Module 2 - Healthy & Vibrant Food
Element Earth -
"Let Food Be Thy Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine Be Thy Food"
-Hippocrates (Revised)
"Let Food Be Thy Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine Be Thy Food"
-Hippocrates (Revised)
Key Points
Enzyme and Hormone Levels Start Decreasing at Age 27 in Average Person
Enzymes = Physical Manifestation of Chi/Energy (vitamins and minerals are also but act as coenzymes).
Hormones Connected to Glands Which are Physical anchor of Chakras/Main Energy Centers. Nutrient dense food builds hormones (as does exercise, sleep and other practices in this course).
Energizes the Biofield
Eat Less but Nutrient Dense Foods high in Fiber (Digestion is one of the most Energy Taxing Things in the Body.
Living and Raw Vegan Food has a Biofield and rich in enzymes
Fermented Foods/Probiotics are little enzyme producing Machines = Good Biofield
Eat More Alkalizing Foods (Acid-Alkaline is a measure of Energy/Voltage and Alkaline is Higher Voltage
Damaging to Biofield
All diets agree to avoid white flour/wheat, sugar/soft drinks, transfats/fried foods and processed salt.
Avoid Fast Food, Processed and Packaged Food
Really Avoid GMO and Commercial (Non Organic) Foods
Stop eating Animal Products (or eat less) - Especially commercial
Conscious Eating -
Blessing Your Food and Chewing it Well and Eating slow and relaxed (and only when hungry) is just about as important as WHAT you Eat.
Basically we ABSORB Energy and Light frequencies, patterns, information, etc. from food and bathroom out the rest. This is the KEY insight of energy medicine applied to Earth/Food/Diet!
Enzyme and Hormone Levels Start Decreasing at Age 27 in Average Person
Enzymes = Physical Manifestation of Chi/Energy (vitamins and minerals are also but act as coenzymes).
Hormones Connected to Glands Which are Physical anchor of Chakras/Main Energy Centers. Nutrient dense food builds hormones (as does exercise, sleep and other practices in this course).
Energizes the Biofield
Eat Less but Nutrient Dense Foods high in Fiber (Digestion is one of the most Energy Taxing Things in the Body.
Living and Raw Vegan Food has a Biofield and rich in enzymes
Fermented Foods/Probiotics are little enzyme producing Machines = Good Biofield
Eat More Alkalizing Foods (Acid-Alkaline is a measure of Energy/Voltage and Alkaline is Higher Voltage
Damaging to Biofield
All diets agree to avoid white flour/wheat, sugar/soft drinks, transfats/fried foods and processed salt.
Avoid Fast Food, Processed and Packaged Food
Really Avoid GMO and Commercial (Non Organic) Foods
Stop eating Animal Products (or eat less) - Especially commercial
Conscious Eating -
Blessing Your Food and Chewing it Well and Eating slow and relaxed (and only when hungry) is just about as important as WHAT you Eat.
Basically we ABSORB Energy and Light frequencies, patterns, information, etc. from food and bathroom out the rest. This is the KEY insight of energy medicine applied to Earth/Food/Diet!

When you view a water fountain from afar, it appears to have a static form. But as you move closer and closer you begin to see the form of the fountain is "flowing", self renewing and regenerating (with the aid of a pump).
Our body's bioenergetic and holographic blueprint or Biofield is the guiding template for the flow of information, energy and matter. As solid as the human body "seems", it is actually a very interconnected flow of energy and information and it is not as solid and constant as you might think.
Our body's bioenergetic and holographic blueprint or Biofield is the guiding template for the flow of information, energy and matter. As solid as the human body "seems", it is actually a very interconnected flow of energy and information and it is not as solid and constant as you might think.

Consider that Radio Isotope Studies have shown:
1. Cells in the epidermis of the skin last about a week
2. Stomach lining every 5 days
3. We get new rods and cones in our retina of the eyes every 48 hours.
4. Red Blood Cells last about 4 months
5. Liver Cells (hepatocytes) live about 5 months
6. Your Nervous System is 8 mos old.
7. Your bones are a year old.
1. Cells in the epidermis of the skin last about a week
2. Stomach lining every 5 days
3. We get new rods and cones in our retina of the eyes every 48 hours.
4. Red Blood Cells last about 4 months
5. Liver Cells (hepatocytes) live about 5 months
6. Your Nervous System is 8 mos old.
7. Your bones are a year old.
You are what you eat... And so is your Biofield!!

AND, 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced each year! And you have a new body completely about every 7 years!
The cells in our bodies are constantly dividing, regenerating, and dying, but each cell’s life cycle is different. These hardworking but disposable cells take a lot of punishment; they’re easily manufactured and easily replaced. In fact 10-20 Billion (that's Billion with a "B"), cells die every day. Fortunately, 10-20 Billion new ones are created (via mitosis, the dividing of cells) to maintain homeostasis. That's how dynamic your holographic body is! We are more like a fountain and flow of energy and matter than a fixed statue.
The cells in our bodies are constantly dividing, regenerating, and dying, but each cell’s life cycle is different. These hardworking but disposable cells take a lot of punishment; they’re easily manufactured and easily replaced. In fact 10-20 Billion (that's Billion with a "B"), cells die every day. Fortunately, 10-20 Billion new ones are created (via mitosis, the dividing of cells) to maintain homeostasis. That's how dynamic your holographic body is! We are more like a fountain and flow of energy and matter than a fixed statue.

Consider the FACT that the average American eats around ONE TON of food every year and 70 tons in a lifetime.. and digests and assimilates the atoms and molecules of that food into a relatively static non-changing form of your body. Of course you can overeat and gain weight, but the average person looks roughly the same over the course of a lifetime and very slowly shows changes as aging sets in a persons 50s, 60s and beyond. The great illusion is our bodys seem to remain static.
If we want to live long, we need to daily be feeding our biofield.
Basically we ABSORB Energy and Light frequencies, patterns, information, etc. from food and bathroom out the rest. This is the KEY insight of energy medicine applied to Earth/Food/Diet!
If we want to live long, we need to daily be feeding our biofield.
Basically we ABSORB Energy and Light frequencies, patterns, information, etc. from food and bathroom out the rest. This is the KEY insight of energy medicine applied to Earth/Food/Diet!

Element Earth is FOOD... We want to eat food that FEEDS our Biofield Energetic, which means LIVE, FRESH, RAW, and ORGANIC living foods. Many vegan cooked foods are also very nutrient dense, and beneficial (and easier to digest in certain forms).
After Age 27 our Enzyme and Hormone levels drop and slowly so does our energy. Also dysbiosis sets in with many people with accumulated toxicity from a SAD (Standard American Diet).
But it does not HAVE to be that way. Don't be average, enlightenment your diet and hence your biofield with the 10 tips below.
After Age 27 our Enzyme and Hormone levels drop and slowly so does our energy. Also dysbiosis sets in with many people with accumulated toxicity from a SAD (Standard American Diet).
But it does not HAVE to be that way. Don't be average, enlightenment your diet and hence your biofield with the 10 tips below.
Top 10 Energy Medicine Diet & Nutrition TIPS
...That will Make Your Biofield GLOW Like the Sun!
...That will Make Your Biofield GLOW Like the Sun!
1) Eat Less Calories & Focus On Nutrient Dense Foods - Be a Nutritarian (Supplement)
Longevity studies point to Calorie Restriction
Longevity Studies point to Caloric Restriction. Dr. Ray Walford, one of the pioneers of longevity research, has said, “Undernutrition is thus far the only method we know of that consistently retards the aging process and extends the maximum life span of of warm blooded animals.” In fact some animals live two to three times longer by simply cutting their daily calories in half. This was the only method that worked for all species of animals studied. That means that calorie restriction (eating less) is the most important dietary rule to live by if we want to reach our maximum lifespan.
This is further validated when we look at the long-lived populations of the world such as Soviet Georgia, Hunzaland, and the Vilcabamba Indians in Ecuador. In Soviet Georgia, for example, the average male consumes 1700 calories/day whereas in America the average male consumes about 3500 calories/day.
Longevity Studies point to Caloric Restriction. Dr. Ray Walford, one of the pioneers of longevity research, has said, “Undernutrition is thus far the only method we know of that consistently retards the aging process and extends the maximum life span of of warm blooded animals.” In fact some animals live two to three times longer by simply cutting their daily calories in half. This was the only method that worked for all species of animals studied. That means that calorie restriction (eating less) is the most important dietary rule to live by if we want to reach our maximum lifespan.
This is further validated when we look at the long-lived populations of the world such as Soviet Georgia, Hunzaland, and the Vilcabamba Indians in Ecuador. In Soviet Georgia, for example, the average male consumes 1700 calories/day whereas in America the average male consumes about 3500 calories/day.
Your Body Craves NUTRIENTS. Not Calories
Ingest nutrient dense food. As stated earlier one of the most important laws of nutrition is the proclamation that YOUR BODY CRAVES NUTRIENTS, NOT CALORIES. The hypothalamus, located in the brain stem, is your body’s appestat. This means that the hypothalamus is responsible for signaling hunger and satiety. It carefully monitors the nutrient needs of your 40 trillion cells. If nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) are lacking it broadcasts the signal “I’m hungry!”. If the body has adequate amounts of nutrients then it broadcasts, “I’m full”. Now here is the punchline: The Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) consists of highly processed foods virtually devoid of nutrition so the hypothalamus keeps sending those hunger signals and the result is that one needs to eat more refined food to get the nutrients one needs.
Ingest nutrient dense food. As stated earlier one of the most important laws of nutrition is the proclamation that YOUR BODY CRAVES NUTRIENTS, NOT CALORIES. The hypothalamus, located in the brain stem, is your body’s appestat. This means that the hypothalamus is responsible for signaling hunger and satiety. It carefully monitors the nutrient needs of your 40 trillion cells. If nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) are lacking it broadcasts the signal “I’m hungry!”. If the body has adequate amounts of nutrients then it broadcasts, “I’m full”. Now here is the punchline: The Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) consists of highly processed foods virtually devoid of nutrition so the hypothalamus keeps sending those hunger signals and the result is that one needs to eat more refined food to get the nutrients one needs.

Nutrient Dense Foods and Superfoods with Perfect Balance of Macro and Micro Nutrients AND a rich array of phytonutrients (there are a LOT more nutrients your common Vitamins and Minerals!
Macronutrients - essential fatty acids, proteins, and carbohydrates (electron rich)
Micronutrients - Vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients (natures pharmacy)
Macronutrients - essential fatty acids, proteins, and carbohydrates (electron rich)
Micronutrients - Vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients (natures pharmacy)

The Quest for True Hunger
The key to longevity is eating less calories, but still not going hungry. This is possible by eating foods with a high nutrient density which means foods rich in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber. Non starchy vegetables on average have only 100 calories per pound. The opposite end of the spectrum is oils that have 4000 calories/pound (see chart).
The two mechanisms that will turn hunger off healthfully are biochemical mechanisms and mechanical mechanisms.
The nutrients in the food will help you become biochemically filled and the fiber mechanically filled.
There are stretch receptors in your stomach that to signal satiety by detecting the VOLUME of food eaten, not the weigth of the food. If you are filled up with nutrients and fiber, your appestat center in your hypothalamus will turn the hunger off.
Contrarily, if you eat fast food, processed foods, soft drinks and other foods with very little nutrition and high calories per pound, you will feel hungry and your hypothamus will continue to say, I'm hungry.
Liquid calories without the fiber present will have little effect at satisfying your hunger.
Key, foods that are nutrient and fiber rich which is fresh fruits and vegetables.

Supplements I Recommend
- Ideally it is best to get AS MUCH nutrition as you can directly from food. But with world-wide soils so depleted, even organic, It is a good idea to supplement with Superfoods and a few Vitamins and Minerals.
- Dr Schultze (I recommend everything he has, BUT Mainly Superfood Powder or Pills, Intestinal Formula #1, Protein Powder, Vitamin C, and Cayenne. Order his catalogue, many specialty products
- Dr Fuhrman Multiple Vitamin Men/Women Formula (Search Amazon). Good source of D3 and Magnesium, but you can take extra if you need to.
- Naturewise Vitamin D3 (extra if up North) and Curcumin
- Hippocrates Institute (Probiotics, B-12)
- Activation Products - Panaseeda (Omega 3's).
- Hormones - Build naturally with Maca or other herbs (and exercise, etc).
- Enzymes - Zymmescence Enzymes on an empty stomach
2) Enzyme RICH (supplement) - Enzymes are a Physical Manifestation of Chi/Prana/Lifeforce

Raw Food such as salads, fresh pressed juices, fruits, veggies, etc AND fermented foods. Supplementing your diet with both digestive and systemic enzymes is a GOOD idea.
An enzyme is a huge protein that speeds up chemical reactions. Without enzymes, chemical reactions would happen so slowly that life would not be able to exist at all. The human body has some 3000+ enzymes and those further create over 25,000 enzymatic reactions. Enzymes are amazing little nanomachines.
Here is the key point related to food: Raw foods contain “pre-packaged” live enzymes which break down and digest the particular food that contains them. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above 118 degrees so cooked foods are literally dead foods. Your body must use its own precious energy to produce enzymes to break down and digest cooked foods. This weakens the immune system and saps the body of vitality, energy and good health (Energy=Health). This explains why one feels tired after eating cooked foods and fully energized after eating raw fruits, vegetables and their juices (freshly juiced).
Our enzyme levels decline with age, so one KEY to longevity is eating enzyme rich food and avoiding foods that consume and deplete enzymes... Enzymes = ENERGY IN THE BIOFIELD.
An enzyme is a huge protein that speeds up chemical reactions. Without enzymes, chemical reactions would happen so slowly that life would not be able to exist at all. The human body has some 3000+ enzymes and those further create over 25,000 enzymatic reactions. Enzymes are amazing little nanomachines.
Here is the key point related to food: Raw foods contain “pre-packaged” live enzymes which break down and digest the particular food that contains them. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above 118 degrees so cooked foods are literally dead foods. Your body must use its own precious energy to produce enzymes to break down and digest cooked foods. This weakens the immune system and saps the body of vitality, energy and good health (Energy=Health). This explains why one feels tired after eating cooked foods and fully energized after eating raw fruits, vegetables and their juices (freshly juiced).
Our enzyme levels decline with age, so one KEY to longevity is eating enzyme rich food and avoiding foods that consume and deplete enzymes... Enzymes = ENERGY IN THE BIOFIELD.

- Supplement Enzymes - Zymmescence Enzymes on an empty stomach
Most folks think of enzymes as being involved only in digestion. This is among the last things that enzymes do. Of all the enzymes in the body, the protein cleaving (or cutting-eating) ones are the most important. These have 4 primary actions, they:
- Reduce inflammation
- Balance the repair mechanism and prevent fibrosis, (the buildup of scar tissue)
- Clean the blood
- Modulate the immune system

Enzymes Can Be Very Very Big and Extraordinarily Complex made of hundreds of amino acids folded and organized in ways that science has no answer. The famous multiple minimum problem (of protein folding) no one has a clue to explain. Random collisions and lowest energy doesn't explain because there are Many Minimum lowest states that are possible. THERE MUST BE AN ORGANIZING BIOFIELD. Below is an image of an enzyme.
3) Probiotic and Prebiotic Promoting Foods - Supplement

This goes hand in hand with Enzyme rich as probiotics have a rich spectrum of enzymes and help us to not only digest our food BUT they also are our first line of defense. 80% of our immune system resides in our gut. There should be 5-10x more gut bacteria than cells in your body. Supplementing a Good Idea.
Some cooked foods when fermented come back to life again. Other cooked foods like steamed veggies have a lot of fiber that acts as a prebiotic which PROMOTES good bacteria SO ALSO biofield friendly.
Raw organic vegan foods have soil based organisms (SBOs) which are the good bacteria in the soil that help with nutrient assimilation.
Some cooked foods when fermented come back to life again. Other cooked foods like steamed veggies have a lot of fiber that acts as a prebiotic which PROMOTES good bacteria SO ALSO biofield friendly.
Raw organic vegan foods have soil based organisms (SBOs) which are the good bacteria in the soil that help with nutrient assimilation.

Vegan Probiotic Foods
Unpastuerized Pickles
Coconut Water Kefit
Coconut Yogurt
Sourdough Bread
Soil Based Organisms Found in Organic Freshly Picked Food.
Supplements - My favorite is Livegive Instinct Probiotics
Unpastuerized Pickles
Coconut Water Kefit
Coconut Yogurt
Sourdough Bread
Soil Based Organisms Found in Organic Freshly Picked Food.
Supplements - My favorite is Livegive Instinct Probiotics
Prebiotics are Fertilizer For your Gut
4) High in Fiber

The Magical Benefits of High Fiber Foods
When we think of fiber, we think of wheat bran which tastes like sawdust and metameucil which has a slimy and fairly bad taste and feeling going down.
We need to change our thinking about fiber.
All fruits and non starchy vegetables are high in fiber so if you eat a whole food, plant based diet, with little or no refined carbohydrates, sugar and oils, there should be no need to take a fiber supplement.
Plant fibers have many benefits in the body
1) Provides bulk and lowers food cravings (stretch flexers / mechanical satiation)
2) Prevents Diabetes
3) Detoxification
4) Improves Regularity and less risk of hemorrhoids, constipation and other colon problems.
There are actually two different kinds of dietary fiber: insoluble and soluble.
We need both kinds, which are present in almost all whole foods that are carbohydrates, but what’s the difference between the two?
Soluble fiber slows down digestion by attracting water and forming a gel-like substance once digested. This kind of fiber is found in foods like oats or oat bran, nuts, flaxseeds, beans, lentils, peas, and some fruits and vegetables like berries and carrots. (2) Soluble fiber is the type that helps with weight loss because it slows the process of food emptying from your stomach and makes you feel full for longer after eating.
Insoluble fiber tends to speed up digestion by adding bulk to stool (basically helping relieve constipation and allowing you to poop). Insoluble fiber is found in many whole grains like brown rice, barley and bulgur, plus most vegetables, including root veggies, broccoli, cucumbers, carrots, green beans and zucchini.
Besides the Top 12 high fiber foods, listed in Image. Other good runner-up high fiber sources include:
chia seeds (5.5 grams per tablespoon),
apples and pears (about 5 grams each),
flaxseeds (3 grams per tablespoon),
quinoa (5 grams per cup cooked),
oats (5 grams per ½ cup uncooked),
ALL beans/legumes like chickpeas (8 grams per cup cooked).
When we think of fiber, we think of wheat bran which tastes like sawdust and metameucil which has a slimy and fairly bad taste and feeling going down.
We need to change our thinking about fiber.
All fruits and non starchy vegetables are high in fiber so if you eat a whole food, plant based diet, with little or no refined carbohydrates, sugar and oils, there should be no need to take a fiber supplement.
Plant fibers have many benefits in the body
1) Provides bulk and lowers food cravings (stretch flexers / mechanical satiation)
2) Prevents Diabetes
3) Detoxification
4) Improves Regularity and less risk of hemorrhoids, constipation and other colon problems.
There are actually two different kinds of dietary fiber: insoluble and soluble.
We need both kinds, which are present in almost all whole foods that are carbohydrates, but what’s the difference between the two?
Soluble fiber slows down digestion by attracting water and forming a gel-like substance once digested. This kind of fiber is found in foods like oats or oat bran, nuts, flaxseeds, beans, lentils, peas, and some fruits and vegetables like berries and carrots. (2) Soluble fiber is the type that helps with weight loss because it slows the process of food emptying from your stomach and makes you feel full for longer after eating.
Insoluble fiber tends to speed up digestion by adding bulk to stool (basically helping relieve constipation and allowing you to poop). Insoluble fiber is found in many whole grains like brown rice, barley and bulgur, plus most vegetables, including root veggies, broccoli, cucumbers, carrots, green beans and zucchini.
Besides the Top 12 high fiber foods, listed in Image. Other good runner-up high fiber sources include:
chia seeds (5.5 grams per tablespoon),
apples and pears (about 5 grams each),
flaxseeds (3 grams per tablespoon),
quinoa (5 grams per cup cooked),
oats (5 grams per ½ cup uncooked),
ALL beans/legumes like chickpeas (8 grams per cup cooked).

Bowel Supplements to Increase Regularity
Dr Schultze Intenstinal #1 and #3
You need to make sure you are moving 2-3x a day. Average American is once every OTHER day.
Periodically do colon hydrotherapy or Dr Schultzes Intestinal Protocol - Once a season.
Dr Schultze Intenstinal #1 and #3
You need to make sure you are moving 2-3x a day. Average American is once every OTHER day.
Periodically do colon hydrotherapy or Dr Schultzes Intestinal Protocol - Once a season.
5) Fresh and High Raw
The existence of biophoton emission is a critical aspect of understanding why it is important to have an abundance of live food in one’s diet.
Fresh vine ripened fruits and freshed picked veggies have the highest life energy, especially if you have good soil. You do not have to eat 100% raw vegan, though I do recommend MOSTLY vegan or 100%. Some foods are better cooked in my opinion like cruciferous vegetables, green beans, etc, beans, gluten free grains, etc. But try to get a high percentage of raw foods. Have a hearty salad every day, fruits, juices, raw food snacks like kale chips/sprouted nuts, etc. If you must have dessert, choose either fruit or raw vegan desserts.
Kirlian photography (Upcoming images) has been a very useful way to validate our understanding of the bioelectrical potential of foods. Different researchers have found that an luminescent field, a natural radiation field surrounding living organisms, takes the form of a coronal discharge we can see with Kirlian photography.
The Kirlian photography clearly shows that livefood has a much stronger auric, luminescent field than cooked food. Some research even shows that a person eating junk or cooked food has a much smaller field than when he or she changes the diet to eat whole, natural live food. This leads us to the original point, which is that all living organisms are made of patterns of resonant energy or subtle organizing energy fields.
This energy is reflected in the functioning of each cell, and the electrical field of the cells maintains the integrity of the biological system. We can think of the electrical luminescence in the Kirlian photography as a measure of life force in the cell. The stronger the life force of the cell, the stronger the electrical luminescence we see in the Kirlian photograph. In essence, the electrical luminescence represents the pictorial sum of the electrical potential of each cell. The obvious conclusion is that the healthier our electrical potential of each cell in the tissues, the healthier we are.
Kirlian photography (Upcoming images) has been a very useful way to validate our understanding of the bioelectrical potential of foods. Different researchers have found that an luminescent field, a natural radiation field surrounding living organisms, takes the form of a coronal discharge we can see with Kirlian photography.
The Kirlian photography clearly shows that livefood has a much stronger auric, luminescent field than cooked food. Some research even shows that a person eating junk or cooked food has a much smaller field than when he or she changes the diet to eat whole, natural live food. This leads us to the original point, which is that all living organisms are made of patterns of resonant energy or subtle organizing energy fields.
This energy is reflected in the functioning of each cell, and the electrical field of the cells maintains the integrity of the biological system. We can think of the electrical luminescence in the Kirlian photography as a measure of life force in the cell. The stronger the life force of the cell, the stronger the electrical luminescence we see in the Kirlian photograph. In essence, the electrical luminescence represents the pictorial sum of the electrical potential of each cell. The obvious conclusion is that the healthier our electrical potential of each cell in the tissues, the healthier we are.
Best Raw Vegan Fast Foods
- - For healthy snacks
- - best sprouted nuts
- - my favorite raw chocolate
- Kale Chips (Many Brands)
- Fresh Fruit (berries especially OR fruits in season locally)
6) Organic and Non GMO
Richer source of vitamins and minerals. A recent study a Rutgers university showed that organic fruits and vegetables are on average 87% higher in vitamins and minerals. That means you have to eat almost twice as much commercial produce to get the same amount of vitamins and minerals as organic. And remember dieters; your body craves NUTRIENTS not calories (we will discuss this in detail later).

More energy, more nutrition and less toxic!
Also the soil based organisms SBOs are KILLED by pesticides.
Double whammy - both toxic residues and probiotic destroying.
Even worse some of the toxic pescticides like roundup actually create and cause leaky gut!
Free of pesticides. In our country Farmers use about 2.6 BILLION pounds of pesticides on our food every year. In total 110 different pesticides are used to spray our food and of the 25 most commonly used pesticides 9 have been shown without a doubt to cause cancer.
Also the soil based organisms SBOs are KILLED by pesticides.
Double whammy - both toxic residues and probiotic destroying.
Even worse some of the toxic pescticides like roundup actually create and cause leaky gut!
Free of pesticides. In our country Farmers use about 2.6 BILLION pounds of pesticides on our food every year. In total 110 different pesticides are used to spray our food and of the 25 most commonly used pesticides 9 have been shown without a doubt to cause cancer.
Organic VEGAN Food Much Less Likely NOT Be Genetically Modified Organisms / Food (GMO)

Organic Seeds less likely to be genetically altered and food less likely to be irradiated.
Well over fifty foods (and growning) on the market are genetically altered .
Scientists are playing god by splicing pig genes, insect genes, hepatitis virus genes, fish genes plus many others into our food. For example there is a fish gene that is like an antifreeze gene that helps in cold waters. This has been spliced into tomatoes to help the tomato to be resistant to frost/cold.
One of the reasons they do this to make plants more resistant to pesticides. Then they can spray our food more heavily with carcinogenic chemicals! Not only that but the long term affects of genetic engineering on our health are unknown. European countries do not genetically alter their food and refuse to buy any American produce which has been genetically altered. Also, organic produce is not irradiated with radioactive waste like much commercial produce is. Irradiation is suppose to make our food safer but it actually further destroys the nutritional value.
NOTE: Because most farm ANIMALS are FED GMO corn, soy, wheat, animal food is ALSO GMO rich.
GMOs are unhealthy.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Human studies show how genetically modified (GM) food can leave material behind inside us, possibly causing long-term problems.
GMOs increase herbicide use.
Most GM crops are engineered to be “herbicide tolerant”―they deadly weed killer. Monsanto, for example, sells Roundup Ready crops, designed to survive applications of their Roundup herbicide.
Between 1996 and 2008, US farmers sprayed an extra 383 million pounds of herbicide on GMOs. Overuse of Roundup results in “superweeds,” resistant to the herbicide. This is causing farmers to use even more toxic herbicides every year. Not only does this create environmental harm, GM foods contain higher residues of toxic herbicides. Roundup, for example, is linked with sterility, hormone disruption, birth defects, and cancer.
Well over fifty foods (and growning) on the market are genetically altered .
Scientists are playing god by splicing pig genes, insect genes, hepatitis virus genes, fish genes plus many others into our food. For example there is a fish gene that is like an antifreeze gene that helps in cold waters. This has been spliced into tomatoes to help the tomato to be resistant to frost/cold.
One of the reasons they do this to make plants more resistant to pesticides. Then they can spray our food more heavily with carcinogenic chemicals! Not only that but the long term affects of genetic engineering on our health are unknown. European countries do not genetically alter their food and refuse to buy any American produce which has been genetically altered. Also, organic produce is not irradiated with radioactive waste like much commercial produce is. Irradiation is suppose to make our food safer but it actually further destroys the nutritional value.
NOTE: Because most farm ANIMALS are FED GMO corn, soy, wheat, animal food is ALSO GMO rich.
GMOs are unhealthy.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Human studies show how genetically modified (GM) food can leave material behind inside us, possibly causing long-term problems.
GMOs increase herbicide use.
Most GM crops are engineered to be “herbicide tolerant”―they deadly weed killer. Monsanto, for example, sells Roundup Ready crops, designed to survive applications of their Roundup herbicide.
Between 1996 and 2008, US farmers sprayed an extra 383 million pounds of herbicide on GMOs. Overuse of Roundup results in “superweeds,” resistant to the herbicide. This is causing farmers to use even more toxic herbicides every year. Not only does this create environmental harm, GM foods contain higher residues of toxic herbicides. Roundup, for example, is linked with sterility, hormone disruption, birth defects, and cancer.
7) Mostly Alkaline (80/20) - Alkaline pH in the body promotes HIGHER voltage. A pH meter is essentially a voltmeter.
Alkalizes the body. The Human body should maintain a pH of 7.35-7.45 (blood). Just like temperature (the body’s ideal temperature is 98.6), if the body’s pH is above or below this range than ill health results. In our country almost everyone is too acid. The reason is simple.
Mainly fruits and vegetables (and their juices) are alkalizing (with some exceptions) and everything else is acid forming especially carbonated soft drinks, coffee, sugar, alcohol, meat, dairy, processed foods, etc.
Alkalizes the body. The Human body should maintain a pH of 7.35-7.45 (blood). Just like temperature (the body’s ideal temperature is 98.6), if the body’s pH is above or below this range than ill health results. In our country almost everyone is too acid. The reason is simple.
Mainly fruits and vegetables (and their juices) are alkalizing (with some exceptions) and everything else is acid forming especially carbonated soft drinks, coffee, sugar, alcohol, meat, dairy, processed foods, etc.

8) Cleansing and Not Clogging -
Water Rich and clean. High Fiber, Low Mucous.
Goes hand in hand with high fiber foods section...
Though more emphasis on fruits and water rich vegetables and salads.
Water Rich and clean. High Fiber, Low Mucous.
Goes hand in hand with high fiber foods section...
Though more emphasis on fruits and water rich vegetables and salads.

Better than even the best spring water is the water found in fresh fruits, vegetables and their juices. These foods have a lower surface tension and therefore hydrate the body even better then the best filtered water. Plus they contain the perfect balance of organically chelated minerals and vitamins. So remember this: Try to quench your thirst first with your food (fresh fruits and vegetables average about 80% water!) and then drink plenty of the best possible water. (see Element Water).
The mucous or mucoid plaque in the colon comes from mucous forming foods.
The mucous or mucoid plaque in the colon comes from mucous forming foods.
9) Include More Superfoods - Initial Nutrient Density Chart was for COMMON foods, but superfoods are even MORE nutrient dense, but its more like a supplement to smoothies and your diet than a meal.
10) Conscious Eating and Timing (EQUALLY Important as Food Quality!!!!)
It's not just WHAT you eat, it is HOW you eat. Be like a train and Chew Chew Chew. Drink your food and eat your liquids. Fletcherize your Food.
Digestion takes more energy than just about anything, so do not overeat or eat heavy meals LATE.
Eating is an art. There is some truth in the saying “it is not so much what you eat but how you eat it”. There are seven golden steps to Conscious Eating which will both enhance the pleasure of eating and also help with digestion and overeating. Also by following these tips you will never experience acid indigestion again. Say goodbye forever to R-O-L-A-I-D-S and Tums. The seven steps are:
1. When you eat sit down. Do not eat on the run or standing up.
2. Do nothing else but eat. Try not to read, watch T.V., drive a car, etc. Focus on eating.
3. Be like a train and choo, choo, choo! Your stomach has no teeth so chew, chew, chew your food well (especially raw vegetables and raw nuts). Then wait for the food to reach the stomach before taking another bite. One of the main reasons people experience an upset stomach is that they eat too fast without properly chewing.
5. Drink a tall glass of purified water 15 minutes prior to eating. Drink only small amounts while eating (but don’t “wash” your food down, try to drink between bites). Also try not to drink anything for at least an hour after you eat. Water dilutes your digestive enzymes and impairs digestion. Also avoid taking antacids which will also foul up digestion (because you neutralize the very acid necessary to break food down).
6. Set Yourself Up for Success by stocking your fridge and cupboard with only healthy foods especially healthy fast food options like frutis, sprouted nuts, raw cacao snacks, Kale Chips, Celery/Apply Almond Butter, vegan protein bars, Dr Fuhrman/McDougall soups, etc. It's when we are really hungry we are vulnerable to bad choices, so have plenty of healthy fast foods.
6. Last and most important is to make sure that you bless your food and give
Thanks to our most loving Creator. Gratitude is by far the most important digestive aid.
Digestion takes more energy than just about anything, so do not overeat or eat heavy meals LATE.
Eating is an art. There is some truth in the saying “it is not so much what you eat but how you eat it”. There are seven golden steps to Conscious Eating which will both enhance the pleasure of eating and also help with digestion and overeating. Also by following these tips you will never experience acid indigestion again. Say goodbye forever to R-O-L-A-I-D-S and Tums. The seven steps are:
1. When you eat sit down. Do not eat on the run or standing up.
2. Do nothing else but eat. Try not to read, watch T.V., drive a car, etc. Focus on eating.
3. Be like a train and choo, choo, choo! Your stomach has no teeth so chew, chew, chew your food well (especially raw vegetables and raw nuts). Then wait for the food to reach the stomach before taking another bite. One of the main reasons people experience an upset stomach is that they eat too fast without properly chewing.
5. Drink a tall glass of purified water 15 minutes prior to eating. Drink only small amounts while eating (but don’t “wash” your food down, try to drink between bites). Also try not to drink anything for at least an hour after you eat. Water dilutes your digestive enzymes and impairs digestion. Also avoid taking antacids which will also foul up digestion (because you neutralize the very acid necessary to break food down).
6. Set Yourself Up for Success by stocking your fridge and cupboard with only healthy foods especially healthy fast food options like frutis, sprouted nuts, raw cacao snacks, Kale Chips, Celery/Apply Almond Butter, vegan protein bars, Dr Fuhrman/McDougall soups, etc. It's when we are really hungry we are vulnerable to bad choices, so have plenty of healthy fast foods.
6. Last and most important is to make sure that you bless your food and give
Thanks to our most loving Creator. Gratitude is by far the most important digestive aid.
Be Relaxed, Bless Your Food, Say a Prayer, and Be Grateful For All the Blessing In Living. Make Every Meal a Thanksgiving Dinner.
Why I Recommend MOSTLY Vegan - Firstly It Satisifies ALL the 10 Tips for Feeding Your Biofield. But we have to look after each other and planet Earth as Well...

1. It's cruel to support the enslavement, forced impregnation, torture and slaughter of innocent animals.
2. Species Extinction: the World Wildlife Fund concluded that meat based diets are responsible for the loss of 60% of global biodiversity.
3. According to Greenpeace Brazil, animal agriculture is the leading cause of Amazon Rainforest destruction.…/en/news/features/cattle-mapping/
4. Yale University agrees. They concluded that 80% of Amazon Rainforest destruction is caused by animal agriculture.…/land-use/cattle-ranching
5. The World Bank disagrees. They concluded that animal agriculture is actually responsible for 90% of Amazon Rainforest destruction.
6. The animal agriculture industry grows grains, vegetables and soy to fatten up farm animals destined for slaughter. The U.S. alone could feed 800 million people with the food grown to fatten up farm animals.…/us-could-feed-800-million-people-…
7. Worldwide, we could feed 11 billion people with the food grown to fatten up farm animals:…/10.10…/1748-9326/8/3/034015/meta
8. According to a 2006 study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions.
9. The World Watch Institute reported that animal agriculture is actually responsible for 51% of greenhouse gases.
10. Animal agriculture is so water intensive, it takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of beef.
11. It takes 896 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of cheese.…/interactive-graphic/water/
12. At the rate in which humans consume fish, we may see fishless oceans by 2048:…/a-leading-cause-of-everything-one-indus…/
13. The largest group of nutritional professionals in the world concluded that we can get all our nutrients from a vegan diet and prevent many diseases.
14. Harvard also concluded we can prevent many diseases with a vegan diet.…/nuts-seeds-beans-are-good-…
2. Species Extinction: the World Wildlife Fund concluded that meat based diets are responsible for the loss of 60% of global biodiversity.
3. According to Greenpeace Brazil, animal agriculture is the leading cause of Amazon Rainforest destruction.…/en/news/features/cattle-mapping/
4. Yale University agrees. They concluded that 80% of Amazon Rainforest destruction is caused by animal agriculture.…/land-use/cattle-ranching
5. The World Bank disagrees. They concluded that animal agriculture is actually responsible for 90% of Amazon Rainforest destruction.
6. The animal agriculture industry grows grains, vegetables and soy to fatten up farm animals destined for slaughter. The U.S. alone could feed 800 million people with the food grown to fatten up farm animals.…/us-could-feed-800-million-people-…
7. Worldwide, we could feed 11 billion people with the food grown to fatten up farm animals:…/10.10…/1748-9326/8/3/034015/meta
8. According to a 2006 study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions.
9. The World Watch Institute reported that animal agriculture is actually responsible for 51% of greenhouse gases.
10. Animal agriculture is so water intensive, it takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of beef.
11. It takes 896 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of cheese.…/interactive-graphic/water/
12. At the rate in which humans consume fish, we may see fishless oceans by 2048:…/a-leading-cause-of-everything-one-indus…/
13. The largest group of nutritional professionals in the world concluded that we can get all our nutrients from a vegan diet and prevent many diseases.
14. Harvard also concluded we can prevent many diseases with a vegan diet.…/nuts-seeds-beans-are-good-…
My Favorite Earth/Food/Supplement/Detox Resources
- Organic Whole Food Diet - Fruits, Veggies, Salads, Soups, Gluten-Free Whole Grains, Beans/Legumes, Sprouted Nuts, Seeds, Superfoods. If Dairy, Raw Dairy ( , If fish Wild and Low Mercury/Clean (not farm raised), If Poultry/Eggs - Free range/organic. If Meat, grass fed/organic. Eat more raw foods that are rich in enzymes. Eat Nutrient Dense Foods.
- Raw Food Snacks - Sprouted Nuts, Raw Cacao Treats, Kale Chips, Raw Trail Mixes, Berries and low sugar fruit, smoothies, various raw food snacks. Juicing discussed in Water section.
- Condiments - Himalayan or Celtic Salt, Braggs Aminos, Apple Cider Vinegar, Panaseeda Oil, Coconut Sugar or Stevia/Lo Han, Fresh Lemon, Organic non salt herbs, Coconut Oil
- Foods To Avoid (What All Diets have in Common) - White Flour, Sugar, Processed Salt, Trans Fats, Fried Foods, Fast Foods, Desserts (except berries/Raw Cacao or raw vegan desserts). DO NOT Microwave your FOOD!!
- Supplements - Good Multivitamin, Vitamin C (1000mg) , Vitamin D (5000 iU), B-12, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Magnesium 300-500 mg, Probiotic, Systemic Enzyme
- When and How to Eat - Bless Food, Slow Down (Be Like a Train and Choo Choo), Don't eat Late at Night. 12 Hour Fast.
- Elimination - 2-3 Poops a Day - Use Dr Schultz Intestinal Formula #1 (or #3 if Sensitive).
My Favorite Earth/Food/Supplement/Detox Resources
- Food - Organic, Fresh, Seasonal (Fruits, Veggies, Nuts, Seeds, Sprouts, Whole Grains, Beans/Legumes. Superfoods
- Dr Fuhrman (Soups, Condiments, supplements, information)
- Engine 2 Diet Products
- Ezekial Bread - Bread Substitutes
- - For healthy snacks
- - best sprouted nuts
- - my favorite raw chocolate
- Supplements -
- Dr Schultze (I recommend everything he has, BUT Mainly Superfood Powder or Pills, Intestinal Formula #1, Protein Powder, Vitamin C, and Cayenne. Order his catalogue, many specialty products
- Dr Fuhrman Multiple Vitamin Men/Women Formula (Search Amazon). Good source of D3 and Magnesium, but you can take extra if you need to.
- Naturewise Vitamin D3 (extra if up North) and Curcumin
- Hippocrates Institute (Probiotics, B-12)
- Activation Products - Panaseeda (Omega 3's)
- Hormones - Build naturally with Maca or other herbs (and exercise, etc).
- Enzymes - Zymmescence Enzymes on an empty stomach
- The iMRS 2000 works with your digestive system to better digest your food
- The iMRS 2000 absorbtion of all the nutrients in your food
- The iMRS 2000 dramatically improves absorption rate of vitamins, minerals, herbs, natural supplements of ALL kinds (and even drugs
- The iMRS 2000 improves bowel regularity, liver function and elimination/detoxification.
Feeding Your Biofield - ACTION PLAN (will be updated soon in ACTION plan Section.

I highly Recommend Dr Fuhrman's Eat To Live Books and Videos.
If you can attend a live event I highly recommend it.
Key, foods that are nutrient and fiber rich which is fresh fruits and vegetables.
1 Pound 1 Pound rule - Try to eat one pound of raw veggies a day and one pound of cooked See Fuhrman Chart below
A few tips - Beans and Greens for Most aggressive approach
If you can attend a live event I highly recommend it.
Key, foods that are nutrient and fiber rich which is fresh fruits and vegetables.
1 Pound 1 Pound rule - Try to eat one pound of raw veggies a day and one pound of cooked See Fuhrman Chart below
A few tips - Beans and Greens for Most aggressive approach
- A large salad with onions and shredded cruciferious veggies'
- 1/2 cup of beans or lentils in stew, soup or on top of salad
- At least 3 fresh fruits a day esp berries, pomengranates, cherries, plums, oranges
- At least one ounce of raw nuts and seeds (chia, flax, hemp, almonds, walnuts, etc.)
- Double size serving of steamed greens
- Had some tomatoes, peppers, onions, mushrooms, herbs and garlic daily
Raw Non Starch Veggies - Goal 1 pound/day
Lettuces, Salads with snow peas, red bell peppers, carrots, celery, raw peas, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, radishs, beets, cabbagesprouts and herbs
Around 100 calories/pound
Pasta use spiralized zucchini
Each medium zucchini provides 33 calories, 6.1 grams of total carbohydrates and 2.0 grams of fiber, which works out to only 4.1 grams of net carbs. Net carbs are the amount of carbs that your body can actually digest, and which can contribute to increasing your blood sugar levels. By comparison, a 2-cup serving of wheat pasta contains approximately 90 grams of carbohydrates.
Cooked Veggies - Goal 1 pound/day
string beans, broccoli, cauliflower, brussell sprouts, asparagus, okra, zuchini, mushrooms, artichokes, onions, peppers, tomatos carrots, kale, collards,swiss chard, bok choy,
Steamed Greens are great with mushrooms, onion, garlic, and stewed tomatoes
Contain soluble and insoluble fiber and are high in resistant starches. Technically a starch. Resistant starches resist digestion and act like a 3rd type of fiber.
Resistant starches
-aid weight loss
-help prevent constipation
-lower blood sugar levels
-reduces risk of diabetes and heart disease
-reduces risk of colon cancer
Important longitudinal study showed that a higher legume intake is the most protective dietary factor affecting survival amongst the elderly. Legumes were associated with long lived people including Japanese (soy, tofu, natto), the Swedes (brown beans , peas), the Mediterranean people (lentils, chickpeas, white beans),
Beans and Greens are the foods most closely linked in the scientific literature with protection against cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and dementia.
Eat beans with every lunch - chickpeas, black-eyed peas, black beans, cowpeas, split peas, lima beans, pinto beans, lentils, red kidney beans, soybeans, cannellini beans, pigeon peas, and white beans.
Fresh Fruit -
Four Servings a day (no juice or dried fruit). Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries,kiwifruit, apples, oranges, pineapple, melons, lemons, limes, grapes, pears, bananas, mangoes, plums, peaches and cherries.
Raw Nuts and Seeds (or sprouted) - walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, seeds, unhulled sesame seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds
Ingredients for Soups - carrots, celery, garlic, onions, zucchini, fresh and dried herbs, no salt seasoning, leeks, turnups, dried beans, lentils and split peas
Soups and Stews are critical components of this eating style. When vegetables are simmered in soup, all nutrients are retained in the liquid. Many soup recipes use fresh vegetable juices like carrot or celery. To create creme soups blend in raw cashews or cashew butter.
Soups are great for leftovers and usually keep up to 4 days
Other Staples - Flavored vinegars, lemons, tomato sauce, salsa (no salt) , avocado, tofu, old fashioned rolled oats or steel cut oats
Keep it simple
Breakfast - Fruit in morning with nuts/ground flax
Lunch - Salad, Beans on Top, and more fruit
Dinner - Salad and two cooked veggies (1 lb) fruit
Eat as much raw veggies and steamed greens.
Eat as much fruit as you like (fresh and unsweetened , not juices or dried fruit).
Eat one ounce of beans (quarter cup) as well as an ounce of raw nuts and seeds.
Limit yourself to one serving of whole grain or starchy veggetable.
Avoid foods that have more milligrams of sodium than number of calories per serving (500-1000/day).
Salad Dressing
Try making nut based dressing or adding nuts and seeds with no oils (use gourmet flavored vinegars
Green Smoothies are great - Get a nutrabullet
Water sauteing
To water saute, heat a skillet on high heat until the water sputters when dropped in the pan. Use a small amount, 2-3 tablespoons of water on a hot skillet, wok or pan, covering the pan and adding more water occasionally until the vegetables are tender. Or try no salt vegetable brother, coconut water, wine or fruit juice.
Eat whole, grains and legumes instead and explore meat substitutes like tofu. tempeh, seitan, TVP (textured vegetable protein, veggie hot dogs and veggie burgers.
Disease Prevention Tips
1) Eat green leafy veggies like there is no tomorrow
2) Eat Plant foods of all colors of the rainbow
3) Fiber is your friend. Eat fruits, veggies, whole grains and beans and you get all the fiber you need. You feel better and your bowels will move better.
4) Get junk food out of the house. Set yourself up for success. If its in your cupboard, you'll probably end up eating it in times of desperation. Don't torture yourself, TOSS IT!
5) Always carry healthy food with you. Don't go hunger and let your stomach lead your astray.
6) If you smoke, stop. And if you don't smoke, don't start. It isn't cool, its not smart and definitely not worth it.
7) Minimize or eliminate boze. Its not healthy and rarely enhances life.
8) Get off your butt and move. No matter how good your diet is you MUST exercise your body. Life is better after a workout (Endorphins).
Lettuces, Salads with snow peas, red bell peppers, carrots, celery, raw peas, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, radishs, beets, cabbagesprouts and herbs
Around 100 calories/pound
Pasta use spiralized zucchini
Each medium zucchini provides 33 calories, 6.1 grams of total carbohydrates and 2.0 grams of fiber, which works out to only 4.1 grams of net carbs. Net carbs are the amount of carbs that your body can actually digest, and which can contribute to increasing your blood sugar levels. By comparison, a 2-cup serving of wheat pasta contains approximately 90 grams of carbohydrates.
Cooked Veggies - Goal 1 pound/day
string beans, broccoli, cauliflower, brussell sprouts, asparagus, okra, zuchini, mushrooms, artichokes, onions, peppers, tomatos carrots, kale, collards,swiss chard, bok choy,
Steamed Greens are great with mushrooms, onion, garlic, and stewed tomatoes
Contain soluble and insoluble fiber and are high in resistant starches. Technically a starch. Resistant starches resist digestion and act like a 3rd type of fiber.
Resistant starches
-aid weight loss
-help prevent constipation
-lower blood sugar levels
-reduces risk of diabetes and heart disease
-reduces risk of colon cancer
Important longitudinal study showed that a higher legume intake is the most protective dietary factor affecting survival amongst the elderly. Legumes were associated with long lived people including Japanese (soy, tofu, natto), the Swedes (brown beans , peas), the Mediterranean people (lentils, chickpeas, white beans),
Beans and Greens are the foods most closely linked in the scientific literature with protection against cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and dementia.
Eat beans with every lunch - chickpeas, black-eyed peas, black beans, cowpeas, split peas, lima beans, pinto beans, lentils, red kidney beans, soybeans, cannellini beans, pigeon peas, and white beans.
Fresh Fruit -
Four Servings a day (no juice or dried fruit). Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries,kiwifruit, apples, oranges, pineapple, melons, lemons, limes, grapes, pears, bananas, mangoes, plums, peaches and cherries.
Raw Nuts and Seeds (or sprouted) - walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, seeds, unhulled sesame seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds
Ingredients for Soups - carrots, celery, garlic, onions, zucchini, fresh and dried herbs, no salt seasoning, leeks, turnups, dried beans, lentils and split peas
Soups and Stews are critical components of this eating style. When vegetables are simmered in soup, all nutrients are retained in the liquid. Many soup recipes use fresh vegetable juices like carrot or celery. To create creme soups blend in raw cashews or cashew butter.
Soups are great for leftovers and usually keep up to 4 days
Other Staples - Flavored vinegars, lemons, tomato sauce, salsa (no salt) , avocado, tofu, old fashioned rolled oats or steel cut oats
Keep it simple
Breakfast - Fruit in morning with nuts/ground flax
Lunch - Salad, Beans on Top, and more fruit
Dinner - Salad and two cooked veggies (1 lb) fruit
Eat as much raw veggies and steamed greens.
Eat as much fruit as you like (fresh and unsweetened , not juices or dried fruit).
Eat one ounce of beans (quarter cup) as well as an ounce of raw nuts and seeds.
Limit yourself to one serving of whole grain or starchy veggetable.
Avoid foods that have more milligrams of sodium than number of calories per serving (500-1000/day).
Salad Dressing
Try making nut based dressing or adding nuts and seeds with no oils (use gourmet flavored vinegars
Green Smoothies are great - Get a nutrabullet
Water sauteing
To water saute, heat a skillet on high heat until the water sputters when dropped in the pan. Use a small amount, 2-3 tablespoons of water on a hot skillet, wok or pan, covering the pan and adding more water occasionally until the vegetables are tender. Or try no salt vegetable brother, coconut water, wine or fruit juice.
Eat whole, grains and legumes instead and explore meat substitutes like tofu. tempeh, seitan, TVP (textured vegetable protein, veggie hot dogs and veggie burgers.
Disease Prevention Tips
1) Eat green leafy veggies like there is no tomorrow
2) Eat Plant foods of all colors of the rainbow
3) Fiber is your friend. Eat fruits, veggies, whole grains and beans and you get all the fiber you need. You feel better and your bowels will move better.
4) Get junk food out of the house. Set yourself up for success. If its in your cupboard, you'll probably end up eating it in times of desperation. Don't torture yourself, TOSS IT!
5) Always carry healthy food with you. Don't go hunger and let your stomach lead your astray.
6) If you smoke, stop. And if you don't smoke, don't start. It isn't cool, its not smart and definitely not worth it.
7) Minimize or eliminate boze. Its not healthy and rarely enhances life.
8) Get off your butt and move. No matter how good your diet is you MUST exercise your body. Life is better after a workout (Endorphins).
Myths - Eating Plant foods is joyless... No they can be delicious and satisfying
Foods taste better without being dunked in butter, drenched in marginaine or saturated with sour cream.
Myth - A plant based diet is bad for mothers and children. At the age of two after breast feeding, every child is ready for a plant based diet.
Even renowned expert Dr Benjamim Spock recommends the practice in the latest edition of his classic bestselling book, Baby and Child Care.
If you start them young, your kids will develop a palate for fresh fruits and veggies.
Myth - You need to supplement with fish oil - flaxseed meal, chia, and hemp seeds. Or add Algae derived DHA.
Myth - Real Men dont eat plants
Wrong, vegan eating can reverse ED - which is an early warning sign for heart disease.
Whats good for the heart and circulation is good for circulation well....
Foods taste better without being dunked in butter, drenched in marginaine or saturated with sour cream.
Myth - A plant based diet is bad for mothers and children. At the age of two after breast feeding, every child is ready for a plant based diet.
Even renowned expert Dr Benjamim Spock recommends the practice in the latest edition of his classic bestselling book, Baby and Child Care.
If you start them young, your kids will develop a palate for fresh fruits and veggies.
Myth - You need to supplement with fish oil - flaxseed meal, chia, and hemp seeds. Or add Algae derived DHA.
Myth - Real Men dont eat plants
Wrong, vegan eating can reverse ED - which is an early warning sign for heart disease.
Whats good for the heart and circulation is good for circulation well....
IDEALLY Foods to Avoid or Minimize
Foods To Avoid (What All Diets have in Common) - White Flour, Sugar, Processed Salt, Trans Fats, Fried Foods, Fast Foods, Desserts (except berries/Raw Cacao or raw vegan desserts). DO NOT Microwave your FOOD!!
No Dairy of any Kind - No Milk , Cheese, creams, yogurts, butter ice cream and sour cream
Think of dairy products as meat, only in a liquid, cream or solid form.
And remember to avoid all cheeses - cheese is a nutrionally vacant, disease forming food that is higher in cholesterol than just about anything else (per calorie).
Cheese also has casomorphines (low levels of morphine), so its actually addictive.
No processed or Refined Foods - No white rice, white flour, white pasta,white bread, or anything that is processed like cakes, cookies, unhealthy chips, sodas, etc.
No Meat or animals products - meat, chicken, fish, eggs, pork, turkey, buffalo, or venison. Nothing that has hooves pr flaps a wing. Nothing with a face, and nothing that has a mother on land or in water.
Eggs - two things are wrong with eggs, the yolk and the Yolk has 212 milligrams of cholesterol and 5 grams of fat per egg.
Most processed oils - even olive, coconut oil minimize. Don't eat baked goods with added oils and no dressing with added oils ideally.
Even olive oil is 15% saturated fat, processed and 4000 calories per pound.
Basically NO MEAT, NO DAIRY, NO PROCESSED OILS and NO REFINED FOODS (especially Sugar and White Flour).
Foods To Avoid (What All Diets have in Common) - White Flour, Sugar, Processed Salt, Trans Fats, Fried Foods, Fast Foods, Desserts (except berries/Raw Cacao or raw vegan desserts). DO NOT Microwave your FOOD!!
No Dairy of any Kind - No Milk , Cheese, creams, yogurts, butter ice cream and sour cream
Think of dairy products as meat, only in a liquid, cream or solid form.
And remember to avoid all cheeses - cheese is a nutrionally vacant, disease forming food that is higher in cholesterol than just about anything else (per calorie).
Cheese also has casomorphines (low levels of morphine), so its actually addictive.
No processed or Refined Foods - No white rice, white flour, white pasta,white bread, or anything that is processed like cakes, cookies, unhealthy chips, sodas, etc.
No Meat or animals products - meat, chicken, fish, eggs, pork, turkey, buffalo, or venison. Nothing that has hooves pr flaps a wing. Nothing with a face, and nothing that has a mother on land or in water.
Eggs - two things are wrong with eggs, the yolk and the Yolk has 212 milligrams of cholesterol and 5 grams of fat per egg.
Most processed oils - even olive, coconut oil minimize. Don't eat baked goods with added oils and no dressing with added oils ideally.
Even olive oil is 15% saturated fat, processed and 4000 calories per pound.
Basically NO MEAT, NO DAIRY, NO PROCESSED OILS and NO REFINED FOODS (especially Sugar and White Flour).
**Intermittent Fasting - More Advanced but START with a 12 hour fast daily ... This is DOABLE!

The Many Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is a type of scheduled eating plan where you adjust your normal daily eating period to an hours-long window of time without cutting calories.
Throughout history, fasting is a commonplace practice and has been a spiritual tradition for millennia. Today, modern science has proven that fasting yields the following benefits:
Helps promote insulin sensitivity – Optimal insulin sensitivity is crucial for your health, as insulin resistance or poor insulin sensitivity contributes to nearly all chronic diseases
Intermittent fasting is a type of scheduled eating plan where you adjust your normal daily eating period to an hours-long window of time without cutting calories.
Throughout history, fasting is a commonplace practice and has been a spiritual tradition for millennia. Today, modern science has proven that fasting yields the following benefits:
Helps promote insulin sensitivity – Optimal insulin sensitivity is crucial for your health, as insulin resistance or poor insulin sensitivity contributes to nearly all chronic diseases
- Normalizes ghrelin levels, also known as your “hunger hormone”
- Increases the rate of HGH production, which has an important role in health, fitness, and slowing the aging process
- Lowers triglyceride levels
- Helps suppress inflammation and fight free radical damage
- In addition, exercising in a fasted state can help counteract muscle aging and wasting, and boost fat-burning.
- Most importantly ENERGIZES YOUR BIOFIELD!!!

Element Earth - Food, Supplements, Eating Practices -LOVE OR LOSE
EARTH = Physical body/Structure/Form - Annamaya Kosha
Organ of Elimination = Bowel - We extract light and bathroom out the rest
Scientific Materialism (SM) - Physics - Classical Mechanics, Newtonian Physics, E=MC2, Standard Model, Emptiness of Matter
INTERCONNECTED STRUCTURE - Bone/Collagen/Living Matrix, etc.
CELL - Cytoskeleton, Nuclear Skeleton
Apana Vayu: Seat is in the Pelvis, Muladhara Chakra, Earth
Stored Energy in food, glucose formed from sunlight. other complex energies and nutrients in food.
Put right stuff in, take garbage out.
Subtle Energy Medicine - no radical diets or cleanses
Cleansing and Detox Reactions
EARTH = Physical body/Structure/Form - Annamaya Kosha
Organ of Elimination = Bowel - We extract light and bathroom out the rest
Scientific Materialism (SM) - Physics - Classical Mechanics, Newtonian Physics, E=MC2, Standard Model, Emptiness of Matter
INTERCONNECTED STRUCTURE - Bone/Collagen/Living Matrix, etc.
CELL - Cytoskeleton, Nuclear Skeleton
Apana Vayu: Seat is in the Pelvis, Muladhara Chakra, Earth
Stored Energy in food, glucose formed from sunlight. other complex energies and nutrients in food.
Put right stuff in, take garbage out.
Subtle Energy Medicine - no radical diets or cleanses
Cleansing and Detox Reactions
For updates on my book check out
This will become a book in 2019 (or possibly be part of my all inclusive Energy Medicine Book (which is based on this Course).
This will become a book in 2019 (or possibly be part of my all inclusive Energy Medicine Book (which is based on this Course).
My 2001 Book Love it Or Lose it is Now Online [Work in Progress as I am updating].
The 1st Element of Health - Earth/Food
The element “earth” gives us the primary foundation and structure for our human body. On planet earth, there are 92 naturally occurring elements, 40 of which are needed by our body. Along with these 40 elements, which are mainly minerals, we also need vitamins, essential amino acids, glucose, and essential fatty acids. And nutritional science is now discovering we may also depend on countless more phytochemicals, antioxidants, and other complex molecules found in fruits, vegetables, herbs, sprouts, nuts, seeds, beans, etc. Many of these essential elements can be obtained by eating a well-balanced, whole food organic diet that includes a wide variety of foods (especially fruits and veggies).
There is a lot of confusion as to which foods to eat and which diet is the best. I am a certified nutritionist and I am familiar with most of the popular diets. What’s interesting to me is that even diets that seem diametrically opposite (like the Atkins diet and various vegetarian diets like McDougall Program, Dr. Dean Ornish Diet, etc.) share a lot in common in what to AVOID eating. There is no diet I am aware of that recommends fast food, white bread, soft drinks, sugar, fried foods, trans-fatty acids (like hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats), processed foods, canned foods, etc.
The longest-lived people on earth have always fascinated me. The Hunzas in Pakistan, the Vilcabambans in Ecuador, and the Abkansians in the former Soviet Georgia. These long-lived societies have the highest per capita centenarians in the world (people that live over 100 years). It always made sense to me to look at what THEY ARE DOING along with other long-lived individual examples. I don’t care what some short-lived or overweight author or so-called expert has to say, let’s learn from the people that are really living the longest.
These long-lived societies eat a whole-food, organic, non-gmo diet with very little processing. Their diets consist of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, with varying amounts of beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, dairy and meat (typically only small amounts of meat and dairy). They are not vegetarians, but they do eat a high percentage vegetarian. They also live in areas with highly energized water, fresh mountain air, and they exercise rigorously by the work they do, live with very low stress, and have a strong sense of community.
So following the guidance of the long-lived, I recommend consuming a diet that is mostly organic and non-GMO consisting of fruits and vegetables (especially non-starchy green veggies), sprouts, herbs, gluten- free whole grains, raw or sprouted nuts and seeds, legumes; and grass-fed, pesticide-free, hormone-free and antibiotic-free meat, eggs and dairy (in moderation). Also, set yourself up for success by stocking your refrigerator and cupboards with healthy foods and snacks.
I honestly don’t think there is one perfect diet for everyone, because we are all unique, but the more we can eat like the super long-lived societies and individual examples of longevity, the better. There is an apropos quote by Tony Robbins, “Success Leaves Clues”.
There is one caveat. Our soils are so stripped of minerals due to faulty farming practices (especially here in the U.S.), that it is important to supplement with a high quality food based vitamin and mineral supplement OR a green superfood that has sea vegetables like spirulina, chlorella, dulse, etc. You can in theory get all of your nutrition in food, but you really have to eat a lot of superfoods and sea veggies to get optimal levels of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. I mention sea vegetables, because typically they have higher concentrations of essential minerals than most land vegetables.
Besides what foods you eat, it’s equally important to eat while relaxed, and chew your food well. Make every bite count! Also, don’t overeat and eat with the rhythms of the earth (i.e. don’t eat late at night).
Also consider that fresh, whole foods tend to be high in fiber, water content and essential oils, which will naturally keep your colon moving regularly so that toxic byproducts can be removed. Your colon is your waste removal system, so make sure you are moving 2-3 times a day.
Also, Natural earth-based PEMFs help your body to digest, absorb and assimilate the nutrients found in high quality organic foods.
The element “earth” gives us the primary foundation and structure for our human body. On planet earth, there are 92 naturally occurring elements, 40 of which are needed by our body. Along with these 40 elements, which are mainly minerals, we also need vitamins, essential amino acids, glucose, and essential fatty acids. And nutritional science is now discovering we may also depend on countless more phytochemicals, antioxidants, and other complex molecules found in fruits, vegetables, herbs, sprouts, nuts, seeds, beans, etc. Many of these essential elements can be obtained by eating a well-balanced, whole food organic diet that includes a wide variety of foods (especially fruits and veggies).
There is a lot of confusion as to which foods to eat and which diet is the best. I am a certified nutritionist and I am familiar with most of the popular diets. What’s interesting to me is that even diets that seem diametrically opposite (like the Atkins diet and various vegetarian diets like McDougall Program, Dr. Dean Ornish Diet, etc.) share a lot in common in what to AVOID eating. There is no diet I am aware of that recommends fast food, white bread, soft drinks, sugar, fried foods, trans-fatty acids (like hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats), processed foods, canned foods, etc.
The longest-lived people on earth have always fascinated me. The Hunzas in Pakistan, the Vilcabambans in Ecuador, and the Abkansians in the former Soviet Georgia. These long-lived societies have the highest per capita centenarians in the world (people that live over 100 years). It always made sense to me to look at what THEY ARE DOING along with other long-lived individual examples. I don’t care what some short-lived or overweight author or so-called expert has to say, let’s learn from the people that are really living the longest.
These long-lived societies eat a whole-food, organic, non-gmo diet with very little processing. Their diets consist of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, with varying amounts of beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, dairy and meat (typically only small amounts of meat and dairy). They are not vegetarians, but they do eat a high percentage vegetarian. They also live in areas with highly energized water, fresh mountain air, and they exercise rigorously by the work they do, live with very low stress, and have a strong sense of community.
So following the guidance of the long-lived, I recommend consuming a diet that is mostly organic and non-GMO consisting of fruits and vegetables (especially non-starchy green veggies), sprouts, herbs, gluten- free whole grains, raw or sprouted nuts and seeds, legumes; and grass-fed, pesticide-free, hormone-free and antibiotic-free meat, eggs and dairy (in moderation). Also, set yourself up for success by stocking your refrigerator and cupboards with healthy foods and snacks.
I honestly don’t think there is one perfect diet for everyone, because we are all unique, but the more we can eat like the super long-lived societies and individual examples of longevity, the better. There is an apropos quote by Tony Robbins, “Success Leaves Clues”.
There is one caveat. Our soils are so stripped of minerals due to faulty farming practices (especially here in the U.S.), that it is important to supplement with a high quality food based vitamin and mineral supplement OR a green superfood that has sea vegetables like spirulina, chlorella, dulse, etc. You can in theory get all of your nutrition in food, but you really have to eat a lot of superfoods and sea veggies to get optimal levels of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. I mention sea vegetables, because typically they have higher concentrations of essential minerals than most land vegetables.
Besides what foods you eat, it’s equally important to eat while relaxed, and chew your food well. Make every bite count! Also, don’t overeat and eat with the rhythms of the earth (i.e. don’t eat late at night).
Also consider that fresh, whole foods tend to be high in fiber, water content and essential oils, which will naturally keep your colon moving regularly so that toxic byproducts can be removed. Your colon is your waste removal system, so make sure you are moving 2-3 times a day.
Also, Natural earth-based PEMFs help your body to digest, absorb and assimilate the nutrients found in high quality organic foods.
Find a Vegetarian Supporting Doctor
(Those who are currently accepting patients, as far as we know, are highlighted in yellow.
You might be able to find vegetarian-sympathetic physicians in your area at T. Colin Campbell's site or the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.)
Neal Barnard, M.D. (Vegan since the 80's) Founder of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in 1985, which promotes vegan diets and has about 5000 doctors as members. Salon bio/interview (added June 2003)
Mark Berman, M.D. (Vegan) Runs a blog from the perspective of a "Vegan MD". He's a corporate doctor (not in private practice), working for a company which develops health programs for workers. source (June 2011)
Dumrong Chiewsilp, M.D. Based on a study, recommends that AIDS patients can live longer, healthier lives on a vegetarian diet. source (June 2003)
Hans Diel, Dr. Hsc. Since the late 80's has promoted vegetarian/vegan diets in large community medicine projects where 500 to 3000 people enroll in a 40-hour educational program designed to facilitate the evolution of a healthier culture within the culture-at-large. source (June 2003)
Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D. (Vegan) Conducted a remarkable 20-year research study by putting patients with advanced heart disease on a low-fat vegan diet. That's all that was necessary to reverse their disease. Former President Clinton credits Dr. Esselstyn (and others) with his decision to go plant-based, which contributed to his losing extra weight and reversing his own heart disease. website (Jan. 2011)
Joel Furhman, M.D. (South New Jersey) On the board of directors of the National Health Association, which promotes the benefits of plant-based diets. Author ofEat to Live. website (June 2003)
Michael Greger, M.D. Debated the National Cattlemen's Beef Association Director before the FDA and was invited as an expert witness to defend Oprah Winfrey in the infamous "meat defamation trial." Taught part of Dr. T. Colin Campbell's famous nutrition course at Cornell University. to debunk the Atkins diet, and runs Coordinates the mad cow disease website for the Organic Consumers (May 2005)
Henry Heimlich, M.D. Creator of the well-known Heimlich Maneuver for saving choking victims. Advisory board member of PCRM which promotes vegan diets.Bio (June 2003)
Walter E. Jacobson, M.D. In May 2011, he wrote, "If you’re not a vegan, you’re killing yourself with the food you’re eating." source (June 2011)
Michael Janson, M.D. (Mostly vegetarian since 1975) Past president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the American Preventive Medical Association. source (June 2003)
Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D. (opthamologist) Founder of the Society of Relegious and Ethical Vegetarians. source (June 2003)
John H. Kelly Jr., M.D. Founding President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Dr. Kelly's website (May 2012)
Michael Klaper, M.D. (Vegan; Northern California) Bio does not give start date, but given his publications looks to be since late 70's. Director of the Institute of Nutritional Education and Research. Author of Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple. source (June 2003)
Matt Lederman, M.D. (Vegan) "Dr. Lederman is a board-certified Internal Medicine physician with an avid interest in the field of nutrition and lifestyle medicine....Dr. Lederman has been seeking to change the way chronic illness is treated, with an emphasis on medication elimination and disease reversal through diet and lifestyle change. Dr. Lederman has participated in projects such as lecturing for the eCornell Certificate Program in Plant Based Nutrition and films such as Healing Cancer and Forks Over Knives. He also coauthored the popular new book, Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole: Your Guide to Optimum Health." source (May 2012)
John A. McDougall, M.D. (Mostly vegan since about 1983; Northern California) Author of several exhaustively-researched books about the health advantages of vegan diets, and the first credentialed physician to endorse vegan diets, way back in 1983. source (June 2003)
Irena Medkova, M.D. (Vegetarian) Russian physician and author. Article (June 2003)
Milton Mills, M.D. "Medical research shows conclusively that a plant-based diet reduces chronic disease risk, so that’s something I absolutely encourage my patients to move toward." source (June 2011)
Dean Ornish, M.D. (Assumed to be mostly vegan since the mid-80's.) Ornish was the first researcher to successfully reverse heart disease in a study. The primary component of his treatment was a low-fat vegetarian diet. He does recommend a small amount of fish oil. source (June 2003)
Alona Pulde, M.D. "Alona is a board-certified practitioner of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and Family Medicine Physician specializing in nutrition and lifestyle medicine. Dr. Pulde is lead author of the book, "Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole: Your Guide to Optimum Health." She also developed the Lifestyle Change Program used for patients in the film Forks Over Knives, [and formerly] in her clinic, Exsalus Health & Wellness Center. Drs. Alona Pulde and Matthew Lederman joined Whole Foods Market in 2010 to help found the company’s Wellness Clubs and serve as health and wellness medical experts." source (May 2012)
Vegetarian Doctors outside the U.S.
Luciana Baroni, M.D. (Italy) Runs the "blog di un medico vegetariano". (May 2012)
John Wedderburn, M.D. (China) Founded the Hong Kong Vegan Society. source (May 2012)
(Those who are currently accepting patients, as far as we know, are highlighted in yellow.
You might be able to find vegetarian-sympathetic physicians in your area at T. Colin Campbell's site or the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.)
Neal Barnard, M.D. (Vegan since the 80's) Founder of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in 1985, which promotes vegan diets and has about 5000 doctors as members. Salon bio/interview (added June 2003)
Mark Berman, M.D. (Vegan) Runs a blog from the perspective of a "Vegan MD". He's a corporate doctor (not in private practice), working for a company which develops health programs for workers. source (June 2011)
Dumrong Chiewsilp, M.D. Based on a study, recommends that AIDS patients can live longer, healthier lives on a vegetarian diet. source (June 2003)
Hans Diel, Dr. Hsc. Since the late 80's has promoted vegetarian/vegan diets in large community medicine projects where 500 to 3000 people enroll in a 40-hour educational program designed to facilitate the evolution of a healthier culture within the culture-at-large. source (June 2003)
Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D. (Vegan) Conducted a remarkable 20-year research study by putting patients with advanced heart disease on a low-fat vegan diet. That's all that was necessary to reverse their disease. Former President Clinton credits Dr. Esselstyn (and others) with his decision to go plant-based, which contributed to his losing extra weight and reversing his own heart disease. website (Jan. 2011)
Joel Furhman, M.D. (South New Jersey) On the board of directors of the National Health Association, which promotes the benefits of plant-based diets. Author ofEat to Live. website (June 2003)
Michael Greger, M.D. Debated the National Cattlemen's Beef Association Director before the FDA and was invited as an expert witness to defend Oprah Winfrey in the infamous "meat defamation trial." Taught part of Dr. T. Colin Campbell's famous nutrition course at Cornell University. to debunk the Atkins diet, and runs Coordinates the mad cow disease website for the Organic Consumers (May 2005)
Henry Heimlich, M.D. Creator of the well-known Heimlich Maneuver for saving choking victims. Advisory board member of PCRM which promotes vegan diets.Bio (June 2003)
Walter E. Jacobson, M.D. In May 2011, he wrote, "If you’re not a vegan, you’re killing yourself with the food you’re eating." source (June 2011)
Michael Janson, M.D. (Mostly vegetarian since 1975) Past president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the American Preventive Medical Association. source (June 2003)
Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D. (opthamologist) Founder of the Society of Relegious and Ethical Vegetarians. source (June 2003)
John H. Kelly Jr., M.D. Founding President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Dr. Kelly's website (May 2012)
Michael Klaper, M.D. (Vegan; Northern California) Bio does not give start date, but given his publications looks to be since late 70's. Director of the Institute of Nutritional Education and Research. Author of Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple. source (June 2003)
Matt Lederman, M.D. (Vegan) "Dr. Lederman is a board-certified Internal Medicine physician with an avid interest in the field of nutrition and lifestyle medicine....Dr. Lederman has been seeking to change the way chronic illness is treated, with an emphasis on medication elimination and disease reversal through diet and lifestyle change. Dr. Lederman has participated in projects such as lecturing for the eCornell Certificate Program in Plant Based Nutrition and films such as Healing Cancer and Forks Over Knives. He also coauthored the popular new book, Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole: Your Guide to Optimum Health." source (May 2012)
John A. McDougall, M.D. (Mostly vegan since about 1983; Northern California) Author of several exhaustively-researched books about the health advantages of vegan diets, and the first credentialed physician to endorse vegan diets, way back in 1983. source (June 2003)
Irena Medkova, M.D. (Vegetarian) Russian physician and author. Article (June 2003)
Milton Mills, M.D. "Medical research shows conclusively that a plant-based diet reduces chronic disease risk, so that’s something I absolutely encourage my patients to move toward." source (June 2011)
Dean Ornish, M.D. (Assumed to be mostly vegan since the mid-80's.) Ornish was the first researcher to successfully reverse heart disease in a study. The primary component of his treatment was a low-fat vegetarian diet. He does recommend a small amount of fish oil. source (June 2003)
Alona Pulde, M.D. "Alona is a board-certified practitioner of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and Family Medicine Physician specializing in nutrition and lifestyle medicine. Dr. Pulde is lead author of the book, "Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole: Your Guide to Optimum Health." She also developed the Lifestyle Change Program used for patients in the film Forks Over Knives, [and formerly] in her clinic, Exsalus Health & Wellness Center. Drs. Alona Pulde and Matthew Lederman joined Whole Foods Market in 2010 to help found the company’s Wellness Clubs and serve as health and wellness medical experts." source (May 2012)
Vegetarian Doctors outside the U.S.
Luciana Baroni, M.D. (Italy) Runs the "blog di un medico vegetariano". (May 2012)
John Wedderburn, M.D. (China) Founded the Hong Kong Vegan Society. source (May 2012)