythms are your body’s biological clock. These rhythms are governed by light and dark, eating cycles, even by the magnetic field of the Earth, and certain other environmental factors. Circadian rhythms help your body to be energized and awake during the day, and relaxed and sleepy at night. As we’ll see, the PEMF therapy devices I recommend have a biorhythm clock that give you energized frequencies during the day, and relaxed frequencies at night. We want to be in tune with the cycles of nature. It’s best to try to get to bed by 10 to 11 PM. It’s been proven that growth hormone is secreted mainly between 10PM and 2AM.
Insomnia and Sleep Problems
Insomnia is such a problem these days. One in ten people suffer from chronic insomnia. It can really negatively affect the quality of your life. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 60% of American report having problems a few nights a week. Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, and staying asleep. People with insomnia have one or more of the following symptoms: difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night and having trouble getting back to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, and feeling tired upon awakening. Besides lack of energy, mental focus, and depression, a lack of sleep is linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, weight gain, and overall accelerated aging. We really need sleep. Insomnia can be a very difficult problem to deal with, and that’s why I want to show you how PEMF therapy can be so beneficial for insomnia and general sleep problems.
Insomnia is such a problem these days. One in ten people suffer from chronic insomnia. It can really negatively affect the quality of your life. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 60% of American report having problems a few nights a week. Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, and staying asleep. People with insomnia have one or more of the following symptoms: difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night and having trouble getting back to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, and feeling tired upon awakening. Besides lack of energy, mental focus, and depression, a lack of sleep is linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, weight gain, and overall accelerated aging. We really need sleep. Insomnia can be a very difficult problem to deal with, and that’s why I want to show you how PEMF therapy can be so beneficial for insomnia and general sleep problems.

PEMF Therapy
After pain relief, the most positive feedback I get about pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, is better sleep. Sometimes people don’t even buy a PEMF therapy device for sleep, but they’ll come back to me and say “I really noticed that I’ve been sleeping better.” No matter what your illness or disease, if you get better sleep your body is going to be able to heal and repair itself much better. For people with chronic diseases, it can be vicious cycle: their illness makes it difficult to get the sleep, and not getting the sleep doesn’t allow their body to repair and regenerate itself. When I first got an Earth-based PEMF therapy mat back in 2007, the first thing I noticed was better sleep. That was at a point in my life when I was having trouble sleeping.
After pain relief, the most positive feedback I get about pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, is better sleep. Sometimes people don’t even buy a PEMF therapy device for sleep, but they’ll come back to me and say “I really noticed that I’ve been sleeping better.” No matter what your illness or disease, if you get better sleep your body is going to be able to heal and repair itself much better. For people with chronic diseases, it can be vicious cycle: their illness makes it difficult to get the sleep, and not getting the sleep doesn’t allow their body to repair and regenerate itself. When I first got an Earth-based PEMF therapy mat back in 2007, the first thing I noticed was better sleep. That was at a point in my life when I was having trouble sleeping.

This image of the different stages of sleep is based on EEG (electro-encephalogram) studies. This concept is proven and accepted by the medical community. Our brain waves have these different stages of sleep, or states of consciousness. Here’s the problem: You typically want to get down into the theta or delta (slow wave) sleep. When you’re drifting off to sleep you should be in theta brainwave. Your brain has four main states of consciousness. Beta is your alert, wakeful state. Alpha is your relaxed state. Theta is the state right before you’re drifting off to sleep. It’s very relaxed. Some people who are deep meditators can get into theta. It’s very rare for anyone to be consciously in delta state. It’s basically the deepest state of sleep. And this is where regeneration happens. Those are the stages of sleep. They range from 0 to 30 Hz. Delta and theta are low (0-5 Hz.) Awake beta is around 15-30 Hz. It’s possible to get into gamma, if you are in a hyper state. You don’t won’t to be hitting the pillow for sleep at 30-40 Hz. Your brain is overstimulated. What a good PEMF therapy mat with a circadian rhythm clock does is entrain your mind to a slower frequency.

If you’re a good meditator, you could slow down your brain waves with meditation before sleep. For those who don’t meditate, laying on a PEMF therapy mat for eight minutes will take your brain down to that slow wave frequency. The brain in very electrical, so it’s susceptible to external fields.
It makes so much sense why PEMF therapy works so well for sleep. It’s been my experience from the testimonials I’ve received, that reasoning is validated. There’s research that backs this up. A four-week double-blind study with 101 patients proved the effects of PEMF therapy on insomnia. This was a 2001 study by R.B. Pelka. It found significant improvement in sleep with the PEMF group versus the placebo group.
It makes so much sense why PEMF therapy works so well for sleep. It’s been my experience from the testimonials I’ve received, that reasoning is validated. There’s research that backs this up. A four-week double-blind study with 101 patients proved the effects of PEMF therapy on insomnia. This was a 2001 study by R.B. Pelka. It found significant improvement in sleep with the PEMF group versus the placebo group.

There’s also been research to show that PEMF therapyincreases the production of melatonin in the pineal gland. As we mentioned, melatonin is the “sleep” hormone, the hormone that helps you to get to sleep and rejuvenate. And melatonin has proven to be oncostatic, meaning it’s anticancer.
In conclusion, I want to emphasize that the body heals and epairs and regenerates itself during deep sleep. In my research, I strongly believe that PEMF therapy, especially with an arth-based PEMF therapy device using low frequencies (0-30 Hz.) along with a circadian rhythm clock, is absolutely the best investment you can make to help with better sleep.
In conclusion, I want to emphasize that the body heals and epairs and regenerates itself during deep sleep. In my research, I strongly believe that PEMF therapy, especially with an arth-based PEMF therapy device using low frequencies (0-30 Hz.) along with a circadian rhythm clock, is absolutely the best investment you can make to help with better sleep.
NEW INFO - Waking UP Early
Waking up at 5:30am
1) Time Boost - Wow I have so much time.
2) Fitness Consistency
3) Creativity Hours - creative, difficult and complex work.
Days of procrastination are OVER!
How do you normally spend your time after 10pm?
hanging out, relax, video games or amusing activity.
The late hours of the day are almost NEVER spent productively.
Lead to simple pleasures
Late hours of the day usually spent on
4) The Lone Wolf - TV, Phone - won't ignore. Nobody is going to be texting
you and nothing on TV. Sports not played that early.
No one and nothing.
Distractions minimized… Lone wolf - free to do whatever.
Distractions are a disease and waking up early is the cure.
5) Habit construction. Same thing, same time everyday.
6) The Money Grind - gives you opportunity to make lots and lots of money.
Wage for salary for putting
Performing a trade - trading time for money.
Create a side income and replace job.
Different philosophy. System based income - Entrepeneurship.
Tons of ways to legitimately generate money online.
Youtube / Instagram - System based income.
Doing it is different that talking about it.
Actions speak louder than words.
PART 1: One Bad Night.
Go to sleep at regular hour and wake up 5:30 -
One bad night.
Do not nap
You MAY run on adrenaline most of day.
Around 9pm you are going to be tired.
Might take more than one bad night.
Fastest way to change schedule.
1) Time Boost - Wow I have so much time.
2) Fitness Consistency
3) Creativity Hours - creative, difficult and complex work.
Days of procrastination are OVER!
How do you normally spend your time after 10pm?
hanging out, relax, video games or amusing activity.
The late hours of the day are almost NEVER spent productively.
Lead to simple pleasures
Late hours of the day usually spent on
4) The Lone Wolf - TV, Phone - won't ignore. Nobody is going to be texting
you and nothing on TV. Sports not played that early.
No one and nothing.
Distractions minimized… Lone wolf - free to do whatever.
Distractions are a disease and waking up early is the cure.
5) Habit construction. Same thing, same time everyday.
6) The Money Grind - gives you opportunity to make lots and lots of money.
Wage for salary for putting
Performing a trade - trading time for money.
Create a side income and replace job.
Different philosophy. System based income - Entrepeneurship.
Tons of ways to legitimately generate money online.
Youtube / Instagram - System based income.
Doing it is different that talking about it.
Actions speak louder than words.
PART 1: One Bad Night.
Go to sleep at regular hour and wake up 5:30 -
One bad night.
Do not nap
You MAY run on adrenaline most of day.
Around 9pm you are going to be tired.
Might take more than one bad night.
Fastest way to change schedule.