I. The Holographic Body-Mind Connection - Introduction
II. The POWER of Beliefs - The Observer Effect in Physics and The Placebo Effect in Medicine
III. Mastering Your Mind Create Health & Happiness- 10 Practical Tips to Think More Positively and Love Live More Fully
I. The Holographic Body-Mind Connection - Introduction
II. The POWER of Beliefs - The Observer Effect in Physics and The Placebo Effect in Medicine
III. Mastering Your Mind Create Health & Happiness- 10 Practical Tips to Think More Positively and Love Live More Fully
Mysteries of the Mind Better Understood from a Holographic Biofield & Energetic Perspective
Consciousness, Mortality & Aging, Nature vs Nature, Memories, Dreams.... These are just a few of the MANY mysteries of the Human Mind that have puzzled philosophers and Scientists for centuries, perhaps millennia. In this video we'll some shed light on these profound mysteries by using our Biofield & Energetic/Holographic Perspective of the Human Body we developed in Video #1 and give practical and empowering tips and strategies which will enable you to tap into the tremendous power of your mind to create REAL Health and Happiness.
Simply put, we'll see a positive mindset improves your physical, energetic, emotional and psychological health, helps you be more successful in work, relationships, and creative endeavors, and overall makes life more enjoyable, meaningful, and yes even MORE FUN!
Consciousness, Mortality & Aging, Nature vs Nature, Memories, Dreams.... These are just a few of the MANY mysteries of the Human Mind that have puzzled philosophers and Scientists for centuries, perhaps millennia. In this video we'll some shed light on these profound mysteries by using our Biofield & Energetic/Holographic Perspective of the Human Body we developed in Video #1 and give practical and empowering tips and strategies which will enable you to tap into the tremendous power of your mind to create REAL Health and Happiness.
Simply put, we'll see a positive mindset improves your physical, energetic, emotional and psychological health, helps you be more successful in work, relationships, and creative endeavors, and overall makes life more enjoyable, meaningful, and yes even MORE FUN!
I. The Holographic Body-Mind Connection

The Human Brain weighs about 3 Pounds, which is 2% of a person's weight, contains 400 miles of Capillaries, and consumes as much as 25 percent of our body’s Oxygen, burns 20% of our total Calories each day, with Glucose being the main energy source for the brain that runs on around 12 watts of power, which is a fifth of the power required by a standard 60 watt light bulb.
There are 86 Billion Microscopic Neurons in constant Synaptic communication, making 10 quadrillion calculations every second. Each neuron is like a tiny fractal branching tree, whose limbs reach out and touch other neurons making between 5,000 and 10,000 connections with other neurons, that’s more than 500 trillion connections performing a dazzling array of complex mental processes every second.
There are 86 Billion Microscopic Neurons in constant Synaptic communication, making 10 quadrillion calculations every second. Each neuron is like a tiny fractal branching tree, whose limbs reach out and touch other neurons making between 5,000 and 10,000 connections with other neurons, that’s more than 500 trillion connections performing a dazzling array of complex mental processes every second.

This fractal or self similar structure leads to the main point of this section.
The human brain and mind is holographic, fractal, radically interconnected and wholeistic.
REVIEW: Bifurcation, simply put, is splitting one main body into two or more parts. A highway that turns into two sections going in opposite directions is a bifurcation in the road.
When you iterate this bifurcation over and over you get a self-similar fractal branching network.
The human brain and mind is holographic, fractal, radically interconnected and wholeistic.
REVIEW: Bifurcation, simply put, is splitting one main body into two or more parts. A highway that turns into two sections going in opposite directions is a bifurcation in the road.
When you iterate this bifurcation over and over you get a self-similar fractal branching network.
Research has shown that the mind is not only Fractal but radically Holistic and Holographic!
Let's take a brief look at the holographic mind...
Each memory a person had, such as the memory of the last time you saw your grandmother, or the memory of the fragrance of a gardenia you sniffed when you were sixteen, was believed to have a specific location somewhere in the brain cells. Such memory traces were called engrams .
Karl Lashley (1950) began searching for the elusive engrams. He had trained rats in maze-running abilities and then attempted to surgically remove the portion of the rat's brains that contained the maze-running knowledge. Lashley found that no matter what portion of the brain he removed, the rats retained their maze-running knowledge. Even when massive portions of the brain were removed, the rats were still able to navigate through the maze.
Let's take a brief look at the holographic mind...
Each memory a person had, such as the memory of the last time you saw your grandmother, or the memory of the fragrance of a gardenia you sniffed when you were sixteen, was believed to have a specific location somewhere in the brain cells. Such memory traces were called engrams .
Karl Lashley (1950) began searching for the elusive engrams. He had trained rats in maze-running abilities and then attempted to surgically remove the portion of the rat's brains that contained the maze-running knowledge. Lashley found that no matter what portion of the brain he removed, the rats retained their maze-running knowledge. Even when massive portions of the brain were removed, the rats were still able to navigate through the maze.

Karl Pribram (1969) was astonished by Lashley's research.
If memories possessed specific locations in the brain in the same way that books possess specific locations on library shelves, why didn't Lashley's surgical plunderings have any effect on them?
Pribram noticed that when brain-injured patients had large sections of their brain removed, they did not suffer a loss of any specific memories. Instead, the patient's memory became increasingly hazy as greater portions of the brain were removed.
Pribram (1977) came to the conclusion that memories are not localized in any specific brain cells, but rather, memory seemed to be distribution throughout the whole brain in a way that was identical to how holograms worked.
If memories possessed specific locations in the brain in the same way that books possess specific locations on library shelves, why didn't Lashley's surgical plunderings have any effect on them?
Pribram noticed that when brain-injured patients had large sections of their brain removed, they did not suffer a loss of any specific memories. Instead, the patient's memory became increasingly hazy as greater portions of the brain were removed.
Pribram (1977) came to the conclusion that memories are not localized in any specific brain cells, but rather, memory seemed to be distribution throughout the whole brain in a way that was identical to how holograms worked.

A hologram is produced when a single laser light is split into two separate beams. The first beam is bounced off the object to be photographed, in this case an apple. Then the second beam is allowed to collide with the reflected light of the first, and the resulting interference pattern is recorded on film.
The three-dimensionality of a hologram is often so eerily convincing that you can actually walk around it and view it from different angles. But if you reach out and try to touch it, your hand will waft right through it.
Unlike normal photographs, every small fragment of a piece of holographic film contains all the information recorded in the whole.
As you cut the hologram into smaller and smaller pieces the apple is always there (but it does becomes fuzzier and fuzzier). This is similar to memory when people lose a part of their brain.
This was precisely the feature that got Pribram so excited, for it offered at last a way of understanding how memories could be distributed rather than localized in the brain. If it was possible for every portion of a piece of holographic film to contain all the information necessary to create a whole image, then it seemed equally possible for every part of the brain to contain all of the information necessary to recall a whole memory.
The fact that the body, brain and mind are operate holographically, in an interconnected, fractal and self similar way makes not only memories, but the Body-Mind connection easier to understand.
The three-dimensionality of a hologram is often so eerily convincing that you can actually walk around it and view it from different angles. But if you reach out and try to touch it, your hand will waft right through it.
Unlike normal photographs, every small fragment of a piece of holographic film contains all the information recorded in the whole.
As you cut the hologram into smaller and smaller pieces the apple is always there (but it does becomes fuzzier and fuzzier). This is similar to memory when people lose a part of their brain.
This was precisely the feature that got Pribram so excited, for it offered at last a way of understanding how memories could be distributed rather than localized in the brain. If it was possible for every portion of a piece of holographic film to contain all the information necessary to create a whole image, then it seemed equally possible for every part of the brain to contain all of the information necessary to recall a whole memory.
The fact that the body, brain and mind are operate holographically, in an interconnected, fractal and self similar way makes not only memories, but the Body-Mind connection easier to understand.

The Quantum Mind
What’s a Quantum? There are many theories around quantum. Specifically, quantum mechanics states that we each have a multitude of optional realities within our experiential data stream. We select our specific reality based on our individual experiences, learnings, focus and expectations. No two of us have the same mindware, so no two of us select the same exact reality.
Then What is Reality?
Quantum biologists report that we each take in over 11,000,000 bits/second of information from our senses. Our unconscious minds then select ~ 126 bits/second, or .00001222 of the potential information, to pass on to our conscious mind for processing.
Now think about all the other potential realities in the 10,999,874 bits/second of data we choose not to use. Hmmm...
Our minds are quantum computers in action. Out of a vast array of optional realities, we select our reality based on what’s a) expected b) familiar and c) comfortable. We select that reality based on a three step process of deletion, distortion and generalization. No two of us will select the same reality, even if we’re experiencing the exact same data. That’s because no two of us have the same mindware programs that guide our unconscious 3-step data processing.
Change Your Mind, Change Your Reality
Have you ever noticed that when you wake up grumpy, negative things tend to fill your day? When you wake up positive, good things tend to happen? Or you start out happy, then something upsets you and your day’s events change?
That’s your unconscious mind selecting the reality that matches your current programs, focus and expectations.
What if by changing our mindware programs we can and will change our reality?
Guess what. It really is that simple. Any one of us can do just that!
Here are a three of ways to begin shifting your own reality. Practice them for a month and then - I’d love to hear about the changes in your life!
What’s a Quantum? There are many theories around quantum. Specifically, quantum mechanics states that we each have a multitude of optional realities within our experiential data stream. We select our specific reality based on our individual experiences, learnings, focus and expectations. No two of us have the same mindware, so no two of us select the same exact reality.
Then What is Reality?
Quantum biologists report that we each take in over 11,000,000 bits/second of information from our senses. Our unconscious minds then select ~ 126 bits/second, or .00001222 of the potential information, to pass on to our conscious mind for processing.
Now think about all the other potential realities in the 10,999,874 bits/second of data we choose not to use. Hmmm...
Our minds are quantum computers in action. Out of a vast array of optional realities, we select our reality based on what’s a) expected b) familiar and c) comfortable. We select that reality based on a three step process of deletion, distortion and generalization. No two of us will select the same reality, even if we’re experiencing the exact same data. That’s because no two of us have the same mindware programs that guide our unconscious 3-step data processing.
Change Your Mind, Change Your Reality
Have you ever noticed that when you wake up grumpy, negative things tend to fill your day? When you wake up positive, good things tend to happen? Or you start out happy, then something upsets you and your day’s events change?
That’s your unconscious mind selecting the reality that matches your current programs, focus and expectations.
What if by changing our mindware programs we can and will change our reality?
Guess what. It really is that simple. Any one of us can do just that!
Here are a three of ways to begin shifting your own reality. Practice them for a month and then - I’d love to hear about the changes in your life!
- Say and Think What you Want. Your unconscious mind doesn’t process negatives. So when you think or say, “I can’t fail this test,” your mind hears, “Fail this test.” Whenever you catch yourself thinking about the negative - switch to the positive of what you do want. Then, watch the world change.
- Shuffle the Deck. Our unconscious mind loves patterns. That’s because it can stop seeing what’s really there and simply pick what it expects in the pattern. So change the way you look at information. Reformat that class worksheet, use a different style of bar chart. Before you assume someone is being less than supportive of your idea, shift into the other person’s perspective and ask yourself what else they might mean by their statement. These shifts force your unconscious mind to really evaluate the new information or perspective - and your impressions will change.
- Instead of making statements, ask questions! Statements trigger your unconscious mind to focus on the subject of the statement, evaluating it with respect to your mindware programs. That limits your information and keeps you stuck in the same reality. The simple process of questioning activates your conscious mind. Once there, you’ll activate creative and innovative thinking, and new choices and opportunities will come into your awareness.
Body-Mind Connection Begins with YOUR THOUGHTS!!!

The holographic model of the mind and reality, the placebo effect, science of psychoneuroimmunology and new breakthroughs in epigenetics and many other fields are proving that the overall health of our bodies lies primarily within the power of our minds and emotions.
All of your thoughts create neuropeptides, and if a sufficient feeling or emotion adds to those thoughts, you will produce hormones and a biochemical cascade of good or ill occurs depending on the originating thought and emotion. Simply put, happy thoughts create happy neuropeptides and hormones; angry thoughts create angry ones.
Every cell in your body has neuropeptide receptors (again proof of holographic BODY-MIND). The immune cells protect you from infections and disease. They are constantly listening to your internal dialogue. The immune system is a “circulating” nervous system. The immune cells produce the same peptides the brain makes when it processes thought.
This is the case everywhere else in the body. When scientists look at stomach cells and colon cells, they find the same things going on. When you say a “gut feeling”, you are not speaking metaphorically but literally. That’s because your gut makes the same chemicals your brain makes. Your gut feeling may be more accurate because your gut cells haven’t yet evolved to the stage of self-doubt. This is the essence of the body-mind connection.
Separating the body from the mind is artificial as the two are intimately connected in one body-mind within your BIOFIELD. Your overall attitude, mood, thoughts, and feelings powerfully influence your body.
All of your thoughts create neuropeptides, and if a sufficient feeling or emotion adds to those thoughts, you will produce hormones and a biochemical cascade of good or ill occurs depending on the originating thought and emotion. Simply put, happy thoughts create happy neuropeptides and hormones; angry thoughts create angry ones.
Every cell in your body has neuropeptide receptors (again proof of holographic BODY-MIND). The immune cells protect you from infections and disease. They are constantly listening to your internal dialogue. The immune system is a “circulating” nervous system. The immune cells produce the same peptides the brain makes when it processes thought.
This is the case everywhere else in the body. When scientists look at stomach cells and colon cells, they find the same things going on. When you say a “gut feeling”, you are not speaking metaphorically but literally. That’s because your gut makes the same chemicals your brain makes. Your gut feeling may be more accurate because your gut cells haven’t yet evolved to the stage of self-doubt. This is the essence of the body-mind connection.
Separating the body from the mind is artificial as the two are intimately connected in one body-mind within your BIOFIELD. Your overall attitude, mood, thoughts, and feelings powerfully influence your body.
Visual Research on the Body-Mind Connection.

A team of scientists in Finland has used a topographical self-reported method to reveal the effects that different emotional states have on bodily sensations. After five experiments and over 700 participants from Finland, Sweden and Taiwan, who reported where on their bodies they felt different emotions, the scientists discovered surprising consistencies. Their research findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:
Bodily topography of basic (Upper) and nonbasic (Lower) emotions associated with Words. The body maps show regions whose activation increased (warm colors) or decreased (cool colors) when feeling each emotion.
Notice the Positive Thought of Happiness Lights Up the Whole Biofield. Perhaps Positive Thinking is as Easy as Saying the Word "Happiness".
Bodily topography of basic (Upper) and nonbasic (Lower) emotions associated with Words. The body maps show regions whose activation increased (warm colors) or decreased (cool colors) when feeling each emotion.
Notice the Positive Thought of Happiness Lights Up the Whole Biofield. Perhaps Positive Thinking is as Easy as Saying the Word "Happiness".
Thoughts are THINGS = ThoughtForms in Biofield
Positive Thoughts/thoughtforms are things as we showed in module 1 and positive thoughts are like superchargers for our biofield.
So it is important to ADD that along with good food, water, sunlight, oxygen, PEMF and movement/posture (and sleep), THOUGHTS have a POWERFUL impact (if not THE MOST powerful impact) on the energy and glow of our biofield!
Positive Thoughts/thoughtforms are things as we showed in module 1 and positive thoughts are like superchargers for our biofield.
So it is important to ADD that along with good food, water, sunlight, oxygen, PEMF and movement/posture (and sleep), THOUGHTS have a POWERFUL impact (if not THE MOST powerful impact) on the energy and glow of our biofield!

The chart below by heartmath shows how different positive and negative emotions STEMMING from positive and negative thoughts and beliefs. have characteristic frequencies and energies.
It shows the relationship between HRV patterns (which include both heart rate and rhythm) and different thoughts and emotional states.
Positive thoughts and emotions are associated with physiological coherence and negative emotions with incoherence.
It shows the relationship between HRV patterns (which include both heart rate and rhythm) and different thoughts and emotional states.
Positive thoughts and emotions are associated with physiological coherence and negative emotions with incoherence.

Coherence in your body is when you heart, mind, emotions and physical systems are operating in sync and resonating in a harmonious cooperative alignment.
Coherence refers to wholeness and global order, connectedness and cohesion, and allows for greater available energy and more efficient use of energy = a brighter and more positive and energetic biofield!!
Coherence refers to wholeness and global order, connectedness and cohesion, and allows for greater available energy and more efficient use of energy = a brighter and more positive and energetic biofield!!

Also, there is increased synchronization between the activity of the heart, brain and body which very vividly shows the biology of the Body Mind Connection and the importance of positve thoughts and emotions in creating order, coherence, harmony and health.
Incoherence = Negative Thoughts/Beliefs = Negative Emotions = Imbalanced, Dark, Fractionated Biofield = Ill Health
Disease begins in the Mind & biofield and manifests physically. |
Coherence = Positive Thoughts/Beliefs = Positive Emotions = Balanced, Bright, And Cohesive Biofield = Vibrant Health
Health Begins in the Mind and Biofield and Manifests Physically. |

Seeing that our Mind not only extends into our entire body and biofield but ALSO into the entire Universe (More On this in Module 10 on Spirit) opens the door to really appreciating How Powerful Our Mind and Conscious Awareness is at Creating our Reality in both our bodily health and the life that we experience all around us.
2. The POWER of Beliefs
The Oberver Effect in Physics and The Placebo Effect in Medicine
The Oberver Effect in Physics and The Placebo Effect in Medicine

Observer Effect and Creating Our Reality!
Most people have heard of the strange property of electrons in an atom. The electrons are like a series of circular waves pulsating around the nucleus, occupying all possible positions at once, rather like ripples spreading out from a stone thrown into water. Only when a conscious observer tries to measure their position do they feel obliged to adopt one.
Another analogy is that of a swarm of quantum bees (think of electrons for example as bees), that are all actually the same bee, until you try and focus on one. Once you decide to look at ONE, the whole swarm collapses to that choice (this is just a metaphor to visualize collapse of wavefunction).
Most people have heard of the strange property of electrons in an atom. The electrons are like a series of circular waves pulsating around the nucleus, occupying all possible positions at once, rather like ripples spreading out from a stone thrown into water. Only when a conscious observer tries to measure their position do they feel obliged to adopt one.
Another analogy is that of a swarm of quantum bees (think of electrons for example as bees), that are all actually the same bee, until you try and focus on one. Once you decide to look at ONE, the whole swarm collapses to that choice (this is just a metaphor to visualize collapse of wavefunction).
The Observer Effect In Quantum Mechanics States
And Here is the Punchline:
A Conscious Observer is Moment By Moment Creating His/Her Own Reality!!
***Note: We "choose" not from our ego consciousness, but from a unitive consciousness, call it a cosmic quantum consciousness.
This unitive consciousness is the agent of downward causation. It is the agent of psychological transformation in transpersonal psychology AND the agent of spontaneous healing (quantum healing) w/o medical interaction.
- For anything to manifest in the physical Universe it should first, be observed.
- The Act of observation cannot occur without the pre-existence of consciousness.
- The Observer Effect clearly implies that the physical universe is the DIRECT RESULT OF CONSCIOUSNESS
And Here is the Punchline:
A Conscious Observer is Moment By Moment Creating His/Her Own Reality!!
***Note: We "choose" not from our ego consciousness, but from a unitive consciousness, call it a cosmic quantum consciousness.
This unitive consciousness is the agent of downward causation. It is the agent of psychological transformation in transpersonal psychology AND the agent of spontaneous healing (quantum healing) w/o medical interaction.
Let us now look at the Observer Effect applied to Medicine... That is how we create our Biological Reality with Our Thoughts and Beliefs.... This is Known as the Placebo (or Nocebo) effect.
The Placebo Effect - The POWER of the Mind

Greatest Medical Discovery EVER - The Placebo Effect
Every medical student learns, at least in passing, that the mind can affect the body. They learn that some people get better when they believe (falsely) they are getting medicine. When patients get better by ingesting a sugar pill, medicine defines it as the placebo effect.
Bruce Lipton, author of Biology of Belief, calls it the "belief effect" to stress that our perceptions, whether they are accurate or inaccurate, equally impact our behavior and our bodies.
Every medical student learns, at least in passing, that the mind can affect the body. They learn that some people get better when they believe (falsely) they are getting medicine. When patients get better by ingesting a sugar pill, medicine defines it as the placebo effect.
Bruce Lipton, author of Biology of Belief, calls it the "belief effect" to stress that our perceptions, whether they are accurate or inaccurate, equally impact our behavior and our bodies.

The Placebo effect is the observer affect taking to the larger scope of macroscopic quantum biology. As I have hinted at in this course, the human body is much more Quantum then Newtonian, and exhibits large scale quantum coherence (rife with entanglement and superpositions).
However you PERCEIVE and BELIEVE your health to be, you collapse your Biofield Wavefunction to that STATE of being!!
However you PERCEIVE and BELIEVE your health to be, you collapse your Biofield Wavefunction to that STATE of being!!

Unfortunately, the “all in their minds” placebo effect has been linked by traditional medicine to, at worst, quacks or, at best, weak, suggestible patients. The placebo effect is quickly glossed over in medical schools so that students can get to the real tools of modern medicine like drugs and surgery.
But the Placebo effect is not a theory, it is a well proven fact!! If you believe something will work, it will work in a more positive manner than being indifferent or not believing! For example, according to one research study, the placebo effect is 56% as powerful as morphine at quelling pain. The placebo effect is why double blind studies are done to prove the efficacy of drugs, supplements, etc., because you need to rule out the positive benefit of the belief in a treatment.
Studies have shown the placebo effect to be powerful in treating other diseases, including asthma and Parkinson’s. But virtually every possible disease can be treated effectively with a placebo. In the treatment of depression, placebos are rockstars. So much so that psychiatrist Walter Brown of the Brown University School of Medicine has proposed placebo pills as the first treatment for patients with mild or moderate depression. (Brown 1998) Patients would be told that they’re getting a remedy with no active ingredient, but that shouldn’t dampen the pills’ effectiveness. Studies suggest that even when people know they’re not getting a drug, the placebo pills still work.
But the Placebo effect is not a theory, it is a well proven fact!! If you believe something will work, it will work in a more positive manner than being indifferent or not believing! For example, according to one research study, the placebo effect is 56% as powerful as morphine at quelling pain. The placebo effect is why double blind studies are done to prove the efficacy of drugs, supplements, etc., because you need to rule out the positive benefit of the belief in a treatment.
Studies have shown the placebo effect to be powerful in treating other diseases, including asthma and Parkinson’s. But virtually every possible disease can be treated effectively with a placebo. In the treatment of depression, placebos are rockstars. So much so that psychiatrist Walter Brown of the Brown University School of Medicine has proposed placebo pills as the first treatment for patients with mild or moderate depression. (Brown 1998) Patients would be told that they’re getting a remedy with no active ingredient, but that shouldn’t dampen the pills’ effectiveness. Studies suggest that even when people know they’re not getting a drug, the placebo pills still work.

Placebo Surgery?
A Baylor School of Medicine study evaluated surgery for patients with severe, debilitating knee pain. The lead author Dr. Bruce Moseley, “knew” that knee surgery helped his patients:
But Moseley was trying to figure out which part of the surgery was giving his patients relief.
The patients in the study were divided into three groups. Moseley shaved the damaged cartilage in the knee of one group. For another group, he flushed out the knee joint, removing material thought to be causing the inflammatory effect. The third group got “fake” surgery. The patient was sedated, Moseley made three standard incisions and then talked and acted just as he would have during a real surgery—he even splashed salt water to simulate the sound of the knee-washing procedure. Moseley sewed up the incisions as if he had done the surgery. All three groups were prescribed the same postoperative care, which included an exercise program.
The results were shocking. Yes, the groups who received surgery, as expected, improved. But the placebo group improved just as much as the other two groups!
Television news programs graphically illustrated the stunning results. Footage showed members of the placebo group walking and playing basketball, in short doing things they reported they could not do before their “surgery.” The placebo patients didn’t find out for two years that they had gotten fake surgery.
One member of the placebo group, Tim Perez, who had to walk with a cane before the surgery, is now able to play basketball with his grandchildren. He summed up the theme of this book when he told the Discovery Health Channel: “In this world anything is possible when you put your mind to it. I know that your mind can work miracles.”
A Baylor School of Medicine study evaluated surgery for patients with severe, debilitating knee pain. The lead author Dr. Bruce Moseley, “knew” that knee surgery helped his patients:
But Moseley was trying to figure out which part of the surgery was giving his patients relief.
The patients in the study were divided into three groups. Moseley shaved the damaged cartilage in the knee of one group. For another group, he flushed out the knee joint, removing material thought to be causing the inflammatory effect. The third group got “fake” surgery. The patient was sedated, Moseley made three standard incisions and then talked and acted just as he would have during a real surgery—he even splashed salt water to simulate the sound of the knee-washing procedure. Moseley sewed up the incisions as if he had done the surgery. All three groups were prescribed the same postoperative care, which included an exercise program.
The results were shocking. Yes, the groups who received surgery, as expected, improved. But the placebo group improved just as much as the other two groups!
Television news programs graphically illustrated the stunning results. Footage showed members of the placebo group walking and playing basketball, in short doing things they reported they could not do before their “surgery.” The placebo patients didn’t find out for two years that they had gotten fake surgery.
One member of the placebo group, Tim Perez, who had to walk with a cane before the surgery, is now able to play basketball with his grandchildren. He summed up the theme of this book when he told the Discovery Health Channel: “In this world anything is possible when you put your mind to it. I know that your mind can work miracles.”
Nocebo - Opposite of Placebo - Using the Mind to Make Yourself Sick

Nocebo Effect
In medicine, the nocebo effect can be as powerful as the placebo effect, a fact you should keep in mind every time you step into a doctor’s office. By their words and their demeanor, physicians can convey hope-deflating messages to their patients, messages that are, I believe, completely unwarranted.
True Story - Customer of mine had a mother that was told she has 3 months to live, and died 3 months to the day.
In medicine, the nocebo effect can be as powerful as the placebo effect, a fact you should keep in mind every time you step into a doctor’s office. By their words and their demeanor, physicians can convey hope-deflating messages to their patients, messages that are, I believe, completely unwarranted.
True Story - Customer of mine had a mother that was told she has 3 months to live, and died 3 months to the day.

The Biology Of Belief - A Brief Survey of the Science of Epigenetics
Genes are not controlling our biology!
—Dr. Bruce Lipton
One of the hottest topics in health today is the emerging science of epigenetics, which is the study of the complex interactions of genes and the environment’s impact and thoughts/beliefs on human development.
We’ve been taught in school (incorrectly) that our health and biology are determined solely by our genes. What the cutting-edge research of epigenetics demonstrates is how our thoughts and our environment have a powerful influence on our health and can actually activate chemical switches in the body that regulate gene expression. This gives a cellular mechanism for the placebo effect and further confirms that our thoughts and beliefs (and our environment) DO directly influence our Cells and DNA.
Studies have now been done with adopted children who are brought into a family with a history of cancer. The startling discovery is that the adopted children have the same probability as the natural born children to develop cancer. What IS passed on is not the genetics for cancer, but rather perceptions, beliefs, habits, and other attributes of the family.
We (our Body, Mind and Biofield) become literally a reflection of our thoughts, beliefs and environment (elements of health) and modern science HAS proved this!
Genes are not controlling our biology!
—Dr. Bruce Lipton
One of the hottest topics in health today is the emerging science of epigenetics, which is the study of the complex interactions of genes and the environment’s impact and thoughts/beliefs on human development.
We’ve been taught in school (incorrectly) that our health and biology are determined solely by our genes. What the cutting-edge research of epigenetics demonstrates is how our thoughts and our environment have a powerful influence on our health and can actually activate chemical switches in the body that regulate gene expression. This gives a cellular mechanism for the placebo effect and further confirms that our thoughts and beliefs (and our environment) DO directly influence our Cells and DNA.
Studies have now been done with adopted children who are brought into a family with a history of cancer. The startling discovery is that the adopted children have the same probability as the natural born children to develop cancer. What IS passed on is not the genetics for cancer, but rather perceptions, beliefs, habits, and other attributes of the family.
We (our Body, Mind and Biofield) become literally a reflection of our thoughts, beliefs and environment (elements of health) and modern science HAS proved this!
III. The Top 10 Tips to Thinking More Positively,
So you can live a life of Ever Increasing Health, Happiness & Abundance!!!
So you can live a life of Ever Increasing Health, Happiness & Abundance!!!
The “power of positive thinking” is a popular concept, and sometimes it can feel a little cliché. But the physical and mental benefits of positive thinking have been demonstrated by hundreds of scientific studies. Positive thinking can give you more confidence, improve your mood, and even reduce the likelihood of developing conditions such as hypertension, depression and other stress-related disorders. And from an energy medicine perspective, positive thinking helps to produce positive hormones and neuropeptides that BOOST the harmony, coherence and brilliance of your Biofield!
Here are my top 10 tips to thinking more Positively!!
Here are my top 10 tips to thinking more Positively!!
1. PEMF = Positive Thinking/Relaxation/Happy Hormones ==> Yes!!
Endorphins, Serotonin, Dopamine
Endorphins, Serotonin, Dopamine
[Stress Reduction, Anxiety & Depression] Psychological and Cognitive Function/Stress/Antispasm/Relaxation
We have seen how PEMF works in MANY ways to improve the Energy of your biofield, body, organs, tissues and cells.
But PEMF ALSO works directly on your brain and central nervous system to help elevate your mood and help you be more happy and positive.
And perhaps most importantly PEMF induces the "Relaxation Response" in your body and helps to remove stress.
Stress (and associated depression from being chronically overstressed) is probably the greatest robber to our health and happiness and PEMF helps with Stress in very specific ways.
PEMF Helps with Stress in MANY ways
PEMFs have been shown to have a dramatic effect on anxiety and depression in both chronic and acute forms.
There is substantial research that PEMFs benefit mood disorders.
PEMF helps to increase endorphins and other happiness hormones/neurotransmitters and elevate your mood. Natural cure for depression. Similar to a "Runners High".
Earth based PEMF like the iMRS 2000 is in my opinion, hands down the best of the best of energy medicine for not only energizing your physical body and biofield, but these earth frequencies also harmonize your mind and emotions so you will be more relaxed, peaceful and creative, which produces positive hormones and neuropeptides. This helps YOU to be happier and more at peace so you can better handle all the stresses that life throws your way.
We have seen how PEMF works in MANY ways to improve the Energy of your biofield, body, organs, tissues and cells.
But PEMF ALSO works directly on your brain and central nervous system to help elevate your mood and help you be more happy and positive.
And perhaps most importantly PEMF induces the "Relaxation Response" in your body and helps to remove stress.
Stress (and associated depression from being chronically overstressed) is probably the greatest robber to our health and happiness and PEMF helps with Stress in very specific ways.
PEMF Helps with Stress in MANY ways
- reduces the brains reaction to stress by helping with relaxation.
- The heart rate and blood pressure decrease which makes the body less reactive to stress hormones
- PEMF activates the parasympathetic system which is the rest, digest and repair aspect of the nervous system.
- PEMF reduces stress hormones such as Cortisol... And More!!
PEMFs have been shown to have a dramatic effect on anxiety and depression in both chronic and acute forms.
There is substantial research that PEMFs benefit mood disorders.
PEMF helps to increase endorphins and other happiness hormones/neurotransmitters and elevate your mood. Natural cure for depression. Similar to a "Runners High".
Earth based PEMF like the iMRS 2000 is in my opinion, hands down the best of the best of energy medicine for not only energizing your physical body and biofield, but these earth frequencies also harmonize your mind and emotions so you will be more relaxed, peaceful and creative, which produces positive hormones and neuropeptides. This helps YOU to be happier and more at peace so you can better handle all the stresses that life throws your way.
2. Start the day with positive affirmation, meditation, positive uplifting books!
“Today will be a good day” or “I’m going to be awesome today.” You’ll be amazed how much your day improves.
Get a positive start to your day.
Even better spend time meditating and reading spiritual books first thing ALONG with positive affirmations.
The first few things you do in the morning often set the tone for your whole day.
If you get off to a negative or pessimistic start then it can be quite hard to shake those feelings or perspective.
More on meditation in the next module BUT
╰ ☆ ╮25 of the Best Positive Affirmations ╰ ☆ ╮
(Please share your favorite affirmation(s) in comments).
1. Wonderful things always happen to me, therefore I always expect wonderful things to happen!
2. Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.
3. My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.
4. My efforts are being supported by the universe; my dreams manifest into reality before my eyes.
5. I am love. I am purpose. I was made with divine intention
6. I don’t sweat the small stuff
7. I can. I will. End of story
8. I am adventurous. I overcome fears by following my dreams
9. I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind. It’s my time.
10. I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.
11. I am my own superhero.
12. I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.
13. I deserve the best and I accept the best NOW!
14. Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas.
15. My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite.
16. My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful with prosperity.
17. Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones.
18. I have been given endless talents which I begin to utilize today.
19. My obstacles are moving out of my way; my path is carved towards greatness.
20. I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.
21. My nature is Divine; I am a spiritual being.
22. I AM the great Opulence of God made visible in my use right now and continuously.
23. I AM the strength, the courage, the power to move forward steadily, through all experiences, whatever they may be; and remain joyous and uplifted, filled with peace and harmony at all times, by the Glorious Presence, which I AM!
24. I AM the Mighty Electronic Energy flowing through, filling and renewing every cell of my mind and body, right now.
I AM Inexhaustible Energy!
I AM Irresistible Divine Love!
I AM Indestructible Health!
I AM Inescapable Prosperity!
I AM Invincible Protection!
“Today will be a good day” or “I’m going to be awesome today.” You’ll be amazed how much your day improves.
Get a positive start to your day.
Even better spend time meditating and reading spiritual books first thing ALONG with positive affirmations.
The first few things you do in the morning often set the tone for your whole day.
If you get off to a negative or pessimistic start then it can be quite hard to shake those feelings or perspective.
More on meditation in the next module BUT
╰ ☆ ╮25 of the Best Positive Affirmations ╰ ☆ ╮
(Please share your favorite affirmation(s) in comments).
1. Wonderful things always happen to me, therefore I always expect wonderful things to happen!
2. Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.
3. My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.
4. My efforts are being supported by the universe; my dreams manifest into reality before my eyes.
5. I am love. I am purpose. I was made with divine intention
6. I don’t sweat the small stuff
7. I can. I will. End of story
8. I am adventurous. I overcome fears by following my dreams
9. I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind. It’s my time.
10. I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.
11. I am my own superhero.
12. I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.
13. I deserve the best and I accept the best NOW!
14. Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas.
15. My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite.
16. My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful with prosperity.
17. Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones.
18. I have been given endless talents which I begin to utilize today.
19. My obstacles are moving out of my way; my path is carved towards greatness.
20. I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.
21. My nature is Divine; I am a spiritual being.
22. I AM the great Opulence of God made visible in my use right now and continuously.
23. I AM the strength, the courage, the power to move forward steadily, through all experiences, whatever they may be; and remain joyous and uplifted, filled with peace and harmony at all times, by the Glorious Presence, which I AM!
24. I AM the Mighty Electronic Energy flowing through, filling and renewing every cell of my mind and body, right now.
I AM Inexhaustible Energy!
I AM Irresistible Divine Love!
I AM Indestructible Health!
I AM Inescapable Prosperity!
I AM Invincible Protection!
3. Focus on the present. Meditate more
All Happiness Chemicals and Bliss BEYOND
I’m talking about the present—not today, not this hour, only this exact moment. You might be getting chewed out by your boss, but what in this exact moment is happening that’s so bad? Forget the comment he made five minutes ago. Forget what he might say five minutes from now. Focus on this one, individual moment. In most situations, you’ll find it’s not as bad as you imagine it to be. Most sources of negativity stem from a memory of a recent event or the exaggerated imagination of a potential future event. Stay in the present moment.
Come back to this moment (and stay here).
So how do you do it practically when negative thoughts attack?
A couple of my favorite ways to bring myself to back to being mindful and into this moment are:
Spend 1-2 minutes on just taking in the world around you. Take a very quick break and just focus to 100% on what is around you right now. The sights. The smells. How the sun warms your skin or how your clothes feel. The people walking by your window and the sounds of the kids playing a little further away. Or simply touch something or someone nearby.
Spend 1-2 minutes on just focusing on your breathing. Take a little deeper breathes than you usually do. Make sure you breathe with you belly and through your nostrils. During this short break only focus on the air going in and out of you and nothing else.
Go slowly - Mindfulness
When I go too fast, when I think, talk and move around too fast then things don’t go that well.
Stress builds up and it becomes harder to think clearly and level-headedly. Negative thoughts start to swirl around in my mind more often and it’s tough to handle or put a stop to them.
If I on the other hand slow down then my mind and body calms down too. It becomes easier to once again find the optimistic perspective and a constructive way forward towards what I want.
All Happiness Chemicals and Bliss BEYOND
I’m talking about the present—not today, not this hour, only this exact moment. You might be getting chewed out by your boss, but what in this exact moment is happening that’s so bad? Forget the comment he made five minutes ago. Forget what he might say five minutes from now. Focus on this one, individual moment. In most situations, you’ll find it’s not as bad as you imagine it to be. Most sources of negativity stem from a memory of a recent event or the exaggerated imagination of a potential future event. Stay in the present moment.
Come back to this moment (and stay here).
So how do you do it practically when negative thoughts attack?
A couple of my favorite ways to bring myself to back to being mindful and into this moment are:
Spend 1-2 minutes on just taking in the world around you. Take a very quick break and just focus to 100% on what is around you right now. The sights. The smells. How the sun warms your skin or how your clothes feel. The people walking by your window and the sounds of the kids playing a little further away. Or simply touch something or someone nearby.
Spend 1-2 minutes on just focusing on your breathing. Take a little deeper breathes than you usually do. Make sure you breathe with you belly and through your nostrils. During this short break only focus on the air going in and out of you and nothing else.
Go slowly - Mindfulness
When I go too fast, when I think, talk and move around too fast then things don’t go that well.
Stress builds up and it becomes harder to think clearly and level-headedly. Negative thoughts start to swirl around in my mind more often and it’s tough to handle or put a stop to them.
If I on the other hand slow down then my mind and body calms down too. It becomes easier to once again find the optimistic perspective and a constructive way forward towards what I want.
4. GRATITUDE and Appreciation!!! - Oxytocin
Be grateful for a few of the things you may often take for granted.
When your lens that you view your daily life through is tinted in a negative way then it’s easy to miss the things you can actually be grateful for. The things you have that many, many in the world do not have or things you may take for granted.
Take a minute as you get out of bed in morning or get into it in the evening and put your attention on a few such things. A handful of the ones I most often come back to are:
Gratitude Journal
Focus on the Good things , however small. Be grateful for everything!
Tell your partner the things he/she does RIGHT!!
(We are so conditioned to only mention the things they do wrong).
Be grateful for a few of the things you may often take for granted.
When your lens that you view your daily life through is tinted in a negative way then it’s easy to miss the things you can actually be grateful for. The things you have that many, many in the world do not have or things you may take for granted.
Take a minute as you get out of bed in morning or get into it in the evening and put your attention on a few such things. A handful of the ones I most often come back to are:
Gratitude Journal
Focus on the Good things , however small. Be grateful for everything!
Tell your partner the things he/she does RIGHT!!
(We are so conditioned to only mention the things they do wrong).
5. Stop making mountains out of a molehill. Avoid Cortisol
This used to be one of my biggest issues. I blew up small or medium-sized issues or challenges into monsters in my mind.
Not a good habit if you want to take action to move forward or if you don’t want a lot of worries and fear in your daily life.
The easiest way to ground yourself in a situation where you start to sense that you may be making a mountain out of a molehill is in my experience to zoom out a bit on your life by using a question like:
Will this matter in 5 years? Or even 5 weeks?
I have found that answer for me is almost always that it honestly won’t.
Don't IMMEDIATELY send angry email , facebook message or blog post(sleep on it)
Also applies to phone calls and direct confrontation.
Talk a Walk Before Responding
This used to be one of my biggest issues. I blew up small or medium-sized issues or challenges into monsters in my mind.
Not a good habit if you want to take action to move forward or if you don’t want a lot of worries and fear in your daily life.
The easiest way to ground yourself in a situation where you start to sense that you may be making a mountain out of a molehill is in my experience to zoom out a bit on your life by using a question like:
Will this matter in 5 years? Or even 5 weeks?
I have found that answer for me is almost always that it honestly won’t.
Don't IMMEDIATELY send angry email , facebook message or blog post(sleep on it)
Also applies to phone calls and direct confrontation.
Talk a Walk Before Responding
6 . Don't play the victim. You create your life—take 100% responsibility. Dopamine and Serotonin
I always loved this idea of taking 100% responsibility for your Life:
"Have you ever noticed that whenever you have a problem in life, you are always there."
That is, YOU are the common denominator to all the problems you experience in life. Think about that!
INSTEAD of blaming the person or situation, the question to ask is:
"What is going on inside of ME that this unpleasant person/situation is happening right now?"
(problems include job, financial, relationships, family, health challenges/disease, emotions, bad habits, negative attitude, addictions, weight issues, poor self esteem, etc etc... - but in all these YOU are at the center).
And what happens may not be your FAULT, but it is still your responsibility because a part of you attracted it. So be pro-active (not reactive), solution oriented and positive.
Problems are just solutions turned inside out, so KNOW there IS a solution. But the solution is NEVER blaming someone else!
Be a problem solver, learn the lesson, move on and Love Life!!!
Don't play the blame game... If you can fix a problem fix it. Realize people you blame are usually just reflecting parts of yourself.
Usually looking for people to blame is NOT taking responsibility.
And even if they are to blame, try to be solution orientated.
Try a criticism sandwich - compliment -criticism - compliment
(Two compliments with your BEEF in the middle...LOL)
When a person is genuinely not doing their job, you may need to replace them, but be professional and try to give them a fair shot.
Turn failures into lessons.
You aren’t perfect. You’re going to make mistakes and experience failure in multiple contexts, at multiple jobs and with multiple people. Instead of focusing on how you failed, think about what you’re going to do next time—turn your failure into a lesson.
I always loved this idea of taking 100% responsibility for your Life:
"Have you ever noticed that whenever you have a problem in life, you are always there."
That is, YOU are the common denominator to all the problems you experience in life. Think about that!
INSTEAD of blaming the person or situation, the question to ask is:
"What is going on inside of ME that this unpleasant person/situation is happening right now?"
(problems include job, financial, relationships, family, health challenges/disease, emotions, bad habits, negative attitude, addictions, weight issues, poor self esteem, etc etc... - but in all these YOU are at the center).
And what happens may not be your FAULT, but it is still your responsibility because a part of you attracted it. So be pro-active (not reactive), solution oriented and positive.
Problems are just solutions turned inside out, so KNOW there IS a solution. But the solution is NEVER blaming someone else!
Be a problem solver, learn the lesson, move on and Love Life!!!
Don't play the blame game... If you can fix a problem fix it. Realize people you blame are usually just reflecting parts of yourself.
Usually looking for people to blame is NOT taking responsibility.
And even if they are to blame, try to be solution orientated.
Try a criticism sandwich - compliment -criticism - compliment
(Two compliments with your BEEF in the middle...LOL)
When a person is genuinely not doing their job, you may need to replace them, but be professional and try to give them a fair shot.
Turn failures into lessons.
You aren’t perfect. You’re going to make mistakes and experience failure in multiple contexts, at multiple jobs and with multiple people. Instead of focusing on how you failed, think about what you’re going to do next time—turn your failure into a lesson.
7. Learn 1000 jokes and laugh more - Endorphins
Scientists have found that during a good laugh three parts of the brain light up: A thinking part that helps you get the joke, a movement area that tells your muscles to move, and an emotional region that elicits the "giddy" feeling. But it remains unknown why one person laughs at your brother's foolish jokes while another chuckles while watching a horror movie.
John Morreall, who is a pioneer of humor research at the College of William and Mary, has found that laughter is a playful response to incongruities — stories that disobey conventional expectations. Others in the humor field point to laughter as a way of signaling to another person that this action is meant "in fun." One thing is clear: Laughter makes us feel better.
Scientists have found that during a good laugh three parts of the brain light up: A thinking part that helps you get the joke, a movement area that tells your muscles to move, and an emotional region that elicits the "giddy" feeling. But it remains unknown why one person laughs at your brother's foolish jokes while another chuckles while watching a horror movie.
John Morreall, who is a pioneer of humor research at the College of William and Mary, has found that laughter is a playful response to incongruities — stories that disobey conventional expectations. Others in the humor field point to laughter as a way of signaling to another person that this action is meant "in fun." One thing is clear: Laughter makes us feel better.
8. Find positive friends, mentors and co-workers. Oxytocin
When you surround yourself with positive people, you’ll hear positive outlooks, positive stories and positive affirmations. Their positive words will sink in and affect your own line of thinking, which then affects your words and similarly contributes to the group. Finding positive people to fill up your life can be difficult, but you need to eliminate the negativity in your life before it consumes you. Do what you can to improve the positivity of others, and let their positivity affect you the same way.
Almost anybody in any situation can apply these lessons to their own lives and increase their positive attitude. As you might imagine, positive thinking offers compounding returns, so the more often you practice it, the greater benefits you’ll realize.
When you surround yourself with positive people, you’ll hear positive outlooks, positive stories and positive affirmations. Their positive words will sink in and affect your own line of thinking, which then affects your words and similarly contributes to the group. Finding positive people to fill up your life can be difficult, but you need to eliminate the negativity in your life before it consumes you. Do what you can to improve the positivity of others, and let their positivity affect you the same way.
Almost anybody in any situation can apply these lessons to their own lives and increase their positive attitude. As you might imagine, positive thinking offers compounding returns, so the more often you practice it, the greater benefits you’ll realize.
9 . Bring the positivity to someone else’s life. Oxytocin, Dopamine and Serotonin and Bliss Beyond.
When you get stuck in negativity or victim thinking then one of the simplest ways to get out of that and out of your own head is to bring the positivity to someone in your life.
By adding it and seeing him or her light up and become happier you’ll feel better about yourself and more optimistic again.
Here’s three ways you can do that:
-Be kind. Give a genuine compliment about her great taste in music or his cooking, hold up the door or let someone into your lane while driving your car. Tell your spouse or partner things she/he does right.
-Help out.
-Just be there. Listen as she vents. Or talk her difficult challenge or situation over to help her to start finding her way out of it.
-Give to worthy people/causes that inspire you - Pay it forward, random acts of kindness.
When you get stuck in negativity or victim thinking then one of the simplest ways to get out of that and out of your own head is to bring the positivity to someone in your life.
By adding it and seeing him or her light up and become happier you’ll feel better about yourself and more optimistic again.
Here’s three ways you can do that:
-Be kind. Give a genuine compliment about her great taste in music or his cooking, hold up the door or let someone into your lane while driving your car. Tell your spouse or partner things she/he does right.
-Help out.
-Just be there. Listen as she vents. Or talk her difficult challenge or situation over to help her to start finding her way out of it.
-Give to worthy people/causes that inspire you - Pay it forward, random acts of kindness.
10. Be Goal Oriented and Success Minded.
Success at Whatever You Do in Live
Your Wealth is Your Health.
”The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself.”
- Neville Goddard
Once you change the inner, you change the outer
John Assaraf who is a leading expert on the Law of Attraction, Author and star in the Movie, "The Secret" summarizes this Law nicely:
"Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want, and from that we start to invoke one of the greatest laws in the Universe, and that's the LAW OF ATTRACTION (remember the observer effect). You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most."
Your Wealth is Your Health.
”The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself.”
- Neville Goddard
Once you change the inner, you change the outer
John Assaraf who is a leading expert on the Law of Attraction, Author and star in the Movie, "The Secret" summarizes this Law nicely:
"Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want, and from that we start to invoke one of the greatest laws in the Universe, and that's the LAW OF ATTRACTION (remember the observer effect). You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most."
21 Success Secret Courtesy of My Friend and Mentor Brian Tracy
11 Million Millionaires in the U.S. Alone
560 billionaires in the U.S.
99% of all successful people started off broke, average broke or bankrupt 2.3 times
Law of Cause and Effect- Success is not an accident.
Financial success is doing certain causes over and over to get the desired effect.
If you do what other successful people do, you will get the results other successful people get.
What I have personally found is that the successful habits produced by the most successful people I know, are in perfect alignment with the highest level of health of your body-mind and biofield. Especially people that started from nothing and built their fortune.
1. Dream Big Dreams.
⁃ Allow yourself to Dream… Allow yourself to fantasize the life you want to live and the kind of bank account balance you want to have. Song, "You have to have a dream to make a dream come true".
⁃ Back from the Future thinking - you project yourself forward 5 years forward in your minds eye. What does it look like, where are you, what are you doing, how much are you earning, how much is in your bank. The more clear you can make your vision , the more quickly it will happen. Imagine what you want to be , do and have in life.
⁃ You always tend to move in the direction of your dominant dreams, visions and images.
⁃ Increases your self confidence, self respect, stimulating and moves you to be better.
⁃ What one think would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail! ---> write it down and imagine achieving this one great goal already.
⁃ If your life was perfect in every respect , what would it look like… Take the first step today!
2. Develop a Clear Sense of Direction and Set Goals
(Clarify your goals and outcomes in writing and also in pictures).
⁃ Take your dreams out of the air and crystallize them in clear, specific goals.
⁃ Greatest Discovery in Human history is this… "You become what you think about most of the time". Successful people think about their goals most of the time… As a result they are continually moving toward their goals and their goals are moving towards them.
⁃ If you are constantly thinking, talking and visualizing your goals, you will tend to accomplish FAR FAR more than the average person who is usually thinking and talking about their worries and problems (most of the time).
⁃ Take a sheet a paper and write 10 goals you want to achieve this year. Write the goals in the present tense as if you have already achieved them. Start with the word "I"… I have, I earn, I drive, I live in, I weigh. Top 3% of adults of society. 97% of adults have never made a list of goals in their entire life.
⁃ Which one goal, if accomplished would have the great impact on my life if I were to achieve it. Set the goals, make a deadline and have a plan to achieve it AND TAKE consistent action.
10 Step Goal Setting Process
1. Think about what you want and write it down
2. Decide exactly what you want and write it down
3. Look at your goal and make sure its measurable
4. Identify the Reasons why you want your goal and write it down
5. Decide on the exact date you want to achieve your goal and write it down
6. Make a list of Action Steps to accomplish the goal and write it down
7. Create a plan from your list of action steps and write it down
8. Take Action - 2019 is going to be the year of consistency
9. Do Something Every Day
10. View, Visualize and Speak your Goals Daily
Brainstorm - Decide and Make a Choice - Its easy to pay the price if the promise is clear - put yourself in a position that demands that you succeed - Law of belief (whatever you hear over and over again, you will eventually believe - Notice the voice in your head.
3. Do What You Love To Do.
& Unlock Your Inborn Creativity and Natural Talents.
(Do and follow your passion and contribute by adding value to others).
⁃ This is one of the great secrets of financial success. This is your primary responsibility in life, finding what you really love to do, what you are naturally talented at and through yourself whole-heartedly 100% into doing that very very well.
⁃ Many self made millionaires say they never worked a day in their life.
⁃ Find a field that you can be totally absorbed, the keeps your attention and is the natural expression of your talents and abilities
⁃ You will have a continuous flow of excitement, energy and ideas to do what you do even better.
⁃ Question 1 - If you won a million dollars tax free tomorrow, would you continue doing what you are doing?
⁃ Question 2 - Would you stay at your current job?
⁃ These are great questions because they simply say what would you do differently if you had all the time and money that you needed and you were free to choose their occupations. Self made millionaires would still continue doing what they are doing, just maybe somewhere else, or maybe they would do it differently, etc
4. Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Learning
(Adopt a state of curiosity like a child in any new situation that you undertake to learn new skills).
⁃ You are far smarter than you imagine. There is no problem you cannot overcome, no obstacle you cannot climb and no goal you cannot reach if you apply your mind to the situation.
⁃ Your mind is like a muscle, its builds with your use
⁃ The more you learn, the more you CAN LEARN
⁃ Leaders are Learners
⁃ Continuous learning is the key to the 21st century
⁃ Become a student of your craft and become better the rest of your life
⁃ Get up and read in your read 30-60 minutes a day when you wake up --- one book per week. 50 books per year. 500 books in 10 year. Average person reads only 1 book per year??
⁃ Listen to audio programs. 500-1000 hours per year driving in car. That's 1-2 full semester of school. Turn your car into a Learning machine, a University on wheels. Many people become millionaires through audio learning
Your brain needs a constant supply of energy to continuously maintain, support and protect your life. Mental activities, such as work/success and goal setting, hobbies, reading, studying, homework, doing crossword puzzles, learning a new language, any mentally challenging endeavor, including daydreaming, requires energy. According to the Franklin Institute, brain cells require double the amount of energy needed by other cells.
5. Dedicate Yourself to Serving Others.
(Add massive value and contribute massively beyond your means and watch what happens…).
⁃ Your rewards in life will always be in direct proportions to YOUR service of other people.
⁃ Your become rich by enriching the lives of others
⁃ You can have everything in life that you want… If you help enough people get what they want.
⁃ All self made millionaires have an obsession with customer service, they think about their customers all the time.
⁃ Continually looking for new and better ways to serve their customers better than anyone else
6. Be Impeccably Honest With Yourself and Others.
(Integrity is everything, without it you are lying to yourself).
⁃ Be perfectly honest in everything you do.
⁃ Your word is your bond and your integrity is everything in business. All business is based on Trust. Success is based on trust. Trust to buy your product, work for you, help you out, etc.
⁃ Your character is the most important thing you develop in your entire life.
⁃ Be true to yourself at all times. And then be true to others. Never say anything about yourself or others that you don't wish to happen or that is wrong.
⁃ Refuse to compromise your integrity for anything.
⁃ Question: What kind of a world would my world be, if everyone in it were just like me?
7. Practice Self-Discipline In All Things.
(Humility is a great virtue).
⁃ Most important single most important quality for success.
⁃ If you can discipline yourself to do what you should do, when you should do it, success is virtually guaranteed.
⁃ Long time perspective to delay gratification in the short term
⁃ Long term goal to be wealthy, and daily be disciplined to achieve that goal
⁃ Self control, self direction , self responsibilty.
⁃ Successful people make a habit of doing the things that failures don't want to do. Both don't like to do them , but success people do them anyway.
⁃ Successful people want pleasing results, unsuccessful people want pleasing methods. Do the things hard, necessary and important instead of fun, easy and instant enjoyment.
⁃ Your self esteem goes up. Everything in life is a test. You are taking a test of self mastery.
8. Get Around The Right People.
(Play the game of life with like-minded souls).
⁃ 85% of success in life is determined by your relationships. The more people that know you in a positive people the more successful you'll be.
⁃ Everything is relationships. Problems in life wrong relationships
⁃ Almost
⁃ Reference Group - People you habitually associate with most of the time
⁃ Associate with positive and successful people
⁃ Get away from whiners, complainers and negative people
⁃ If you want to fly with the eagles , you cannot continue to scratch with the Turkeys
⁃ Network continually
⁃ Introduce yourself to people in social settings
⁃ Whenever you meet a person in business, tell them what you would need to do to send a client or customer to him or her. See if you cannot send some business their way
Great Motivational Speaker Jim Rohn said once:
We BECOME like the 5 people we spend the most time with (our bank accounts included)!!
Hang out with Big dreamers, positive people and those who see the good in life.
It is ok to be there for a friend to let them vent/release but not if they are chronic complainers.
9. Be Decisive and Action Oriented
(Decide, to cut off, no escape route, this is the way, but ensure that you follow the plan you have put in place).
⁃ Think carefully and make decisions quickly. They move fast and if make a mistake they self correct. They try far more things than the average person. By the law of large numbers, you are more likely for success
⁃ Unsuccessful people are undecisive… They drift through life. Settle for far less.
⁃ Shift your life into high gear when you are decisive. Tap into a higher source of energy motivation and enthusiasm that fills you full of joy.
10. Overcome Fear and Pass the "Persistence Test" .
(I get knocked down, I get up again, you ain't never going to keep me down - Chumbawamba - Tubthumping).
⁃ Back everything you do with the twin qualities of persistence and determination
- Never allow failure to be an option
- Success lies on the far side of failure
- When you act boldly, unseen forces come to your assistance. Fortune favors the bold.
- Reach the point where you are unstoppable.
⁃ Gives you a strong character like carbon to steel
⁃ Resolve in advance that you will never give up.
⁃ If you plan in advance for the ups and downs in life.
⁃ The courage to persist in the face of challenge and adversity. Stay at it longer than anyone else.
⁃ Can come at you unexpectedly and out of left field. This is where you show yourself and everyone around you what you are made of.
⁃ Circumstances do not make a man they just reveal them to himself.
⁃ How you respond is all important. Respond not react. Become a force of nature, unstoppable, irresistible. Energizer bunny in the TV commercials.
⁃ Success is predictable. Not luck. Practice these principles and success is guaranteed.
⁃ You are the architect of your life, you are behind the steering wheel.
11 Million Millionaires in the U.S. Alone
560 billionaires in the U.S.
99% of all successful people started off broke, average broke or bankrupt 2.3 times
Law of Cause and Effect- Success is not an accident.
Financial success is doing certain causes over and over to get the desired effect.
If you do what other successful people do, you will get the results other successful people get.
What I have personally found is that the successful habits produced by the most successful people I know, are in perfect alignment with the highest level of health of your body-mind and biofield. Especially people that started from nothing and built their fortune.
1. Dream Big Dreams.
⁃ Allow yourself to Dream… Allow yourself to fantasize the life you want to live and the kind of bank account balance you want to have. Song, "You have to have a dream to make a dream come true".
⁃ Back from the Future thinking - you project yourself forward 5 years forward in your minds eye. What does it look like, where are you, what are you doing, how much are you earning, how much is in your bank. The more clear you can make your vision , the more quickly it will happen. Imagine what you want to be , do and have in life.
⁃ You always tend to move in the direction of your dominant dreams, visions and images.
⁃ Increases your self confidence, self respect, stimulating and moves you to be better.
⁃ What one think would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail! ---> write it down and imagine achieving this one great goal already.
⁃ If your life was perfect in every respect , what would it look like… Take the first step today!
2. Develop a Clear Sense of Direction and Set Goals
(Clarify your goals and outcomes in writing and also in pictures).
⁃ Take your dreams out of the air and crystallize them in clear, specific goals.
⁃ Greatest Discovery in Human history is this… "You become what you think about most of the time". Successful people think about their goals most of the time… As a result they are continually moving toward their goals and their goals are moving towards them.
⁃ If you are constantly thinking, talking and visualizing your goals, you will tend to accomplish FAR FAR more than the average person who is usually thinking and talking about their worries and problems (most of the time).
⁃ Take a sheet a paper and write 10 goals you want to achieve this year. Write the goals in the present tense as if you have already achieved them. Start with the word "I"… I have, I earn, I drive, I live in, I weigh. Top 3% of adults of society. 97% of adults have never made a list of goals in their entire life.
⁃ Which one goal, if accomplished would have the great impact on my life if I were to achieve it. Set the goals, make a deadline and have a plan to achieve it AND TAKE consistent action.
10 Step Goal Setting Process
1. Think about what you want and write it down
2. Decide exactly what you want and write it down
3. Look at your goal and make sure its measurable
4. Identify the Reasons why you want your goal and write it down
5. Decide on the exact date you want to achieve your goal and write it down
6. Make a list of Action Steps to accomplish the goal and write it down
7. Create a plan from your list of action steps and write it down
8. Take Action - 2019 is going to be the year of consistency
9. Do Something Every Day
10. View, Visualize and Speak your Goals Daily
Brainstorm - Decide and Make a Choice - Its easy to pay the price if the promise is clear - put yourself in a position that demands that you succeed - Law of belief (whatever you hear over and over again, you will eventually believe - Notice the voice in your head.
3. Do What You Love To Do.
& Unlock Your Inborn Creativity and Natural Talents.
(Do and follow your passion and contribute by adding value to others).
⁃ This is one of the great secrets of financial success. This is your primary responsibility in life, finding what you really love to do, what you are naturally talented at and through yourself whole-heartedly 100% into doing that very very well.
⁃ Many self made millionaires say they never worked a day in their life.
⁃ Find a field that you can be totally absorbed, the keeps your attention and is the natural expression of your talents and abilities
⁃ You will have a continuous flow of excitement, energy and ideas to do what you do even better.
⁃ Question 1 - If you won a million dollars tax free tomorrow, would you continue doing what you are doing?
⁃ Question 2 - Would you stay at your current job?
⁃ These are great questions because they simply say what would you do differently if you had all the time and money that you needed and you were free to choose their occupations. Self made millionaires would still continue doing what they are doing, just maybe somewhere else, or maybe they would do it differently, etc
4. Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Learning
(Adopt a state of curiosity like a child in any new situation that you undertake to learn new skills).
⁃ You are far smarter than you imagine. There is no problem you cannot overcome, no obstacle you cannot climb and no goal you cannot reach if you apply your mind to the situation.
⁃ Your mind is like a muscle, its builds with your use
⁃ The more you learn, the more you CAN LEARN
⁃ Leaders are Learners
⁃ Continuous learning is the key to the 21st century
⁃ Become a student of your craft and become better the rest of your life
⁃ Get up and read in your read 30-60 minutes a day when you wake up --- one book per week. 50 books per year. 500 books in 10 year. Average person reads only 1 book per year??
⁃ Listen to audio programs. 500-1000 hours per year driving in car. That's 1-2 full semester of school. Turn your car into a Learning machine, a University on wheels. Many people become millionaires through audio learning
Your brain needs a constant supply of energy to continuously maintain, support and protect your life. Mental activities, such as work/success and goal setting, hobbies, reading, studying, homework, doing crossword puzzles, learning a new language, any mentally challenging endeavor, including daydreaming, requires energy. According to the Franklin Institute, brain cells require double the amount of energy needed by other cells.
5. Dedicate Yourself to Serving Others.
(Add massive value and contribute massively beyond your means and watch what happens…).
⁃ Your rewards in life will always be in direct proportions to YOUR service of other people.
⁃ Your become rich by enriching the lives of others
⁃ You can have everything in life that you want… If you help enough people get what they want.
⁃ All self made millionaires have an obsession with customer service, they think about their customers all the time.
⁃ Continually looking for new and better ways to serve their customers better than anyone else
6. Be Impeccably Honest With Yourself and Others.
(Integrity is everything, without it you are lying to yourself).
⁃ Be perfectly honest in everything you do.
⁃ Your word is your bond and your integrity is everything in business. All business is based on Trust. Success is based on trust. Trust to buy your product, work for you, help you out, etc.
⁃ Your character is the most important thing you develop in your entire life.
⁃ Be true to yourself at all times. And then be true to others. Never say anything about yourself or others that you don't wish to happen or that is wrong.
⁃ Refuse to compromise your integrity for anything.
⁃ Question: What kind of a world would my world be, if everyone in it were just like me?
7. Practice Self-Discipline In All Things.
(Humility is a great virtue).
⁃ Most important single most important quality for success.
⁃ If you can discipline yourself to do what you should do, when you should do it, success is virtually guaranteed.
⁃ Long time perspective to delay gratification in the short term
⁃ Long term goal to be wealthy, and daily be disciplined to achieve that goal
⁃ Self control, self direction , self responsibilty.
⁃ Successful people make a habit of doing the things that failures don't want to do. Both don't like to do them , but success people do them anyway.
⁃ Successful people want pleasing results, unsuccessful people want pleasing methods. Do the things hard, necessary and important instead of fun, easy and instant enjoyment.
⁃ Your self esteem goes up. Everything in life is a test. You are taking a test of self mastery.
8. Get Around The Right People.
(Play the game of life with like-minded souls).
⁃ 85% of success in life is determined by your relationships. The more people that know you in a positive people the more successful you'll be.
⁃ Everything is relationships. Problems in life wrong relationships
⁃ Almost
⁃ Reference Group - People you habitually associate with most of the time
⁃ Associate with positive and successful people
⁃ Get away from whiners, complainers and negative people
⁃ If you want to fly with the eagles , you cannot continue to scratch with the Turkeys
⁃ Network continually
⁃ Introduce yourself to people in social settings
⁃ Whenever you meet a person in business, tell them what you would need to do to send a client or customer to him or her. See if you cannot send some business their way
Great Motivational Speaker Jim Rohn said once:
We BECOME like the 5 people we spend the most time with (our bank accounts included)!!
Hang out with Big dreamers, positive people and those who see the good in life.
It is ok to be there for a friend to let them vent/release but not if they are chronic complainers.
9. Be Decisive and Action Oriented
(Decide, to cut off, no escape route, this is the way, but ensure that you follow the plan you have put in place).
⁃ Think carefully and make decisions quickly. They move fast and if make a mistake they self correct. They try far more things than the average person. By the law of large numbers, you are more likely for success
⁃ Unsuccessful people are undecisive… They drift through life. Settle for far less.
⁃ Shift your life into high gear when you are decisive. Tap into a higher source of energy motivation and enthusiasm that fills you full of joy.
10. Overcome Fear and Pass the "Persistence Test" .
(I get knocked down, I get up again, you ain't never going to keep me down - Chumbawamba - Tubthumping).
⁃ Back everything you do with the twin qualities of persistence and determination
- Never allow failure to be an option
- Success lies on the far side of failure
- When you act boldly, unseen forces come to your assistance. Fortune favors the bold.
- Reach the point where you are unstoppable.
⁃ Gives you a strong character like carbon to steel
⁃ Resolve in advance that you will never give up.
⁃ If you plan in advance for the ups and downs in life.
⁃ The courage to persist in the face of challenge and adversity. Stay at it longer than anyone else.
⁃ Can come at you unexpectedly and out of left field. This is where you show yourself and everyone around you what you are made of.
⁃ Circumstances do not make a man they just reveal them to himself.
⁃ How you respond is all important. Respond not react. Become a force of nature, unstoppable, irresistible. Energizer bunny in the TV commercials.
⁃ Success is predictable. Not luck. Practice these principles and success is guaranteed.
⁃ You are the architect of your life, you are behind the steering wheel.
Using the 6 Elements of Health to Improve Your Body-Mind and Biofield.
Follow through with Modules in This Course...
Connecting to all the elements of Health will NATURALLY
RAISE Your MOOD and Elevate your Mind!!
FOOD and Supplements - Mind-Mood-Food Connection
Hydrate - Brain mostly water... irrigate yourself to remove irritation
Sunshine - Well known mood enhancer
Breathe - increase energy, tranquility
Walk Barefoot - increase electron flow
Do PEMF - yes helps with depression and to be more positive!!
Work out regularly. Runners high
Go for a walk, stretch out
All these RIGHT elements increase serotonin, endorphins and other happy hormones so it makes it EASIER to be happy, BUT you still need to follow the other tips below which address the MIND part of the Body-Mind connection
Connecting to all the elements of Health will NATURALLY
RAISE Your MOOD and Elevate your Mind!!
FOOD and Supplements - Mind-Mood-Food Connection
Hydrate - Brain mostly water... irrigate yourself to remove irritation
Sunshine - Well known mood enhancer
Breathe - increase energy, tranquility
Walk Barefoot - increase electron flow
Do PEMF - yes helps with depression and to be more positive!!
Work out regularly. Runners high
Go for a walk, stretch out
All these RIGHT elements increase serotonin, endorphins and other happy hormones so it makes it EASIER to be happy, BUT you still need to follow the other tips below which address the MIND part of the Body-Mind connection

YES - See the World Through Rose Colored Glasses!!
Research Supports DOING SO!!
I am telling you it is OK to see Life through Rose Colored Glasses!!!
The science of psychoneuroimmunology, epigenetics, placebo effect, observer phenomenon in Quantum Physics, Law of Attraction, etc etc and much more proves this.
Positive thoughts are a biological mandate for a happy, healthy life.
Seeing life with Rose Colored Glasses means living life with a heart filled with love. And the things you look at with these magical divine goggles will transform for the better by your very glance and more so if your countenance is adorned with a smile, laughter, or some kind words or actions!!
This is not quixotic thinking, this is a very powerful and scientific metaphor to live your life by and prosper!!
"Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny."
--Mahatma Gandhi
Research Supports DOING SO!!
I am telling you it is OK to see Life through Rose Colored Glasses!!!
The science of psychoneuroimmunology, epigenetics, placebo effect, observer phenomenon in Quantum Physics, Law of Attraction, etc etc and much more proves this.
Positive thoughts are a biological mandate for a happy, healthy life.
Seeing life with Rose Colored Glasses means living life with a heart filled with love. And the things you look at with these magical divine goggles will transform for the better by your very glance and more so if your countenance is adorned with a smile, laughter, or some kind words or actions!!
This is not quixotic thinking, this is a very powerful and scientific metaphor to live your life by and prosper!!
"Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny."
--Mahatma Gandhi
Bliss Beyond the Brain and Happiness Chemicals
**Next Module in More Detail
**Next Module in More Detail

Imagination is the door through which disease as well as healing enters.
Disbelieve in the reality of sickness even when you are ill;
an unrecognized visitor will flee!
- Swami Sri Yukteswar
Disbelieve in the reality of sickness even when you are ill;
an unrecognized visitor will flee!
- Swami Sri Yukteswar
***Deleted Scenes Not in Video But Still Worth Looking At
Some Mysteries of the Human Mind...
Consciousness - The Hard Problem
When you wake up in the morning, you might perceive that the Sun is just rising, hear a few birds chirping, and maybe even feel a flash of happiness as the fresh morning air hits your face. In other words, you are conscious. Only recently have neuroscientists considered consciousness a realistic research topic. The greatest brainteaser in this field has been to explain how processes in the brain give rise to subjective experiences. We'll see in this video that consciousness and the mind is more primary than the brain, and not a product of it. This idea is EMPOWERING.
Mortal Mystery
Why do humans age? You are born with a robust toolbox full of mechanisms to fight disease and injury, which you might think should arm you against stiff joints and other ailments. But as we age, the body's repair mechanisms get out of shape. In effect, your resilience to physical injury and stress declines.
In this video we'll see that the Mind Influences the Body so powerfully it can slow down and reverse aging.
Nature vs. Nurture
In the long-running battle of whether our thoughts and personalities are controlled by genes or environment, scientists are building a convincing body of evidence that it could be either or both!
In this video we will conclusively see We are not victims of our DNA.
Memories - Where are they stored? Research very clearly shows that memories are not stored in the brain, the brain is more of an antennae. Again point to the fact that the mind and consciousness is more primary than the brain. This well explained by a holographic model of the brain and body.
Consciousness - The Hard Problem
When you wake up in the morning, you might perceive that the Sun is just rising, hear a few birds chirping, and maybe even feel a flash of happiness as the fresh morning air hits your face. In other words, you are conscious. Only recently have neuroscientists considered consciousness a realistic research topic. The greatest brainteaser in this field has been to explain how processes in the brain give rise to subjective experiences. We'll see in this video that consciousness and the mind is more primary than the brain, and not a product of it. This idea is EMPOWERING.
Mortal Mystery
Why do humans age? You are born with a robust toolbox full of mechanisms to fight disease and injury, which you might think should arm you against stiff joints and other ailments. But as we age, the body's repair mechanisms get out of shape. In effect, your resilience to physical injury and stress declines.
In this video we'll see that the Mind Influences the Body so powerfully it can slow down and reverse aging.
Nature vs. Nurture
In the long-running battle of whether our thoughts and personalities are controlled by genes or environment, scientists are building a convincing body of evidence that it could be either or both!
In this video we will conclusively see We are not victims of our DNA.
Memories - Where are they stored? Research very clearly shows that memories are not stored in the brain, the brain is more of an antennae. Again point to the fact that the mind and consciousness is more primary than the brain. This well explained by a holographic model of the brain and body.

I. Dopamine: One More - Setting and Achieving Milestones
a) great feeling that a reward is at hand. Releases energy for the chase. When you expect to meet a need, your dopamine is released.
b) Dopamine droops once you get the reward, until you set your sights on another reward.
c) To stimulate Dopamine, keep taking steps towards your needs and set goals and take action to achieve your goals
d) Dopamine rewards you for the effort of steps toward your needs
Dopamine frustration - stops once a need is met so you have keep finding new rewards to enjoy it.
Dopamine Suggestion:
Always have
- A short term goal
- A long term goal and
- A medium term goal
So you can always step toward meeting a need right now.
a) great feeling that a reward is at hand. Releases energy for the chase. When you expect to meet a need, your dopamine is released.
b) Dopamine droops once you get the reward, until you set your sights on another reward.
c) To stimulate Dopamine, keep taking steps towards your needs and set goals and take action to achieve your goals
d) Dopamine rewards you for the effort of steps toward your needs
Dopamine frustration - stops once a need is met so you have keep finding new rewards to enjoy it.
Dopamine Suggestion:
Always have
- A short term goal
- A long term goal and
- A medium term goal
So you can always step toward meeting a need right now.

II. Oxytocin - Intimacy and Safety (team dinners, one on one w/Boss
a. Often called the "love chemical".
Stimulated by touch, trust, birth and sex.
b. Oxytocin droops when you're separated from the herd.
This causes feelings that your survival is threatened
c. To stimulate oxytocin, keep taking small steps towards TRUST
d. Oxytocin rewards you for getting safety and social support.
Oxytocin frustration - following the herd is annoying, but leaving the herd for greener pasture feels unsafe.
Oxytocin suggestion
- Trusting everyone all the time is not a good survival strategy.
- Our brain is designed to build trust gradually
a. Often called the "love chemical".
Stimulated by touch, trust, birth and sex.
b. Oxytocin droops when you're separated from the herd.
This causes feelings that your survival is threatened
c. To stimulate oxytocin, keep taking small steps towards TRUST
d. Oxytocin rewards you for getting safety and social support.
Oxytocin frustration - following the herd is annoying, but leaving the herd for greener pasture feels unsafe.
Oxytocin suggestion
- Trusting everyone all the time is not a good survival strategy.
- Our brain is designed to build trust gradually

III. Serotonin - Loyalty and Allegiance - Making the Partner Proud
a. The Pleasure of Social Dominance. Serotonin is not aggression, but a calm sense that "I will get the banana". Calm sense that I am good at what I do. Confidence.
B. Serotonin is soon reabsorbed so we are always looking for ways to stimulate more.
C. To stimulate Serotonin, focus on your own strength instead of the strength of others.
D. Serotonin rewards you for getting respect from others
Serotonin frustration - your mammal brain cares about your status as if your life depended on it, so a status threat feels like a survival threat.
Serotonin suggestion
Enjoy the strengths you have instead of worrying about the strengths of others.
- Insisting on the one-up position is harmful, but taking the one-down position automatically hurts you too. Not easy making peace with mammal brain.
a. The Pleasure of Social Dominance. Serotonin is not aggression, but a calm sense that "I will get the banana". Calm sense that I am good at what I do. Confidence.
B. Serotonin is soon reabsorbed so we are always looking for ways to stimulate more.
C. To stimulate Serotonin, focus on your own strength instead of the strength of others.
D. Serotonin rewards you for getting respect from others
Serotonin frustration - your mammal brain cares about your status as if your life depended on it, so a status threat feels like a survival threat.
Serotonin suggestion
Enjoy the strengths you have instead of worrying about the strengths of others.
- Insisting on the one-up position is harmful, but taking the one-down position automatically hurts you too. Not easy making peace with mammal brain.

IV. Endorphins: No PAIN
a. Masks pain so you can do what it takes to survive.
b. Endorphin is "endogenous morphine". It is meant for EMERGENCIES, not partying.
c. Endorphin is triggered by vigorous exertion.
D. Endorphin rewards you for action that protects injuries
Endorphin frustration - Inflicting pain on yourself to enjoy endorphin is a very bad survival strategy. Drug use too.
Endorphin Suggestion: Laugh!
Find what makes you laugh and make time for it, OFTEN!!
Don't rush it, fake it, or expect yourself to laugh when others do.
We are always seeking rewards and avoiding pain using circuits built by past experience.
We are born with billions of neurons but no connections between them.
Connections build each time our chemicals flow
Neural pathways built from experience have a LOT OF POWER
The electricity in your brain flows like water in a storm finding paths of least resistance.
Electricity flows to your happy chemicals when something resembles a past reward.
Electricity flows to your cortisol when something resembles past pain.
Sometimes we struggle to know what is good for us, using the pathways we have got.
We all end up with some pathways we would rather do without.
You can wire yourself to feel good when you do things that are good for you.
You can give your electricity a new place to flow.
New pathways take lots of repetition.
If you repeat a new thought or behavior for 21-45-66 days a new path is built.
It is like carving a new trail through the jungle.
The trail disappears unless you slash it over and over until it gets established. It is not easy which is why most people are stuck in their bad habits (and good habits too).
We all have the power to wire ourselves for new choices.
We are always seeking rewards and avoiding pain using circuits built by past experience.
We are born with billions of neurons but no connections between them.
Connections build each time our chemicals flow
Neural pathways built from experience have a LOT OF POWER
The electricity in your brain flows like water in a storm finding paths of least resistance.
Electricity flows to your happy chemicals when something resembles a past reward.
Electricity flows to your cortisol when something resembles past pain.
Sometimes we struggle to know what is good for us, using the pathways we have got.
We all end up with some pathways we would rather do without.
You can wire yourself to feel good when you do things that are good for you.
You can give your electricity a new place to flow.
New pathways take lots of repetition.
If you repeat a new thought or behavior for 21-45-66 days a new path is built.
It is like carving a new trail through the jungle.
The trail disappears unless you slash it over and over until it gets established. It is not easy which is why most people are stuck in their bad habits (and good habits too).
We all have the power to wire ourselves for new choices.
a. Masks pain so you can do what it takes to survive.
b. Endorphin is "endogenous morphine". It is meant for EMERGENCIES, not partying.
c. Endorphin is triggered by vigorous exertion.
D. Endorphin rewards you for action that protects injuries
Endorphin frustration - Inflicting pain on yourself to enjoy endorphin is a very bad survival strategy. Drug use too.
Endorphin Suggestion: Laugh!
Find what makes you laugh and make time for it, OFTEN!!
Don't rush it, fake it, or expect yourself to laugh when others do.
We are always seeking rewards and avoiding pain using circuits built by past experience.
We are born with billions of neurons but no connections between them.
Connections build each time our chemicals flow
Neural pathways built from experience have a LOT OF POWER
The electricity in your brain flows like water in a storm finding paths of least resistance.
Electricity flows to your happy chemicals when something resembles a past reward.
Electricity flows to your cortisol when something resembles past pain.
Sometimes we struggle to know what is good for us, using the pathways we have got.
We all end up with some pathways we would rather do without.
You can wire yourself to feel good when you do things that are good for you.
You can give your electricity a new place to flow.
New pathways take lots of repetition.
If you repeat a new thought or behavior for 21-45-66 days a new path is built.
It is like carving a new trail through the jungle.
The trail disappears unless you slash it over and over until it gets established. It is not easy which is why most people are stuck in their bad habits (and good habits too).
We all have the power to wire ourselves for new choices.
We are always seeking rewards and avoiding pain using circuits built by past experience.
We are born with billions of neurons but no connections between them.
Connections build each time our chemicals flow
Neural pathways built from experience have a LOT OF POWER
The electricity in your brain flows like water in a storm finding paths of least resistance.
Electricity flows to your happy chemicals when something resembles a past reward.
Electricity flows to your cortisol when something resembles past pain.
Sometimes we struggle to know what is good for us, using the pathways we have got.
We all end up with some pathways we would rather do without.
You can wire yourself to feel good when you do things that are good for you.
You can give your electricity a new place to flow.
New pathways take lots of repetition.
If you repeat a new thought or behavior for 21-45-66 days a new path is built.
It is like carving a new trail through the jungle.
The trail disappears unless you slash it over and over until it gets established. It is not easy which is why most people are stuck in their bad habits (and good habits too).
We all have the power to wire ourselves for new choices.

Mind Over Aging - "The Young Ones" Experiments
Here is a mind-over-genes experiment about aging, conducted more than thirty years ago, of eight men in their seventies who were dropped off at the front entrance of a converted monastery in New Hampshire. A few of them were stooped with arthritis, and two walked with canes. When they entered the building they walked into a time warp.
Music on a vintage radio played tunes from 1959, black-and-white programs on the TV showed archived videos of old programs such as The Ed Sullivan Show, books on the shelves and scattered magazines lying around were all from the same period. This became the men’s home for a five-day, radical experiment designed by Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer. During their stay, the test subjects reminisced and engaged in conversations about events and sports of that time period. (Langer 2009)
Measurement of the men’s dexterity, grip strength, flexibility, hearing and vision, memory, and cognition, all testable biomarkers of age, were assessed before they arrived and the men were retested at the end of their stay. By several measurements, they outperformed a control group that came to the monastery but did not participate in the time warp experiment. The experimental group was more supple, possessed greater manual dexterity, and sat taller.
Most unexpectedly, their sight improved and independent judges acknowledged that they looked younger. Langer remarked that the men had “put their mind in an earlier time,” and their bodies went along for the ride.
Here is a mind-over-genes experiment about aging, conducted more than thirty years ago, of eight men in their seventies who were dropped off at the front entrance of a converted monastery in New Hampshire. A few of them were stooped with arthritis, and two walked with canes. When they entered the building they walked into a time warp.
Music on a vintage radio played tunes from 1959, black-and-white programs on the TV showed archived videos of old programs such as The Ed Sullivan Show, books on the shelves and scattered magazines lying around were all from the same period. This became the men’s home for a five-day, radical experiment designed by Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer. During their stay, the test subjects reminisced and engaged in conversations about events and sports of that time period. (Langer 2009)
Measurement of the men’s dexterity, grip strength, flexibility, hearing and vision, memory, and cognition, all testable biomarkers of age, were assessed before they arrived and the men were retested at the end of their stay. By several measurements, they outperformed a control group that came to the monastery but did not participate in the time warp experiment. The experimental group was more supple, possessed greater manual dexterity, and sat taller.
Most unexpectedly, their sight improved and independent judges acknowledged that they looked younger. Langer remarked that the men had “put their mind in an earlier time,” and their bodies went along for the ride.

The Young Ones
In 2010, the BBC recreated Langer’s experiment in a four-part broadcast called “The Young Ones,” this time engaging six aging former celebrities as the test subjects. These men were trans- ported in vintage cars to a country house meticulously retrofitted to represent a 1975 home. After a week of reliving and sharing thirty- five-year-old news and sports stories, the aging celebrities showed the same marked improvement on test assessments as the rejuvenated septuagenarian participants in Langer’s New Hampshire experiment. One of the test subjects who had arrived in a wheelchair walked out with a cane. Another individual who could not put his socks on with- out assistance when he arrived hosted the final evening’s dinner party, easily moving around with enthusiasm and purpose. Those who stooped when they first arrived left walking taller and looked younger. (Grierson 2014)
The production was nominated for a British Emmy and renewed interest in Langer’s research, which is currently being expanded through a variety of approaches, all of which are measuring how a change in the perceptions of time can lead to physiologic and mental “youthing.” Psychologist Jeffrey Rediger, a Harvard colleague of Ellen Langer, acknowledged, “health and illness are much more rooted in
our minds and in our hearts and how we experience ourselves in the world than our models even begin to understand.”
In 2010, the BBC recreated Langer’s experiment in a four-part broadcast called “The Young Ones,” this time engaging six aging former celebrities as the test subjects. These men were trans- ported in vintage cars to a country house meticulously retrofitted to represent a 1975 home. After a week of reliving and sharing thirty- five-year-old news and sports stories, the aging celebrities showed the same marked improvement on test assessments as the rejuvenated septuagenarian participants in Langer’s New Hampshire experiment. One of the test subjects who had arrived in a wheelchair walked out with a cane. Another individual who could not put his socks on with- out assistance when he arrived hosted the final evening’s dinner party, easily moving around with enthusiasm and purpose. Those who stooped when they first arrived left walking taller and looked younger. (Grierson 2014)
The production was nominated for a British Emmy and renewed interest in Langer’s research, which is currently being expanded through a variety of approaches, all of which are measuring how a change in the perceptions of time can lead to physiologic and mental “youthing.” Psychologist Jeffrey Rediger, a Harvard colleague of Ellen Langer, acknowledged, “health and illness are much more rooted in
our minds and in our hearts and how we experience ourselves in the world than our models even begin to understand.”
Enzyme and Hormone Levels Start Decreasing at Age 27 in Average Person
Enzymes = Physical Manifestation of Chi/Energy (vitamins and minerals are also but act as coenzymes).
Hormones Connected to Glands Which are Physical anchor of Chakras/Main Energy Centers. Nutrient dense food builds hormones (as does exercise, sleep and other practices in this course).
We also saw energized water increases the energy in our biofield as does sunlight, conscious breathing, good posture and mobility.
Now comes perhaps the biggest impact on brightening our aura's or biofield... Thoughts!
Enzymes = Physical Manifestation of Chi/Energy (vitamins and minerals are also but act as coenzymes).
Hormones Connected to Glands Which are Physical anchor of Chakras/Main Energy Centers. Nutrient dense food builds hormones (as does exercise, sleep and other practices in this course).
We also saw energized water increases the energy in our biofield as does sunlight, conscious breathing, good posture and mobility.
Now comes perhaps the biggest impact on brightening our aura's or biofield... Thoughts!

Mind Over Cholera
The fact is that harnessing the power of your mind can be more effective than the drugs you have been programmed to believe you need. One of the purposes of this Course is to show that energy and consciousness is a more efficient means of affecting matter than chemicals.
Unfortunately, scientists most often deny rather than embrace exceptions. My favorite example of scientific denial of the reality of mind-body interactions relates to an article that appeared in Science about nineteenth-century German physician Robert Koch, who along with Pasteur founded the Germ Theory. The Germ Theory holds that bacteria and viruses are the primary cause of disease. A modified version of that theory is widely accepted now, but in Koch’s day it was more controversial.
One of Koch’s critics was Ilya Metchnikoff who was so convinced that the Germ Theory was wrong that he brazenly wolfed down a glass of water laced with vibrio cholerae, the bacterium Koch believed caused cholera. To everyone’s astonishment, the man was completely unaffected by the virulent pathogen. The Science article published in 2000 describing the incident stated: “For unexplained reasons he remained symptom free, but nevertheless incorrect.” (DiRita 2000)
The fact is that harnessing the power of your mind can be more effective than the drugs you have been programmed to believe you need. One of the purposes of this Course is to show that energy and consciousness is a more efficient means of affecting matter than chemicals.
Unfortunately, scientists most often deny rather than embrace exceptions. My favorite example of scientific denial of the reality of mind-body interactions relates to an article that appeared in Science about nineteenth-century German physician Robert Koch, who along with Pasteur founded the Germ Theory. The Germ Theory holds that bacteria and viruses are the primary cause of disease. A modified version of that theory is widely accepted now, but in Koch’s day it was more controversial.
One of Koch’s critics was Ilya Metchnikoff who was so convinced that the Germ Theory was wrong that he brazenly wolfed down a glass of water laced with vibrio cholerae, the bacterium Koch believed caused cholera. To everyone’s astonishment, the man was completely unaffected by the virulent pathogen. The Science article published in 2000 describing the incident stated: “For unexplained reasons he remained symptom free, but nevertheless incorrect.” (DiRita 2000)
Observer Effect
If quantum physics is correct, the observer has a primary role in how the universe looks.
The question is, does the observer effect also occur at a macro, rather than just a micro level; does observing the universe call our everyday lives and events into existence?
Conventional science currently states that the observer effect does not apply to real life outside the lab, and anyone who suggests it does is guilty of quantum woo (or quantum BS). There is no proof it doesn’t apply to real life either though. But it might be better to assume that the observer effect does apply to real life until solid proof is found one way or the other, since if it is true it won’t be too late to take control of our health and aging when science ‘catches up’ (and if it isn’t true, we’ll have enjoyed the ride far more than someone getting depressed about their inevitable decline).
Every year we look for signs of aging. Be aware that the act of looking might call those signs into existence.
We must not just hope we will stay youthful, but believe it. Staying ageless is our default assumption, our set point, our basic belief. Saying, wow I look so much younger than last week every time we look in the mirror is an act of creation.
If the general belief that aging is inevitable is wrong, but we buy into it, how powerful is that belief?
The Staying Ageless experiment is this : We are part of the universal field. Thoughts are powerful, emotions more so – our heart’s electric field is 500 times stronger than the brain’s. Feeling we are young with our heart locks the bee into place. Believing we will not become old and infirm creates that reality.
If quantum physics is correct, the observer has a primary role in how the universe looks.
The question is, does the observer effect also occur at a macro, rather than just a micro level; does observing the universe call our everyday lives and events into existence?
Conventional science currently states that the observer effect does not apply to real life outside the lab, and anyone who suggests it does is guilty of quantum woo (or quantum BS). There is no proof it doesn’t apply to real life either though. But it might be better to assume that the observer effect does apply to real life until solid proof is found one way or the other, since if it is true it won’t be too late to take control of our health and aging when science ‘catches up’ (and if it isn’t true, we’ll have enjoyed the ride far more than someone getting depressed about their inevitable decline).
Every year we look for signs of aging. Be aware that the act of looking might call those signs into existence.
We must not just hope we will stay youthful, but believe it. Staying ageless is our default assumption, our set point, our basic belief. Saying, wow I look so much younger than last week every time we look in the mirror is an act of creation.
If the general belief that aging is inevitable is wrong, but we buy into it, how powerful is that belief?
The Staying Ageless experiment is this : We are part of the universal field. Thoughts are powerful, emotions more so – our heart’s electric field is 500 times stronger than the brain’s. Feeling we are young with our heart locks the bee into place. Believing we will not become old and infirm creates that reality.

3. The New Science of Positive Psychology
“You can't fly with the eagles if you continue to scratch with the turkeys.” – Zig Ziglar
There is too much focus on the NEGATIVE in main stream media (especially the news and reality TV), healthcare, psychology, politics, education, religion, and of course whining, complaining family, friends and coworkers… Too much focus on what is WRONG with us and FIXING what is wrong with us (and life), instead of focusing on what is Right with us (and our lives) and strengthening our good qualities (and being grateful for everything we have).
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy has a strong influence even to this day on the writings and research of Sigmund Freud. But Freudian psychology has a big emphasis on what is WRONG with our childhoods, our relationship with our parents, our lives, etc. As valuable as it has been, It has a HUGE focus on the NEGATIVE (ie, what is wrong with us).
We need a shift! A shift to focusing on what is right with us, our good traits and qualities and our strengths, talents and gifts.
There is a new branch in Psychology that started in the early 1990's and is getting growing research, support and funding called Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology looks at Positive Human traits instead of disease, illnesses and pathology. For example, in Positive psychology it is now known and scientifically proven that happy people are more creative, more charitable, more productive at work, earn more money, have better health, better immunity, and even live longer.
The idea of helping normal people be happier instead of just fixing mental illnesses now has solid scientific research in the psychology and psychiatric community (with random assignment, placebo controlled and long term studies)!
Martin Seligman, one of the Pioneers in the New Science of
Positive Psychology, says there are 3 major tenants:
1) Positive Psychology is more concerned with building the Strengths of people instead of repairing or fixing the weaknesses or problems.
2) Positive Psychology is interested in building on the best things in life, instead of repairing the worst.
3) Positive Psychology is focused more on helping normal people lead more fulfilling and happy lives and also nurturing high level genius in people than it is with treating pathology, illness and disease.
These studies were done with as much rigor and care as typical disease-treatment type of studies, only the focus is not on treating problems, but rather to help people live a more pleasurable, happy and accomplished life.
What is so fascinating to me is that Positive Psychology research gives a scientific credence to the power of positive thinking, the Law of Attraction, and the teachings of the best known motivational and spiritual speakers.
“You can't fly with the eagles if you continue to scratch with the turkeys.” – Zig Ziglar
There is too much focus on the NEGATIVE in main stream media (especially the news and reality TV), healthcare, psychology, politics, education, religion, and of course whining, complaining family, friends and coworkers… Too much focus on what is WRONG with us and FIXING what is wrong with us (and life), instead of focusing on what is Right with us (and our lives) and strengthening our good qualities (and being grateful for everything we have).
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy has a strong influence even to this day on the writings and research of Sigmund Freud. But Freudian psychology has a big emphasis on what is WRONG with our childhoods, our relationship with our parents, our lives, etc. As valuable as it has been, It has a HUGE focus on the NEGATIVE (ie, what is wrong with us).
We need a shift! A shift to focusing on what is right with us, our good traits and qualities and our strengths, talents and gifts.
There is a new branch in Psychology that started in the early 1990's and is getting growing research, support and funding called Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology looks at Positive Human traits instead of disease, illnesses and pathology. For example, in Positive psychology it is now known and scientifically proven that happy people are more creative, more charitable, more productive at work, earn more money, have better health, better immunity, and even live longer.
The idea of helping normal people be happier instead of just fixing mental illnesses now has solid scientific research in the psychology and psychiatric community (with random assignment, placebo controlled and long term studies)!
Martin Seligman, one of the Pioneers in the New Science of
Positive Psychology, says there are 3 major tenants:
1) Positive Psychology is more concerned with building the Strengths of people instead of repairing or fixing the weaknesses or problems.
2) Positive Psychology is interested in building on the best things in life, instead of repairing the worst.
3) Positive Psychology is focused more on helping normal people lead more fulfilling and happy lives and also nurturing high level genius in people than it is with treating pathology, illness and disease.
These studies were done with as much rigor and care as typical disease-treatment type of studies, only the focus is not on treating problems, but rather to help people live a more pleasurable, happy and accomplished life.
What is so fascinating to me is that Positive Psychology research gives a scientific credence to the power of positive thinking, the Law of Attraction, and the teachings of the best known motivational and spiritual speakers.

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Studies done by Dr Martin Seligman and other notable and prestigious "Positive" psychologists found that generally there are THREE types of Happy lives we can live (generally speaking) and various exercises that could be done to amplify the happiness (much like a treatment , but only in the positive sense of making someone happier, not treating a disease).
╰☆╮The 3 levels of Happiness╰☆╮
1) The Pleasant Life (The Pursuit of Pleasure)
2) The Good Life (The Pursuit of Engagement)
3) The Meaningful Life (The Pursuit of Meaning)
The Pleasant Life is a life filled with pleasurable emotions such as eating fine food, drinking fine wine, hearing rapturous musics, seeing wonderful sights/art, romance and sex, laughter, massage, touch, smells and anything that evokes sensory pleasures and positive emotions, but in a way that is instantly gratifying. These type of experiences and feelings are wonderful, but we can easily habituate to them by overdoing (eating, sex, etc).
This type of life is signified by the word PLEASURE.
The Good Life is a life of flow where time stops and you are totally absorbed in something, your work, hobbies, conversation etc. There may not be any positive emotion because you are not just listening to the music , you are one with it. I think we have all had the experience of being with someone, doing some project we were 100% into and being totally engrossed to the point where time literally stopped YET ironically looking at any clock, time flew by. Basically we are totally engaged and connected to life. This engagement and absorption is the very OPPOSITE of boredom.
This type of life is signified by the word ENGAGEMENT (also flow or absorption).
The Meaningful life is a life where you know your signature strengths, gifts and talents and you use them in the service of something higher, bigger or greater than yourself. Something larger than you like a positive institution, a big dream or vision that can change the world on a large scale (or even a small scale) but the key is that it is something greater than yourself that can touch the lives of multitudes.
In the Positive Psychology studies done by Dr Seligman and others, they found that the longest lasting happiness was found in the meaningful life, followed next by the Good Life. There was hardly any lasting happiness with the Pleasant Life alone… BUT, here is the KEY… When you Lead a Meaningful and Good Life, these studies found the pleasures become like the whipped cream and cherries and gives a DEEP richness, sweetness and reward to living. So the pleasures of life become exponentially more pleasurable when you Know your strengths, You follow your Bliss and Make a Difference. But pleasures alone will not bring lasting happiness. It seems living all 3 together has a profound synergy in giving the ultimate experience of lasting happiness.
Here's the Billion dollar question for YOU (and for me) that we should ask ourselves:
What is it that YOU would do if I had $1 Billion Dollars in the bank, time freedom and perfect health?
What would YOU DO to make a difference and lead a RICH, MEANINGFUL, GOOD and Pleasurable life? This is a question I am personally asking myself and I invite you to really go deep into the heart of what matters to you in life and ask this questions to yourself as well.
Follow your Bliss, Live Life on Purpose, and Be the example you wish to teach!
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Studies done by Dr Martin Seligman and other notable and prestigious "Positive" psychologists found that generally there are THREE types of Happy lives we can live (generally speaking) and various exercises that could be done to amplify the happiness (much like a treatment , but only in the positive sense of making someone happier, not treating a disease).
╰☆╮The 3 levels of Happiness╰☆╮
1) The Pleasant Life (The Pursuit of Pleasure)
2) The Good Life (The Pursuit of Engagement)
3) The Meaningful Life (The Pursuit of Meaning)
The Pleasant Life is a life filled with pleasurable emotions such as eating fine food, drinking fine wine, hearing rapturous musics, seeing wonderful sights/art, romance and sex, laughter, massage, touch, smells and anything that evokes sensory pleasures and positive emotions, but in a way that is instantly gratifying. These type of experiences and feelings are wonderful, but we can easily habituate to them by overdoing (eating, sex, etc).
This type of life is signified by the word PLEASURE.
The Good Life is a life of flow where time stops and you are totally absorbed in something, your work, hobbies, conversation etc. There may not be any positive emotion because you are not just listening to the music , you are one with it. I think we have all had the experience of being with someone, doing some project we were 100% into and being totally engrossed to the point where time literally stopped YET ironically looking at any clock, time flew by. Basically we are totally engaged and connected to life. This engagement and absorption is the very OPPOSITE of boredom.
This type of life is signified by the word ENGAGEMENT (also flow or absorption).
The Meaningful life is a life where you know your signature strengths, gifts and talents and you use them in the service of something higher, bigger or greater than yourself. Something larger than you like a positive institution, a big dream or vision that can change the world on a large scale (or even a small scale) but the key is that it is something greater than yourself that can touch the lives of multitudes.
In the Positive Psychology studies done by Dr Seligman and others, they found that the longest lasting happiness was found in the meaningful life, followed next by the Good Life. There was hardly any lasting happiness with the Pleasant Life alone… BUT, here is the KEY… When you Lead a Meaningful and Good Life, these studies found the pleasures become like the whipped cream and cherries and gives a DEEP richness, sweetness and reward to living. So the pleasures of life become exponentially more pleasurable when you Know your strengths, You follow your Bliss and Make a Difference. But pleasures alone will not bring lasting happiness. It seems living all 3 together has a profound synergy in giving the ultimate experience of lasting happiness.
Here's the Billion dollar question for YOU (and for me) that we should ask ourselves:
What is it that YOU would do if I had $1 Billion Dollars in the bank, time freedom and perfect health?
What would YOU DO to make a difference and lead a RICH, MEANINGFUL, GOOD and Pleasurable life? This is a question I am personally asking myself and I invite you to really go deep into the heart of what matters to you in life and ask this questions to yourself as well.
Follow your Bliss, Live Life on Purpose, and Be the example you wish to teach!

The BIG FAT PROBLEM ====> In a word is STRESS!!
Chronic Stress, the Self Created Nocebo
The #1 Destroyer of Both Health AND Happiness!!
Stress is used Cause By FAULTY Beliefs...
Chronic stress — the kind most of us face day in and day out — is a killer. Ninety percent of doctors’ visits are for stress-related health complaints.(2) Chronic stress makes you more vulnerable to everything from cancer to the common cold.(3) The non-stop elevation of stress hormones not only makes your body sick, it negatively impacts your brain as well. Chronic stress changes your brain’s function and even its structure down to the level of your DNA
Stress hugely affects the way you think and feel. It can wear you down mentally and emotionally, and sap the joy from life.
Before we look at the many ways chronic stress affects your brain, we need to talk a little bit about stress hormones. Adrenaline is the stress hormone produced on an “as needed” basis in moments of extreme excitement. It will help you think and move fast in an emergency. In the right situation, it can save your life. It doesn’t linger, dissipating as quickly as it was created.
Cortisol, on the other hand, streams through your system all day long — and that’s what makes it so dangerous. This stress hormone has been called “public enemy number 1.” Excess cortisol leads to a host of health problems including weight gain, osteoporosis, digestive problems, hormone imbalances, cancer, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Chronic stress takes a toll on adrenal glands. It can leaving you feeling exhausted, and “wired but tired.”(9) Weight gain, mood swings, poor sleep, short attention span, and memory issues are common signs of stress due to elevated cortisol.
Also, muscle breakdown, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances and overall increased irritability, anger, worry, jealously, greed, etc.
***It is also important to note that to fully experience your vitality it takes more than just getting rid of life’s stressors. Eliminating the stressors only puts you at the neutral point in the range. To fully thrive, we must not only eliminate the stressors but also actively seek joyful, loving, fulfilling lives that stimulate healing processes and happy chemicals
Chronic Stress, the Self Created Nocebo
The #1 Destroyer of Both Health AND Happiness!!
Stress is used Cause By FAULTY Beliefs...
Chronic stress — the kind most of us face day in and day out — is a killer. Ninety percent of doctors’ visits are for stress-related health complaints.(2) Chronic stress makes you more vulnerable to everything from cancer to the common cold.(3) The non-stop elevation of stress hormones not only makes your body sick, it negatively impacts your brain as well. Chronic stress changes your brain’s function and even its structure down to the level of your DNA
Stress hugely affects the way you think and feel. It can wear you down mentally and emotionally, and sap the joy from life.
Before we look at the many ways chronic stress affects your brain, we need to talk a little bit about stress hormones. Adrenaline is the stress hormone produced on an “as needed” basis in moments of extreme excitement. It will help you think and move fast in an emergency. In the right situation, it can save your life. It doesn’t linger, dissipating as quickly as it was created.
Cortisol, on the other hand, streams through your system all day long — and that’s what makes it so dangerous. This stress hormone has been called “public enemy number 1.” Excess cortisol leads to a host of health problems including weight gain, osteoporosis, digestive problems, hormone imbalances, cancer, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Chronic stress takes a toll on adrenal glands. It can leaving you feeling exhausted, and “wired but tired.”(9) Weight gain, mood swings, poor sleep, short attention span, and memory issues are common signs of stress due to elevated cortisol.
Also, muscle breakdown, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances and overall increased irritability, anger, worry, jealously, greed, etc.
***It is also important to note that to fully experience your vitality it takes more than just getting rid of life’s stressors. Eliminating the stressors only puts you at the neutral point in the range. To fully thrive, we must not only eliminate the stressors but also actively seek joyful, loving, fulfilling lives that stimulate healing processes and happy chemicals

The Parable of the Snake and Rope
Image living in a dark room where you think you see a snake. You live in fear of this snake every day.
Suddenly a light is briefly turned on and you see that the snake is not a snake, it's just a rope. The light is turned off and it's dark again. BUT, you are never ever afraid of the snake, knowing it was just an illusion.
This is how just one genuine and true "awakening" experience can forever change you.
Don't be complacent though, continue to strive so that the lights always remain on
Image living in a dark room where you think you see a snake. You live in fear of this snake every day.
Suddenly a light is briefly turned on and you see that the snake is not a snake, it's just a rope. The light is turned off and it's dark again. BUT, you are never ever afraid of the snake, knowing it was just an illusion.
This is how just one genuine and true "awakening" experience can forever change you.
Don't be complacent though, continue to strive so that the lights always remain on

Proteins are the staff of life, the physical gears that orchestrate the movements of biology. There are estimated to be about 100,000 different kinds of proteins in the human body. Today, medical students and practitioners are still operating under the assumption that genes, the blueprints that proteins are made from, are the primary factor in biological processes.

Introducing the Cell Mem-Brain.
At just seven nanometers wide, this phospholipid bilayer is covered in hundreds of thousands of different receptor proteins. These receptor proteins are each specialized to interpret different signals from the environment or your thoughts/beliefs and then relay that information back into the cell.
When a chemical messenger like a **hormone or a neurotransmitter** binds to a receptor protein like a key going into a lock, the receptor protein activates corresponding effector proteins inside of the cell, initiating a cascade of chemical reactions within the cell. These are called IMPs, or integral membrane proteins. This receptor effector protein relationships in the cell membrane is how a cell perceives and reacts to its environment.
Environmental Stimulus Binds to Cell Membrane
Chemical Reactions Inside Cell Reaches Nucleus
A Gene Becomes Expressed as a protein.
The Cell Membrane is the BRAIN of the cell, and the DNA is more akin to the gonads.
After doing experiments with enucleation, a process where the genes are removed from the cell, Dr. Lipton and other experimenters found that cells live normal lives for up to two months.
Modern science has mistaken the blueprint, the DNA, for the contractor who actually builds the house.
At just seven nanometers wide, this phospholipid bilayer is covered in hundreds of thousands of different receptor proteins. These receptor proteins are each specialized to interpret different signals from the environment or your thoughts/beliefs and then relay that information back into the cell.
When a chemical messenger like a **hormone or a neurotransmitter** binds to a receptor protein like a key going into a lock, the receptor protein activates corresponding effector proteins inside of the cell, initiating a cascade of chemical reactions within the cell. These are called IMPs, or integral membrane proteins. This receptor effector protein relationships in the cell membrane is how a cell perceives and reacts to its environment.
Environmental Stimulus Binds to Cell Membrane
Chemical Reactions Inside Cell Reaches Nucleus
A Gene Becomes Expressed as a protein.
The Cell Membrane is the BRAIN of the cell, and the DNA is more akin to the gonads.
After doing experiments with enucleation, a process where the genes are removed from the cell, Dr. Lipton and other experimenters found that cells live normal lives for up to two months.
Modern science has mistaken the blueprint, the DNA, for the contractor who actually builds the house.
☆ DNA is not Read Only Memory (ROM)
Our old belief system is that nucleus and its programs were “read only” ROM, that whatever the genes are, that would be our fate. However the new insights offered revealed that the nucleus of the cell is NOT read only, its read – write, like a hard drive on your computer. So basically the cell is a programmable device. You put it into an environment, it will read the environment and then adjust the expression of the genes to match the needs of that environment. This also holds with our thoughts, beliefs, diet and other habits we have developed. But these are "changeable" and you have the power to change your environment, thoughts, habits, etc.
When we get issues running in the family such as cancer, doctors immediately look to a genealogy chart and look for cancer in the genes. A doctor will even TELL you, that you are a risk for cancer if it runs in the family, like in the case with Angelina Jolie.
But Studies have now been done with adopted children who are brought into a family with a history of cancer. The startling discovery is that the adopted children have the same probability as the natural born children to develop cancer. What IS passed on is not the genetics for cancer, but rather perceptions, beliefs, habits, and other attributes of the family.
Also, consider that if you "Believe" that cancer runs in your family, that belief itself can program or reinforce the cancerous genes. That's the nocebo effect, which is the opposite of the placebo effect. Why hold a belief that can kill you, when the opposite "positive" belief (placebo effect) can save your life? One study show that the placebo effect is 47% as powerful as morphine for reducing pain. That's how powerful your mind is!
We become literally a reflection of our thoughts, beliefs and environment and modern science HAS proved this.
Our old belief system is that nucleus and its programs were “read only” ROM, that whatever the genes are, that would be our fate. However the new insights offered revealed that the nucleus of the cell is NOT read only, its read – write, like a hard drive on your computer. So basically the cell is a programmable device. You put it into an environment, it will read the environment and then adjust the expression of the genes to match the needs of that environment. This also holds with our thoughts, beliefs, diet and other habits we have developed. But these are "changeable" and you have the power to change your environment, thoughts, habits, etc.
When we get issues running in the family such as cancer, doctors immediately look to a genealogy chart and look for cancer in the genes. A doctor will even TELL you, that you are a risk for cancer if it runs in the family, like in the case with Angelina Jolie.
But Studies have now been done with adopted children who are brought into a family with a history of cancer. The startling discovery is that the adopted children have the same probability as the natural born children to develop cancer. What IS passed on is not the genetics for cancer, but rather perceptions, beliefs, habits, and other attributes of the family.
Also, consider that if you "Believe" that cancer runs in your family, that belief itself can program or reinforce the cancerous genes. That's the nocebo effect, which is the opposite of the placebo effect. Why hold a belief that can kill you, when the opposite "positive" belief (placebo effect) can save your life? One study show that the placebo effect is 47% as powerful as morphine for reducing pain. That's how powerful your mind is!
We become literally a reflection of our thoughts, beliefs and environment and modern science HAS proved this.
Pribram hypothesized that the neurons, axions, and dendrites of the brain create wave-like patterns that cause an interference pattern. In 1966 he published his findings and during the next few years he refined his theory. According to Pribram, a holographic theory explains many of the mysteries of the brain, including the enormous capacity of the brain for the storage and retrieval of information.
The average human accumulates 280 quintillion bits of information in his or her lifetime (Talbot, Holographic Universe). It is said with holographic wave interference patterns you could store all the books in the library of congress on a sugar cube (contains virtually every book ever published in US). Interference patterns amount to a constant accumulation of information, and waves virtually infinite capacity storage.
Pieces of holographic film containing multiple images, such as those described above, also provide a way of understanding our ability to both recall and forget. When such a piece of film is held in a laser beam and tilted back and forth, the various images it contains appear and disappear in a glittering stream. It has been suggested that our ability to remember is analogous to shining a laser beam on such a piece of film and calling up a particular image. Similarly, when we are unable to recall something, this may be equivalent to shining various beams on a piece of multiple-image film, but failing to find the right angle to call up the image/memory for which we are searching.
**Associative Memory (optional but interesting!)
We have all had similar experiences—a whiff of a particular food being prepared, or a glimpse of some long-forgotten object—that suddenly evoke some scene out of our past.
The holographic idea offers a further analogy for the associative tendencies of memory. This is illustrated by yet another kind of holographic recording technique. First, the light of a single laser beam is bounced off two objects simultaneously, say an easy chair and a smoking pipe. The light bounced off each object is then allowed to collide, and the resulting interference pattern is captured on film. Then, whenever the easy chair is illuminated with laser light and the light that reflects off the easy chair is passed through the film, a three-dimensional image of the pipe will appear. Conversely, whenever the same is done with the pipe, a hologram of the easy chair appears. So, if our brains function holographically, a similar process may be responsible for the way certain objects evoke specific memories from our past.
**Transference learned Skills (optional but interesting!)
Pribram believes the holographic model also sheds light on our ability to transfer learned skills from one part of our body to another. As you sit reading this book, take a moment and trace your first name in the air with your left elbow. You will probably discover that this is a relatively easy thing to do, and yet in all likelihood it is something you have never done before.
Pietsch began as an ardent disbeliever in Pribram's theory. He was especially skeptical of Pribram's claim that memories do not possess any specific location in the brain.
To prove Pribram wrong, Pietsch devised a series of experiments, and as the test subjects of his experiments he chose salamanders. In previous studies he had discovered that he could remove the brain of a salamander without killing it, and although it remained in a stupor as long as its brain was missing, its behavior completely returned to normal as soon as its brain was restored.
Pietsch reasoned that if a salamander's feeding behavior is not confined to any specific location in the brain, then it should not matter how its brain is positioned in its head. If it did matter, Pribram's theory would be disproven. He thenflip-flopped the left and right hemispheres of a salamander's brain, but to his dismay, as soon as it recovered, the salamander quickly resumed normal feeding.
He took another salamander and turned its brain upside down. When it recovered it, too, fed normally. Growing increasingly frus- trated, he decided to resort to more drastic measures. In a series of over 700 operations he sliced, flipped, shuffled, subtracted, and even minced the brains of his hapless subjects, but always when he replaced what was left of their brains, their behavior returned to normal.
Carl Jung's theory of the collective unconscious is compatible with holographic theory . Jung observed that certain dreams, myths, hallucinations and religious symbols are shared by many people and cultures.
The average human accumulates 280 quintillion bits of information in his or her lifetime (Talbot, Holographic Universe). It is said with holographic wave interference patterns you could store all the books in the library of congress on a sugar cube (contains virtually every book ever published in US). Interference patterns amount to a constant accumulation of information, and waves virtually infinite capacity storage.
Pieces of holographic film containing multiple images, such as those described above, also provide a way of understanding our ability to both recall and forget. When such a piece of film is held in a laser beam and tilted back and forth, the various images it contains appear and disappear in a glittering stream. It has been suggested that our ability to remember is analogous to shining a laser beam on such a piece of film and calling up a particular image. Similarly, when we are unable to recall something, this may be equivalent to shining various beams on a piece of multiple-image film, but failing to find the right angle to call up the image/memory for which we are searching.
**Associative Memory (optional but interesting!)
We have all had similar experiences—a whiff of a particular food being prepared, or a glimpse of some long-forgotten object—that suddenly evoke some scene out of our past.
The holographic idea offers a further analogy for the associative tendencies of memory. This is illustrated by yet another kind of holographic recording technique. First, the light of a single laser beam is bounced off two objects simultaneously, say an easy chair and a smoking pipe. The light bounced off each object is then allowed to collide, and the resulting interference pattern is captured on film. Then, whenever the easy chair is illuminated with laser light and the light that reflects off the easy chair is passed through the film, a three-dimensional image of the pipe will appear. Conversely, whenever the same is done with the pipe, a hologram of the easy chair appears. So, if our brains function holographically, a similar process may be responsible for the way certain objects evoke specific memories from our past.
**Transference learned Skills (optional but interesting!)
Pribram believes the holographic model also sheds light on our ability to transfer learned skills from one part of our body to another. As you sit reading this book, take a moment and trace your first name in the air with your left elbow. You will probably discover that this is a relatively easy thing to do, and yet in all likelihood it is something you have never done before.
Pietsch began as an ardent disbeliever in Pribram's theory. He was especially skeptical of Pribram's claim that memories do not possess any specific location in the brain.
To prove Pribram wrong, Pietsch devised a series of experiments, and as the test subjects of his experiments he chose salamanders. In previous studies he had discovered that he could remove the brain of a salamander without killing it, and although it remained in a stupor as long as its brain was missing, its behavior completely returned to normal as soon as its brain was restored.
Pietsch reasoned that if a salamander's feeding behavior is not confined to any specific location in the brain, then it should not matter how its brain is positioned in its head. If it did matter, Pribram's theory would be disproven. He thenflip-flopped the left and right hemispheres of a salamander's brain, but to his dismay, as soon as it recovered, the salamander quickly resumed normal feeding.
He took another salamander and turned its brain upside down. When it recovered it, too, fed normally. Growing increasingly frus- trated, he decided to resort to more drastic measures. In a series of over 700 operations he sliced, flipped, shuffled, subtracted, and even minced the brains of his hapless subjects, but always when he replaced what was left of their brains, their behavior returned to normal.
Carl Jung's theory of the collective unconscious is compatible with holographic theory . Jung observed that certain dreams, myths, hallucinations and religious symbols are shared by many people and cultures.

Scared to Death:
I have cited the Discovery Health Channel’s 2003 program “Placebo: Mind Over Medicine” in this chapter because it is a good compendium of some of medicine’s most interesting cases. One of its more poignant segments featured a Nashville physician, Clifton Meador, who has been reflecting on the potential power of the nocebo effect for thirty years. In 1974 Meador had a patient, Sam Londe, a retired shoe salesman suffering from cancer of the esophagus, a condition that was at the time considered 100 percent fatal. Londe was treated for that cancer, but everyone in the medical community “knew” that his esophageal cancer would recur. So it was no surprise when Londe died a few weeks after his diagnosis.
The surprise came after Londe’s death when an autopsy found very little cancer in his body, certainly not enough to kill him. There were a couple of spots in the liver and one in the lung, but there was no trace of the esophageal cancer that everyone thought had killed him. Meador told the Discovery Health Channel: “He died with cancer, but not from cancer.” What did Londe die of if not esophageal cancer?
Had he died because he believed he was going to die? The case still haunts Meador three decades after Londe’s death: “I thought he had cancer. He thought he had cancer. Everybody around him thought he had cancer . . . did I remove hope in some way?” Troublesome nocebo cases suggest that physicians, parents, and teachers can remove hope by programming you to believe you are powerless.
Also story of Chinese Torture slitting wrists and then just using ICE.
I have cited the Discovery Health Channel’s 2003 program “Placebo: Mind Over Medicine” in this chapter because it is a good compendium of some of medicine’s most interesting cases. One of its more poignant segments featured a Nashville physician, Clifton Meador, who has been reflecting on the potential power of the nocebo effect for thirty years. In 1974 Meador had a patient, Sam Londe, a retired shoe salesman suffering from cancer of the esophagus, a condition that was at the time considered 100 percent fatal. Londe was treated for that cancer, but everyone in the medical community “knew” that his esophageal cancer would recur. So it was no surprise when Londe died a few weeks after his diagnosis.
The surprise came after Londe’s death when an autopsy found very little cancer in his body, certainly not enough to kill him. There were a couple of spots in the liver and one in the lung, but there was no trace of the esophageal cancer that everyone thought had killed him. Meador told the Discovery Health Channel: “He died with cancer, but not from cancer.” What did Londe die of if not esophageal cancer?
Had he died because he believed he was going to die? The case still haunts Meador three decades after Londe’s death: “I thought he had cancer. He thought he had cancer. Everybody around him thought he had cancer . . . did I remove hope in some way?” Troublesome nocebo cases suggest that physicians, parents, and teachers can remove hope by programming you to believe you are powerless.
Also story of Chinese Torture slitting wrists and then just using ICE.

***New Research
Scientists Could Soon Use Holography to Edit Memories And Sensations Directly Into The Brain
Welcome to "neural prosthesis".
Scientists have found a way to trick the brain into thinking that it's sensing something that it isn't.
Using flashes of light to control neurons, researchers believe they can "copy and paste" real brain activity, paving the way for a future in which we can edit memories, delete pain or insert a non-existent image.
While Pribram originally developed the holonomic brain theory as an analogy for certain brain processes, several papers (including some more recent ones by Pribram himself) have proposed that the similarity between hologram and certain brain functions is more than just metaphorical, but actually structural.
Scientists Could Soon Use Holography to Edit Memories And Sensations Directly Into The Brain
Welcome to "neural prosthesis".
Scientists have found a way to trick the brain into thinking that it's sensing something that it isn't.
Using flashes of light to control neurons, researchers believe they can "copy and paste" real brain activity, paving the way for a future in which we can edit memories, delete pain or insert a non-existent image.
While Pribram originally developed the holonomic brain theory as an analogy for certain brain processes, several papers (including some more recent ones by Pribram himself) have proposed that the similarity between hologram and certain brain functions is more than just metaphorical, but actually structural.

Anger - The Happiness Sabotager
“Wrath springs only from thwarted desires. I do not expect anything from others, so their actions cannot be in opposition to wishes of mine.”
Anger had always been an issue for me. It’s actually embarrassing to remember all the times I flared up over insignificant matters and worthless individuals. My past experience, however, did teach me few things about the nature of anger.
First, anger, in every form, is all about power. Anger exists because it protects us from harm whether it be a harm to your body or harm to your reputation that will ruin your social status. Anger also drives us to defend what we care for whether it be your loved ones or your tribe and beliefs. But, of course, it’s also used as a means to assert and maintain your dominance over others. In any way you see it, anger functions as a way to both guard and expand your power.
But anger, like fire, can either help you or destroy you—you must be the one in control. And to master anger, you must be aware of how you’re using it: You’re either using anger to control a situation or you’re throwing a tantrum because you have no control.
So, for all situations that induce rage, disgust, and bitterness, ask yourself the Anger Question: Is my anger helping me defend, assert, or improve my life situation in any way? If the answer is no, cool down and disengage. There’s no point burning your energy needlessly.
To get you started, here are some common things that enrage people that shouldn’t.
1. The Past
The past is gone; it exists only in your mind. Just learn whatever lesson you must and move on. You should also know that our memories are prone to biases and distortions—especially with emotional events. So, don’t get distracted over something that is irrelevant to your current life that’s distorted and unreal.
2. Stupid People
Stupid people have always existed and they will continue to exist no matter how much they annoy you. It’s absurd to claim that there are people who are so imbecilic as to “insult” your intelligence and “lower” your IQ. If you’re so easily offended by your supposed intellectual inferiors, maybe you’re not as smart as you think you are.
3. Disgusting People
I used to feel utter disgust and rage by these type of people who relish in their victim-status and see weakness as a virtue, but I just don’t see the point anymore. These days, I prefer detached contempt.
4. Feminists And SJWs (social justice warriors)
Speaking of stupid and disgusting people, feminists and SJWs are some of the most idiotic and nauseating people to have ever existed on Earth. But what does getting outraged and hating them accomplish? These people are being deliberately provocative to troll you. They want you to play their negative-sum game so that you’ll drop down to their level of misery.
5. Your “Enemies”
Maybe you have resentment towards your useless boss, an impossible ex, or people who insulted you or betrayed you in the past, but unless they’re somehow trying to destroy you this very moment, holding on to anger will only torment you. You are the one who ends up getting burned! Let them go, the past is GONE! Bath and drink from the fresh and cool spring waters of the present moment.
6. Entertainment Sports
During my more miserable years, I followed sports to numb myself. Oh, the joys of rage, frustration, anguish, and disappointment that comes with cheering for a sub-par team—not to mention being burned with humiliation by your laughing rivals. I finally ended the idiotic self-torture when I decided that my own life was too important to be sitting and watching millionaire entertainers duke it out in a modern-day circus.
7. Your Life Circumstance
You’re angry that girls won’t date you because of your race, height, or whatever? You blame your parents and shitty upbringing for your current problems? Oh please, countless men have succeeded in spite of having gone through harsher conditions than you have. Even if you have a legitimate case of hardship, you’re wasting your energy on anger if you’re not directing it towards self-improvement.
8. Money And Objects
Growing up financially unstable, I used to get high-strung over money and possessions—every dollar and every cent counted for me. I guarded my possessions like my own children and I would get furious for days when something got damaged, lost, or stolen. This is what happens with a scarcity mindset: you fuss over the insignificant stuff.
Wealth is vital to your well-being, but acting like it’s the most important thing in the world and getting overly attached to your possessions is petty and pathetic.
9. Politicians
Getting angry at professional politicians for being corrupt liars is like getting angry at professional prostitutes for being dirty and slutty. I actually find it hilarious how much hatred people hold for the likes of Obama and Trump.
Get it through your head: unless you’re actively doing something to get them out of office, you’re getting fussed up over something you can’t control.
10. World Affairs
Know that the media makes its money by garnering your attention with the most negative and conflict-arousing drama they can find in the world while feeding you propaganda at the same time. What is the point of getting angry over something happening around the world that doesn’t even affect you? Even the local news is barely relevant to your own life. If there’s something important that I should concern myself with, I’m sure I’ll hear about it through the word of mouth.
11. Different Opinions
We all know how bitchy the SJWs get when faced with opinions that go against their delusions, so isn’t it time to stop doing the same? Why get angry because someone would dare espouse socialist ideas or express their Christian beliefs? You don’t have to prove them wrong and you probably won’t change their minds anyway. Focus your energy on things that benefit you instead.
12. Arguments
To continue with the previous point, most arguments—especially regarding politics or religious beliefs—are total waste of time. I remember all my heated online arguments from the past, and guess what: they’ve accomplished exactly nothing. Unless you’re doing it to defend your reputation, to win over an audience that matters, or as part of your job, arguing is almost always unnecessary. If you’re going to argue, do it for practical reasons and not for your ego.
13. The Injustice of the World
I personally find this the hardest to swallow. It’s a familiar story: spoiled feminist girls get to engage in weekly, alcohol-fueled debauchery thanks to their indulging parents that support their lifestyle while their supposed oppressors—the men—are working their asses off just to get by (or getting maimed and killed in wars). I can repeat the same scenario in many variations. But I guess the world has always been unfair and complaining about it is not going to change it.
In the end, all we can do is focus on improving our own lives while ignoring these human garbage.
14. Yourself
You messed up, embarrassed yourself, and now you’re angry with no one to blame but yourself. It’s a tough place to be in and you’ll find little sympathy anywhere. But no matter what you did and how badly you screwed up, you must find a way to forgive yourself and move on. Failure to do so can be fatal.
Taming Anger
Now, I’m not suggesting that you flat-out banish anger from your life; that would be a woeful mistake. As I’ve said in the beginning, anger is vital for your existence, which is why you must tame it and use it to your advantage. All I’m suggesting is that your energy and focus be concentrated towards creating value for yourself, no more.
Also, now that I’m more stoic, I do find that people mistake my lack of reactiveness with weakness. I therefore suggest that you always keep some heat on so that people don’t think you’re a pushover.
To conclude, tame your anger like you would a wild horse. You must command your anger lest you be commanded by it. Don’t get angry over worthless matters that bring no value to your life and focus your energy on worthwhile things you can take practical action on.
Other stupid things we get mad about (and WE SHOULDN'T
Mad at Your Computer For Freezing
Mad at Having to Watch a 30 Second Ad on Youtube
Someone tells you about a song they cannot get out of your head
Mad at someone interrupting you (when really you are the one talking nonstop)
Mad at bills that are mistaken (or so you think)
Mad at cable repair
Mad at neighbors making too much noise.
Mad at someone chewing with their mouth open
Mad because you have to wait for your food and you are hungry.
Mad at someone in 10 item of less line.
Mad at someone cutting you off in traffic
Mad because you were proven wrong (and you like to be right all the time).
Mad at slow internet
Mad at spam emails especially when no opt out.
Mad when TP is out
Mad at forgotten items
Mad at takeout order that is wrong and you find out when you get home
Mad at toilet seat up or toilet paper wrong direction
Mad at a mess in your house.
IN A hurry and slow cars or walkers in front of you.
Mad for waking up late or missing appt.
Mad at a stain getting in favorite clothes (especially white and new).
“Wrath springs only from thwarted desires. I do not expect anything from others, so their actions cannot be in opposition to wishes of mine.”
Anger had always been an issue for me. It’s actually embarrassing to remember all the times I flared up over insignificant matters and worthless individuals. My past experience, however, did teach me few things about the nature of anger.
First, anger, in every form, is all about power. Anger exists because it protects us from harm whether it be a harm to your body or harm to your reputation that will ruin your social status. Anger also drives us to defend what we care for whether it be your loved ones or your tribe and beliefs. But, of course, it’s also used as a means to assert and maintain your dominance over others. In any way you see it, anger functions as a way to both guard and expand your power.
But anger, like fire, can either help you or destroy you—you must be the one in control. And to master anger, you must be aware of how you’re using it: You’re either using anger to control a situation or you’re throwing a tantrum because you have no control.
So, for all situations that induce rage, disgust, and bitterness, ask yourself the Anger Question: Is my anger helping me defend, assert, or improve my life situation in any way? If the answer is no, cool down and disengage. There’s no point burning your energy needlessly.
To get you started, here are some common things that enrage people that shouldn’t.
1. The Past
The past is gone; it exists only in your mind. Just learn whatever lesson you must and move on. You should also know that our memories are prone to biases and distortions—especially with emotional events. So, don’t get distracted over something that is irrelevant to your current life that’s distorted and unreal.
2. Stupid People
Stupid people have always existed and they will continue to exist no matter how much they annoy you. It’s absurd to claim that there are people who are so imbecilic as to “insult” your intelligence and “lower” your IQ. If you’re so easily offended by your supposed intellectual inferiors, maybe you’re not as smart as you think you are.
3. Disgusting People
I used to feel utter disgust and rage by these type of people who relish in their victim-status and see weakness as a virtue, but I just don’t see the point anymore. These days, I prefer detached contempt.
4. Feminists And SJWs (social justice warriors)
Speaking of stupid and disgusting people, feminists and SJWs are some of the most idiotic and nauseating people to have ever existed on Earth. But what does getting outraged and hating them accomplish? These people are being deliberately provocative to troll you. They want you to play their negative-sum game so that you’ll drop down to their level of misery.
5. Your “Enemies”
Maybe you have resentment towards your useless boss, an impossible ex, or people who insulted you or betrayed you in the past, but unless they’re somehow trying to destroy you this very moment, holding on to anger will only torment you. You are the one who ends up getting burned! Let them go, the past is GONE! Bath and drink from the fresh and cool spring waters of the present moment.
6. Entertainment Sports
During my more miserable years, I followed sports to numb myself. Oh, the joys of rage, frustration, anguish, and disappointment that comes with cheering for a sub-par team—not to mention being burned with humiliation by your laughing rivals. I finally ended the idiotic self-torture when I decided that my own life was too important to be sitting and watching millionaire entertainers duke it out in a modern-day circus.
7. Your Life Circumstance
You’re angry that girls won’t date you because of your race, height, or whatever? You blame your parents and shitty upbringing for your current problems? Oh please, countless men have succeeded in spite of having gone through harsher conditions than you have. Even if you have a legitimate case of hardship, you’re wasting your energy on anger if you’re not directing it towards self-improvement.
8. Money And Objects
Growing up financially unstable, I used to get high-strung over money and possessions—every dollar and every cent counted for me. I guarded my possessions like my own children and I would get furious for days when something got damaged, lost, or stolen. This is what happens with a scarcity mindset: you fuss over the insignificant stuff.
Wealth is vital to your well-being, but acting like it’s the most important thing in the world and getting overly attached to your possessions is petty and pathetic.
9. Politicians
Getting angry at professional politicians for being corrupt liars is like getting angry at professional prostitutes for being dirty and slutty. I actually find it hilarious how much hatred people hold for the likes of Obama and Trump.
Get it through your head: unless you’re actively doing something to get them out of office, you’re getting fussed up over something you can’t control.
10. World Affairs
Know that the media makes its money by garnering your attention with the most negative and conflict-arousing drama they can find in the world while feeding you propaganda at the same time. What is the point of getting angry over something happening around the world that doesn’t even affect you? Even the local news is barely relevant to your own life. If there’s something important that I should concern myself with, I’m sure I’ll hear about it through the word of mouth.
11. Different Opinions
We all know how bitchy the SJWs get when faced with opinions that go against their delusions, so isn’t it time to stop doing the same? Why get angry because someone would dare espouse socialist ideas or express their Christian beliefs? You don’t have to prove them wrong and you probably won’t change their minds anyway. Focus your energy on things that benefit you instead.
12. Arguments
To continue with the previous point, most arguments—especially regarding politics or religious beliefs—are total waste of time. I remember all my heated online arguments from the past, and guess what: they’ve accomplished exactly nothing. Unless you’re doing it to defend your reputation, to win over an audience that matters, or as part of your job, arguing is almost always unnecessary. If you’re going to argue, do it for practical reasons and not for your ego.
13. The Injustice of the World
I personally find this the hardest to swallow. It’s a familiar story: spoiled feminist girls get to engage in weekly, alcohol-fueled debauchery thanks to their indulging parents that support their lifestyle while their supposed oppressors—the men—are working their asses off just to get by (or getting maimed and killed in wars). I can repeat the same scenario in many variations. But I guess the world has always been unfair and complaining about it is not going to change it.
In the end, all we can do is focus on improving our own lives while ignoring these human garbage.
14. Yourself
You messed up, embarrassed yourself, and now you’re angry with no one to blame but yourself. It’s a tough place to be in and you’ll find little sympathy anywhere. But no matter what you did and how badly you screwed up, you must find a way to forgive yourself and move on. Failure to do so can be fatal.
Taming Anger
Now, I’m not suggesting that you flat-out banish anger from your life; that would be a woeful mistake. As I’ve said in the beginning, anger is vital for your existence, which is why you must tame it and use it to your advantage. All I’m suggesting is that your energy and focus be concentrated towards creating value for yourself, no more.
Also, now that I’m more stoic, I do find that people mistake my lack of reactiveness with weakness. I therefore suggest that you always keep some heat on so that people don’t think you’re a pushover.
To conclude, tame your anger like you would a wild horse. You must command your anger lest you be commanded by it. Don’t get angry over worthless matters that bring no value to your life and focus your energy on worthwhile things you can take practical action on.
Other stupid things we get mad about (and WE SHOULDN'T
Mad at Your Computer For Freezing
Mad at Having to Watch a 30 Second Ad on Youtube
Someone tells you about a song they cannot get out of your head
Mad at someone interrupting you (when really you are the one talking nonstop)
Mad at bills that are mistaken (or so you think)
Mad at cable repair
Mad at neighbors making too much noise.
Mad at someone chewing with their mouth open
Mad because you have to wait for your food and you are hungry.
Mad at someone in 10 item of less line.
Mad at someone cutting you off in traffic
Mad because you were proven wrong (and you like to be right all the time).
Mad at slow internet
Mad at spam emails especially when no opt out.
Mad when TP is out
Mad at forgotten items
Mad at takeout order that is wrong and you find out when you get home
Mad at toilet seat up or toilet paper wrong direction
Mad at a mess in your house.
IN A hurry and slow cars or walkers in front of you.
Mad for waking up late or missing appt.
Mad at a stain getting in favorite clothes (especially white and new).
Success In Life at Whatever You Do!
Your Health is Your Wealth, but your Wealth is Also Your Health.
Brian Tracy - 21 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires
7 Million Millionaires
250 billionaires
99% of all successful people started off broke, average broke or bankrupt 2.3 times
Law of Cause and Effect- Success is not an accident.
Financial success is doing certain causes over and over to get the desired effect
If you do what other successful people do, you will get the results other successful people get.
Key Things for Success
1) Do What You Love
2) The Five People You Spend the Most time with you become LIKE THEM!
3) See yourself as Self Employed. Accept complete 100% Self Responsibility for everything you are and everything you will ever be
3) Wake Up Early (5am), Read Positive, Meditate. Gets Rid of wasted time hours.
4) Then Set Goals. Organize and Prioritize.
Then TAKE action and complete your to do list.
5) Start with Most Important task and focus and finish to completion.
6) Listen to audio tapes in Car (university on wheels)
7) Start a Blog site, and write a book. Become a Celebrity expert in your field
Your Breathe and Breathing Patterns and Rhythms are a Reflection of Your Mind/Emotions
fearful emotion - hold breathe
tense body = tense breathe
stressed mind = stressed breathe
high in
Worry and stress drain mental and physical energy. Problems with finances, employment, school, health, relationships, family and friends can increase susceptibility to illness, according to Purdue University Student Health Center.
Breathe is a reflection of that state of your body, emotions and mind.
Bloch and Santibáñez were interested in six emotions that they considered basic: joy, Alba Emoting is not a method of psychotherapy. It is sadness, fear, anger, eroticism and tenderness. Bloch and rather a method for working with emotions that can be Santibáñez (1973; Santibáñez-H & Bloch, 1986) found that applied to psychotherapy as well as to other fields. The several physiological changes accompanied each of these most developed application of Alba Emoting so far has emotions. Of those changes, the most distinguishing feature among the different emotions was a specific breathing patterns.
fearful emotion - hold breathe
tense body = tense breathe
stressed mind = stressed breathe
high in
Worry and stress drain mental and physical energy. Problems with finances, employment, school, health, relationships, family and friends can increase susceptibility to illness, according to Purdue University Student Health Center.
Breathe is a reflection of that state of your body, emotions and mind.
Bloch and Santibáñez were interested in six emotions that they considered basic: joy, Alba Emoting is not a method of psychotherapy. It is sadness, fear, anger, eroticism and tenderness. Bloch and rather a method for working with emotions that can be Santibáñez (1973; Santibáñez-H & Bloch, 1986) found that applied to psychotherapy as well as to other fields. The several physiological changes accompanied each of these most developed application of Alba Emoting so far has emotions. Of those changes, the most distinguishing feature among the different emotions was a specific breathing patterns.
These studies conducted in Chile are unique in threeways: first, Bloch and Santibáñez (1973; Santibáñez-H & *Correspondence to: Juan Pablo Kalawski, Counseling Center, Uni-versity of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.
Bloch, 1986) measured actual breathing behaviour while participants were experiencing real emotions, as opposed to Copyright 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bloch, 1986) measured actual breathing behaviour while participants were experiencing real emotions, as opposed to Copyright 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Biphotons and Basis for our Holographic Blueprint.
Biofield or Biophotonic field
Holographic blueprint of physical
Fractal and Radically interconnected from bitfield to cells and dna and from bitfield to earth, sun and cosmos.
biophotonic entanglement (and emission/absorbtion) EZ water. Standing dynamic scalar/vector field.
Along with EZ water and the Living Connective Tissue Matrix, Biophotons are one of the MAIN connections between our physical body, the meridian and chakra system, our emotions, mind and even spirit. But these biophotons DO play a powerful role in coordinating and orchestrating the miracle of Human Biology.
"We emit light in the form of biophotons, and most of these biophotons emerge from the DNA of our mitochondria. These biophotons are an expression of our qi, an intelligent energy force."
-Fritz Popp
In modern quantum field theory, light occurs in small packets of energy called photons. In living systems and processes, certain types of photons are emitted and received primarily by DNA as well as a few large macromolecules.
Biophotons appear to create a holographic, coherent electromagnetic field throughout the body that uses electromagnetic frequencies for instantaneous communication throughout the system.
Popp believed the mystery of morphogenesis was the weak biophotonic emissions creating a complex holographic interference pattern for cell cooridination and communication. The emissions are very low intensity because they occur at the quantum level which then allows for entanglement, superposition, and important intelligent quantum process that cannot happen in the macroscopic world.
This happens when the molecules all start to vibrate in unison like a laser.
Think of a Super HD hologram or holographic blueprint vs one with static and noise.
Interestingly the healthiest foods have the most coherent intensity of light.
People with parts of brain removed, still remember but everything is fuzzier.
The solid part of an organism is coupled with a highly coherent, holographic biophoton field, which is the basis of communication on all levels of organization. The components of the organism are seen to be connected in such a way by phase relations of the field, that they are instantly informed about each other at all times. It is the phase relations that create the order and coherence in the body and allows the extraordinarily complex process to take place in the body in perfect synch and rhythm.
Fractal Dynamics - Phase correlated interference pattersn. Phase relations are the basis of quantum entanglement, and simply put, these phase relations are like the percussion section in a band, which sets the rhythm and beat of a nearly infinite number of interconnections in a single human body. It is the phase relations that store the information for our bodily form and is intimately connected to the holographic interference patterns that create a detailed hologram capable of storing near infinite amounts of information. The holographic body is symphony of music, and if you are in good physical, mental and spiritual health, your harmony and beauty will add a glorious chorus to the music of the spheres.
Biofield or Biophotonic field
Holographic blueprint of physical
Fractal and Radically interconnected from bitfield to cells and dna and from bitfield to earth, sun and cosmos.
biophotonic entanglement (and emission/absorbtion) EZ water. Standing dynamic scalar/vector field.
Along with EZ water and the Living Connective Tissue Matrix, Biophotons are one of the MAIN connections between our physical body, the meridian and chakra system, our emotions, mind and even spirit. But these biophotons DO play a powerful role in coordinating and orchestrating the miracle of Human Biology.
"We emit light in the form of biophotons, and most of these biophotons emerge from the DNA of our mitochondria. These biophotons are an expression of our qi, an intelligent energy force."
-Fritz Popp
In modern quantum field theory, light occurs in small packets of energy called photons. In living systems and processes, certain types of photons are emitted and received primarily by DNA as well as a few large macromolecules.
Biophotons appear to create a holographic, coherent electromagnetic field throughout the body that uses electromagnetic frequencies for instantaneous communication throughout the system.
Popp believed the mystery of morphogenesis was the weak biophotonic emissions creating a complex holographic interference pattern for cell cooridination and communication. The emissions are very low intensity because they occur at the quantum level which then allows for entanglement, superposition, and important intelligent quantum process that cannot happen in the macroscopic world.
This happens when the molecules all start to vibrate in unison like a laser.
Think of a Super HD hologram or holographic blueprint vs one with static and noise.
Interestingly the healthiest foods have the most coherent intensity of light.
People with parts of brain removed, still remember but everything is fuzzier.
The solid part of an organism is coupled with a highly coherent, holographic biophoton field, which is the basis of communication on all levels of organization. The components of the organism are seen to be connected in such a way by phase relations of the field, that they are instantly informed about each other at all times. It is the phase relations that create the order and coherence in the body and allows the extraordinarily complex process to take place in the body in perfect synch and rhythm.
Fractal Dynamics - Phase correlated interference pattersn. Phase relations are the basis of quantum entanglement, and simply put, these phase relations are like the percussion section in a band, which sets the rhythm and beat of a nearly infinite number of interconnections in a single human body. It is the phase relations that store the information for our bodily form and is intimately connected to the holographic interference patterns that create a detailed hologram capable of storing near infinite amounts of information. The holographic body is symphony of music, and if you are in good physical, mental and spiritual health, your harmony and beauty will add a glorious chorus to the music of the spheres.
Holograms and the Holographic Brain - Excerpt From My Book - PEMF The Fifth Element
Quantum waves are analogous to holographic interference patterns in the way they encode information; and they have the potential to store VASTS amounts of information. Waves are encoders and carriers of information. Consider the television and radio for example. T.V. and radio waves are complex waves that contain a carrier frequency (wave-packet) and within that "packet" is encoded the television show or the music on the radio station, which results in a very complex waveform inside the wave-packet.
The mathematics of encoding this information (and the information in holograms) is described by what is called Fourier Transforms. The mathematics of Fourier transforms "converts" or transforms the random interference patterns (above), into our holographic apple. Conversely, Fourier transforms work the opposite direction converting 3D objects, video, audio, etc. into complex waveforms.
We are conscious TV sets! Our minds operate holographically by decoding the myriad interference patterns "out there" into meaningful images, sounds, tastes, smells and feelings. If there were an objective universe at all, it would be akin to a sea of seemingly random energies, patterns and waveforms.
Nature uses the mathematical language of frequency and vibration in many complex ways to produce the holographic universe and it turns out that our sense of sight, and the phenomenon of memory are mathematically isomorphic (has the same form) to the Fourier transform mathematics of holograms, TV sets and radios. Our brain uses Fourier transforms to recreate the images we see much like a hologram (we see in 2D).
The three-dimensionality of holograms from a two dimensional plate is not the only astonishing result of holograms. If a hologram of our apple is cut into little pieces and then each piece is illuminated by a laser at the right angle, each piece is still found to contain the entire image of the apple (though a little blurrier).
To put it simply, the image of the whole is present at every point. This is the meaning of the word holograph:
holo = whole, and graph = image.
Similarly, the term hologram means that the information (rooted in the term “gram”, as in grammar) of the whole is present at every point.
The "whole in every part" essence of a hologram gives us an entirely new way to understand the organization and order of things. The Newtonian and classical way of understanding something was from a reductionist approach. In order to understand the whole, you “dissect” it, whether it’s an atom or a frog and study each of the parts. The holographic principle teaches us that the universe does not work this way. If you dissect or cut apart a holograph you just get smaller “wholes”. As an analogy to health and medicine, Western allopathic medicine uses a reductionist approach whereas holistic and integrative therapies (including energy medicine and pemf therapy) employs a holographic approach.
Another characteristic of holograms is that they are fractal and self-similar: Fractals are found everywhere in nature, from mountains, to trees, to shorelines, and even many systems in the human body like the lungs, vascular system, brain, nervous system, kidneys and more. Many plants also exhibit a fractal nature; broccoli is a great example. The essential nature of a fractal, is self-similarity, that is, when you zoom into a fractal object, you will see the pattern of the object at all scales and degrees of magnification, no matter how much you zoom in. This also holds true in a hologram, which reminds me of a beauty quote from William Blake:
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
~ William Blake
Quantum waves are analogous to holographic interference patterns in the way they encode information; and they have the potential to store VASTS amounts of information. Waves are encoders and carriers of information. Consider the television and radio for example. T.V. and radio waves are complex waves that contain a carrier frequency (wave-packet) and within that "packet" is encoded the television show or the music on the radio station, which results in a very complex waveform inside the wave-packet.
The mathematics of encoding this information (and the information in holograms) is described by what is called Fourier Transforms. The mathematics of Fourier transforms "converts" or transforms the random interference patterns (above), into our holographic apple. Conversely, Fourier transforms work the opposite direction converting 3D objects, video, audio, etc. into complex waveforms.
We are conscious TV sets! Our minds operate holographically by decoding the myriad interference patterns "out there" into meaningful images, sounds, tastes, smells and feelings. If there were an objective universe at all, it would be akin to a sea of seemingly random energies, patterns and waveforms.
Nature uses the mathematical language of frequency and vibration in many complex ways to produce the holographic universe and it turns out that our sense of sight, and the phenomenon of memory are mathematically isomorphic (has the same form) to the Fourier transform mathematics of holograms, TV sets and radios. Our brain uses Fourier transforms to recreate the images we see much like a hologram (we see in 2D).
The three-dimensionality of holograms from a two dimensional plate is not the only astonishing result of holograms. If a hologram of our apple is cut into little pieces and then each piece is illuminated by a laser at the right angle, each piece is still found to contain the entire image of the apple (though a little blurrier).
To put it simply, the image of the whole is present at every point. This is the meaning of the word holograph:
holo = whole, and graph = image.
Similarly, the term hologram means that the information (rooted in the term “gram”, as in grammar) of the whole is present at every point.
The "whole in every part" essence of a hologram gives us an entirely new way to understand the organization and order of things. The Newtonian and classical way of understanding something was from a reductionist approach. In order to understand the whole, you “dissect” it, whether it’s an atom or a frog and study each of the parts. The holographic principle teaches us that the universe does not work this way. If you dissect or cut apart a holograph you just get smaller “wholes”. As an analogy to health and medicine, Western allopathic medicine uses a reductionist approach whereas holistic and integrative therapies (including energy medicine and pemf therapy) employs a holographic approach.
Another characteristic of holograms is that they are fractal and self-similar: Fractals are found everywhere in nature, from mountains, to trees, to shorelines, and even many systems in the human body like the lungs, vascular system, brain, nervous system, kidneys and more. Many plants also exhibit a fractal nature; broccoli is a great example. The essential nature of a fractal, is self-similarity, that is, when you zoom into a fractal object, you will see the pattern of the object at all scales and degrees of magnification, no matter how much you zoom in. This also holds true in a hologram, which reminds me of a beauty quote from William Blake:
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
~ William Blake
Since time immemorial, man has been fascinated by the mind, leading great thinkers from Hippocrates to Descartes to ponder the nature of mind with wonder.
In this module, we'll take a brief look at the amazing physical brain, then venture beyond into the hol0graphic and non-local concepts of the mind and memory. This leads us to see that the physical brain is NOT the source of consciousness but an ANTENNA for it in the physical reality. Also we'll see how the mind is distributed through the WHOLE body giving powerful credence to the body mind connection. Extending this to the holographic universe gives us the body-mind-UNIVERSE connection.
Using the idea of the biofield (which is holographic) that we explored in module 1, we can start to get a richer and deeper understanding of the nature of the Mind and the Body-Mind and body-mind-universe connection.
This information can EMPOWER us because we are beyond the brain and even the mind and we able to program and reprogram it to a more positive mindset which leads to a more positive state of health, more positive relationships, more positive thoughts and feelings, a more positive outlook, more positive career, and ultimately to realize ourselves as infinite and immortal spiritual beings (more on this in the next module).
We'll look at how research from the placebo effect, to epigenetics and the new science of positive psychology shows the TREMENDOUS importance of the mind on health, and material, emotional and spiritual happiness.
I'll share 17 Important and Practical tips you can incorporate in your life to create a more positive and successful and healthful mindset.
And we will conclude by looking at how PEMF and all the modules in this course have profound benefits on the brain/mind. This course is radically holistic from body-emotions-mind-soul-spirit.
First let's review the basic body-mind connection and how even physically the mind is delocalized over the whole body.
In this module, we'll take a brief look at the amazing physical brain, then venture beyond into the hol0graphic and non-local concepts of the mind and memory. This leads us to see that the physical brain is NOT the source of consciousness but an ANTENNA for it in the physical reality. Also we'll see how the mind is distributed through the WHOLE body giving powerful credence to the body mind connection. Extending this to the holographic universe gives us the body-mind-UNIVERSE connection.
Using the idea of the biofield (which is holographic) that we explored in module 1, we can start to get a richer and deeper understanding of the nature of the Mind and the Body-Mind and body-mind-universe connection.
This information can EMPOWER us because we are beyond the brain and even the mind and we able to program and reprogram it to a more positive mindset which leads to a more positive state of health, more positive relationships, more positive thoughts and feelings, a more positive outlook, more positive career, and ultimately to realize ourselves as infinite and immortal spiritual beings (more on this in the next module).
We'll look at how research from the placebo effect, to epigenetics and the new science of positive psychology shows the TREMENDOUS importance of the mind on health, and material, emotional and spiritual happiness.
I'll share 17 Important and Practical tips you can incorporate in your life to create a more positive and successful and healthful mindset.
And we will conclude by looking at how PEMF and all the modules in this course have profound benefits on the brain/mind. This course is radically holistic from body-emotions-mind-soul-spirit.
First let's review the basic body-mind connection and how even physically the mind is delocalized over the whole body.
Ch 11 - Information/Emotions the Seventh Element
INTERCONNECTED STRUCTURE - Nested Information/Morphogenetic fields, Holodynamic Blueprints
and the power of Mind and Emotions
Information Medicine TECH
Neuroscience and the Holographic Brain
Activity/Practices - Creativity , positive thinking, heart math practices, shadow-work, etc.
Rest - Meditation, Still the Mind - Chitta Vriddi Nirhoda
Ch 11 - Information/Emotions the Seventh Element
INTERCONNECTED STRUCTURE - Nested Information/Morphogenetic fields, Holodynamic Blueprints
and the power of Mind and Emotions
Information Medicine TECH
Neuroscience and the Holographic Brain
Activity/Practices - Creativity , positive thinking, heart math practices, shadow-work, etc.
Rest - Meditation, Still the Mind - Chitta Vriddi Nirhoda