Gravity, The 6th Element of Health
Part 1 - What is Gravity?
Part 2 - Our Gravitational Anatomy
Part 3 - Mastering Gravity (Most important section)
5 components to gravitational health
Part 2 - Our Gravitational Anatomy
Part 3 - Mastering Gravity (Most important section)
5 components to gravitational health
- SIT LESS - MOVEMENT - SITTING is the NEW Smoking - Avoid Sitting for Long Periods of Time - Active Couch Potato Effect.
- MOVE MORE a. Walking - Walking and Moving Your Body 7000-10,000 steps a day (with good posture of course). We need to move in the Earth's Gravitational Field to stay healthy and strong, b. Working out/ Strength Training c. WBV - GRAVITY TRAINING - Whole Body Vibration - Noblerex K1 - WBV is a Gravitational Supplement in much the same way the iMRS 2000 supplements the lack of Earth PEMF. Most People are Vitamin G deficient. Also inversion boards, and systems.
- POSTURE - Good Posture in Earth's Gravity in standing, sitting and sleep. Chiropractic/Massage/Bodywork. + Yoga/Stretching.
- PEMF - PEMF for Better Structure and Mobility
- Putting it all together w/ Other Elements - nutrition, water, sunlight, breathing, ALL CONNECTED via tensegrity matrix

The 6th Element - Gravity
We need gravity to maintain our bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles and overal structure and good posture along with Mobility.
Gravity is one of the most profound influences on human life, though many times we take it for granted considering our overall sedentary lifestyle. Gravity becomes more pronounced when we get up out of a chair, climb stairs, cycle up a hill and descend from a steep roller coaster.
Gravity encompasses our entire body, environment and the world we live in and affects our every activity. All of the structures around us - our homes, cars, furniture, buildings, mountains, trees, animals and our own bodies, are designed and built to function in a world that is dominated by gravity. More specifically we are designed perfectly to match the gravitational field of the earth (the curvature of spacetime due to the mass-energy density of the earth).
Many injuries and problems people face are due to habitual movement and postural patterns within our earth's gravity that strain and damage tissues. Examples include chronic issues like poor posture (especially in a lazy boy chair, in front of a computer and over bad posture from seated and standing position. Other problems are due to acute situations such as falling down (like hip fractures), car accidents, sports injuries and other traumatic events that damage the bodies overall structure. Than there are issues like osteoporosis that result from poor diet, lack of exercise, movement and hormonal issues. This video presents SOLUTIONS to mastering gravity, structure and mobility so you can STAY ACTIVE WELL into your Silver and Golden Years!
We need gravity to maintain our bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles and overal structure and good posture along with Mobility.
Gravity is one of the most profound influences on human life, though many times we take it for granted considering our overall sedentary lifestyle. Gravity becomes more pronounced when we get up out of a chair, climb stairs, cycle up a hill and descend from a steep roller coaster.
Gravity encompasses our entire body, environment and the world we live in and affects our every activity. All of the structures around us - our homes, cars, furniture, buildings, mountains, trees, animals and our own bodies, are designed and built to function in a world that is dominated by gravity. More specifically we are designed perfectly to match the gravitational field of the earth (the curvature of spacetime due to the mass-energy density of the earth).
Many injuries and problems people face are due to habitual movement and postural patterns within our earth's gravity that strain and damage tissues. Examples include chronic issues like poor posture (especially in a lazy boy chair, in front of a computer and over bad posture from seated and standing position. Other problems are due to acute situations such as falling down (like hip fractures), car accidents, sports injuries and other traumatic events that damage the bodies overall structure. Than there are issues like osteoporosis that result from poor diet, lack of exercise, movement and hormonal issues. This video presents SOLUTIONS to mastering gravity, structure and mobility so you can STAY ACTIVE WELL into your Silver and Golden Years!
Part 1 - What is Gravity?
Skydiving, bunge-jumping, roller coasters, diving into water,
Free fall...
Standing, jumping
Moon you can jump 6 times higher because the gravity is weaker.
We really have no baseline.
Free fall...
Standing, jumping
Moon you can jump 6 times higher because the gravity is weaker.
We really have no baseline.
The History of Gravity
Humans only recently (like in the last 300 years) realized what Gravity is all about.
Greek philosophers thought that the planets and stars were part of the gods' realm and followed a "natural motion." They did not realize that Gravity is involved. The Greeks' ideas stuck around until the 16th century.
Beginning in the 1500s, though, astronomers like Galileo and Brahe discovered that the earth and other planets revolved around the sun. Kepler showed that they moved in an eliptical orbit, not a circle. The question was why and until Newton, no one knew.
Humans only recently (like in the last 300 years) realized what Gravity is all about.
Greek philosophers thought that the planets and stars were part of the gods' realm and followed a "natural motion." They did not realize that Gravity is involved. The Greeks' ideas stuck around until the 16th century.
Beginning in the 1500s, though, astronomers like Galileo and Brahe discovered that the earth and other planets revolved around the sun. Kepler showed that they moved in an eliptical orbit, not a circle. The question was why and until Newton, no one knew.
Newton and Einstein
NEWTON [1643-1727]
Sir Isaac Newton
The legend is that Newton discovered Gravity when he saw a falling apple while thinking about the forces of nature.
Whatever really happened, Newton realized that some force must be acting on falling objects like apples because otherwise they would not start moving from rest.
Newton called this force "gravity" and determined that gravitational forces exist between all objects in the Universe... Hence a UNIVERSAL LAW.
The work of Galileo, Brahe, Kepler, and Newton proved once and for all that the Earth wasn't the center of the solar system. The Earth, along with all other planets,orbits around the sun.
Sir Isaac Newton
The legend is that Newton discovered Gravity when he saw a falling apple while thinking about the forces of nature.
Whatever really happened, Newton realized that some force must be acting on falling objects like apples because otherwise they would not start moving from rest.
Newton called this force "gravity" and determined that gravitational forces exist between all objects in the Universe... Hence a UNIVERSAL LAW.
The work of Galileo, Brahe, Kepler, and Newton proved once and for all that the Earth wasn't the center of the solar system. The Earth, along with all other planets,orbits around the sun.
Newton's UNIVERSAL Law of Gravity
- A Framework for the laws of Nature that lasted 200 years
- Absolute Space and Absolute Time (like a background stage)
- Forces, accelerations... everyday experience
- Gravity is an action at a distance, an instantaneous force (incorrect as Einstein showed).

EINSTEIN [1643-1727]
Albert Einstein -- The General Theory of Relativity
A New Framework, now in place for over 110 years
---General Relativity
According to Einstein, Gravity arises from the "warping" or geometry of space and time.
General Relativity defines gravity purely as the curvature of spacetime (no action at a distance) which is a consequence of Einstein's Law of Relativity.
--- Relativity
The Principle of Relativity: All the laws of Nature must be the same in every freely moving laboratory (reference frame), everywhere in the universe.
Principle of Relativity is an Audacious thing. Relativity is THE law that governs all the other laws of physics
It also states as a consequence that the speed of light is the same in all reference frames (as it must be for the laws of physics to be consistent). Which leads to time and space being all mixed up in a 4D spacetime.
Applying relativity to Gravity was a grueling four years for Einstein but with the help of mathematicians he was able to finally give us what is STILL our BEST theory of Gravity (as quantum gravity has and continues to elude us).
Albert Einstein -- The General Theory of Relativity
A New Framework, now in place for over 110 years
---General Relativity
According to Einstein, Gravity arises from the "warping" or geometry of space and time.
General Relativity defines gravity purely as the curvature of spacetime (no action at a distance) which is a consequence of Einstein's Law of Relativity.
--- Relativity
The Principle of Relativity: All the laws of Nature must be the same in every freely moving laboratory (reference frame), everywhere in the universe.
Principle of Relativity is an Audacious thing. Relativity is THE law that governs all the other laws of physics
It also states as a consequence that the speed of light is the same in all reference frames (as it must be for the laws of physics to be consistent). Which leads to time and space being all mixed up in a 4D spacetime.
Applying relativity to Gravity was a grueling four years for Einstein but with the help of mathematicians he was able to finally give us what is STILL our BEST theory of Gravity (as quantum gravity has and continues to elude us).
Novemeber 25th, 1915: General Relativity
- Space and time are warped by mass and energy
- This warping is described precisely by Einstein's field equation
- This warping is what GRAVITY IS and controls the motions of planets and stars, spacecrafts, light and everything else.
- And it is a UNIFIED FIELD connecting all things (not dividing them like Newton).
This is important and we'll come back to this idea of Oneness in later modules.
Gravity comes from warps and curves in the fabric of space. The Sun warps the space and the earth orbits around in a kind of valley. Like a bowling ball on a trampoline.
The force of gravity is now known to be a curving of space and time, rather than forces acting at a distance.
The force of gravity is now known to be a curving of space and time, rather than forces acting at a distance.
General Relativity: Gravity as Warped Spacetime
Suppose a child throws two apples up in the air absolutely parallel. Explore trajectories. Fall down into the earth and hit at the center. Newton says gravity did it Einstein said warped space-time did it. Matter Warps Spacetime And That Warping Causes Gravity! |
Proof Of Einsteins General Theory Of Relativity

The curvature of space near a massive object (e.g. Sun) forces the light beam passing near it to bend, much like a lens.
Changes in angular separation between stars were measured to change near the Sun during the solar eclipse in 1919 by Sir Arthur Eddington.
Trajectories of light from distant stars or galaxies are bent by the gravitational field of a massive object located along the line-of-sight, producing multiple images or a ring of images (read Einstein's 1936 Science paper on gravitational lensing).
There really is a higher dimension, and space is warped in that dimension.
bulk hyperspace contains 4d space-time (where space-time warps INTO.)
Warping of 2d needs to go into 3d.
All the warping of space and time
Einstein right to 1 part in 10,000
***Without correcting for the effects of relativity, the GPS signals would have errors of several parts per billion, enough to make them useless.
Gravity is the weakest of the four known forces of nature, yet the most dominant force. Even though it's the weakest force, Gravity holds together entire solar systems and galaxies!
Note a Simple magnet on a paperclip overcomes the entire earth's gravitational force pulling on it.
The curvature of space near a massive object (e.g. Sun) forces the light beam passing near it to bend, much like a lens.
Changes in angular separation between stars were measured to change near the Sun during the solar eclipse in 1919 by Sir Arthur Eddington.
Trajectories of light from distant stars or galaxies are bent by the gravitational field of a massive object located along the line-of-sight, producing multiple images or a ring of images (read Einstein's 1936 Science paper on gravitational lensing).
There really is a higher dimension, and space is warped in that dimension.
bulk hyperspace contains 4d space-time (where space-time warps INTO.)
Warping of 2d needs to go into 3d.
All the warping of space and time
Einstein right to 1 part in 10,000
***Without correcting for the effects of relativity, the GPS signals would have errors of several parts per billion, enough to make them useless.
Gravity is the weakest of the four known forces of nature, yet the most dominant force. Even though it's the weakest force, Gravity holds together entire solar systems and galaxies!
Note a Simple magnet on a paperclip overcomes the entire earth's gravitational force pulling on it.
So Gravity is Literally the Geometry of Spacetime Itself and goes through anything because it is at the deepest level of creation. The very fabric of it. So something that is SO penetrating and fundamental the very fabric of space and time in which our bodies and the universe evolves, it should be NO SURPRISE that Gravity is the 6th element of health.
Our gravitational anatomy is very much a form and geometry as gravity itself is. As we'll see next, this anatomy has an incredible balance, harmony and form both statically and dynamically that IF IN GOOD HEALTH, allows us to dance, move and play in the earth's gravity. If it is broken, injured or imbalanced, it can be a real struggle to move within gravity.
Our gravitational anatomy is very much a form and geometry as gravity itself is. As we'll see next, this anatomy has an incredible balance, harmony and form both statically and dynamically that IF IN GOOD HEALTH, allows us to dance, move and play in the earth's gravity. If it is broken, injured or imbalanced, it can be a real struggle to move within gravity.
Part 2 - Our Gravitational Anatomy

Gravitational Physiology
The legacy of the Victorian era is a belief that better poise is the result of better posture. You may have been admonished by your parents or teachers to "stop slouching"... I remember I was, and I think that's some good education.
Joel Goldthwait and his colleagues at Harvard Medical school in the early part of the 20th Century proposed the therapeutic signficance of gravity. The aim of his therapies was to get his patients to sit, stand, and move with their bodies in a more appropriate relationship with the vertical. See A in the figure below and notice that good posture has the center of gravity through the full length of the body (imagine a plumb bob attached to the point on top of the head). The line through the center is the gravity line. Poor posture moves away from the vertical with the head typically moving forward and the shoulders and back "slouching" forward. This hunching over that is obvious in elderly people pushes the organs together, kinks key blood vessels in the body (especially the neck), creates subluxations in the spine that pinch and damage nerves and lead to degradation in the disk and chronic pain in the neck and lower back especially.
Standing straight puts us DIRECTLY in line with the gravitation field of the earth that is effectively perpendicular to the surface.
The legacy of the Victorian era is a belief that better poise is the result of better posture. You may have been admonished by your parents or teachers to "stop slouching"... I remember I was, and I think that's some good education.
Joel Goldthwait and his colleagues at Harvard Medical school in the early part of the 20th Century proposed the therapeutic signficance of gravity. The aim of his therapies was to get his patients to sit, stand, and move with their bodies in a more appropriate relationship with the vertical. See A in the figure below and notice that good posture has the center of gravity through the full length of the body (imagine a plumb bob attached to the point on top of the head). The line through the center is the gravity line. Poor posture moves away from the vertical with the head typically moving forward and the shoulders and back "slouching" forward. This hunching over that is obvious in elderly people pushes the organs together, kinks key blood vessels in the body (especially the neck), creates subluxations in the spine that pinch and damage nerves and lead to degradation in the disk and chronic pain in the neck and lower back especially.
Standing straight puts us DIRECTLY in line with the gravitation field of the earth that is effectively perpendicular to the surface.
After years of treating patients with chronic problems, Goldthwait concluded that many of these problems arise because parts of the body become misaligned with respect to vertical, and organ functions therefore become compromised. He also documented buildup of calcium deposits around the vertebrae of individuals with chronic arthritis, and he observed these deposits diminish when the individual acquires a more vertical stance. His therapeutic approach corrected many painful problems without the use of drugs or surgery.
Goldthwait viewed the body from a biomechanical perspective in which the alignment of parts is essential to reducing wear and tear (Think of your tires when a wheel is out of alignment how it prematurely wears on one side).
Goldthwait viewed the body from a biomechanical perspective in which the alignment of parts is essential to reducing wear and tear (Think of your tires when a wheel is out of alignment how it prematurely wears on one side).

More and more modern chiropractors and bodyworkers are confirming Goldthwait's findings, that accumulated trauma can gradually cause the body to depart from the vertical AND departure from the vertical can cause accumulated trauma. Once the body gets bady hunched over into poor posture, one cannot be forced into standing up straight or sitting tall, it takes time and good bodywork and chiropractic. The body becomes almost cemented into the poor postural states with calcium deposits that fuse vertebra together and make it difficult to move. So prevention is the key. But it is NEVER too late as we'll see later with 86 year old Anna Pesce.
Our modern technological and sedentary lifestyle is MUCH to blame for this poor posture, forward head, humped back, back pain and surgeries, neck pain, osteoporosis, arthritis and on and on. YES, poor diet contributes as does lack of sleep and poor hydration, BUT mastering gravity with good posture is perhaps THE KEY to avoiding this bane of aging - the slow forward moving head and humped over back.
You even see more and more younger kids with the forward head and humped over back, even in high school - from being on the computer and looking at their phone all the time.
Our modern technological and sedentary lifestyle is MUCH to blame for this poor posture, forward head, humped back, back pain and surgeries, neck pain, osteoporosis, arthritis and on and on. YES, poor diet contributes as does lack of sleep and poor hydration, BUT mastering gravity with good posture is perhaps THE KEY to avoiding this bane of aging - the slow forward moving head and humped over back.
You even see more and more younger kids with the forward head and humped over back, even in high school - from being on the computer and looking at their phone all the time.
To understand how the body gradually departs from vertical, and how this influences the energy systems in the body we need to look at the "gravity system" of the body.

A Gravity System
The muscles, their connective tissue or fasical coverings, and their connections to the tendons, bones, ligaments and cartildges, support us in the gravity field and enable us to move, act and respond within our environment. The "gravity system" of the body consists of motor nerves, muscles, connective tissues, and sensory systems that monitor the motion, tension, and position of every part, and provide our kinesthetic experience.
All of the great systems in the body, the skin, nervous system, musculature, digestive tract, circulatory system, lymphatics, skeleton and the various organs - have their characteristic forms and properties because of the connective tissue they are composed of. In other words, the connective tissue is a ubiquitous and versatile biological material that forms and interconnects all of the components of the living body - The Living Matrix we have referred to over and over again in this course.
The muscles, their connective tissue or fasical coverings, and their connections to the tendons, bones, ligaments and cartildges, support us in the gravity field and enable us to move, act and respond within our environment. The "gravity system" of the body consists of motor nerves, muscles, connective tissues, and sensory systems that monitor the motion, tension, and position of every part, and provide our kinesthetic experience.
All of the great systems in the body, the skin, nervous system, musculature, digestive tract, circulatory system, lymphatics, skeleton and the various organs - have their characteristic forms and properties because of the connective tissue they are composed of. In other words, the connective tissue is a ubiquitous and versatile biological material that forms and interconnects all of the components of the living body - The Living Matrix we have referred to over and over again in this course.
Living Matrix
1) Energetically a Holographic and Biophotonic system and basis for the acupuncture meridians (as we've seen in past videos)
2) Mechanically along with bones a Tensegrity Matrix as we'll see next
1) Energetically a Holographic and Biophotonic system and basis for the acupuncture meridians (as we've seen in past videos)
2) Mechanically along with bones a Tensegrity Matrix as we'll see next
Tensegrity and the Elements of Health
Levity over Gravity - fun and playfulness of pain and seriousness.
Levity over Gravity - fun and playfulness of pain and seriousness.

Tensegrity (comes from the word: tense (tense) + integrity (integrity) = Tensegrity) is a constructive principle of the 20th century.
Tensegrity in a Nutshell - Islands of compression floating in a balanced seas of tension.
Tensegrity concepts underlie geodesic domes, bridges, buildings, tents, sailing vessels, ferris wheels and amusement part rides and various stick and wire scuptures, toy models and cranes.
Tensegrity structures act in a unique way - they seem to float in the air, seeming to defy gravity!
In the human body the compression elements are mainly the bones which is balanced by a continuous tensional system which is connective tissue Living matrix w/ muscles, tendons and ligaments in the mix.
Two opposing forces in perfect balance. In the body this is the bones (compression elements) floating in a balanced seas of connective tissue/muscle (tension).
Goal of the human body in Gravity - To remain balanced in space around a vertical line of ideal posture, and to be able to move with ease, freely and efficiently.
Examples of body in image below...
FOR example, note the vertebra are NOT like a stack of blocks
Tensegrity in a Nutshell - Islands of compression floating in a balanced seas of tension.
Tensegrity concepts underlie geodesic domes, bridges, buildings, tents, sailing vessels, ferris wheels and amusement part rides and various stick and wire scuptures, toy models and cranes.
Tensegrity structures act in a unique way - they seem to float in the air, seeming to defy gravity!
In the human body the compression elements are mainly the bones which is balanced by a continuous tensional system which is connective tissue Living matrix w/ muscles, tendons and ligaments in the mix.
Two opposing forces in perfect balance. In the body this is the bones (compression elements) floating in a balanced seas of connective tissue/muscle (tension).
Goal of the human body in Gravity - To remain balanced in space around a vertical line of ideal posture, and to be able to move with ease, freely and efficiently.
Examples of body in image below...
FOR example, note the vertebra are NOT like a stack of blocks
The body in its balance is dynamic and beautiful. For any movement , there is a pattern of tensions and compressions that is economical, effecient, graceful and precise. Balanced motion is beautiful to watch. The grace and ease of a balanced tensional integrity body motivates us to attend athletic events, watch the ballet, gymnastics and other performances. In such case of high tensional integrity, the body can seem to move effortless in gravity almost floating with grace and ease. But perfect movement is rare as most of us have some degree of damage or imbalance to our tensegrity matrix.
NOW, let's look at what THE PROBLEMS Are that throw us out of balance
AND What we can do to RESTORE, SUSTAIN and MAINTAIN This Beautiful Structural Tensegrity Network.
NOW, let's look at what THE PROBLEMS Are that throw us out of balance
AND What we can do to RESTORE, SUSTAIN and MAINTAIN This Beautiful Structural Tensegrity Network.
Part 3 - Mastering Gravity (Most important section)
So what is the problem?
Why is mobility SUCH a problem with advancing age?
Why is it hard to float, glide, and effortlessly move in the gravitational field of the earth.
Many people over 60 cannot move their bodies anywhere close to like they did when they were younger - like running, jumping, skipping, flipping, dancing, skiing skating and playing hard in general.
Even basic motor functions such as walking, climbing stairs, shopping, driving, dressing, bathing, traveling, become difficult or impossible.
This perfected movement is rare with advancing age becaue most of us have some degree of damage or imbalance to our tensegrity matrix. That manifests as arthritis, hip replacements, fractures, muscle weakness, herniated discs, back pain or injury of some form, neck pain or injury, feet issues, neuropathy and more.
Lack of Mobility is Most Common Disability Among Older Americans, Census Bureau Reports
But it does NOT have to be this way!!!
Here are FIVE tips to IMPROVING your gravitational anatomy for life!!
Add these to PEMF and the other modules in this course and you can stay active WELL into your golden years!!!
So what is the problem?
Why is mobility SUCH a problem with advancing age?
Why is it hard to float, glide, and effortlessly move in the gravitational field of the earth.
Many people over 60 cannot move their bodies anywhere close to like they did when they were younger - like running, jumping, skipping, flipping, dancing, skiing skating and playing hard in general.
Even basic motor functions such as walking, climbing stairs, shopping, driving, dressing, bathing, traveling, become difficult or impossible.
This perfected movement is rare with advancing age becaue most of us have some degree of damage or imbalance to our tensegrity matrix. That manifests as arthritis, hip replacements, fractures, muscle weakness, herniated discs, back pain or injury of some form, neck pain or injury, feet issues, neuropathy and more.
Lack of Mobility is Most Common Disability Among Older Americans, Census Bureau Reports
But it does NOT have to be this way!!!
Here are FIVE tips to IMPROVING your gravitational anatomy for life!!
Add these to PEMF and the other modules in this course and you can stay active WELL into your golden years!!!
5 components to gravitational health
- SITTING is the NEW Smoking - Avoid Sitting for Long Periods of Time - Active Couch Potato Effect.
- MOVE MORE a. Walking - Walking and Moving Your Body 7000-10,000 steps a day (with good posture of course). We need to move in the Earth's Gravitational Field to stay healthy and strong, b. Working out/ Strength Training c. WBV - GRAVITY TRAINING - Whole Body Vibration - Noblerex K1 - WBV is a Gravitational Supplement in much the same way the iMRS 2000 supplements the lack of Earth PEMF. Most People are Vitamin G deficient. Also inversion boards, and systems.
- POSTURE - Good Posture in Earth's Gravity in standing, sitting and sleep. Chiropractic/Massage/Bodywork. + Yoga/Stretching.
- PEMF - PEMF for Better Structure and Mobility
- Putting it all together w/ Other Elements - nutrition, water, sunlight, breathing, ALL CONNECTED via tensegrity matrix
1) SIT LESS - SITTING is the NEW Smoking
Avoid Sitting for Long Periods of Time
Sit LESS and STAND and Move Your Body MORE!!!
Avoid Sitting for Long Periods of Time
Sit LESS and STAND and Move Your Body MORE!!!
Sitting can be a nice break from a busy day, but considering most people work in an office and then spend their down time watching TV or in front of a computer, one has to wonder how is sitting so much affecting your body.
The answer is pretty shocking.
The World Health Organization (WHO) now lists inactivity as the fourth biggest killer of adults, responsible for nine percent of premature deaths!
As soon as you sit down, the electrical activity in your muscles drops significantly and your calorie burning rate drops to about 1 calorie a minute. After 3 hours of sitting there is a 50% drop in artery dilation and as a result a decrease in blood flow. We talk about microcirculation, sitting is one of the main CAUSE OF POOR microcirculation. Sure PEMF can help, but make sure you do not sit long extended periods.
Research by Dr. Joan Vernikos, former director of NASA's Life Sciences Division (one of the primary doctors assigned to keep the astronauts from deteriorating in space) and author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, shows that your body actually needs to perpetually interact with gravity through motion in order to function optimally - Hence you can see why Gravity IS THE SIXTH ELEMENT OF HEALTH.
Why are long periods of sitting a problem THREE STUDIES
I) In one study that followed more than 123,000 U.S. men and women for 14 years, researchers found (not surprisingly) that those who exercised more had a lower risk of death than those who exercised less, but when the scientists looked just at the group of people who did the most exercise, those who sat for six or more hours a day suffered a significantly higher risk of premature death than those who sat for fewer than three hours daily.
Bottom Line: While a 30-minute aerobic workout every day is great for you, it does not make up for sitting the next eight hours in your desk chair.
II) Similarly, in another study of nearly 241,000 American adults ages 50 to 71, scientists found that among those who exercised regularly (they worked out about an hour each day), high amounts of TV viewing – seven-plus hours daily – was associated with increased risk of death compared with regular exercisers who watched TV one hour or less a day.
In fact, a growing body of evidence suggests that sitting in and of itself is an independent risk factor for poor health and premature death--even if you exercise regularly. Researchers have dubbed this phenomenon the "Active Couch Potato Effect."
III) Research additionally shows that simply standing up, about 35 times a day or so, will counteract the cardiovascular health risks associated with uninterrupted sitting. This is based on double-blind research where volunteers would spend four days in bed to induce detrimental changes. She then tested two groups to see which was more effective, walking or standing, and how long you would have to walk, or how many times you'd have to stand up to get better again. Her findings revealed that:
Standing up once every hour was more effective than walking on a treadmill for 15 minutes for cardiovascular and metabolic changes.
BOTTOM LINE: To counteract the ill effects of sitting, simply standing up every 15 minutes or so is actually more effective than taking a walk. And, it’s not how long you stand up, but how many times you stand up that makes the difference. it's not how long you stand up, but how many times you stand up that makes the difference.
MORE Strategies for sitting less:
1) TRY to Sit for no more than 4 hours total a day. If this is not possible, Than BREAK up your sitting time... VERY IMPORTANT.
2) Get up every 15 min - just stand up even - I use a tomato timer.
Sitting down and standing up repeatedly for 32 minutes does NOT have the same effect as standing up once, 32 times over the course of a day. To get the benefit, the stimulus must be spread throughout the day.
Once an hour get up and walk 5 minutes!
3) Use a sit-stand desk if you have an office job, stand and work more.
use a posture chair and sit straight. Avoid the humpback.
Use an exercise ball which are very active.
4) Walk More (more on this in the next section)
5) Park farther away, take longer routes in the office,mow your own grass, spend more time outside, play sports, etc.
6) drink more water… You need to get up and pee more!
7) Get in the habit of standing while talking and texting.
get up and talk to someone instead of email…. Look for ways to WALK MORE.
8) Minimize TV and Computer Time... Main CAUSE of sitting. Americans average 8 hours+ of screentime a day and lead the world by a LONG SHOT... Try to keep TV/video game time under 2hrs a day and non-work computer time to under an hour.
But when YOU ARE watching TV:
They do make Posture chairs that are better.
b. Do Whole Body Vibration
c. Get a gymnastic mat and stretch / yoga while watching
d. Lay on stomach on massage table and arch back.
e. Simply Stand - match sure to set a timer and stand every 15-20 minutes.
7) Get up earlier in the morning - reduces couch potato effect of late hours.
Ok After Sitting Less, Naturally that Brings us to MOVING MORE as we already hinted at.
The answer is pretty shocking.
The World Health Organization (WHO) now lists inactivity as the fourth biggest killer of adults, responsible for nine percent of premature deaths!
As soon as you sit down, the electrical activity in your muscles drops significantly and your calorie burning rate drops to about 1 calorie a minute. After 3 hours of sitting there is a 50% drop in artery dilation and as a result a decrease in blood flow. We talk about microcirculation, sitting is one of the main CAUSE OF POOR microcirculation. Sure PEMF can help, but make sure you do not sit long extended periods.
Research by Dr. Joan Vernikos, former director of NASA's Life Sciences Division (one of the primary doctors assigned to keep the astronauts from deteriorating in space) and author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, shows that your body actually needs to perpetually interact with gravity through motion in order to function optimally - Hence you can see why Gravity IS THE SIXTH ELEMENT OF HEALTH.
Why are long periods of sitting a problem THREE STUDIES
I) In one study that followed more than 123,000 U.S. men and women for 14 years, researchers found (not surprisingly) that those who exercised more had a lower risk of death than those who exercised less, but when the scientists looked just at the group of people who did the most exercise, those who sat for six or more hours a day suffered a significantly higher risk of premature death than those who sat for fewer than three hours daily.
Bottom Line: While a 30-minute aerobic workout every day is great for you, it does not make up for sitting the next eight hours in your desk chair.
II) Similarly, in another study of nearly 241,000 American adults ages 50 to 71, scientists found that among those who exercised regularly (they worked out about an hour each day), high amounts of TV viewing – seven-plus hours daily – was associated with increased risk of death compared with regular exercisers who watched TV one hour or less a day.
In fact, a growing body of evidence suggests that sitting in and of itself is an independent risk factor for poor health and premature death--even if you exercise regularly. Researchers have dubbed this phenomenon the "Active Couch Potato Effect."
III) Research additionally shows that simply standing up, about 35 times a day or so, will counteract the cardiovascular health risks associated with uninterrupted sitting. This is based on double-blind research where volunteers would spend four days in bed to induce detrimental changes. She then tested two groups to see which was more effective, walking or standing, and how long you would have to walk, or how many times you'd have to stand up to get better again. Her findings revealed that:
Standing up once every hour was more effective than walking on a treadmill for 15 minutes for cardiovascular and metabolic changes.
BOTTOM LINE: To counteract the ill effects of sitting, simply standing up every 15 minutes or so is actually more effective than taking a walk. And, it’s not how long you stand up, but how many times you stand up that makes the difference. it's not how long you stand up, but how many times you stand up that makes the difference.
MORE Strategies for sitting less:
1) TRY to Sit for no more than 4 hours total a day. If this is not possible, Than BREAK up your sitting time... VERY IMPORTANT.
2) Get up every 15 min - just stand up even - I use a tomato timer.
Sitting down and standing up repeatedly for 32 minutes does NOT have the same effect as standing up once, 32 times over the course of a day. To get the benefit, the stimulus must be spread throughout the day.
Once an hour get up and walk 5 minutes!
3) Use a sit-stand desk if you have an office job, stand and work more.
use a posture chair and sit straight. Avoid the humpback.
Use an exercise ball which are very active.
4) Walk More (more on this in the next section)
5) Park farther away, take longer routes in the office,mow your own grass, spend more time outside, play sports, etc.
6) drink more water… You need to get up and pee more!
7) Get in the habit of standing while talking and texting.
get up and talk to someone instead of email…. Look for ways to WALK MORE.
8) Minimize TV and Computer Time... Main CAUSE of sitting. Americans average 8 hours+ of screentime a day and lead the world by a LONG SHOT... Try to keep TV/video game time under 2hrs a day and non-work computer time to under an hour.
But when YOU ARE watching TV:
They do make Posture chairs that are better.
b. Do Whole Body Vibration
c. Get a gymnastic mat and stretch / yoga while watching
d. Lay on stomach on massage table and arch back.
e. Simply Stand - match sure to set a timer and stand every 15-20 minutes.
7) Get up earlier in the morning - reduces couch potato effect of late hours.
Ok After Sitting Less, Naturally that Brings us to MOVING MORE as we already hinted at.
2) Move More (3 W's)
a. Walking
b. Working out
c. WBV
a. Walking
b. Working out
c. WBV
a. Walking More (MORE Important than you think!)
Along with intermittent standing and using a sit -stand desking WALKING More is the Most Important thing you can
do to combat sitting too much.
Focus on getting 6000min-10,000 steps a day (1 t0 1.5 hours). Get a pedometer OR timer.
Average Sedentary overweight person is walking 1500 steps - and sitting 10 hours daily.
More active people 5000 steps - hours sitting
Goal over 7000 steps and less than 4 hours sitting. OR make sure to break up sitting time with getting up every 10-15 minutes.
average 2000 steps/mile - 20 minutes
Walk Hour day = 6000 steps
Aerobic exercise add 4000 steps in 30 minutes.
Along with intermittent standing and using a sit -stand desking WALKING More is the Most Important thing you can
do to combat sitting too much.
Focus on getting 6000min-10,000 steps a day (1 t0 1.5 hours). Get a pedometer OR timer.
Average Sedentary overweight person is walking 1500 steps - and sitting 10 hours daily.
More active people 5000 steps - hours sitting
Goal over 7000 steps and less than 4 hours sitting. OR make sure to break up sitting time with getting up every 10-15 minutes.
average 2000 steps/mile - 20 minutes
Walk Hour day = 6000 steps
Aerobic exercise add 4000 steps in 30 minutes.
b) Working Out - Strength Training - Muscles/Strength as Important For Antiaging.
Strength Training (Not Body Building)
Yes, posture, walking, standing are ALL important. But one of the greatest armors against aging is STRENGTH.
And interesting when you increase the strength of your muscles you are concurrently increasing bone density also in the area.
First let's look at something known as Wolfes' (a different Wolf this time) physiological law. A physiological law is an uncontested truth. That's the way it works - no questions about it! Wolfes' law states: "Mineralization is laid into bone along axial lines of stress". What that means is that unless we compress hard, tug hard and yank hard on a bone, it will not fill well with minerals or maintain it's mineral mass.
Best ways to do this are WBV as we have discussed ALONG WITH strength training
*** Exercise and Mortality In a study done on 17,000 Harvard alumni, Dr. Ralph Paffenburger and associates examined the relationship between exercise and mortality rates. Those who burned less than 500 calories from exercise per week had the highest death rate. Those who burned up to 1000 calories per week in exercise had a 22% lower mortality rate. And those who used up 3500 calories a week in vigorous exercise (that's 5 to 10 hours in the gym doing intense exercise) had a whopping 54% increase in longevity over the non-exercise group. It's my personal observation that many people who go to the gym could be considered with the non-exercise group. Though, they certainly receive benefits from socializing. However, actual training of each muscle group, understanding exercise science and applying progressive over-load is what is required to reap the benefits of exercise as illustrated by the study quoted. Why not take advantage of an intelligent exercise program and strengthen mental resolve to reap such life bolstering benefits? You're never to old to begin!
Strength Training (Not Body Building)
Yes, posture, walking, standing are ALL important. But one of the greatest armors against aging is STRENGTH.
And interesting when you increase the strength of your muscles you are concurrently increasing bone density also in the area.
First let's look at something known as Wolfes' (a different Wolf this time) physiological law. A physiological law is an uncontested truth. That's the way it works - no questions about it! Wolfes' law states: "Mineralization is laid into bone along axial lines of stress". What that means is that unless we compress hard, tug hard and yank hard on a bone, it will not fill well with minerals or maintain it's mineral mass.
Best ways to do this are WBV as we have discussed ALONG WITH strength training
*** Exercise and Mortality In a study done on 17,000 Harvard alumni, Dr. Ralph Paffenburger and associates examined the relationship between exercise and mortality rates. Those who burned less than 500 calories from exercise per week had the highest death rate. Those who burned up to 1000 calories per week in exercise had a 22% lower mortality rate. And those who used up 3500 calories a week in vigorous exercise (that's 5 to 10 hours in the gym doing intense exercise) had a whopping 54% increase in longevity over the non-exercise group. It's my personal observation that many people who go to the gym could be considered with the non-exercise group. Though, they certainly receive benefits from socializing. However, actual training of each muscle group, understanding exercise science and applying progressive over-load is what is required to reap the benefits of exercise as illustrated by the study quoted. Why not take advantage of an intelligent exercise program and strengthen mental resolve to reap such life bolstering benefits? You're never to old to begin!
Now -- what's this difference between strength training and body building? A heck of a lot. We are shooting for usable strength for the Activities of Daily Living (ADL's) and: to keep our circulation up, our bones strong, and very importantly increase the number of mitochondria in the muscle cells.
The energy we use for everything in our lives is produced by mitochondria. It is these furnaces of the cells where Adenosine Tri Phosphate is produced (ATP). ATP is the sugar everything in our bodies is powered by. 80% of the ATP in the body is made in the voluntary muscles.
The energy we use for everything in our lives is produced by mitochondria. It is these furnaces of the cells where Adenosine Tri Phosphate is produced (ATP). ATP is the sugar everything in our bodies is powered by. 80% of the ATP in the body is made in the voluntary muscles.
c) WBV - Whole Body Vibration - Strength Training for ALL YOUR MUSCLE, not just voluntary.
Alternative to Working out. Easy, Time Efficient and FUN.
Simple, easy 10-minute exercise that was enjoyable and something you could do standing while you read or watched your favorite TV show?
Alternative to Working out. Easy, Time Efficient and FUN.
Simple, easy 10-minute exercise that was enjoyable and something you could do standing while you read or watched your favorite TV show?

Consider that whole body vibration creates a greater g-force so your entire body is literally being physically stressed (in a good way) that involves up to 97% muscle recruitment, compared to only 45% with standard exercise. It’s called whole body vibration, because you get a WHOLE BODY workout.
1 Hour in 10 Minutes
***A 12-week study (Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, 2003; 35 (6); 1033-1) found that the increases in strength from an average of 10 minutes of Whole Body Vibration training were similar to those seen in an hour of regular resistance training.
Another way the Noblerex uses to encourage weight loss is via balancing and boosting your beneficial hormones. Research done by Carmello Bosco showed that whole body vibration exercise boosts HGH by 361%, the sex hormones by 7% and REDUCES cortisol by 30%. There is no other form of exercise that can do this.
1) Volume of Contractions vs added weight. Most efficient AND Safe form of strength training.
2) Increases production of regenerative and repair hormones,
3) Lowers Stress Hormones
4) improves blood circulation and microcirculation
5) Strengthens Bone and Muscles
6) Improves Lymphatic Drainage (I call it rebounding on Steroids)
7) Increases Metabolism
8) Burns Cellulite (Itchy Burning Feeling - MANY DEMOS!!!)
9) Gentle and Safe
3) Good Posture in standing, sitting and sleep + Chiropractic
Sit Straight and stand tall... Notice how older people are humped over forward. That is lifelong BAD POSTURE. If you parents told you to sit up straight, that is VERY GOOD ADVICE. If you are already humped over, there are examples of 80+ people able to straighten themselves out with yoga and stretching.
a. Causes Bad Posture - lots of reason
Weight issues.
Accidents or Injuries
Poor lumbar support while seating, bad chairs/couches/lazy boy
Beds, pillows too high
Hunching to computer screen, iphone
Low self esteem
Poor muscle tone
b. Harmful effects of poor posture over time
bad circulation
vertebrae deteriotate
50% of americans back pain
LOW back MAIN area
25% have herniated disk
Subluxations can afffect ALL YOUR organs
c. standing - stand tall, keep your shoulders back and aligned.
Knees slightly bent
Use good shoes (avoid high heels for TOO long)
Avoid slouching and standing in same position for too long (antifatigue standing mat - but still move around)
d. Sitting
Keep your head straight and not tilted up or down (learn how to type w/o looking) - avoid the forward head
Keep shoulders back and try to relax
Sit with knees slightly lower than the hips (best not to tuck legs under chair).
keep feet flat on the ground (don't cross legs)
e. Sleeping
Firm mattress that provides support
Sleep on side with pillow between legs (have someone look to see spine straight)
Use good pillows
Avoid stomach sleeping and putting thick pillows under head.
Weight issues.
Accidents or Injuries
Poor lumbar support while seating, bad chairs/couches/lazy boy
Beds, pillows too high
Hunching to computer screen, iphone
Low self esteem
Poor muscle tone
b. Harmful effects of poor posture over time
bad circulation
vertebrae deteriotate
50% of americans back pain
LOW back MAIN area
25% have herniated disk
Subluxations can afffect ALL YOUR organs
c. standing - stand tall, keep your shoulders back and aligned.
Knees slightly bent
Use good shoes (avoid high heels for TOO long)
Avoid slouching and standing in same position for too long (antifatigue standing mat - but still move around)
d. Sitting
Keep your head straight and not tilted up or down (learn how to type w/o looking) - avoid the forward head
Keep shoulders back and try to relax
Sit with knees slightly lower than the hips (best not to tuck legs under chair).
keep feet flat on the ground (don't cross legs)
e. Sleeping
Firm mattress that provides support
Sleep on side with pillow between legs (have someone look to see spine straight)
Use good pillows
Avoid stomach sleeping and putting thick pillows under head.
Posture and maintaining a healthy and properly curved spine with an upright posture. Most people end up with neck problems due to the forward movement of the head (bowling ball syndrome) which places untold stress on the lower cervical vertabrae. Also L4 and L5 of the lower back gets a lions share of the spines load (75% of low back surgery is on L5 and 24% on L4 and only 1% on L1,2,3). This is why any chiropractor will tell you most back surgery takes place with only about 5 vertebrae/disks.
Understand the 300-200-100-50-30 Rule.
Understand the 300-200-100-50-30 Rule.
- Sitting with poor posture is roughly 300% more pressure on your lower back than standing.
- Sitting with good posture is roughly 200% more pressure on your lower back than standing
- Standing with good posture is baseline 100%
- Laying on your back is 50% the pressure on low back as standing
- Laying on stomach and arching back is 30% the pressure on low back as standing
- Walking is less damaging to your back than running.
- Why is this important? Low back pain is THE most common source of pain. Back surgery is almost ALWAYS on L3 and L4 in your lower back and mainly do to the pressure of sitting especially with bad posture. Sure lifting or something my end up creating the problem, but the WEAKNESS is created from too much sitting in my opinion.
Stretch More - Yoga, Stretching & Flexibility
Practice Yoga, Stretching and mobility exercises. Basically move your joints every day. I used to teach yoga and basic movements are neck exercises, forward bends, back bends, spinal twists, standing poses, hip opening exercises and adding to that movements for the shoulders, elbows, wrists, ankles, knees etc... Just head to toes, move your body. Take some classes and practice at least 10-15 minutes a day.
86 Year Old Woman, Anna Pesce, Uses Yoga To Treat Her Scoliosis And Completely Transform Her Body
(SSG) This amazing story of how a grandmother miraculously cured herself of her curved spine shows just how powerful yoga is for healing the body.
After just one month, Anna could walk again.
“After two months, another big milestone was that (Anna) knew what poses to do whenever the usual pains would come up for her,” Jesien said. “For example, if she was having hip pain, she’d sit on a chair and do an ankle-to-knee pose.”
Practice Yoga, Stretching and mobility exercises. Basically move your joints every day. I used to teach yoga and basic movements are neck exercises, forward bends, back bends, spinal twists, standing poses, hip opening exercises and adding to that movements for the shoulders, elbows, wrists, ankles, knees etc... Just head to toes, move your body. Take some classes and practice at least 10-15 minutes a day.
86 Year Old Woman, Anna Pesce, Uses Yoga To Treat Her Scoliosis And Completely Transform Her Body
(SSG) This amazing story of how a grandmother miraculously cured herself of her curved spine shows just how powerful yoga is for healing the body.
After just one month, Anna could walk again.
“After two months, another big milestone was that (Anna) knew what poses to do whenever the usual pains would come up for her,” Jesien said. “For example, if she was having hip pain, she’d sit on a chair and do an ankle-to-knee pose.”
4) PEMF for Better Structure and Mobility
(improving your tensegrity matrix)
(improving your tensegrity matrix)
1) Microcirculation
2) Pain Relief
3) Regeneration and Stem Cells
4) Flexibility
5) Prevention
7) Detox
1) Microcirculation
2) Pain Relief
3) Regeneration and Stem Cells
4) Flexibility
5) Prevention
7) Detox
My Favorite Gravity Resources
- Relax the back Chairs and Sit Stand Desks... Sure there might be cheaper or better, but this is what I personally use.
- Noblerex K1 .
- for best resource in chiropracters. They are better trained than most chiropracters.
- There are a LOT of aids for posture and helping with Neck/Back pain on Amazon. Posture pump makes a LOT of good stuff:
- Invest in GOOD mattresses and pillows... This is the best pillow I have found to assist in back sleeping (also has side sleeping edges).
- Great article on the Problems of too much Sitting:
- Rest - Sleep slight incline - Samina Bed if you can afford it.
Deleted Scenes and Extras
1) [Increase Prana/Chi Flow] Acupuncture/Nerves and Nerve conductivity/Living Matrix
2) [Production Energy] ATP and Mitochrondria/TMP/Energy/Enzyme Activity
3) [Improved Microcirculation] Heart/Circulation/Anti-coagulant Effects (blood thinning naturally)/Nitric Oxide/AntiEdema/Red Blood Cells/Oxygenation/Water. (transfer of nutrients and oxygen)
4) [Detoxification] Protection from environment. Elimination of waste, toxins and dead skin cells
5) [Improved Immunity] Immunology, Antibacterial, Antibiotic and Antiviral, anticancer.
6) [Endorphins and Pain Relief and better mobility] Anti-Inflammatory/Pain
7) [Healing and Regeneration] Stem Cell Stimulation and Regeneration
8) [Stress Reduction, Anxiety & Depression] Psychological and Cognitive Function/Stress/Antispasm/Relaxation
9)[Better Sleep/Hormones] Circadian Rhythms/Better Sleep/Melatonin/HGH
10) [Makes All the Elements Work Better] - PEMF is Truly Integrative Medicine
[Endorphins and Pain Relief and better mobility] Anti-Inflammatory/Pain
Pain management is one of the most common applications for PEMFs. Whether the pain is acute or chronic, inflammatory or vascular, musculoskeletal or in the nervous system, PEMFs act in fundamental ways to help with both pain perception (pain blocking) and the cause of the pain itself (pain reduction).
Pain mechanisms can be extremely complex, but on the most basic level involve a signal being transferred to a receptor and causing a change in cellular behavior.
THE GOAL is to prevent cellular injury in the first place, which is WHY daily treatment of PEMF therapy is essential. But with acute injuries that have ALREADY happened, the goal is of course injury resolution and pain management.
The body normally does its own pain blocking in response to pain signals through an increase in levels of serotonin, dopamine, endorphin and encephalins along with a decrease in cortisol and noradrenaline.
The primary mechanisms for pain in response to cell injury are edema, apoptosis or necrosis, diminished circulation, decreased cellular metabolism and impaired cellular repair processes.
PEMFS reverse ALL these
-Improve circulation/microcirculation
-Enhance cellular metabolism and energy
-improve detoxification and reverse swelling/edema
-Stimulate Stem cells and cellular regeneration to ACTUALLY heal the problem so the pain GOES away and stays away.
2) [Production Energy] ATP and Mitochrondria/TMP/Energy/Enzyme Activity
3) [Improved Microcirculation] Heart/Circulation/Anti-coagulant Effects (blood thinning naturally)/Nitric Oxide/AntiEdema/Red Blood Cells/Oxygenation/Water. (transfer of nutrients and oxygen)
4) [Detoxification] Protection from environment. Elimination of waste, toxins and dead skin cells
5) [Improved Immunity] Immunology, Antibacterial, Antibiotic and Antiviral, anticancer.
6) [Endorphins and Pain Relief and better mobility] Anti-Inflammatory/Pain
7) [Healing and Regeneration] Stem Cell Stimulation and Regeneration
8) [Stress Reduction, Anxiety & Depression] Psychological and Cognitive Function/Stress/Antispasm/Relaxation
9)[Better Sleep/Hormones] Circadian Rhythms/Better Sleep/Melatonin/HGH
10) [Makes All the Elements Work Better] - PEMF is Truly Integrative Medicine
[Endorphins and Pain Relief and better mobility] Anti-Inflammatory/Pain
Pain management is one of the most common applications for PEMFs. Whether the pain is acute or chronic, inflammatory or vascular, musculoskeletal or in the nervous system, PEMFs act in fundamental ways to help with both pain perception (pain blocking) and the cause of the pain itself (pain reduction).
Pain mechanisms can be extremely complex, but on the most basic level involve a signal being transferred to a receptor and causing a change in cellular behavior.
THE GOAL is to prevent cellular injury in the first place, which is WHY daily treatment of PEMF therapy is essential. But with acute injuries that have ALREADY happened, the goal is of course injury resolution and pain management.
The body normally does its own pain blocking in response to pain signals through an increase in levels of serotonin, dopamine, endorphin and encephalins along with a decrease in cortisol and noradrenaline.
The primary mechanisms for pain in response to cell injury are edema, apoptosis or necrosis, diminished circulation, decreased cellular metabolism and impaired cellular repair processes.
PEMFS reverse ALL these
-Improve circulation/microcirculation
-Enhance cellular metabolism and energy
-improve detoxification and reverse swelling/edema
-Stimulate Stem cells and cellular regeneration to ACTUALLY heal the problem so the pain GOES away and stays away.
[Healing and Regeneration] Stem Cell Stimulation and Regeneration
Stem cells are those cells able to become (differentiate into) specialized cells and can divide to produce more stem cells. In humans two main types of stem cells are embryonic (found in the developing fetus) and adult (found in various tissues). Adult stem cells act as the body's repair system, replenishing damaged tissues. They are found in the bone marrow, adipose tissue, and blood and in the umbilical cord immediately after birth.
One of the goals of PEMF therapies is to help stem cells differentiate differentiate themselves into specific tissues to help with regeneration and healing. This can be used as a therapeutic modality to address an injury or disease state, but can also be used for health maintenance and prevention (it takes less energy to maintain health constantly than to repair or regenerate tissues after injury.
NOTE: it is much easier and more efficient to stimulate stem cells to differentiate into the tissue they already exist within as opposed to trying to get a stem cell to differentiate into a different type of tissue.Every tissue has its own supply of stem cells available and ready to do the necessary regeneration and repair of tissues as they are injured or die off naturally.
There is significant evidence that PEMFs affect stem cells
NASA studied the use of 10 Hz PEMF stimulation on the growth of nerve stem cells. With their particular 10 Hz squarewave (which is what the iMRS 2000 pillow and probe use), NASA discovered a 400% increase in neural stem cells and this signal turned on about 160 growth and regeneration genes. Link to paper below...
Conclusion: PEMF stimulation of stem cells not only helps for health maintenance, but it ALSO helps with tissue healing, and in the future we will see a lot more use of stem cells in therapies and to heal various parts of the body. It appears PEMFs can help with increased stem cells harvest, increased differentiation, better preservation of tissues into which the stem cells are being implanted, and likely will increase the ability of those stem cells to be successful.
Stem cells are those cells able to become (differentiate into) specialized cells and can divide to produce more stem cells. In humans two main types of stem cells are embryonic (found in the developing fetus) and adult (found in various tissues). Adult stem cells act as the body's repair system, replenishing damaged tissues. They are found in the bone marrow, adipose tissue, and blood and in the umbilical cord immediately after birth.
One of the goals of PEMF therapies is to help stem cells differentiate differentiate themselves into specific tissues to help with regeneration and healing. This can be used as a therapeutic modality to address an injury or disease state, but can also be used for health maintenance and prevention (it takes less energy to maintain health constantly than to repair or regenerate tissues after injury.
NOTE: it is much easier and more efficient to stimulate stem cells to differentiate into the tissue they already exist within as opposed to trying to get a stem cell to differentiate into a different type of tissue.Every tissue has its own supply of stem cells available and ready to do the necessary regeneration and repair of tissues as they are injured or die off naturally.
There is significant evidence that PEMFs affect stem cells
- PEMFs increase RNA building blocks of neuronal embryonic stem cells.
- Human bone marrow stem cells can differentiate into nerve cells and PEMFs induce this differentiation. Also human bone marrow stem cells have the ability to differentiate into multiple types of cells.
- PEMF stimulation increases the amount of viable stem cells by 40-59% and results in up to 60% higher cell densities**.
- PEMFs differentiate neural stem cells and neurons
- PEMFs induce bone cell development by increasing various factors in bone marrow and adipose stem cells. There Are MANY MANY studies showing PEMFs ability to assist in bone building via enhancing stem cell production and differentiation.
- PEMFs are know to affect cartilage tissue. Stimulating the stem cells existing within cartilage to differentiate into new cartilage.
- Based on one study, PEMFs seem to inhibit the development of fat cells.
- Enhances skin regeneration as the skin is one of the biggest reservoirs of stem cells. PEMFs enhance the production of epidermal stem cells in the skin. This helps the skin to repair and look younger.
- Even helps to stimulate tendon and ligament stem cells which are known to regenerate slowly. This is a VERY huge benefit as sometimes these tissues do not heal or repair at all. PEMF might be a solution!
- PEMFs may be even considered a tool to improve one's own stem cells obtained to enhance regeneration.
NASA studied the use of 10 Hz PEMF stimulation on the growth of nerve stem cells. With their particular 10 Hz squarewave (which is what the iMRS 2000 pillow and probe use), NASA discovered a 400% increase in neural stem cells and this signal turned on about 160 growth and regeneration genes. Link to paper below...
Conclusion: PEMF stimulation of stem cells not only helps for health maintenance, but it ALSO helps with tissue healing, and in the future we will see a lot more use of stem cells in therapies and to heal various parts of the body. It appears PEMFs can help with increased stem cells harvest, increased differentiation, better preservation of tissues into which the stem cells are being implanted, and likely will increase the ability of those stem cells to be successful.
Energy Transduction in the Human Body
PEMF and Other Elements - nutrition, water, sunlight, breathing, ALL CONNECTED via tensegrity matrix - Bringing it ALL together!!
Based on the Tensegrity Model of Buckminster Fuller, with the tendons drawn as coils, and bones are the struts/support. The tendons and ligaments comprise the living matrix from the cytosketon up to the bodies connective tissue matrix. Each of the coils has the capability of converting one form of energy to another. And because of the interconnectedness of the living matrix, any form of energy can be readily absorbed and conducted from one area to another.
PEMF and Other Elements - nutrition, water, sunlight, breathing, ALL CONNECTED via tensegrity matrix - Bringing it ALL together!!
Based on the Tensegrity Model of Buckminster Fuller, with the tendons drawn as coils, and bones are the struts/support. The tendons and ligaments comprise the living matrix from the cytosketon up to the bodies connective tissue matrix. Each of the coils has the capability of converting one form of energy to another. And because of the interconnectedness of the living matrix, any form of energy can be readily absorbed and conducted from one area to another.
Tensegrity structure forms a link between the structural systems and the energy informational systems.
The connective tissue, cytoskeleton and nuclear matrix is both mechanically tensile like a piano string for transmitting and receiving vibrations or longitudinal waves, and transparent and coherent like a fiber optic cable for transmitting and receiving electromagnetic signals.
The connective tissue, cytoskeleton and nuclear matrix is both mechanically tensile like a piano string for transmitting and receiving vibrations or longitudinal waves, and transparent and coherent like a fiber optic cable for transmitting and receiving electromagnetic signals.

2) Weird consequences of Relativity that Led to a New View of Gravity
When we measure the speed of light at rest and in a frame of reference moving 200,000 km/sec we measure same speed. This Seems absolutely impossible.
This is what always blew me away, if I am travelling 2/3 the speed of light and shine a flashlight, light is still the speed of light, which is THE SAME as someone on earth measuring it.
How? We disagree about the lengths of things, we disagree about the duration of time that occurs, we disagree even for what it means for two events to be simultaneous.
We disagree in ways that can be analyzed with Einsteins equations.
Space and time are unified by Einstein's equations in many ways
At the simplest level when we look out in space, we are automatically looking backwards in time. You are NOT seeing the Universe or world "As it is".
The moon is 1.3 seconds in the past (how long it takes light to travel).
Light from the sun takes on average 8 minutes and 20 seconds to get to earth SO you are always seeing the Sun on average 8 minutes and 20 seconds in the past.
When we are seeing a quasar a billion light years away we are looking into the past a billion years.
Space , time and simultaneity relative. They are different for you if you are moving relative to me. They are different for you if you are in a different location in the universe than me.
Relativity contains equations and ideas that connect what you observe and what I observe.
Space, time and simultaneity are relative or personal for people moving in different manners.
When we measure the speed of light at rest and in a frame of reference moving 200,000 km/sec we measure same speed. This Seems absolutely impossible.
This is what always blew me away, if I am travelling 2/3 the speed of light and shine a flashlight, light is still the speed of light, which is THE SAME as someone on earth measuring it.
How? We disagree about the lengths of things, we disagree about the duration of time that occurs, we disagree even for what it means for two events to be simultaneous.
We disagree in ways that can be analyzed with Einsteins equations.
Space and time are unified by Einstein's equations in many ways
At the simplest level when we look out in space, we are automatically looking backwards in time. You are NOT seeing the Universe or world "As it is".
The moon is 1.3 seconds in the past (how long it takes light to travel).
Light from the sun takes on average 8 minutes and 20 seconds to get to earth SO you are always seeing the Sun on average 8 minutes and 20 seconds in the past.
When we are seeing a quasar a billion light years away we are looking into the past a billion years.
Space , time and simultaneity relative. They are different for you if you are moving relative to me. They are different for you if you are in a different location in the universe than me.
Relativity contains equations and ideas that connect what you observe and what I observe.
Space, time and simultaneity are relative or personal for people moving in different manners.

How is this Possible?
These result COME from Einsteins Principle Postulate of Relavity
All the laws of Nature must be the same in every freely moving laboratory/reference frame.
Space and time are unified by Einstein's equations in many ways
At the simplest level when we look out in space, we are automatically looking backwards in time. You are NOT seeing the Universe or world "As it is".
The moon is 1.3 seconds in the past (how long it takes light to travel).
Light from the sun takes on average 8 minutes and 20 seconds to get to earth SO you are always seeing the Sun on average 8 minutes and 20 seconds in the past.
When we are seeing a quasar a billion light years away we are looking into the past a billion years.
At a deeper level space and time mixed in more complicated ways depending on the relative motions of observer and observed.
Time and Space are Relative (or Personal)... You have your time and space and I have mine.
They are mixtures of each other and depend how each of us are moving (and where we are).
These result COME from Einsteins Principle Postulate of Relavity
All the laws of Nature must be the same in every freely moving laboratory/reference frame.
Space and time are unified by Einstein's equations in many ways
At the simplest level when we look out in space, we are automatically looking backwards in time. You are NOT seeing the Universe or world "As it is".
The moon is 1.3 seconds in the past (how long it takes light to travel).
Light from the sun takes on average 8 minutes and 20 seconds to get to earth SO you are always seeing the Sun on average 8 minutes and 20 seconds in the past.
When we are seeing a quasar a billion light years away we are looking into the past a billion years.
At a deeper level space and time mixed in more complicated ways depending on the relative motions of observer and observed.
Time and Space are Relative (or Personal)... You have your time and space and I have mine.
They are mixtures of each other and depend how each of us are moving (and where we are).

3) Newton's Law of Gravity Revisited in Light of Einstein...
Newton's law of Gravity says that the sun attracts the earth gravitationally with a force that is inversely proportional to the distance between the earth and the sun. The separation when?
Instanteous separation.
Newton's law's depend on instantaneity and distance being absolute.
Problem is separation D is different for Sun and Earth. Simultaneity is different for sun and earth. Newtons law of gravity violates relativity.
Newton's law of Gravity says that the sun attracts the earth gravitationally with a force that is inversely proportional to the distance between the earth and the sun. The separation when?
Instanteous separation.
Newton's law's depend on instantaneity and distance being absolute.
Problem is separation D is different for Sun and Earth. Simultaneity is different for sun and earth. Newtons law of gravity violates relativity.

According to Albert Einstein, there is no difference between the acceleration of Gravity and any other acceleration. If you were in a rocket accelerating at 32.2 ft/sec2, it would feel just like gravity on the Earth.
November 1907
"The Happiest Thought of My Life"
If a person falls freely, he would not feel his own weight.
Imagine you are standing in a stationary elevator. Your feet are firmly pressed on the floor, your head pushes on your shoulders and your stomach rests securely inside your body.
Now imagine you are in an elevator with the cord cut (don't worry, there is a big spring at the bottom of the fall). Since everything falls at the same rate, your feet no longer push on the floor, you head is no longer pushing on your shoulders, and your stomach floats freely in your body. In short you are weightless. It's as if gravity was turned off! An astronaut floating in space would feel exactly the same.
To be more precise, there are no experiments you could inside the falling elevator that would distinguish whether you were falling in the elevator or floating in space. Of course you would know the difference since you walked into the elevator, but that is not the point. The point is that the laws of physics are the same in both situations. This is why it is called the principle of equivalence.
The effects of gravity are exactly equivalent to the effects of acceleration.
This led Einstein to a long road to discovering first how warped time causes gravity THAN because space and time are mixed, it also had to also include the warping of space. So finally in 1915 we have the General Theory of relativity that shows how space and time are warped by mass and energy.
November 1907
"The Happiest Thought of My Life"
If a person falls freely, he would not feel his own weight.
Imagine you are standing in a stationary elevator. Your feet are firmly pressed on the floor, your head pushes on your shoulders and your stomach rests securely inside your body.
Now imagine you are in an elevator with the cord cut (don't worry, there is a big spring at the bottom of the fall). Since everything falls at the same rate, your feet no longer push on the floor, you head is no longer pushing on your shoulders, and your stomach floats freely in your body. In short you are weightless. It's as if gravity was turned off! An astronaut floating in space would feel exactly the same.
To be more precise, there are no experiments you could inside the falling elevator that would distinguish whether you were falling in the elevator or floating in space. Of course you would know the difference since you walked into the elevator, but that is not the point. The point is that the laws of physics are the same in both situations. This is why it is called the principle of equivalence.
The effects of gravity are exactly equivalent to the effects of acceleration.
This led Einstein to a long road to discovering first how warped time causes gravity THAN because space and time are mixed, it also had to also include the warping of space. So finally in 1915 we have the General Theory of relativity that shows how space and time are warped by mass and energy.
2) The Warping of Time
***Without correcting for the effects of relativity, the GPS signals would have errors of several parts per billion, enough to make them useless.
***Without correcting for the effects of relativity, the GPS signals would have errors of several parts per billion, enough to make them useless.
Gravity Waves PROVEN!!
After 100 Years Gravity Waves FINALLY Detected - Perhaps THE most impressive confirmation of General Relativity!
The gravitational waves were detected 2015 by both of the twin Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors. Nobel Prize 2017.
Gravitational waves are 'ripples' in the fabric of space-time caused by some of the most violent and energetic processes in the Universe. Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916 in his general theory of relativity.
If you throw a pebble into pond you see a ripple in the pond.
Gravitational waves are a ripple in the fabric of space itself.
As the gravity wave passes by anything, it will stretch and compress it including US and the Earth. Goes through EVERYTHING.
Less than an atomic diameter luckily.
Only two waves can give us information from the early universe
1) Electromagnetic waves 400 years ago (started with Galileo, now we have radio, x-ray, gamma ray, light and other emag telescopes… Most Notable , Cobe, wilke, planck.
2) 2015 Gravitational Telescopes… whole new frontier. Perhaps will lead to a quantum theory of gravity (Holy Grail).
After 100 Years Gravity Waves FINALLY Detected - Perhaps THE most impressive confirmation of General Relativity!
The gravitational waves were detected 2015 by both of the twin Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors. Nobel Prize 2017.
Gravitational waves are 'ripples' in the fabric of space-time caused by some of the most violent and energetic processes in the Universe. Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916 in his general theory of relativity.
If you throw a pebble into pond you see a ripple in the pond.
Gravitational waves are a ripple in the fabric of space itself.
As the gravity wave passes by anything, it will stretch and compress it including US and the Earth. Goes through EVERYTHING.
Less than an atomic diameter luckily.
Only two waves can give us information from the early universe
1) Electromagnetic waves 400 years ago (started with Galileo, now we have radio, x-ray, gamma ray, light and other emag telescopes… Most Notable , Cobe, wilke, planck.
2) 2015 Gravitational Telescopes… whole new frontier. Perhaps will lead to a quantum theory of gravity (Holy Grail).

***Quantum Cappuccino***
The biggest puzzle in physics today is unifying General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (the Standard Model).
In Einstein's General Relativity… space and time can warp and curve but it does so very smoothly. The popular example explaining this is a bowling ball on a trampoline (where the bowling ball represents say the sun and the trampoline is spacetime - the curvature of the trampoline due to the bowling ball is gravity and it is this curvature which is what moves objects around.
That is Einsteins view on how space and time and gravity works.
General Relativity is INCREDIBLY accurate at the large scales of everyday life and especially the Cosmos at large.
Quantum Mechanics works on very small scales and is a more fundamental theory but currently the standard model (most accurate quantum theory) cannot include Gravity.
Quantum mechanics paints a very different picture of the microscopic realm because the key to quantum mechanics is something called the uncertainty principle.
Which roughly speaking says that there are features of the micro world that you cannot ever know or nail down with total precision.
The quantum world is a tumultuous , fluctuating, undulating realm because you cannot nail down what is REALLY happening…fully.
One of the reasons the challenge is so great at unfying the Macroworld and the microscopic realm is that General Relativity works with a spacetime that smooth, gently curving and continuous.
In quantum mechanics spacetime is a wild, undulating, fluctuating, chaotic, frothy and foamy which is basically the opposite of smooth, gently curving and continuous.
One way to visualize this dichotomy (I came up with this morning), is a Frothy Cappuccino.
In General Relatively or Classical physics Spacetime is like the bottom of the drink, where you have a nice continuous, homogeneous and smooth coffee with no froth or bubbles (after you wait for it to settle).
In quantum mechanics, spacetime is like frothy and foamy top of a Cappuccino which is very complex, wildly chaotic and discontinuous (zero point energy and uncertainty principle at work).
Hopefully this gives you a of one of the reasons why quantum mechanics and general relatively have never yet been successfully combined.
This problem is considered the Holy Grail in Physics. A quantum theory of gravity. String Theory, M-theory and other theories at present remain unproven.
Interestly a quantum theory of gravity is needed
1) To understand black hole singularities
2) Understand the early universe
3) To know if time travel is possible
4) And even theories of consciousness (Penrose's theory for example links quantum gravity and microtubules).
The biggest puzzle in physics today is unifying General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (the Standard Model).
In Einstein's General Relativity… space and time can warp and curve but it does so very smoothly. The popular example explaining this is a bowling ball on a trampoline (where the bowling ball represents say the sun and the trampoline is spacetime - the curvature of the trampoline due to the bowling ball is gravity and it is this curvature which is what moves objects around.
That is Einsteins view on how space and time and gravity works.
General Relativity is INCREDIBLY accurate at the large scales of everyday life and especially the Cosmos at large.
Quantum Mechanics works on very small scales and is a more fundamental theory but currently the standard model (most accurate quantum theory) cannot include Gravity.
Quantum mechanics paints a very different picture of the microscopic realm because the key to quantum mechanics is something called the uncertainty principle.
Which roughly speaking says that there are features of the micro world that you cannot ever know or nail down with total precision.
The quantum world is a tumultuous , fluctuating, undulating realm because you cannot nail down what is REALLY happening…fully.
One of the reasons the challenge is so great at unfying the Macroworld and the microscopic realm is that General Relativity works with a spacetime that smooth, gently curving and continuous.
In quantum mechanics spacetime is a wild, undulating, fluctuating, chaotic, frothy and foamy which is basically the opposite of smooth, gently curving and continuous.
One way to visualize this dichotomy (I came up with this morning), is a Frothy Cappuccino.
In General Relatively or Classical physics Spacetime is like the bottom of the drink, where you have a nice continuous, homogeneous and smooth coffee with no froth or bubbles (after you wait for it to settle).
In quantum mechanics, spacetime is like frothy and foamy top of a Cappuccino which is very complex, wildly chaotic and discontinuous (zero point energy and uncertainty principle at work).
Hopefully this gives you a of one of the reasons why quantum mechanics and general relatively have never yet been successfully combined.
This problem is considered the Holy Grail in Physics. A quantum theory of gravity. String Theory, M-theory and other theories at present remain unproven.
Interestly a quantum theory of gravity is needed
1) To understand black hole singularities
2) Understand the early universe
3) To know if time travel is possible
4) And even theories of consciousness (Penrose's theory for example links quantum gravity and microtubules).

The Laws of physics must all be expressible as geometric (coordinate-independent and reference frame independent) relationships between geometric objects that represent physical entities (don't reify).
There are 3 conceptual frameworks for the classical laws of physics, and correspondingly 3 different geometric arenas for the laws.
General Relativity is the most accurate framework; it formulates the laws as geometric relationships among geometric objects in the arena of curved 4-dimensional space-time.
Special Relativity is the limit of general relativity in the complete absence of gravity: Its arena is flat, 4-dimensional Minkowski space-time.
Newtonian Physics is the limit of general relativity when
1) Gravity is weak but not necessarily absent
2) Relative speeds of particles and materials are small compared to the speed of light c.
3) All stresses (pressures) are small compared to the total density of mass-energy.
It's arena is a flat 3-dimensional Euclidean space with time separated off and made universal (by contrast w/ Relativity's reference frame dependent time).
There are 3 conceptual frameworks for the classical laws of physics, and correspondingly 3 different geometric arenas for the laws.
General Relativity is the most accurate framework; it formulates the laws as geometric relationships among geometric objects in the arena of curved 4-dimensional space-time.
Special Relativity is the limit of general relativity in the complete absence of gravity: Its arena is flat, 4-dimensional Minkowski space-time.
Newtonian Physics is the limit of general relativity when
1) Gravity is weak but not necessarily absent
2) Relative speeds of particles and materials are small compared to the speed of light c.
3) All stresses (pressures) are small compared to the total density of mass-energy.
It's arena is a flat 3-dimensional Euclidean space with time separated off and made universal (by contrast w/ Relativity's reference frame dependent time).
Scientific Materialism (SM) -
INTERCONNECTED STRUCTURE - Bone/Collagen/Living Matrix, etc.
Physics - Newton's Gravity, General Relativity , Quantum Gravity
CELL - Cytoskeleton, Nuclear Skeleton
Environment - House/Food/
Apana Vayu: Seat is in the Pelvis, Muladhara Chakra, Earth
Element Aether PART 2
Gravity, The Sixth Element
Gravity/Posture Practices
Gravity Posture Tech
Subtle Energy Medicine - No inversion, Slat
Sitting is the New Smoking
Put right stuff in, take garbage out.
Activity - Standing/Posture/Yoga/Inversion
Rest - Sleep slight incline - Samina Bed
Scientific Materialism (SM) -
INTERCONNECTED STRUCTURE - Bone/Collagen/Living Matrix, etc.
Physics - Newton's Gravity, General Relativity , Quantum Gravity
CELL - Cytoskeleton, Nuclear Skeleton
Environment - House/Food/
Apana Vayu: Seat is in the Pelvis, Muladhara Chakra, Earth
Element Aether PART 2
Gravity, The Sixth Element
Gravity/Posture Practices
Gravity Posture Tech
Subtle Energy Medicine - No inversion, Slat
Sitting is the New Smoking
Put right stuff in, take garbage out.
Activity - Standing/Posture/Yoga/Inversion
Rest - Sleep slight incline - Samina Bed