Think about times you have so much energy that you just get inspired to CLEAN YOUR HOUSE and fix or repair all the things needing fixing. Don't you sometimes amaze yourself just how much you can accomplish when your feel energetic?
If your energy is dragging, it is unlikely that the house will get cleaned and repaired. Same goes with your body.
PEMF Therapy and Natural healing in general is like that in that it gives the body more energy so it can "Clean House", repair, rebuild and heal itself. That means your body has more energy to begin removing years and years of toxic buildup. This can be rough at times, but you need to trust your body is healing itself. Depending how old you (how many years of accumulation) are and how well you have taken care of yourself, determines how much toxic and unhealthy "buildup" you have in your body. The more toxicity you have , the greater can be the healing reaction.
A healing crisis, or healing reaction, is a temporary worsening of symptoms that occurs when the body is going through the process of healing itself through the elimination of toxins. ... It occurs when the body “retraces” old injuries, wounds, infections or other imbalances from its past. While it might not seem it at the time THIS IS A VERY GOOD THING!!
Another way to look at the healing crisis is that your body dumps toxins and wastes on the inside faster than the organs of elimination can remove them.
To minimize or even possibly eliminate the healing reaction, increase the RATE at which you remove toxins. Do this by helping your four main channels of elimination along with your liver and lymph.
Almost all healing symptoms are benign and will pass quickly. Understand it is just the body trying to heal itself.
If your energy is dragging, it is unlikely that the house will get cleaned and repaired. Same goes with your body.
PEMF Therapy and Natural healing in general is like that in that it gives the body more energy so it can "Clean House", repair, rebuild and heal itself. That means your body has more energy to begin removing years and years of toxic buildup. This can be rough at times, but you need to trust your body is healing itself. Depending how old you (how many years of accumulation) are and how well you have taken care of yourself, determines how much toxic and unhealthy "buildup" you have in your body. The more toxicity you have , the greater can be the healing reaction.
A healing crisis, or healing reaction, is a temporary worsening of symptoms that occurs when the body is going through the process of healing itself through the elimination of toxins. ... It occurs when the body “retraces” old injuries, wounds, infections or other imbalances from its past. While it might not seem it at the time THIS IS A VERY GOOD THING!!
Another way to look at the healing crisis is that your body dumps toxins and wastes on the inside faster than the organs of elimination can remove them.
To minimize or even possibly eliminate the healing reaction, increase the RATE at which you remove toxins. Do this by helping your four main channels of elimination along with your liver and lymph.
Almost all healing symptoms are benign and will pass quickly. Understand it is just the body trying to heal itself.
Most People Don't really understand how the body heals itself. Actually the body is CONSTANTLY healing itself and striving towards perfect health, but years of toxic buildup get in the way.
We are constantly being exposed to all kinds of chemicals, medications, infectious agents, heavy metals, and so forth. These all have to be removed by the body constantly to maintain optimal health. Detoxification is what your body does naturally to neutralize, transform, or get rid of unwanted materials or toxins.
We are constantly being exposed to all kinds of chemicals, medications, infectious agents, heavy metals, and so forth. These all have to be removed by the body constantly to maintain optimal health. Detoxification is what your body does naturally to neutralize, transform, or get rid of unwanted materials or toxins.
For example, the average American has 5-10 pounds of hardened, rubbery and toxic waste in their colon (sometimes referred to as the mucoid plaque) that is stuck and caked on to the inside of your colon. This is old and encrusted stuff that is not moving with your bowels. The kidneys can have stones, gravel and all kinds of hardened buildup. The liver can become full of toxic heavy metals, fatty accumation, cirrohosis via too much alcohol, and gallstones (in the gallbladder). The liver is your detoxifying organ, so it can have a heavy load of toxic buildup. The lungs and nasal passages can become filled up with hardened mucous. The heart, arteries and veins can also become hardened and blocked as can the lymph become sluggish and stagnant.
And that's just the beginning... There is also systemic heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, drugs, cigerette tar and toxins, and thousands upon thousands of chemicals we can get from our environment.
Then there are virus' , bacteria, fungus/candida, parasites and other forms of unhealthy invaders that feed on us and damage our tissues AND they steal nutrients from our food too and have to "poop" in their own and get rid of waste products, so we end up with THEIR waste TOO!
We are bombarded with toxic organics, heavy metals, pathogens (bacteria, virus', etc) and even radioactivity in our food, water, air and environment. Today more than ever we need tools to help us detox. This course is not only about getting the best elements of health in your body, but helping to remove the harmful elements.
Think about it: this is why your body goes into fever conditions when you’re sick— a hotter body increases metabolic activity, kills unwanted intruders, and stimulates the release of toxins. Viruses and sometimes even tumor cells can be destroyed in the face of heat.
And that's just the beginning... There is also systemic heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, drugs, cigerette tar and toxins, and thousands upon thousands of chemicals we can get from our environment.
Then there are virus' , bacteria, fungus/candida, parasites and other forms of unhealthy invaders that feed on us and damage our tissues AND they steal nutrients from our food too and have to "poop" in their own and get rid of waste products, so we end up with THEIR waste TOO!
We are bombarded with toxic organics, heavy metals, pathogens (bacteria, virus', etc) and even radioactivity in our food, water, air and environment. Today more than ever we need tools to help us detox. This course is not only about getting the best elements of health in your body, but helping to remove the harmful elements.
Think about it: this is why your body goes into fever conditions when you’re sick— a hotter body increases metabolic activity, kills unwanted intruders, and stimulates the release of toxins. Viruses and sometimes even tumor cells can be destroyed in the face of heat.

Here is detox reaction and healing crisis in a nutshell --> We need to MOVE this toxic load from our organs and tissues OUT of our body through one or more of several "ORIFICES" which are the final exits of your five main organs of elimination... You may laugh but its that simple!
The main ways the body removes toxins is through 4-5 main Orifices (though technically with the skin its potentially millions)
1) LUNGS - Mouth/Nasl Passage takes carbon dioxide and other toxic gases from the lungs OUT of the body (bad breath)
2) SKIN -The skin has millions of little orifices where toxins,sweat, pimples, boils, and pus move out of the body (body odor)
3) BOWEL - Your anus takes the toxic load from your colon and digestive system OUT of your body (bad smelling bowel movements/flatulence).
4) KIDNEYS - The uthera is the tube takes urine that has been filter in the kidneys, stored in the bladder and exits the sex organs. The urine contains toxic acids, and chemicals that the kidney processes and removes.
5) The LIVER is working behind the scenes to process and break these toxins down to be removed through the four organs of elimination.
**6) Heart - Emotional Detox Center
**7) Mind - Mental Detox Center
The main ways the body removes toxins is through 4-5 main Orifices (though technically with the skin its potentially millions)
1) LUNGS - Mouth/Nasl Passage takes carbon dioxide and other toxic gases from the lungs OUT of the body (bad breath)
2) SKIN -The skin has millions of little orifices where toxins,sweat, pimples, boils, and pus move out of the body (body odor)
3) BOWEL - Your anus takes the toxic load from your colon and digestive system OUT of your body (bad smelling bowel movements/flatulence).
4) KIDNEYS - The uthera is the tube takes urine that has been filter in the kidneys, stored in the bladder and exits the sex organs. The urine contains toxic acids, and chemicals that the kidney processes and removes.
5) The LIVER is working behind the scenes to process and break these toxins down to be removed through the four organs of elimination.
**6) Heart - Emotional Detox Center
**7) Mind - Mental Detox Center

Healing and Detoxing your body is SIMPLY taking toxins, whatever toxin it is from POINT A (where it is in the body) to POINT B (OUT of the body).
The problem is for most people is they just want all the years of toxic accumulation to magically disappear with no symtoms or problems.
Hence, this is why so many people are sick in the U.S. People run around looking for a magic bullet, miracle cure or pill to remove their SYMPTOMS!!! That is, there is no pill that will create a miniature black hole in your body and remove those toxins into another dimension.
Dr Christopher Story.... Dr Christopher would have patients complain about his herbal Sinus formula because there noses would run EVEN MORE! He would say Hallelujah! Its working...
Removing symptoms with prescription, or OTC drugs might give you temporary relief, BUT IT SHUTS DOWN HEALING!!! You end up only getting sicker because you are "stuffing" these toxins back into your body. THEY NEED TO COME OUT TO TRULY HEAL? Makes sense doensn't it?
If you want to get well, its really simple... Start eating cleaner food, start drinking MORE cleaner water, get full spectrum light, exercise and breath more deeply, get plenty of sleep and get reconnected to the Earth's PEMFs.
Doing this, the body with its INFINITE wisdom CAN and WILL heal itself. All you have to do is get out of the way and let whatever toxins come out, COME OUT!!
You SHOULD be pooping 3 times a day... Urinating A LOT... sweating maybe breaking out, oozing stuff from the skin, and YES, you might get a fever, runny nose, cough, sneeze, etc BUT THE BODY IS JUST REMOVING TOXINS!! Don't suppress the symptoms.
Making it easier.
The road to EASING the Healing Crisis or Healing Reaction is simple , though you are still are probably going to get some symptoms.
Opening All the Doors and Windows – Increasing the Flow of Your Energetic and Detox Pathways Minimizes Healing Crisis Reaction
The Secret to Minimizing the Healing Reaction is Simple:
1) Bowels more frequent 3x. Make Sure Your pooping 3 x a day. If not, take Dr Schultze Intestinal Formula #1. - PEMF
2) Urinate More (clear, lots of water - Drink a AT LEAST half your body weight in ounces a day of GOOD spring water OR clean ionized water) - PEMF
3) Sweat More & Skin Brush - Use Sauna Therapy (Far or Near Infrared - I prefer Near) - PEMF
4) Breath Deep and Faster (during exercise)- Oxygenation and Cardio Circulation - PEMF
5) Move the Lymph – Rebounding, WBV, Massage (deep tissue), PEMF
7) Emotional & Judgement/Mental Resolution – Let feelings move more - CRY MORE
8) Awareness Work – Pay attention More
The problem is for most people is they just want all the years of toxic accumulation to magically disappear with no symtoms or problems.
Hence, this is why so many people are sick in the U.S. People run around looking for a magic bullet, miracle cure or pill to remove their SYMPTOMS!!! That is, there is no pill that will create a miniature black hole in your body and remove those toxins into another dimension.
Dr Christopher Story.... Dr Christopher would have patients complain about his herbal Sinus formula because there noses would run EVEN MORE! He would say Hallelujah! Its working...
Removing symptoms with prescription, or OTC drugs might give you temporary relief, BUT IT SHUTS DOWN HEALING!!! You end up only getting sicker because you are "stuffing" these toxins back into your body. THEY NEED TO COME OUT TO TRULY HEAL? Makes sense doensn't it?
If you want to get well, its really simple... Start eating cleaner food, start drinking MORE cleaner water, get full spectrum light, exercise and breath more deeply, get plenty of sleep and get reconnected to the Earth's PEMFs.
Doing this, the body with its INFINITE wisdom CAN and WILL heal itself. All you have to do is get out of the way and let whatever toxins come out, COME OUT!!
You SHOULD be pooping 3 times a day... Urinating A LOT... sweating maybe breaking out, oozing stuff from the skin, and YES, you might get a fever, runny nose, cough, sneeze, etc BUT THE BODY IS JUST REMOVING TOXINS!! Don't suppress the symptoms.
Making it easier.
The road to EASING the Healing Crisis or Healing Reaction is simple , though you are still are probably going to get some symptoms.
Opening All the Doors and Windows – Increasing the Flow of Your Energetic and Detox Pathways Minimizes Healing Crisis Reaction
The Secret to Minimizing the Healing Reaction is Simple:
1) Bowels more frequent 3x. Make Sure Your pooping 3 x a day. If not, take Dr Schultze Intestinal Formula #1. - PEMF
2) Urinate More (clear, lots of water - Drink a AT LEAST half your body weight in ounces a day of GOOD spring water OR clean ionized water) - PEMF
3) Sweat More & Skin Brush - Use Sauna Therapy (Far or Near Infrared - I prefer Near) - PEMF
4) Breath Deep and Faster (during exercise)- Oxygenation and Cardio Circulation - PEMF
5) Move the Lymph – Rebounding, WBV, Massage (deep tissue), PEMF
7) Emotional & Judgement/Mental Resolution – Let feelings move more - CRY MORE
8) Awareness Work – Pay attention More

PEMF Therapy Energizes and Improves the Functioning of ALL the detox Organs and Even the Cells
I did a video on the top 10 Reasons PEMF helps with Just about everything, but in this video I want to stay focused on Detoxing the Body with PEMF and other Natural Healing Strategies.
Top Ten Reasons that PEMF helps the Body to Heal Itself of Just About Everything!
1) [Increase Prana/Chi Flow] Acupuncture/Nerves and Nerve conductivity/Living Matrix
2) [Production Energy] ATP and Mitochrondria/TMP/Energy/Enzyme Activity
3) [Improved Microcirculation] Heart/Circulation/Anti-coagulant Effects (blood thinning naturally)/Nitric Oxide/AntiEdema/Red Blood Cells/Oxygenation/Water. (transfer of nutrients and oxygen)
4) [Detoxification] Protection from environment. Elimination of waste, toxins and dead skin cells
5) [Improved Immunity] Immunology, Antibacterial, Antibiotic and Antiviral, anticancer.
6) [Endorphins and Pain Relief and better mobility] Anti-Inflammatory/Pain
7) [Healing and Regeneration] Stem Cell Stimulation and Regeneration
8) [Stress Reduction, Anxiety & Depression] Psychological and Cognitive Function/Stress/Antispasm/Relaxation
9)[Better Sleep/Hormones] Circadian Rhythms/Better Sleep/Melatonin/HGH
10) PEMF makes everything you do work better!
10) BioRegulation and Cell to Cell Communcation
I did a video on the top 10 Reasons PEMF helps with Just about everything, but in this video I want to stay focused on Detoxing the Body with PEMF and other Natural Healing Strategies.
Top Ten Reasons that PEMF helps the Body to Heal Itself of Just About Everything!
1) [Increase Prana/Chi Flow] Acupuncture/Nerves and Nerve conductivity/Living Matrix
2) [Production Energy] ATP and Mitochrondria/TMP/Energy/Enzyme Activity
3) [Improved Microcirculation] Heart/Circulation/Anti-coagulant Effects (blood thinning naturally)/Nitric Oxide/AntiEdema/Red Blood Cells/Oxygenation/Water. (transfer of nutrients and oxygen)
4) [Detoxification] Protection from environment. Elimination of waste, toxins and dead skin cells
5) [Improved Immunity] Immunology, Antibacterial, Antibiotic and Antiviral, anticancer.
6) [Endorphins and Pain Relief and better mobility] Anti-Inflammatory/Pain
7) [Healing and Regeneration] Stem Cell Stimulation and Regeneration
8) [Stress Reduction, Anxiety & Depression] Psychological and Cognitive Function/Stress/Antispasm/Relaxation
9)[Better Sleep/Hormones] Circadian Rhythms/Better Sleep/Melatonin/HGH
10) PEMF makes everything you do work better!
10) BioRegulation and Cell to Cell Communcation

Your body uses food to keep it growing, learning and healthy. But what happens to the food and other materials you take in when your body is finished with it?
Your body has a way of getting rid of excess materials, whether food matter, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, salt or waste. It is all taken care of by your body systems. These are a complex set of glands, organs, and processes that help to remove the waste materials from your body that are used up, created as a by-product, are no longer needed, or are extra. Your body systems include the kidneys, sweat glands, lungs and rectum. Your nose and eyes also excrete invading dust and foreign materials.
Also Earwax, Nasal discharge, tears, gas , vomit, pus.
Your body uses food to keep it growing, learning and healthy. But what happens to the food and other materials you take in when your body is finished with it?
Your body has a way of getting rid of excess materials, whether food matter, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, salt or waste. It is all taken care of by your body systems. These are a complex set of glands, organs, and processes that help to remove the waste materials from your body that are used up, created as a by-product, are no longer needed, or are extra. Your body systems include the kidneys, sweat glands, lungs and rectum. Your nose and eyes also excrete invading dust and foreign materials.
Also Earwax, Nasal discharge, tears, gas , vomit, pus.

Body waste: Excrement
Digestive System
When we eat, our body begins to digest the food matter in our mouth. First we grind the food with our teeth, and then our saliva helps to dissolve certain parts of it. When we swallow, the food moves into our stomach where additional chemicals are added, and the food is turned into a sort of liquid like a milk shake called chyme (pronounced kime).
This liquid passes into the small intestine, where the body adds special juices to digest fats and neutralize some of the acids that were created in the stomach. In the small intestine, a special hair-like lining known as villi absorb the liquid parts. Those liquid parts — the nutrients — pass directly into the blood and are taken to all your cells throughout your body. These nutrients feed your cells the food they need.
Any left over solid parts of the food move into the large intestine. These solid parts of your food are the parts that you have no use for and are passed from your body when you go to the bathroom. The scientific word for this matter is excrement or feces. You probably call it poop. The entire trip from mouth to rectum can take about 24 hours in the average person.
Digestive System
When we eat, our body begins to digest the food matter in our mouth. First we grind the food with our teeth, and then our saliva helps to dissolve certain parts of it. When we swallow, the food moves into our stomach where additional chemicals are added, and the food is turned into a sort of liquid like a milk shake called chyme (pronounced kime).
This liquid passes into the small intestine, where the body adds special juices to digest fats and neutralize some of the acids that were created in the stomach. In the small intestine, a special hair-like lining known as villi absorb the liquid parts. Those liquid parts — the nutrients — pass directly into the blood and are taken to all your cells throughout your body. These nutrients feed your cells the food they need.
Any left over solid parts of the food move into the large intestine. These solid parts of your food are the parts that you have no use for and are passed from your body when you go to the bathroom. The scientific word for this matter is excrement or feces. You probably call it poop. The entire trip from mouth to rectum can take about 24 hours in the average person.
The intestinal tract is one of the most complex organs in the body. It comprises the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines and anal /rectal area. The intestinal tract is the largest absorptive and excretory organ in the body. The largest percentage of the immune system is housed in the bowel. It is home to around 1 quadrillion probiotic or non-human organisms, outnumbering the cells in the body 10-1 approximately. This is the micobiome, a collection of bacteria and other microorganisms that are cooperative with body functions and are critically important to digestion, metabolism, detoxification, waste removal, food processing and immune function.
PEMF and Bowel Function
Any way that PEMFs affect other tissues of the body (top 10), they will affect the intestinal tract similarly. Some examples of benefits of PEMF on the intestinal tract include relieving cramping of abdominal contractions, regulating bowel function whether it is too slow (constipation) or too fast like diarrhea. PEMF helps to heal bowel wall damage, and PEMF also improves circulation and microcirculation to bowel itself, improving digestion and absorption of nutrients, reducing elimination and of course REMOVING WASTES!!
PEMF and Bowel Function
Any way that PEMFs affect other tissues of the body (top 10), they will affect the intestinal tract similarly. Some examples of benefits of PEMF on the intestinal tract include relieving cramping of abdominal contractions, regulating bowel function whether it is too slow (constipation) or too fast like diarrhea. PEMF helps to heal bowel wall damage, and PEMF also improves circulation and microcirculation to bowel itself, improving digestion and absorption of nutrients, reducing elimination and of course REMOVING WASTES!!

BOWEL - Your anus takes the toxic load from your colon and digestive system OUT of your body (bad smelling bowel movements/flatulence).
Bowels more frequent 3x. Make Sure Your pooping 3 x a day. If not, take Dr Schultze Intestinal Formula
Bowels more frequent 3x. Make Sure Your pooping 3 x a day. If not, take Dr Schultze Intestinal Formula

Bowel Supplements to Increase Regularity
Dr Schultze Intenstinal #1 and #3
You need to make sure you are moving 2-3x a day. Average American is once every OTHER day.
Periodically do colon hydrotherapy or Dr Schultzes Intestinal Protocol - Once a season.
Dr Schultze Intenstinal #1 and #3
You need to make sure you are moving 2-3x a day. Average American is once every OTHER day.
Periodically do colon hydrotherapy or Dr Schultzes Intestinal Protocol - Once a season.
PEMF therapy has been shown to regulate bowel functioning whether to slow it down (like irritable bowel/crohns or speed it up (most people - constipation). Also it helps with overall digestion and nutrient absorption which indirectly helps to get the bowel cleaner and less toxic (poor digestion will add to toxicity and bacterua/fungus/parasite overgrowth.

Body Waste: Urine
Your body is 60% water. This water needs to be flushed out and replaced all of the time. In your body, the excretory system helps to keep salts and urea from building up to dangerous levels and becoming toxic. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that remove these toxins from your blood and produce urine to carry them from the body.
This waste then trickles down the ureters — thin tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder. Your bladder is a container for your urine that holds it there until you are ready to go to the bathroom. When you are ready to get rid of this waste, your body relaxes a small muscle and the urine travels down the urethra — another small tube — and out of your body. Drinking lots of water will help this system of your body to stay healthy and to work properly. The kidneys of a healthy adult can process fifteen liters of water a day.
Your body is 60% water. This water needs to be flushed out and replaced all of the time. In your body, the excretory system helps to keep salts and urea from building up to dangerous levels and becoming toxic. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that remove these toxins from your blood and produce urine to carry them from the body.
This waste then trickles down the ureters — thin tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder. Your bladder is a container for your urine that holds it there until you are ready to go to the bathroom. When you are ready to get rid of this waste, your body relaxes a small muscle and the urine travels down the urethra — another small tube — and out of your body. Drinking lots of water will help this system of your body to stay healthy and to work properly. The kidneys of a healthy adult can process fifteen liters of water a day.

KIDNEYS - The uthera is the tube takes urine that has been filter in the kidneys, stored in the bladder and exits the sex organs. The urine contains toxic acids, and chemicals that the kidney processes and removes.
Micro and macrocirculation... PEMF helps with the tiny vessels in the Kidneys.
PEMF and kidney functioning.
PEMF enhances microcirculation and detox of kidneys.
2) Urinate More (clear, lots of water - Drink a AT LEAST half your body weight in ounces a day of GOOD spring water OR clean ionized water) - PEMF
Micro and macrocirculation... PEMF helps with the tiny vessels in the Kidneys.
PEMF and kidney functioning.
PEMF enhances microcirculation and detox of kidneys.
2) Urinate More (clear, lots of water - Drink a AT LEAST half your body weight in ounces a day of GOOD spring water OR clean ionized water) - PEMF
1) Drink MORE PURE Water
2) Drink CLEAN & Pristine Water
3) Drink ENERGIZED Water - EZ (Exclusiong Zone) Water
Not Just Water as Medicine - but Water as "Energy" Medicine Water).
2) Drink CLEAN & Pristine Water
3) Drink ENERGIZED Water - EZ (Exclusiong Zone) Water
Not Just Water as Medicine - but Water as "Energy" Medicine Water).
If You Do Not Purify Your Water, Your Kidneys Become the Filter.
Energizing Your Water with the iMRS 2000

**Important Tip! (Hydration Makes the iMRS 2000 WORK BETTER!).
- Use Your iMRS 2000 Pillow pad to CHARGE and Energize You Water
- PLUS this erases the negative memories in water if you are purifying tap water (like R.O. reverse osmosis).
- Do 8 Minutes at Level 400. Only need to do it once per gallon.
III. Sweating / Skin / Skin Brushing - PEMF

Body waste: Sweat
When your body gets too hot — and even sometimes when you get nervous — your body can sweat. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that regulates your body temperature. When the hypothalamus gives the signal, the sweat glands in your skin begin to make sweat.
Sweat is also called perspiration and is made from waste in your body. Sweat contains urea, salts, sugars, and ammonia. It moves from the sweat glands onto the surface of your skin, and as the air moves across your skin the sweat evaporates and cools off your body. If you sweat a lot, you will need to make sure to replace the moisture that evaporates from your skin by drinking lots of water, especially on a really hot day.
Sometimes sweat can give off an offensive odor. Other people might notice it and politely avoid you. To keep from being all by yourself, you may want to use some deodorant or antiperspirant. These are products that help to keep perspiration and smell to a minimum. Be sure to check with your parents to help select what is best for you.
When your body gets too hot — and even sometimes when you get nervous — your body can sweat. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that regulates your body temperature. When the hypothalamus gives the signal, the sweat glands in your skin begin to make sweat.
Sweat is also called perspiration and is made from waste in your body. Sweat contains urea, salts, sugars, and ammonia. It moves from the sweat glands onto the surface of your skin, and as the air moves across your skin the sweat evaporates and cools off your body. If you sweat a lot, you will need to make sure to replace the moisture that evaporates from your skin by drinking lots of water, especially on a really hot day.
Sometimes sweat can give off an offensive odor. Other people might notice it and politely avoid you. To keep from being all by yourself, you may want to use some deodorant or antiperspirant. These are products that help to keep perspiration and smell to a minimum. Be sure to check with your parents to help select what is best for you.
SKIN -The skin has millions of little orifices where toxins,sweat, pimples, boils, and pus move out of the body (body odor)
Sweat More & Skin Brush - Use Sauna Therapy (Far or Near Infrared - I prefer Near) - PEMF
Sweat More & Skin Brush - Use Sauna Therapy (Far or Near Infrared - I prefer Near) - PEMF

The skin is the largest organ of the body and provides separation and protection (and connects us through touch), facilitates excretion through sweat, and temperature regulation through dilation or constriction of surface blood vessels and through evaporation from sweating.
The skin is estimated to eliminate over a pound of waste each day through its pores and through the elimination of dead skin cells from the body. Sauna Therapy and Dry brushing are THE TWO most effective way to maximize the toxin elimination channels of the skin.
The sweat glands also play an active role in flushing toxins out through perspiration (sauna).
As skin cells get closer and closer to the outer surface of the body they lose their blood supply and die. Dry skin Brushing is an effective strategy of the body to eliminate wastes in these cells by sloughing off these old dead cells. Every minute we lose over 30,000 dead skin cells which are replaced by new healthy skin cells.
The skin is estimated to eliminate over a pound of waste each day through its pores and through the elimination of dead skin cells from the body. Sauna Therapy and Dry brushing are THE TWO most effective way to maximize the toxin elimination channels of the skin.
The sweat glands also play an active role in flushing toxins out through perspiration (sauna).
As skin cells get closer and closer to the outer surface of the body they lose their blood supply and die. Dry skin Brushing is an effective strategy of the body to eliminate wastes in these cells by sloughing off these old dead cells. Every minute we lose over 30,000 dead skin cells which are replaced by new healthy skin cells.

PEMF and Skin
A primary mechanism of action for the iMRS 2000 is the release of nitric oxide. This compound was discovered to be the key factor in causing smooth muscle (e.g., in the vessel walls) to relax, thus producing dilation of the blood vessels and improved circulation. There are MANY many before and after infra-red thermogram which prove conclusively that the MRS 2000 produces MARKED IMPROVEMENTS in circulation.
Infrared Thermography Before and Afters with the MRS 2000 show an increase in 3 degrees in surface skin body temperature.
This is VERY significant because there is actually NO HEAT in the mat. The results are obtained because the MRS 2000 opens up circulation and microcirculation producing a warmth in the hands and feet (and all over the body).
Circulation is one the main KEYS to recovery.
A primary mechanism of action for the iMRS 2000 is the release of nitric oxide. This compound was discovered to be the key factor in causing smooth muscle (e.g., in the vessel walls) to relax, thus producing dilation of the blood vessels and improved circulation. There are MANY many before and after infra-red thermogram which prove conclusively that the MRS 2000 produces MARKED IMPROVEMENTS in circulation.
Infrared Thermography Before and Afters with the MRS 2000 show an increase in 3 degrees in surface skin body temperature.
This is VERY significant because there is actually NO HEAT in the mat. The results are obtained because the MRS 2000 opens up circulation and microcirculation producing a warmth in the hands and feet (and all over the body).
Circulation is one the main KEYS to recovery.

Infrared Saunas Can Help Minimize the Healing Reaction by Opening up the Pores so body can dump toxins. In fact PEMF and Sauna Therapy is a great 1-2 PUNCH!
Here are a few guidelines for safe and effective sauna use:
Here are a few guidelines for safe and effective sauna use:
- Pre sauna session, hydrate with at least 8 ounces of water to prepare your body for an increase in core body temperature. It is best to maintain peak hydration throughout the day by drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water.
- To get your body accustomed to infrared therapy, start with 10-15 minute sessions at 100°F every other day. The optimal sauna experience occurs between 100° and 130°
- Gradually increase session length towards 40 minute daily sessions at the optimal temperature range
- Don’t be surprised if you don’t sweat during the first few sessions. Sweating will increase with regular use, removing toxins and leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
- Listen to your body and be aware of excessive detoxifying. If you begin to feel flu-like symptoms, discontinue use and take a few days off.
- Post sauna session, drink at least 24 ounces of water or electrolytes to rehydrate. Take a cool shower right away OR Dry off with a clean towel if that is not possible.

Dry Skin Brushing -
Dry brushing your skin may be one of the easiest and best ways to detoxify your body on a regular basis. The skin is estimated to eliminate over a pound of waste each day through its pores and through the elimination of dead skin cells from the body. Dry brushing is an effective way to maximize the toxin elimination channels of the skin.
The integumentary system is made up of a network of dead epidermal cells forming the skin, hair, fingernails and toenails. All of these are a form of pulling toxins out of the body. The hair is often used to measure the level of toxic heavy metals in the body. The sweat glands also play an active role in flushing toxins out through perspiration.
Interesting Facts About the Skin To Shed light why Skin Brushing is SO important!
It is important to find a brush with soft natural bristles. Synthetic bristles often contain chemicals that are best to avoid. The brushes are typically available at a local health food store in the price range of six to ten dollars.
It is best to begin with light, gentle brushing and overtime the skin will be able to handle brushing a little deeper. The strokes should move toward the heart to improve lymphatic flow back through the venous system towards the heart. When dry brushing the stomach it is best to go in a clockwise motion as that works with the natural digestive flow.
Most individuals notice that they feel refreshed and energized after dry brushing. This is due to the elimination of toxic debris and improved circulation. The skin also glows and feels smoother after the whole body exfoliation experience.
Dry brushing your skin may be one of the easiest and best ways to detoxify your body on a regular basis. The skin is estimated to eliminate over a pound of waste each day through its pores and through the elimination of dead skin cells from the body. Dry brushing is an effective way to maximize the toxin elimination channels of the skin.
The integumentary system is made up of a network of dead epidermal cells forming the skin, hair, fingernails and toenails. All of these are a form of pulling toxins out of the body. The hair is often used to measure the level of toxic heavy metals in the body. The sweat glands also play an active role in flushing toxins out through perspiration.
Interesting Facts About the Skin To Shed light why Skin Brushing is SO important!
- Over half the dust in your house is dead skin cells
- Every Minute Your Skin Sheds of 30,000 dead skin cells
- Every 28 days the skin renews itself
It is important to find a brush with soft natural bristles. Synthetic bristles often contain chemicals that are best to avoid. The brushes are typically available at a local health food store in the price range of six to ten dollars.
It is best to begin with light, gentle brushing and overtime the skin will be able to handle brushing a little deeper. The strokes should move toward the heart to improve lymphatic flow back through the venous system towards the heart. When dry brushing the stomach it is best to go in a clockwise motion as that works with the natural digestive flow.
Most individuals notice that they feel refreshed and energized after dry brushing. This is due to the elimination of toxic debris and improved circulation. The skin also glows and feels smoother after the whole body exfoliation experience.
IV. Breathing / Lungs / Air Purification/ Breathing Retraining - PEMF

Body Waste: Carbon Dioxide]
Size of a tennis court... Seventy percent of waste
Breathing is the job of the lungs. We take air into our body when we inhale. But air is made of a variety of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide. We need oxygen, but we can not use the other gases. Dust and pollutants are also a part of the air we breathe. Our nose and throat help to filter out some of these particles so that they never make it to our lungs.
Our cells make carbon dioxide as a waste product from the process of converting food to energy. That carbon dioxide — and some water vapor — are removed by the lungs when we breathe and exhale them back into the atmosphere.
Size of a tennis court... Seventy percent of waste
Breathing is the job of the lungs. We take air into our body when we inhale. But air is made of a variety of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide. We need oxygen, but we can not use the other gases. Dust and pollutants are also a part of the air we breathe. Our nose and throat help to filter out some of these particles so that they never make it to our lungs.
Our cells make carbon dioxide as a waste product from the process of converting food to energy. That carbon dioxide — and some water vapor — are removed by the lungs when we breathe and exhale them back into the atmosphere.
LUNGS - Mouth/Nasl Passage takes carbon dioxide and other toxic gases from the lungs OUT of the body (bad breath)
Breath Deep and Faster (during exercise)- Oxygenation and Cardio Circulation - PEMF
I have read that up to 60-70 of the
Breath Deep and Faster (during exercise)- Oxygenation and Cardio Circulation - PEMF
I have read that up to 60-70 of the

THREE Things We Need To Optimize Oxygen Transport and Energy Production/Chi/Prana/Lifeforce
#1 FRESH/Energized AIR
The best air to breathe deeply is highly energized and oxygenated air from the forests, mountains and nature. Windows Open.
Besides fresh air we have to make sure our indoor (and outdoor environment has CLEAN AIR). That means nothing toxin in the air... Like eating a clean diet of organic and whole foods, or drinking pristine and clean spring water.
#3 Proper Breathing Techniques (Bulk of this Video)
Ok, get fresh air, make sure its clean and breathe properly... That SOUNDS simple enough so what's the problem?
#1 FRESH/Energized AIR
The best air to breathe deeply is highly energized and oxygenated air from the forests, mountains and nature. Windows Open.
Besides fresh air we have to make sure our indoor (and outdoor environment has CLEAN AIR). That means nothing toxin in the air... Like eating a clean diet of organic and whole foods, or drinking pristine and clean spring water.
#3 Proper Breathing Techniques (Bulk of this Video)
Ok, get fresh air, make sure its clean and breathe properly... That SOUNDS simple enough so what's the problem?

2-Fold Problem That PREVENTS most people from having Oxygenated and Energized Cells.
Problem #1 - We Do Not BREATH FRESH Air & CLEAN Air!
City air can have as little as 12- 15% oxygen compared to 20% in nature (plus all of the pollutants)! As oxygen levels decline in polluted cities, the reduced oxygen levels cause or worsen feelings of lethargy, ill health, sickness, anxiety, desperation and depression.
Plus most people WORK all day in lower oxygen environments which is often detrimental to one’s health. Closed office buildings that are TOO energy efficient with no windows that open, virtually ZERO fresh air, because everything is sealed and insulated leaving people to breathe stale and recycled indoor air (same goes for NEWER homes, condos and apartments.
Besides City living and perhaps worse is the average American spends almost 90% of their time indoors. Indoor air was shown in one EPA study to be 30 times more polluted than downtown Los Angeles. Here are some common indoor pollutants...
Problem #1 - We Do Not BREATH FRESH Air & CLEAN Air!
City air can have as little as 12- 15% oxygen compared to 20% in nature (plus all of the pollutants)! As oxygen levels decline in polluted cities, the reduced oxygen levels cause or worsen feelings of lethargy, ill health, sickness, anxiety, desperation and depression.
Plus most people WORK all day in lower oxygen environments which is often detrimental to one’s health. Closed office buildings that are TOO energy efficient with no windows that open, virtually ZERO fresh air, because everything is sealed and insulated leaving people to breathe stale and recycled indoor air (same goes for NEWER homes, condos and apartments.
Besides City living and perhaps worse is the average American spends almost 90% of their time indoors. Indoor air was shown in one EPA study to be 30 times more polluted than downtown Los Angeles. Here are some common indoor pollutants...

1) Invest in a GOOD air purifier. This is a MUST. I like IQ Air and Austin Air. Find purifiers that are rated for the size of your house. You might need more than one. Most important places are where you spend the MOST TIME which is usually the bedroom, office/work area and living room. Good HEPA Vacuum. If you don't filter your indoor air, your LUNGS become the filter!!
2) Use an Air ionizer OR Himalayan Salt Lamp (which also adds negative ions to the air). Air ionizers are important because air conditioners, metal fans, and forced air heat are creating unhealthy positive ions, which like free radicals, lack electrons and become oxidative.
3) Keep as many plants in your house as you can manage. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and toxins and give off oxygen.
4) Breathe through your nose (More on the importance of Nose Breathing Later).
5) Avoid the common pollutants (The best defense is a good offense... Actively ELIMINATE Toxic cleaners, chemicals, gases, etc from your house. Buy organic and nontoxic EVERYTHING!
Invest in organic Soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, surface cleaners, furniture polish, toilet cleaners, window cleaners, Detergent for your clothes... BASICALLY ANYTHING YOU USE TO CLEAN YOUR BODY, CLOTHES, HOUSE and CAR... ALL ORGANIC and ALL NATURAL. Do not COMPROMISE on cheap and toxic bleach based, lye based cleaners etc... I cannot emphasize this enough... There are too many too list here, but basically get your cleaners at Whole foods or your local health food store.
2) Use an Air ionizer OR Himalayan Salt Lamp (which also adds negative ions to the air). Air ionizers are important because air conditioners, metal fans, and forced air heat are creating unhealthy positive ions, which like free radicals, lack electrons and become oxidative.
3) Keep as many plants in your house as you can manage. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and toxins and give off oxygen.
4) Breathe through your nose (More on the importance of Nose Breathing Later).
5) Avoid the common pollutants (The best defense is a good offense... Actively ELIMINATE Toxic cleaners, chemicals, gases, etc from your house. Buy organic and nontoxic EVERYTHING!
Invest in organic Soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, surface cleaners, furniture polish, toilet cleaners, window cleaners, Detergent for your clothes... BASICALLY ANYTHING YOU USE TO CLEAN YOUR BODY, CLOTHES, HOUSE and CAR... ALL ORGANIC and ALL NATURAL. Do not COMPROMISE on cheap and toxic bleach based, lye based cleaners etc... I cannot emphasize this enough... There are too many too list here, but basically get your cleaners at Whole foods or your local health food store.
Something to Consider....
If you do not breathe clean air, but living the country or AT LEAST getting a 1 or more air purifiers in your house...
Or worse if you smoke or work in an environment with toxic air...
If you do not breathe clean air, but living the country or AT LEAST getting a 1 or more air purifiers in your house...
Or worse if you smoke or work in an environment with toxic air...
The “burning” or oxidation of food is called catabolism. Without air, a fire will go out; breathing fans the flames of the internal cellular fire that creates heat in the body.
Catabolism is the process of breaking down food molecules into carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen waste product, and a few other things. The structure of these energy-rich molecules allows them to quickly release energy. When energy is released, you receive heat. You can think of these chemical elements as condensed sunlight and the energy released as mechanical/vibration, photonic, electrical/magnetic, thermal is principally responsible for everything your body does (movement, thinking, immunity, reproction, circulation, etc.)
Digestion is very much like a fire in your belly breaking down and transforming the hidden sunlight in food into usable energy. Stomach one of the warmest parts of your body.
Everything in the form of food goes OUT the body through 4 elimination channels which requires ENERGY… lack of energy leads to toxic buildup, acidic blood/body, low cellular charge,
Simply put, breath releases energy, which equals heat. Tummo breath is but one example. It is also why these breathing exercises will give you control over your metabolism and your body’s ability to rid itself of toxins. This results in the obvious multiplied vitality you receive
The “burning” or oxidation of food is called catabolism. Without air, a fire will go out; breathing fans the flames of the internal cellular fire that creates heat in the body.
Catabolism is the process of breaking down food molecules into carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen waste product, and a few other things. The structure of these energy-rich molecules allows them to quickly release energy. When energy is released, you receive heat. You can think of these chemical elements as condensed sunlight and the energy released as mechanical/vibration, photonic, electrical/magnetic, thermal is principally responsible for everything your body does (movement, thinking, immunity, reproction, circulation, etc.)
Digestion is very much like a fire in your belly breaking down and transforming the hidden sunlight in food into usable energy. Stomach one of the warmest parts of your body.
Everything in the form of food goes OUT the body through 4 elimination channels which requires ENERGY… lack of energy leads to toxic buildup, acidic blood/body, low cellular charge,
Simply put, breath releases energy, which equals heat. Tummo breath is but one example. It is also why these breathing exercises will give you control over your metabolism and your body’s ability to rid itself of toxins. This results in the obvious multiplied vitality you receive
The Air Purifier I Use and Recommend- IQ Air (AustinAir is also good).
VI. The LIVER is working behind the scenes to process and break these toxins down to be removed through the four organs of elimination.

Our liver is the main detox organ.
A large percentage of the molecules made by our bodies every day are for getting rid of waste products. We need hundreds of enzymes, vitamins, and other molecules to help the body get rid of these unwanted waste products and chemicals. The bulk of the detox work is done by the liver and the intestinal tract. The kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and skin are also involved in this complex detox process.
Because PEMFs improve inefficient or suboptimal liver and kidney function, they clearly help the body to detoxify. Also, since PEMFs improve the ability of cell membranes to open and rebalance themselves, cellular detox is improved as well. All the things that PEMF do well, contribute to the ability for the body to detox better. These include improving blood and lymph circulation, decreasing inflammation, rebalancing cellular energy, helping to restore cell function, improving skin respiration, and repairing damaged cells of tissues involved in detox.
Our liver is the main detox organ. Apart from synthesizing and secreting bile, its primary waste product, the liver acts as a filter for toxins and bacteria in the blood and chemically neutralizes toxins, converting them into substances that go back into the bloodstream, which can then be eliminated by the kidneys. The liver has a variety of chemical transforming enzymes that change these molecules through oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis (Phase I) and then through conjugation (Phase II), This two phase process handles a vast array of different chemicals in the environment to which we are exposed daily.
There was a study done showing how PEMF enhances liver function. The results of the study suggest that a magnetic field appears to have a positive effect on phase I drug metabolizing enzymes, an effect that was accompanied by an increase in the levels of a strong endogenous antioxidant.
Other than the diret impact of the liver on detox, systemic detox also happens as mentioned above, by improving processing of waste by the kidneys, the G.I. tract, respiratory tract, and the skin. Since PEMF stimulation optimizes cellular function of all cells in the body, compromise in any of these other organs that have detox actions can reduce our overall capacity to detox. Many systemic diseases or conditions compromise the functions of various body organs. Therefore PEMFs help all these other organs to optimize their function and their role in detox.
A large percentage of the molecules made by our bodies every day are for getting rid of waste products. We need hundreds of enzymes, vitamins, and other molecules to help the body get rid of these unwanted waste products and chemicals. The bulk of the detox work is done by the liver and the intestinal tract. The kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and skin are also involved in this complex detox process.
Because PEMFs improve inefficient or suboptimal liver and kidney function, they clearly help the body to detoxify. Also, since PEMFs improve the ability of cell membranes to open and rebalance themselves, cellular detox is improved as well. All the things that PEMF do well, contribute to the ability for the body to detox better. These include improving blood and lymph circulation, decreasing inflammation, rebalancing cellular energy, helping to restore cell function, improving skin respiration, and repairing damaged cells of tissues involved in detox.
Our liver is the main detox organ. Apart from synthesizing and secreting bile, its primary waste product, the liver acts as a filter for toxins and bacteria in the blood and chemically neutralizes toxins, converting them into substances that go back into the bloodstream, which can then be eliminated by the kidneys. The liver has a variety of chemical transforming enzymes that change these molecules through oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis (Phase I) and then through conjugation (Phase II), This two phase process handles a vast array of different chemicals in the environment to which we are exposed daily.
There was a study done showing how PEMF enhances liver function. The results of the study suggest that a magnetic field appears to have a positive effect on phase I drug metabolizing enzymes, an effect that was accompanied by an increase in the levels of a strong endogenous antioxidant.
Other than the diret impact of the liver on detox, systemic detox also happens as mentioned above, by improving processing of waste by the kidneys, the G.I. tract, respiratory tract, and the skin. Since PEMF stimulation optimizes cellular function of all cells in the body, compromise in any of these other organs that have detox actions can reduce our overall capacity to detox. Many systemic diseases or conditions compromise the functions of various body organs. Therefore PEMFs help all these other organs to optimize their function and their role in detox.
V. Move the Lymph – Rebounding, WBV, Massage (deep tissue), PEMF

In addition to improving blood circulation, PEMFs also have a positive effect on lymphatic vessels, stimulating lymph drainage and reducing production of lymph edema, and therefore stimulating detox and boosting the immune system.

1) Making Your Donut Whole Again - Colon Cleansing (and PEMF)
First consider that the human body is “roughly” topologically equivalent to a donut, with the opening from the mouth to the anus. Also, according to ancient wisdom of Chinese acunpuncture, the etheric and spiritual bodies are also this geometry. Consider the pictures below (the second being more exaggerated to show the essential toroidal flow within the human energy field:
So now perhaps the title of my book is becoming apparent, “Making your donut Hole again”. I want to help you put the hole back in your body (which is topologically like a donut), by cleaning out your small intestine and colon (and stomach too). So hopefully you can see that donuts have everything and “nothing” to do with colon cleansing.
So referring back to the three types of tori, as far as ones health is concerned, the ring torus is our goal. That is, we what to keep our small and large intestine clean and open so that nutrients can be absorbed and wastes removed. Sadly the average American is not a doughnut with a hole but a cream filled one…haha…
The question then arises, if humans are topologically similar to doughnuts, just what kind of donut are we? Well based on the fact that America has one of the highest rates of colon/rectal cancer and that the average american goes to the bathroom about once every other day, I would say the Average Joe, call him John or Jane “Dough“.…haha is a large, double dipped coco cream filled donut with only sugar, crème and dough in the middle---Really!!!. You’ll see why this is a perfect analogy in the next chapter…
So “The Tube” or underground subway and Donuts are beautiful and elegant metaphors that introduce the beauty of topology and its connection to a clean colon as the hole in our middle is the key to getting our health back on “track“ and making us whole again. So let’s next take a look at the average American (***lets call him John Dough, keeping in mind that all this applies to Jane as well…) based on the last 2000 census.
First consider that the human body is “roughly” topologically equivalent to a donut, with the opening from the mouth to the anus. Also, according to ancient wisdom of Chinese acunpuncture, the etheric and spiritual bodies are also this geometry. Consider the pictures below (the second being more exaggerated to show the essential toroidal flow within the human energy field:
So now perhaps the title of my book is becoming apparent, “Making your donut Hole again”. I want to help you put the hole back in your body (which is topologically like a donut), by cleaning out your small intestine and colon (and stomach too). So hopefully you can see that donuts have everything and “nothing” to do with colon cleansing.
So referring back to the three types of tori, as far as ones health is concerned, the ring torus is our goal. That is, we what to keep our small and large intestine clean and open so that nutrients can be absorbed and wastes removed. Sadly the average American is not a doughnut with a hole but a cream filled one…haha…
The question then arises, if humans are topologically similar to doughnuts, just what kind of donut are we? Well based on the fact that America has one of the highest rates of colon/rectal cancer and that the average american goes to the bathroom about once every other day, I would say the Average Joe, call him John or Jane “Dough“.…haha is a large, double dipped coco cream filled donut with only sugar, crème and dough in the middle---Really!!!. You’ll see why this is a perfect analogy in the next chapter…
So “The Tube” or underground subway and Donuts are beautiful and elegant metaphors that introduce the beauty of topology and its connection to a clean colon as the hole in our middle is the key to getting our health back on “track“ and making us whole again. So let’s next take a look at the average American (***lets call him John Dough, keeping in mind that all this applies to Jane as well…) based on the last 2000 census.
Random Thoughts and Words
Trust Body’s Infinite Wisdom
Give the Body the Elements it needs and it Knows How to Heal Itself
You Need to Feel, Accept and Embrace the Symptoms
We need to get out of the way and let the body healing itself
We should fear messing with something as complex as the body
Becoming Lighter,
Less Dense,
More Energetic (Mass to Energy),
Lose Weight,
Relax, Remove Tension and Rigidity
Flow, hydrating
Sense of humor
Fire, Passion Excitement for Life
Deep Breathing, Oxygenation, Opening all doors and windows
Movement, Exercise
Life, Moving
Feeling More, (opposite of numbing)
Being Sensitive, Intuitive and Creative
Trust Body’s Infinite Wisdom
Give the Body the Elements it needs and it Knows How to Heal Itself
You Need to Feel, Accept and Embrace the Symptoms
We need to get out of the way and let the body healing itself
We should fear messing with something as complex as the body
Becoming Lighter,
Less Dense,
More Energetic (Mass to Energy),
Lose Weight,
Relax, Remove Tension and Rigidity
Flow, hydrating
Sense of humor
Fire, Passion Excitement for Life
Deep Breathing, Oxygenation, Opening all doors and windows
Movement, Exercise
Life, Moving
Feeling More, (opposite of numbing)
Being Sensitive, Intuitive and Creative