Big Bang unifies all space time/ matter energy
1) Sacred Geometry patterns -torus and flower of life especially. Both Fractal.
2) Quantum Physics and Cosmology
a. Entanglement persists
b. Identical Particles
c. Quantum Wave Function - One in space and time… spreads until measurement
d. Fuzziness and Creative Freedom
e. Consciousness and Quantum
f. Field Theories - QFT - Unified Field of Einstein - General Relativity vs Action at a distance
3) Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory - sensitivity to initial conditions, holistic nature of non-linear equations
4) Carbon Based Chemistry
5) BODIES CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER AND EARTH -Our Breath, food and water connects us, especially breathe. 1.05 kg solids, 2.5 kg water, .8 kg air
~7% body mass/day (like an arm weight)-- Full body mass every two weeks…
We are a flame of inner becoming.
7% of you yesterday is not there today.
We are in a state of inner coming with the earth… Look at winds 150km/hr.
breathe other side of planet 4-5 days… Becoming a flower in Germany.
Part of you today is these plants and part of you tomorrow will be these plants.
Body of Jesus and Buddha.
5) Biological Evolution - We share a common biology - unifies with material evolution of cosmos… (evolution class)
4) Gaia Theory (Biosphere)- Planet is a unified organism - so many cycles of interconnections
6) Global Coherence Initiaitve - Intimate connection we all share with Earths Geomagnetic Field and Schumann
7) Collective Unconsciousness - shared mental frameworks - unity of mind (hardest - so many beliefs).
8) Shared Language structures - postmodernism… Strongly shaped by culture.
Language is Holistic and interconnected - every word needs the entire language to have meaning.
9) Information Age - Internet connecting us like never before … Communications instant.
10) We all wake, dream , deep sleep… Share the same cycles of consciousness, vehicles and energies
11) We progress through the same stages of development
11.5) Inner reality and out reflections connected. Inner and out one.
12) Spiritual Unity - Wisdom of the Ancients… First understand in theory… Ultimately in practice
Take care of each other
13) Enligtenment - waking up to unity consciousness
Spiritual Evolution -- we are all part of the evolution of the Kosmos
Practices - Physics - Connected Universe Paradigm (Mind), Metaphysics - Comparative Religions, Life and Teaching of Great Saints, Great Minds in Philosophy (mind) Selfless service (Body), Morality (emotions/mind/spirit) , Meditation, Silence, Discipline, Diet ,etc...
14) Immortality and Beyond- We all have potential to be Masters, Adepts, Elder Brothers/Sisters, Initiates - I AM THAT
1) Sacred Geometry patterns -torus and flower of life especially. Both Fractal.
2) Quantum Physics and Cosmology
a. Entanglement persists
b. Identical Particles
c. Quantum Wave Function - One in space and time… spreads until measurement
d. Fuzziness and Creative Freedom
e. Consciousness and Quantum
f. Field Theories - QFT - Unified Field of Einstein - General Relativity vs Action at a distance
3) Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory - sensitivity to initial conditions, holistic nature of non-linear equations
4) Carbon Based Chemistry
5) BODIES CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER AND EARTH -Our Breath, food and water connects us, especially breathe. 1.05 kg solids, 2.5 kg water, .8 kg air
~7% body mass/day (like an arm weight)-- Full body mass every two weeks…
We are a flame of inner becoming.
7% of you yesterday is not there today.
We are in a state of inner coming with the earth… Look at winds 150km/hr.
breathe other side of planet 4-5 days… Becoming a flower in Germany.
Part of you today is these plants and part of you tomorrow will be these plants.
Body of Jesus and Buddha.
5) Biological Evolution - We share a common biology - unifies with material evolution of cosmos… (evolution class)
4) Gaia Theory (Biosphere)- Planet is a unified organism - so many cycles of interconnections
6) Global Coherence Initiaitve - Intimate connection we all share with Earths Geomagnetic Field and Schumann
7) Collective Unconsciousness - shared mental frameworks - unity of mind (hardest - so many beliefs).
8) Shared Language structures - postmodernism… Strongly shaped by culture.
Language is Holistic and interconnected - every word needs the entire language to have meaning.
9) Information Age - Internet connecting us like never before … Communications instant.
10) We all wake, dream , deep sleep… Share the same cycles of consciousness, vehicles and energies
11) We progress through the same stages of development
11.5) Inner reality and out reflections connected. Inner and out one.
12) Spiritual Unity - Wisdom of the Ancients… First understand in theory… Ultimately in practice
Take care of each other
13) Enligtenment - waking up to unity consciousness
Spiritual Evolution -- we are all part of the evolution of the Kosmos
Practices - Physics - Connected Universe Paradigm (Mind), Metaphysics - Comparative Religions, Life and Teaching of Great Saints, Great Minds in Philosophy (mind) Selfless service (Body), Morality (emotions/mind/spirit) , Meditation, Silence, Discipline, Diet ,etc...
14) Immortality and Beyond- We all have potential to be Masters, Adepts, Elder Brothers/Sisters, Initiates - I AM THAT