There is a Light that shines beyond
all things on earth, beyond us all,
beyond the heavens, beyond the
highest, the very highest heavens.
This is the Light that shines in our heart.
Erwin Schrodinger, one of the founders of quantum physics himself wrote in the appendix of "What is Life" (1944): "Consciousness is a singular, for which there is no plural."
Element Spirit - The Source of All and Ultimate Goal and Destination

“In the gap between subject and object lies the entire misery of humankind.”
–Jiddu Krishnamurti
Division and separateness (otherness) - the BIG problem in the world. The problem behind all personal, social and global problems. It is this idea of otherness that needs to be addressed on FIRST the personal level, then social and global levels as well.
Do an experiment - look outside your window and what do you see? I live on the river and see my yard, the river, trees, sky, sun, clouds, birds, and other objects connected to my house. But I still see these things as outside myself, THOUGH in theory, I understand all is One. It is a VERY persuasive illusion or trick the senses and our brain plays on us creating this separateness.
At a personal level, I do still struggle with “others” — and if I am honest with myself, it is because I have my own self-appointed agenda (as do most people) for myself, and still identify with my body, personality, emotions and mind to a degree.
And yes I still find myself battling colleagues, competitors, the cable and phone company...lol, who don’t quite see the world our way. Sound familiar? Well welcome to the world as seen through the Ego!
But the problem exists on much bigger levels then the personal.
Global Divisions -the Big 3
Religion: Many Religions are very divisive, thinking their way is the only way and look upon others as outsiders.
Country: People identify with their Country and see other people in other countries as "other"
Race: People identify with people of their own ethnicity/language and see other people in other countries as "other"
Social Divisions
Too many to name, they are EVERYWHERE from diets (vegan) to politics (this is a biggie) to sports to college groups like fraternities to companies and their competitors to car enthusiasts to wealthy clubs to hundreds and hundreds of groups you can identify yourself with and see an OTHER... For example, vegans see meat eaters as Others... Democrats see Republicans as Other...
Just go to meetup.com and find dozens or hundreds of groups in your area!
Otherness is a disease that is only growing with more and more groups to identify with and see more otherness!
We need to reverse this trend. We can still be apart of these groups, the KEY is just do not identify with any of them.
We need to go from otherness to UNITY/ONENESS. And as we'll see in this module, this is an INNER journey done in silence, meditation, contemplative prayer, or any TRUE technique that helps you to realize the eternal SELF.
What, then, is the value of non-separation? Because there is no real or lasting peace in constantly being driven by the ego-self and its divisive agendas of self-aggrandizement, because it is antithetical to our true nature. Our real Self.
–Jiddu Krishnamurti
Division and separateness (otherness) - the BIG problem in the world. The problem behind all personal, social and global problems. It is this idea of otherness that needs to be addressed on FIRST the personal level, then social and global levels as well.
Do an experiment - look outside your window and what do you see? I live on the river and see my yard, the river, trees, sky, sun, clouds, birds, and other objects connected to my house. But I still see these things as outside myself, THOUGH in theory, I understand all is One. It is a VERY persuasive illusion or trick the senses and our brain plays on us creating this separateness.
At a personal level, I do still struggle with “others” — and if I am honest with myself, it is because I have my own self-appointed agenda (as do most people) for myself, and still identify with my body, personality, emotions and mind to a degree.
And yes I still find myself battling colleagues, competitors, the cable and phone company...lol, who don’t quite see the world our way. Sound familiar? Well welcome to the world as seen through the Ego!
But the problem exists on much bigger levels then the personal.
Global Divisions -the Big 3
Religion: Many Religions are very divisive, thinking their way is the only way and look upon others as outsiders.
Country: People identify with their Country and see other people in other countries as "other"
Race: People identify with people of their own ethnicity/language and see other people in other countries as "other"
Social Divisions
Too many to name, they are EVERYWHERE from diets (vegan) to politics (this is a biggie) to sports to college groups like fraternities to companies and their competitors to car enthusiasts to wealthy clubs to hundreds and hundreds of groups you can identify yourself with and see an OTHER... For example, vegans see meat eaters as Others... Democrats see Republicans as Other...
Just go to meetup.com and find dozens or hundreds of groups in your area!
Otherness is a disease that is only growing with more and more groups to identify with and see more otherness!
We need to reverse this trend. We can still be apart of these groups, the KEY is just do not identify with any of them.
We need to go from otherness to UNITY/ONENESS. And as we'll see in this module, this is an INNER journey done in silence, meditation, contemplative prayer, or any TRUE technique that helps you to realize the eternal SELF.
What, then, is the value of non-separation? Because there is no real or lasting peace in constantly being driven by the ego-self and its divisive agendas of self-aggrandizement, because it is antithetical to our true nature. Our real Self.

“Who sees the second?” asks Sri Ramana Maharshi, while explaining Advaita, the path of nonduality. “First, the ego arises and sees objects as external. If the ego does not rise, the Self alone exists and there is no second.”
In the very act of seeing a second, the oneness of the Universal Self is breached. But most of us don’t know any other way to be. Othering is the way in which we are conditioned to make sense of the world, a process that begins in infancy when we are taught to identify with a name, parents, family, an identity.
“The sense of separateness is the root cause of misery,” explains Sri Anandamayi Ma, “because it is founded on error, on the conception of duality. This is why the world is called duniya (based on duality).”
To exist in separation, then, when our true nature is nondual, is why we suffer. “The whole world is yours, of your Self, your very own – but you perceive it as separate, just as you see ‘others,’” says Sri Anandamayi Ma. “To know it to be your own gives happiness, but the notion that it is apart from you causes misery. To perceive duality means pain, conflict, struggle and death.”
A radical shift in perception, then, from ‘them’ to ‘us’ , from ‘many’ to ‘one’, and from ‘ego’ to a universal sense of ‘Self’ is the ESSENCE of spirituality and in my opinion what this world NEEDS MOST!!!
In the very act of seeing a second, the oneness of the Universal Self is breached. But most of us don’t know any other way to be. Othering is the way in which we are conditioned to make sense of the world, a process that begins in infancy when we are taught to identify with a name, parents, family, an identity.
“The sense of separateness is the root cause of misery,” explains Sri Anandamayi Ma, “because it is founded on error, on the conception of duality. This is why the world is called duniya (based on duality).”
To exist in separation, then, when our true nature is nondual, is why we suffer. “The whole world is yours, of your Self, your very own – but you perceive it as separate, just as you see ‘others,’” says Sri Anandamayi Ma. “To know it to be your own gives happiness, but the notion that it is apart from you causes misery. To perceive duality means pain, conflict, struggle and death.”
A radical shift in perception, then, from ‘them’ to ‘us’ , from ‘many’ to ‘one’, and from ‘ego’ to a universal sense of ‘Self’ is the ESSENCE of spirituality and in my opinion what this world NEEDS MOST!!!
Hidden Oneness
The quantumly entangled and interconnected Kosmos has a hidden Oneness which contains the deepest truth of all religions, philosophies and yes even science.
The measurement problem in quantum mechanics is PART of the reason we LOSE this quantum oneness and interconnectedness.
The other issue is we are too attached to our sensory mind and do not meditate to still the mind so we can go beyond the illusion of duality and separateness and Realize and Experience the Oneness of the ALL.
True renunciation is giving up the idea of separateness, not things.
The quantumly entangled and interconnected Kosmos has a hidden Oneness which contains the deepest truth of all religions, philosophies and yes even science.
The measurement problem in quantum mechanics is PART of the reason we LOSE this quantum oneness and interconnectedness.
The other issue is we are too attached to our sensory mind and do not meditate to still the mind so we can go beyond the illusion of duality and separateness and Realize and Experience the Oneness of the ALL.
True renunciation is giving up the idea of separateness, not things.
A subtle Life-force infuses, sustains, and unifies our cosmos. The
wholeness of our reality is so complete that we are not separate from
"God" or "Nirvana" or "Brahman" or "Tao" or the countless other
names given to the unnameable presence that pervades the undivided
universe. We don't have to do anything to become a part of the
wholeness of reality—we are already completely at one with it. We are
beings that the universe inhabits as much as we are beings that inhabit
the universe. An appreciation of the unity of existence is not an experience
to be created; rather it is an always-manifesting condition of
our existence waiting to be welcomed into awareness.
“In the gap between subject and object lies the entire misery of humankind.”
–Jiddu Krishnamurti
Resonance with TRUE Self.
The relationship between you and “YOU"(True Self; Tao; Brahman) is not one of separateness but of alignment and resonance. ~Abraham
Although we live in a world of seeming division and multiplicity, the
perennial wisdom is unequivocal in asserting that a profound unity
underlies the appearance of separation. Here are a few examples of
this affirmation of wholeness, which is found in every spiritual tradition,
in every culture, and in every age:
"For those who are awake the cosmos is one."
—Heraclitus, philosopher who lived in ancient Greece
"The flickering film of the phenomenal world is an illusion
which cannot obscure the eternal unity that lies behind it."
—Arnold Toynbee, scholar of the world's civilizations
and religions
"Each element of the cosmos is positively woven from all the
others. . . . The universe holds together, and only one way of
considering it is really possible, that is, to take it as a whole, in
one piece."
—Teilhard de Chardin, Catholic theologian
"Ultimately, the entire universe . . . has to be understood as a
single undivided whole.'"
—David Bohm, physicist
"Heaven and earth and I are of the same root.. . are of one
—Sojo, a monk and scholar from the Zen tradition
"I am in some sense boundless, my being encompassing the
farthest limits of the universe, touching and moving every
atom of existence. The same is true of everything else.... It is
not just that 'we are all in it' together. We all are it, rising and
falling as one living body."
—Francis Cook, a Buddhist scholar, describing how reality
is portrayed in Hua-yen Buddhism
"That which is the finest essence—this whole world has that as
its soul. That is Reality. That is Atman [the individual self].
That art thou.'
—Hindu tradition, Chandogya Upanishad
When Jesus was asked, "When will the kingdom come?" He
replied: "It will not come by waiting for it. . . . Rather, the
Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men
do not see it.'" Jesus also said, ".. . the Kingdom is inside of
you, and it is outside of you."
—Gospel of Thomas, Gnostic Gospels
"The Self is not reached. You are the Self; you are already
—Ramana Maharishi, Hindu sage
"God is nearer to me than I am to myself; He is just as near to
wood and stone, but they do not know it."
—Meister Eckhart, Christian mystic
"The Absolute .. . dwells within the flux of things: stands as it
were at the very threshold of consciousness and knocks, awaiting
the self's slow discovery of her treasures."
—Evelyn Underhill, from her book Mysticism
"Earth's crammed with Heaven, and every common bush afire
with God."
—Elizabeth Barrett Browning, poet
"Not knowing how near Truth is,
People seek it far away—what a pity!
They are like him who, in the midst of water,
Cries in thirst so imploringly."
—Hakuin, from the Zen tradition in Japan
"Like the empty sky it has no boundaries,
Yet it is right HERE, ever serene and clear.
When you seek to attain it, you cannot see it.
You cannot take hold of it,
But neither can you lose it."
—Yung-chia, Zen tradition
"Each being contains in itself the whole intelligible world.
Therefore All is everywhere."
—Plotinus, Neoplatonic philosopher who lived in
ancient Greece
A subtle Life-force infuses, sustains, and unifies our cosmos. The
wholeness of our reality is so complete that we are not separate from
"God" or "Nirvana" or "Brahman" or "Tao" or the countless other
names given to the unnameable presence that pervades the undivided
universe. We don't have to do anything to become a part of the
wholeness of reality—we are already completely at one with it. We are
beings that the universe inhabits as much as we are beings that inhabit
the universe. An appreciation of the unity of existence is not an experience
to be created; rather it is an always-manifesting condition of
our existence waiting to be welcomed into awareness.
“In the gap between subject and object lies the entire misery of humankind.”
–Jiddu Krishnamurti
Resonance with TRUE Self.
The relationship between you and “YOU"(True Self; Tao; Brahman) is not one of separateness but of alignment and resonance. ~Abraham
Although we live in a world of seeming division and multiplicity, the
perennial wisdom is unequivocal in asserting that a profound unity
underlies the appearance of separation. Here are a few examples of
this affirmation of wholeness, which is found in every spiritual tradition,
in every culture, and in every age:
"For those who are awake the cosmos is one."
—Heraclitus, philosopher who lived in ancient Greece
"The flickering film of the phenomenal world is an illusion
which cannot obscure the eternal unity that lies behind it."
—Arnold Toynbee, scholar of the world's civilizations
and religions
"Each element of the cosmos is positively woven from all the
others. . . . The universe holds together, and only one way of
considering it is really possible, that is, to take it as a whole, in
one piece."
—Teilhard de Chardin, Catholic theologian
"Ultimately, the entire universe . . . has to be understood as a
single undivided whole.'"
—David Bohm, physicist
"Heaven and earth and I are of the same root.. . are of one
—Sojo, a monk and scholar from the Zen tradition
"I am in some sense boundless, my being encompassing the
farthest limits of the universe, touching and moving every
atom of existence. The same is true of everything else.... It is
not just that 'we are all in it' together. We all are it, rising and
falling as one living body."
—Francis Cook, a Buddhist scholar, describing how reality
is portrayed in Hua-yen Buddhism
"That which is the finest essence—this whole world has that as
its soul. That is Reality. That is Atman [the individual self].
That art thou.'
—Hindu tradition, Chandogya Upanishad
When Jesus was asked, "When will the kingdom come?" He
replied: "It will not come by waiting for it. . . . Rather, the
Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men
do not see it.'" Jesus also said, ".. . the Kingdom is inside of
you, and it is outside of you."
—Gospel of Thomas, Gnostic Gospels
"The Self is not reached. You are the Self; you are already
—Ramana Maharishi, Hindu sage
"God is nearer to me than I am to myself; He is just as near to
wood and stone, but they do not know it."
—Meister Eckhart, Christian mystic
"The Absolute .. . dwells within the flux of things: stands as it
were at the very threshold of consciousness and knocks, awaiting
the self's slow discovery of her treasures."
—Evelyn Underhill, from her book Mysticism
"Earth's crammed with Heaven, and every common bush afire
with God."
—Elizabeth Barrett Browning, poet
"Not knowing how near Truth is,
People seek it far away—what a pity!
They are like him who, in the midst of water,
Cries in thirst so imploringly."
—Hakuin, from the Zen tradition in Japan
"Like the empty sky it has no boundaries,
Yet it is right HERE, ever serene and clear.
When you seek to attain it, you cannot see it.
You cannot take hold of it,
But neither can you lose it."
—Yung-chia, Zen tradition
"Each being contains in itself the whole intelligible world.
Therefore All is everywhere."
—Plotinus, Neoplatonic philosopher who lived in
ancient Greece
"We emit light in the form of biophotons, and most of these biophotons emerge from the DNA of our mitochondria. These biophotons are an expression of our qi, an intelligent energy force."
Fritz Popp
Fritz Popp
Ways we are all connected
0) Big Bang unifies all space time/ matter energy
1) Sacred Geometry patterns -torus and flower of life especially. Both Fractal.
2) Quantum Physics and Cosmology
a. Entanglement persists
b. Identical Particles
c. Quantum Wave Function - One in space and time… spreads until measurement
d. Fuzziness and Creative Freedom
e. Consciousness and Quantum
f. Field Theories - QFT - Unified Field of Einstein - General Relativity vs Action at a distance
3) Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory - sensitivity to initial conditions, holistic nature of non-linear equations
4) Carbon Based Chemistry
5) BODIES CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER AND EARTH -Our Breath, food and water connects us, especially breathe. We are in a state of inner coming with the earth… Look at winds 150km/hr. Breathe other side of planet 4-5 days… Becoming a flower in Germany.
6) Biological Evolution - We share a common biology - unifies with material evolution of cosmos… (evolution class)
7) Gaia Theory (Biosphere)- Planet is a unified organism - so many cycles of interconnections
8) Global Coherence Initiaitve - Intimate connection we all share with Earths Geomagnetic Field and Schumann
9) Collective Unconsciousness - shared mental frameworks - unity of mind (hardest - so many beliefs).
10) Shared Language structures - postmodernism… Strongly shaped by culture.
Language is Holistic and interconnected - every word needs the entire language to have meaning.
11) Information Age - Internet connecting us like never before … Communications instant.
12) We all wake, dream , deep sleep… Share the same cycles of consciousness, vehicles and energies
13) We progress through the same stages of development
14) Inner reality and out reflections connected. Inner and out one.
15) Spiritual Unity - Wisdom of the Ancients… First understand in theory… Ultimately in practice. Take care of each other
16) Enligtenment - waking up to unity consciousness
Spiritual Evolution -- we are all part of the evolution of the Kosmos
Practices - Physics - Connected Universe Paradigm (Mind), Metaphysics - Comparative Religions, Life and Teaching of Great Saints, Great Minds in Philosophy (mind) Selfless service (Body), Morality (emotions/mind/spirit) , Meditation, Silence, Discipline, Diet ,etc...
17) Immortality and Beyond- We all have potential to be Masters, Adepts, Elder Brothers/Sisters, Initiates - I AM THAT
0) Big Bang unifies all space time/ matter energy
1) Sacred Geometry patterns -torus and flower of life especially. Both Fractal.
2) Quantum Physics and Cosmology
a. Entanglement persists
b. Identical Particles
c. Quantum Wave Function - One in space and time… spreads until measurement
d. Fuzziness and Creative Freedom
e. Consciousness and Quantum
f. Field Theories - QFT - Unified Field of Einstein - General Relativity vs Action at a distance
3) Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory - sensitivity to initial conditions, holistic nature of non-linear equations
4) Carbon Based Chemistry
5) BODIES CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER AND EARTH -Our Breath, food and water connects us, especially breathe. We are in a state of inner coming with the earth… Look at winds 150km/hr. Breathe other side of planet 4-5 days… Becoming a flower in Germany.
6) Biological Evolution - We share a common biology - unifies with material evolution of cosmos… (evolution class)
7) Gaia Theory (Biosphere)- Planet is a unified organism - so many cycles of interconnections
8) Global Coherence Initiaitve - Intimate connection we all share with Earths Geomagnetic Field and Schumann
9) Collective Unconsciousness - shared mental frameworks - unity of mind (hardest - so many beliefs).
10) Shared Language structures - postmodernism… Strongly shaped by culture.
Language is Holistic and interconnected - every word needs the entire language to have meaning.
11) Information Age - Internet connecting us like never before … Communications instant.
12) We all wake, dream , deep sleep… Share the same cycles of consciousness, vehicles and energies
13) We progress through the same stages of development
14) Inner reality and out reflections connected. Inner and out one.
15) Spiritual Unity - Wisdom of the Ancients… First understand in theory… Ultimately in practice. Take care of each other
16) Enligtenment - waking up to unity consciousness
Spiritual Evolution -- we are all part of the evolution of the Kosmos
Practices - Physics - Connected Universe Paradigm (Mind), Metaphysics - Comparative Religions, Life and Teaching of Great Saints, Great Minds in Philosophy (mind) Selfless service (Body), Morality (emotions/mind/spirit) , Meditation, Silence, Discipline, Diet ,etc...
17) Immortality and Beyond- We all have potential to be Masters, Adepts, Elder Brothers/Sisters, Initiates - I AM THAT
Holons - parts and wholes... Toroidal Geometry. Each torus/field is a part of a bigger torus field,
part of a bigger whole, yet it itself has many parts/holons/torus fields within.
part of a bigger whole, yet it itself has many parts/holons/torus fields within.

Lets Now Take a Brief Look at the Holographic Brain and Mind which further Gives Evidence for the Powerful Body-Mind Connection and Opens the Door to the Body-Mind-Universe Connection!
--Holographic Universe---
Pribram along with David Bohm realized that if the holographic brain model was taken to its logical conclusions, it opened the door on the possibility that objective reality the world of coffee cups, mountain vistas, elm trees, and table lamps—might not even exist, or at least not exist in the way we believe it exists. Was it possible, he wondered, that what the mystics had been saying for centuries was true, reality was maya, an illusion, and what was out there was really a vast, resonating symphony of wave forms, a "frequency domain" that was transformed into the world as we know it only after it entered our senses?
Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time: The brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe.
“My brain is only a receiver. In the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” – Nikola Tesla
What is the real function of our brains? Is it the brain tissue itself that creates our intelligence, or is it the electrical and conductive nature of the brain that allows us to connect to intelligence? More or less like a sophisticated antennae, just like Nikola Tesla observed of himself early in the 20th century.
The evidence is finally lining up with ancient spiritual truths from every culture which expressed explicitly that we are divine, and that our true nature is conscious awareness, and that we are merely a fragment of that divine consciousness expressed in physical form.
Maybe we are not actually our bodies but are just operating them.
Spiritual Beings having a human experience.
--Holographic Universe---
Pribram along with David Bohm realized that if the holographic brain model was taken to its logical conclusions, it opened the door on the possibility that objective reality the world of coffee cups, mountain vistas, elm trees, and table lamps—might not even exist, or at least not exist in the way we believe it exists. Was it possible, he wondered, that what the mystics had been saying for centuries was true, reality was maya, an illusion, and what was out there was really a vast, resonating symphony of wave forms, a "frequency domain" that was transformed into the world as we know it only after it entered our senses?
Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time: The brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe.
“My brain is only a receiver. In the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” – Nikola Tesla
What is the real function of our brains? Is it the brain tissue itself that creates our intelligence, or is it the electrical and conductive nature of the brain that allows us to connect to intelligence? More or less like a sophisticated antennae, just like Nikola Tesla observed of himself early in the 20th century.
The evidence is finally lining up with ancient spiritual truths from every culture which expressed explicitly that we are divine, and that our true nature is conscious awareness, and that we are merely a fragment of that divine consciousness expressed in physical form.
Maybe we are not actually our bodies but are just operating them.
Spiritual Beings having a human experience.
Sense perceptions, thoughts and emotions, put them together, mix them up - That's my life. That applies to everybody.The particular mixture differs from person to person, what exactly goes into the sense perceptions and the thoughts and the emotions varies slightly, but that essentially is the mixture.
You cannot escape that, of course that is normal life.
Is there something more?? Sense pereptions, thoughts, emotions.
How do I know I have sense perceptions, thoughts and emotions?
Sense perception, you do not really have to think, you can just look and see.
There IS something else apart from sense perceptions, thoughts and emotions which is an awareness. There is a sense perception, there is a thought, there is an emotion. We could call it pure consciousness. There is something that enables sense perceptions to be there, that enables a thought to be there, that enables an emotion to be there.
That is the one thing in most humans that is hidden, they do not know it is there. That is Presence, which we could also call consciousness, which we could also called awareness.
That is the spiritual dimension, and that is the AWAKENING, once you realize that is there. Also you could describe it is as the space or source for all the other things (thoughts, sense perceptions, and emotions).
Compare room to consciousness... there is furniture and bodies in the room, and other lights... things in this room. Describe room in terms of walls, etc...
The essence of the room is the space in this room. Where it is?
Similarly a space inside of us.
Like a fish in water. Why are you always talking about water, you have not shown it to me yet.
Language limited to describing internal dimensions of who we are.
Consciousness... ja Buddhi - wakefulness
Wakefulness state mind...
Ten people sleeping... people do not wake up the same way.
Different levels of wakefulness.
Dream state... more vivid that wakeful states. Turn off the lights in cinema... Turn world off. Now you start your own world.
More powerful state than wakefulness. Dream more profound than walking on the street.
Dreamless state. No pictures... no words... you are conscious
Turiya - no memory of any kind.
Consciousness is an intelligence beyond memory. Memory is considered a boundary. Also includes genetic, evolutionary and elemental/atomic memory, karmic memory, samskaras, vasanas.
Memory is more than just consciously what we can remember.
Body has perfect memory of body.
Different dimensions of memory playing on a daily basis.
In one word its Karma... The residual impact of ALL the memory that you have. How it is impacting every thought, emotion and action.
There is an intelligence beyond ALL THESE memories, turiya , chitta... This is consciousness.
Every one of us is conscious, the question is only of degree.
How conscious... that is different from person to person.
This degree determines everything.
Soap bubble... mostly air... How big is the bubble. Small amount of soap... Lots of space. When memory bursts, only ONE air...
How big is your bubble...
Experiencing Oneness - Going Beyond Flatland.
=========SCIENTIFIC METHOD Applied to Meditation and Spiritual Experiences============
3 strands to all knowledge to verify
If you want to know if God exists, if a dog exists or the square root of -1 exists.
(eye of mind) Square root -1, (eye of flesh) a dog, (eye of spirit) God?
1) First, there is an injunction or experiment—“if you want to know this, do this.” Activity. if you want to know if the moons of Jupiter are real, you need to look through a telescope; if you want to know if the Pythagorean Theorem is real, you need to learn geometry; if you want to know if God is real, you need to sit on a meditation cushion or take up some other spiritual practice.
2) Second, there is a collection of data, an experience, an apprehension or illumination (evidence, empirical evidence)—actually seeing the moons for yourself; or actually experiencing a state of satori, kensho, enlightenment, etc. Get data, experience or illumination of God (after 4 years). Universal Love, bliss, awareness, ground.
3) Third, (check it to make sure) there is a verification of the data with experts, a “community of the adequate”, who can tell you whether or not your observations were real or just a flight of fancy. Must be capable of being rejected to be called Science (is it falsifiable). Teacher, lineage, community of peers. This is my experience, this is what is happening, is this real.
3 strands to all knowledge to verify
If you want to know if God exists, if a dog exists or the square root of -1 exists.
(eye of mind) Square root -1, (eye of flesh) a dog, (eye of spirit) God?
1) First, there is an injunction or experiment—“if you want to know this, do this.” Activity. if you want to know if the moons of Jupiter are real, you need to look through a telescope; if you want to know if the Pythagorean Theorem is real, you need to learn geometry; if you want to know if God is real, you need to sit on a meditation cushion or take up some other spiritual practice.
2) Second, there is a collection of data, an experience, an apprehension or illumination (evidence, empirical evidence)—actually seeing the moons for yourself; or actually experiencing a state of satori, kensho, enlightenment, etc. Get data, experience or illumination of God (after 4 years). Universal Love, bliss, awareness, ground.
3) Third, (check it to make sure) there is a verification of the data with experts, a “community of the adequate”, who can tell you whether or not your observations were real or just a flight of fancy. Must be capable of being rejected to be called Science (is it falsifiable). Teacher, lineage, community of peers. This is my experience, this is what is happening, is this real.

Scientific View of Monkey Mind
Only way to Nirvana is through the breathe (Buddha)
Action potential for thought or move a muscle… electrical charge needs to reach a certain level. Action potential lowered (low cell voltage) with less CO2 means nerves fire more easily = Monkey mind, restlessness of body and mind. Fight/flight = always looking for danger.
Respiration = reconnecting to spirit literally.
Spiritual growth - more friendly, less thoughts, more relaxed, kind to others.
More on this in Module 8.
Only way to Nirvana is through the breathe (Buddha)
Action potential for thought or move a muscle… electrical charge needs to reach a certain level. Action potential lowered (low cell voltage) with less CO2 means nerves fire more easily = Monkey mind, restlessness of body and mind. Fight/flight = always looking for danger.
Respiration = reconnecting to spirit literally.
Spiritual growth - more friendly, less thoughts, more relaxed, kind to others.
More on this in Module 8.
Start with Heartmath, From the Mind to the Heart, from Heart to God
Individual Coherence
Social Coherence
Global Coherence
Holographic Universal Coherence
Coherence w/God
Coherence/Harmony/Entrainment/Phaselocking/Resonance/Sychronization/Being in Synch
Individual Coherence
Social Coherence
Global Coherence
Holographic Universal Coherence
Coherence w/God
Coherence/Harmony/Entrainment/Phaselocking/Resonance/Sychronization/Being in Synch
ELEMENT SPIRIT - The 8th Element
The Eighth Element that is no element
Eight is Infinity standing up 8.
Infinity is within us WANTING to wake up.
From a Theory of Everything to an Experience of Everything.
Practice Meditation - Counting Breathes
Meditation Diary
Causal Body/Witness / Meditation
Turiya and Turiyatita - Beyond the 3 bodies
Go through above and update...
The Eighth Element that is no element
Eight is Infinity standing up 8.
Infinity is within us WANTING to wake up.
From a Theory of Everything to an Experience of Everything.
Practice Meditation - Counting Breathes
Meditation Diary
Causal Body/Witness / Meditation
Turiya and Turiyatita - Beyond the 3 bodies
Go through above and update...